Monday – Friday 10.00a.m. – 19.00p.m.


Marketing research
The GidMarket company provides comprehensive marketing research services for various sectors of the economy
Business plans
The business plan reflects all the details of the future project "in numbers" and allows you to assess at what indicators the new business will be interesting for the owner or investor. In addition, a well-designed business plan will help to attract borrowed funds from banks and funds.
Marketing strategy
Research of the current situation in the market. Setting new goals, taking into account the capabilities of the customer company. Selection of development directions, and development of specific measures (adjustment of prices, assortment, the geography of presence, etc.) to achieve these goals.
Conducting consumer surveys allows you to better understand what, where, and when typical representatives of the target audience buy. In addition, surveys are used to determine NPS, brand awareness, and more. Conducting surveys in the B2B segment can help build a base of "warm" customers.
Market forecast
In a rapidly changing economic situation, an objective assessment of the development of the industry comes to the fore. This assessment is necessary for making informed decisions. Market forecast helps understand risks and opportunities
Feasibility study
A simplified version of the business plan. A feasibility study allows you to evaluate the profitability of a potential project, analyze the risks and make an informed decision about launching a project or abandoning it.
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