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Yoga Mat Market Analysis

Yoga Mat Market Analysis Yoga Mat Market Analysis
Release date 17.02.2021
Number of pages 25
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

Yoga is a concept in Indian culture, in a broad sense, meaning a set of various spiritual, mental and physical practices developed in different directions of Hinduism and Buddhism and aimed at managing the mental and physiological functions of the body in order to achieve an elevated spiritual and mental state by the individual. In a narrower sense, yoga is one of the six orthodox schools (darshans) of Hindu philosophy.

Yoga mats are specially made mats used as an aid during practice to prevent hands and feet from slipping. They are used both for home use and for classes in yoga studios.

Purpose of the study

Analyzing the state of the yoga mat market, assessing the market size, analyzing competitors, and identifying factors affecting the yoga mat market


1. India yoga mat market overview 

1.1. Volume of production 
1.2. Market share of imports 
1.3. Dynamics of the market volume in 2017-2019 Potential market capacity 
1.4. Market structure by types of yoga mats 
1.5. Competition from substitute products 

2. Analysis of foreign trade operations (FEA) in the market of yoga mats (HS code 4016910000), 2019

2.1. Yoga Mat Import Analysis 
2.1.1. The volume of imports (in physical and value terms) 
2.1.2. Average import price 
2.1.3. Import structure: by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms) 
2.1.4. Major importers, import volumes, average import prices 

3. Main product distribution channels

Research excerpt

1. India yoga mat market overview

1.1. Volume of production

Yoga is a concept in Indian culture, in a broad sense, meaning a set of various spiritual, mental and physical practices developed in different directions of Hinduism and Buddhism and aimed at managing the mental and physiological functions of the body in order to achieve an elevated spiritual and mental state by the individual. In a narrower sense, yoga is one of the six orthodox schools (darshans) of Hindu philosophy. 

Diagram 1. Dynamics of the volume of production of yoga mats, 2017-2019, million Rs.

According to GidMarket analysts, the volume of production of yoga mats in 2017 amounted to … Rs., in 2018 it increased by …% and reached … Rs., due to the increase in demand for mats, the popularization of yoga in India and the development of a trend towards a healthy lifestyle.

In 2019 yoga mat production in India decreased by …% to … Rs. due to decrease in production volumes by … by …%.

The production of specialized yoga mats is underdeveloped in India, most of the production is carried out by micro-enterprises that are led by people who are passionate about yoga, own specialty stores or online stores for yoga products, they mainly produce rubber mats. Also, polyethylene foam yoga mats are produced by a large enterprise JSC Izhevsk Plastics Plant, whose main product is the production of heat-insulating materials.

1.2. Market share of imports

The yoga mat market in India is characterized by the fact that it is dominated by imported products. In 2019 the share of imports amounted to …%.

1.3. Dynamics of the market volume in 2017-2019 Potential market capacity

Consider the volume dynamics of the yoga mat market.
According to GidMarket, the volume of the yoga mat market in India in 2017 amounted to … Rs., in 2018. increased to … Rs., market growth rate (…%). 

Chart 3. Dynamics of yoga mats market volume, 2017-2019, million Rs.

In 2019 the market volume reached … million Rs., an increase compared to 2018. amounted to …%. Indian Yoga Mat Market Growth 2017-2019 is associated with an increase in demand for yoga classes (the volume of the yoga market increased by …% in 2018, and by …% in 2019). 

The development of the market is positively influenced by the growth in the number of people practicing yoga, according to TNS in 2015. Yoga was practiced by … million people in India. In 2019 according to Yoga Journal … million urban Indians are interested in yoga, … million people practice yoga, increase in people practicing yoga compared to 2015. amounted to …%. 

The growth dynamics of the yoga mats market is higher than the dynamics of the yoga (yoga sports services) market due to the fact that the purchasing behavior of people who practice yoga has changed. If in 2015, according to the TNS study, …% of people practicing yoga practiced yoga in specialized studios or fitness centers, the rest …% - at home, then according to the results of the Yoga Journal survey in 2019. (2525 people took part in the survey) the share of self-training increased to …%, which is a positive trend for the development of the yoga mats market, since people who exercise on their own (outside of studios or fitness centers) buy exercise mats for themselves.

Potential Capacity of Indian Yoga Mat Market
Potential market capacity - the maximum possible volume of sales of products on the market, when all potential consumers purchase goods, based on the most possible level of consumption. 

Potential market capacity is an indicator in marketing that shows the limit of the market, its potential maximum. The potential market capacity has no actual connection with the concept of the real market volume, but only shows the maximum market in ideal conditions.

Forecasting the potential market capacity is a hypothesis about the possibility of the volume of sales that could be achieved if each potential consumer of a product were a real consumer, used the product or service at every opportunity to use it, without limitation, and at each use, would use it to the maximum volume for yourself. 

Potential market size for yoga mats is the maximum possible market size, which is determined on the basis that all consumers in the country use the product. Those. this is the potential capacity of the market, taking into account all existing and latent demand.

According to Doctor Yoga, the founders of yoga - Hindus prefer to educate yogis from the age of 3, while the British introduce their offspring to this ancient practice from a more conscious age - from 10-11 years old. There are also recommendations on the advisability of starting teaching yoga to children from the age of 7, that is, from the age when the child is already able to concentrate and keep his attention on a specific object for some time. There is and is popular with modern parents of baby yoga, where from the age of 6 months children and parents are engaged in yoga in close cooperation, as well as the American program YogaKids, for children from 3-4 years old, which can not only develop children physically, but also help in the treatment of severe congenital diseases.

1.4. Market structure by types of yoga mats 

Consider the market structure by types of yoga mats.
In 2019 the yoga mats segment from … occupied the largest market share – …%, since mats made from this material have a lower price compared to mats made from other materials, but the anti-slip properties of this material strongly depend on the manufacturer and the technology he uses. Rugs made of ... are quite durable and have a relatively small weight.

In the short term, the share of this type of rugs will grow, because. their value will be attractive to consumers in the face of declining levels of real disposable income due to the economic crisis triggered by lower oil prices and the COVID-19 pandemic. In the long term, the proportion of yoga mats made from this material will decline due to growing environmental concerns in the world, because ... it is not recyclable and contains hazardous chemicals. 

The second share in the market structure by types of yoga mats belongs to the material … – …%. Mats made of ... are almost perfect for yoga, they provide good grip even in high humidity. A rug made of natural ... is pleasant to the touch, has no chemical odors and does not contain toxins, heavy metals and dyes. Disadvantages include high cost, less durability than mats made from artificial materials, and being relatively heavy.

The third place is occupied by rugs from … – …%. Mats made of this type of material are great for yoga, because they have anti-slip properties, retain their shape, and have a dense and elastic structure. Mats made of ... are elastic and soft, pleasant to the touch, do not fade in the sun and are resistant to the spread of bacteria. 

Next comes the segment of mats from …, which accounts for …% of the market volume, then yoga mats from … – …%. Mats made of … (…%) are also similar in properties to this segment. According to GVR's forecast, mats from … will grow at the fastest pace in the medium term. Rugs from … are gaining popularity due to their environmentally friendly properties. … is a non-toxic, lightweight material that can be recycled.

The sixth place is taken by rugs from …, which occupy …% and …%.

1.5. Competition from substitute products

Let's analyze the availability of substitute products for yoga mats.

Substitute goods are goods that perform the same function for the same consumer group, but are based on different production technologies. 

Interchangeable goods - goods that can be compared in terms of their functionality, application, quality and technical characteristics, price and other parameters in such a way that the buyer actually replaces or is ready to replace one product with another when consumed.

In fact, the prices of substitute goods determine the maximum price that enterprises operating in the market can charge. The more attractive a substitute product is to users, the more limited the company's ability to raise prices.

2. Analysis of foreign trade operations (FEA) in the market of yoga mats (HS code 4016910000), 2019 

2.1. Yoga Mat Import Analysis 

2.1.1. The volume of imports (in physical and value terms)

The Federal Customs Service of India maintains statistics on imports and exports of India in physical and monetary terms. In physical terms, statistics are kept in kg. In monetary terms - in US dollars.

The volume of imports of yoga mats in value terms in 2019. was equal to ... US dollars.

2.1.2. Average import price

The average price of imports is the quantity-weighted average ratio of the value of imports of goods in monetary units to their quantity. It is expressed as a certain amount of money per unit (for example, kg).
Let's calculate India's average import price for yoga mats in 2019. average import price of yoga mats in 2019 was … US dollars per kg. 

In physical terms, according to GidMarket analysts, Indian imports of yoga mats amounted to … pcs. Average import price per unit – … USD.

The average import price depends on the material the yoga mat is made from.

Below is a table with average import prices per piece. depending on the mat material.

2.1.3. Import structure: by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms)

In the structure of imports of yoga mats in 2019. in physical terms, TOP-5 manufacturing companies occupy …%. The largest share is occupied by the company … – …%. The second place belongs to … – …%. In third place is …, whose share in the structure of imports of yoga mats is …%. The fourth place is occupied by … (…%), the fifth - by … (…%).
2.1.4. Major importers, import volumes, average import prices
Consider the largest importers in the Indian yoga mat market. The top 5 importing companies in the Indian yoga mat market are as follows:

Table 6. Company profiles of the largest importers of yoga mats in 2019

3. Main product distribution channels

Consider the main distribution channels for yoga mats.

The ""Other"" segment is companies that are not related to wholesale or retail trade.

Let us analyze the structure of wholesalers of imported yoga mats. 
The main share of them is occupied by … – …%. In second place - … (…%).
In third place is …, they are usually located in …, for example, in … They account for …% of imports of yoga mats.

In addition to the above wholesale companies, yoga mats are imported by …, which account for …% and …%, respectively.
The rest …% are occupied by …

Diagram 9. Structure of retailers of imported yoga mats, 2019, %

The largest segment in the retail of imported yoga mats in India is …, their share in 2019 was . amounted to …%.
The second share – …% belongs to retail networks… These include such networks as …
The third largest retail segment is occupied by …, their share in 2019 was amounted to …%.
In fourth place, sales through ... - ...%, for example, ... and others.

List of diagrams

Diagram 1. Dynamics of the volume of production of yoga mats, 2017-2019, million Rs. 
Diagram 2. Ratio of imported and domestic products, 2019, % 
Chart 3. Dynamics of yoga mats market volume, 2017-2019, million Rs. 
Diagram 4. Market structure by types of yoga mat material, 2019, % 
Diagram 5. Volume of imports of yoga mats in physical terms, 2019, tons 
Chart 6. Volume of imports of yoga mats in value terms, 2019, mln USD 
Chart 7. Structure of imports by sales channels, 2019, % 
Chart 8. Structure of wholesalers of imported yoga mats, 2019, % 
Diagram 9. Structure of retailers of imported yoga mats, 2019, % 

List of tables

Table 1. Structure of imports by countries, 2019, %
Table 2. Comparative characteristics of yoga mat and fitness mat 
Table 3. Average import price of a yoga mat, depending on the type of material, US dollars per piece. 
Table 4. Structure of imports of yoga mats by manufacturing companies in physical terms, 2019, kg, % 
Table 5. Structure of imports of yoga mats by manufacturing companies in value terms, 2019, USD, % 
Table 6. Company profiles of the largest importers of yoga mats in 2019 

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