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Women's social network business plan

Women's social network business plan Women's social network business plan
Release date 18.06.2018
Number of pages 80
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 30000 ₹

The relevance of research

Women often use social networks to communicate with friends and family, but for work - about the same indicator. They correspond more via the Internet, and therefore more actively use mobile gadgets and all kinds of instant messengers.

It is worth noting the fact that before the female audience on the Internet for a long time was represented insignificantly. But to date, the ratio of men and women, as well as their activity in Runet, have almost become even, and women have taken the lead in a number of parameters, which made it expedient to organize a social network just for them.


1. Relevance of the project 

2. Marketing research of the social networks market 

2.1. Overview of the social media market 
2.1.1.General information about social networks
2.1.2. Development of social networks abroad
2.1.3. The Development of Social Media in India
2.1.4. Gender specifics in social media in India 
2.2. Analysis of the competitive environment in the Indian social media market 
2.3. Price analysis of the social media market in India 

3.Marketing plan 

3.1. Marketing strategy 
3.2. Enterprise business model 
3.3. Assortment and pricing policy 
3.4. Advertising and promotion 
3.5. SWOT Analysis 

4. Organizational plan 

4.1. Location of the enterprise. Stages of project implementation 
4.2. Organizational structure and staffing 
4.3. Legal, tax and information support of the project 

5. Production plan 

5.1. Main characteristics of production
5.2. Calculation of the cost of fixed assets 
5.3. Calculation of the cost of direct costs 
5.4. Working capital 

6. Financial plan 

6.1. Key financial plan assumptions 
6.2. Project financing
6.3. Sales analysis 
6.4. Analysis of the structure of direct costs 
6.5. Analysis of the structure of general and administrative costs 
6.6. Analysis of the structure of tax payments
6.7. Loan service analysis 
6.8. Analysis of the structure of the total cost 
6.9. Financial results of the project 
6.10. Cash flow statement
6.11. Dynamics of working capital
6.12. Discount rate calculation 
6.13. Investment efficiency indicators 
6.14. Break even analysis 
6.15. Sensitivity analysis 
6.16. Conclusions on the feasibility of the project

7. Risk Analysis 

7.1. Description and ways to minimize risks 
7.2. Project risk profile

An excerpt from a business plan

1. Relevance of the project

According to Mediascope, the monthly Internet audience as of March 2017 reached 87 million people, which is 71% of the total population of the country. Social networks have a significant share of the resources visited by Indian Internet users.

To determine the relevance of creating a women's social network in India, it is enough to note that, according to the TNS Web Index online panel, for the 2nd half of 2016, the female Internet audience in India generally prevails over the male one, which is due to the demographic state of the country's population; the largest share of the female audience (32%) is people over 45 years old.

Women often use social networks to communicate with friends and family, but for work - about the same indicator. They correspond more via the Internet, and therefore more actively use mobile gadgets and all kinds of instant messengers.

It is worth noting the fact that before the female audience on the Internet for a long time was represented insignificantly. But to date, the ratio of men and women, as well as their activity in Runet, have almost become even, and women have taken the lead in a number of parameters, which made it expedient to organize a social network just for them. It is a social network, since the most successful are those Internet projects in which Web 2.0 technologies are maximally developed - independent information content of the resource by the network participants themselves and free communication between them.

The vast majority of users use social networks as a service for finding old acquaintances, childhood friends, former classmates and classmates, and so on. After all, in these networks you can encounter anyone. And with a long-lost classmate who moved permanently to the US. Or with distant relatives I've never heard of. 

Some visitors to social networks gather in thematic communities within the network. This is a conversation of interest. Moreover, in a multimillion-strong society that has gathered within any social network, it is simply impossible not to find like-minded people. And it doesn't matter what you are interested in - women's handbags, collectible wines or cars. You can always find brothers of interest.

2. Marketing research of the social networks market

2.1. Overview of the social media market

2.1.1. General information about social networks

Online communication has always existed, but only now it has reached a qualitatively new level, moving from chat rooms, local forums and thematic sites to mass communities where most average Internet users spend tens, if not hundreds of hours. 

2.1.2. Development of social networks abroad

Today, more and more people around the world are becoming active users of social networks.

2.1.3. The Development of Social Media in India

The fashion for social networks came to India in 2006, i.e. two years later after their appearance abroad.

2.1.4. Gender specifics in social media in India

To date, there has been a certain stereotype in Internet research - when considering a statistical abstract Internet user, they usually mean a male. At the same time, the fact is completely ignored that, according to recent studies of the global network audience, its female part makes up slightly more than half of all users of the World Wide Web. Moreover, there is a steady trend of a further increase in the percentage of women involved in the global network.

Diagram 1. Activity of Indian Internet users in the network by gender in 2016, %

2.2 India Social Media Market Competitive Landscape Analysis

Leading social networks.

1. Vkontakte. 

Created October 10, 2006. This is the largest social network in Runet (Indian-speaking Internet), the first most popular site in Belarus, one of the most popular in India, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. The resource initially positioned itself as a social network for students and graduates of Indian universities, but later began to call itself ""a modern, fast and aesthetic way to communicate online."" According to statistics from the LiveInternet service, as of February 1, 2018, the daily audience of VKontakte is more than 83 million people.

The number of accounts on this social network is 187 million, but many of them have been abandoned, deleted or simply idle without activity. A search directly on the web gives the following figures - 96 million female accounts and 99 male accounts.

Also, according to the network, approximately 109 million accounts are registered in India, incl. 17 million live in, 8 - in. These data differ from those obtained in the Brand Analytics study.

2.3.Price analysis of the social media market in India

The planned social network should enable users to enjoy both virtual communication on the network and live meetings if they live in the same region / city, make friends and create interest groups, share their photos, participate in contests, polls and social network voting, receive products of partner brands of the network for testing.

For the most accurate and reasonably priced implementation of all these features in one site, it is necessary to study the market for existing services for the development of social networks.

3.Marketing plan

3.1 Marketing strategy

The mission of the company is to create one of the best platforms in the Indian segment of the Internet to meet the information needs of business and non-working women.

The marketing strategy of the project is to form a virtual community of Indian female Internet users, uniting them by combining the necessary volume of services for communication and searching for the necessary information in one Internet resource and creating incentives to increase trust in it in the future.

3.2. Enterprise business model

Business Description: 

The concept of the project is a media platform (social network) that satisfies the needs of users on the basis of paid and free services, implements advertising concepts of third-party organizations and acts as an intermediary in the sale of specialized goods to interested users.

3.3. Assortment and pricing policy

The main sources of income for the social network are planned to be the following: ...

3.4. Advertising and promotion

Given the low efficiency and negative attitude of users of social networks and specialized portals to banner advertising, the advertising model of the project involves the integration of advertising materials directly into …

4. Organizational plan

4.1. Location of the enterprise. Stages of project implementation

The location of the enterprise in India is of no key importance. 
The complex of organizational measures for the implementation of the project contains 3 stages - preparatory, investment and operational.

4.2. Organizational structure and staffing

To save money at the project launch stage, mainly …

4.3. Legal, tax and information support of the project

The project plans to carry out its activities in the form of a Limited Liability Company.

5. Production plan

5.1. Main characteristics of production

The scheme of the social network assumes the possibility of the absence of an office at the initial stage.

5.2 Calculation of the value of fixed assets

5.3. Calculation of the cost of direct costs

The main direct costs of running a social network after opening an office will be…

5.4. Working capital

The structure of current assets and current liabilities with a maximum period of turnover is indicated in 

6. Financial plan

6.1. Key financial plan assumptions

The financial plan of the project is based on the following assumptions: ...

6.2. Project financing

The main share in financing is occupied by expenses for ... .

6.3. Sales analysis

The average capacity utilization in the second year of the project after its launch and start …

6.4. Analysis of the structure of direct costs

In the structure of direct costs, the largest share falls on the wages of service personnel.

Diagram 6. Structure of direct costs, %

6.10. Cash flow statement

The total net cash flow for 2019-2030 will be … thousand Rs. 

Diagram 13. Cash flows of the project in 2019-2030, %

6.11. Dynamics of working capital

The dynamics of working capital on the example of the period from 2019 to 2030 of the project implementation is indicated in the following diagram. The superiority of current liabilities is associated with the presence of credit in the absence of production activity

Diagram 15. Dynamics of working capital in 2018-2029, thousand Rs.

6.12. Discount rate calculation

When calculating performance indicators, cash flows are discounted.

6.13. Investment efficiency indicators

Net present income.  

6.14. Break even analysis

Break-even analysis is a tool for managing enterprise costs. The ultimate goal is to maximize profits.

6.15. Sensitivity analysis

Sensitivity analysis consists in assessing the impact of changing the initial parameters of the project on its final characteristics, which are usually used as the internal rate of return or NPV.

6.16. Conclusions on the feasibility of the project

In general, the project is characterized by a high level of investment efficiency…

7. Risk Analysis

7.1. Description and ways to minimize risks

Risks are the possibility of obtaining a result that is different from the expected, adverse development of the situation or incurring losses in the course of performing certain activities. Risk is always associated with the occurrence of potentially undesirable or worsening events.

Risks must be foreseen and assessed for the timely adoption of effective measures to minimize them. To this end, a qualitative individual assessment of the most significant risks is carried out and ways to minimize them are determined. 

7.2. Project risk profile

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