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Tourist base business plan

Tourist base business plan Tourist base business plan
Release date 21.10.2013
Number of pages 87
Cost 28000 ₹

This document contains a plan to establish an enterprise to provide temporary accommodation for tourists. The study was performed according to the UNIDO standard.

This business plan is focused on organizing a tourist base in the shortest possible time at the expense of own funds and with the involvement of borrowed capital. The authors offer a full range of activities for opening a company and a detailed guide to organizing its activities so that the company can quickly return the invested money and show the first net profit.

The structure of the document complies with the standards developed by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, contains text materials, calculations, financial model, tables and diagrams.

Sections of the business plan of the tourist base

  • A brief description of the enterprise, its field of activity, sales market, investment volume and payback period.
  • Justification of the relevance of creating a company of the appropriate profile, taking into account existing consumer needs.
  • Analysis of the tourism market in general and tourist bases in particular, as well as factors influencing the behavior of potential customers.
  • Marketing plan. This part provides a description of the company's strategy and business model. Planning of marketing activities, advertising, assortment and pricing is also carried out. A SWOT analysis of the enterprise is given, which demonstrates its strengths and weaknesses, favorable and negative external factors.
  • The fourth chapter of the business plan proposes a phased plan for creating a tourist base, a description of its internal structure.
  • The production processes of the enterprise and the costs of their implementation are considered.
  • The financial model is the basis for calculating key project indicators, including investment efficiency, break-even, sensitivity.
  • Risk study.

Get access to the full version of the ready-made tourist base business plan with a financial model on the website of the GidMarket company or by calling.

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