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The global market for extending and improving the quality of life

The global market for extending and improving the quality of life The global market for extending and improving the quality of life
Release date 01.06.2022
Number of pages 89
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 200000 ₹

Addressing the Audience 

The search for ways and opportunities to extend life runs like a red line through the entire history of mankind. Mentions of the source of eternal life are found in the myths of different peoples, historical records and philosophical works, in which one can find various ways and recipes for achieving immortality. However, only the development of medicine allowed people to achieve real results. The emergence of new drugs, vaccines, and the development of diagnostics have given the necessary knowledge about the human body, making it possible to eliminate the causes of many diseases that were previously fatal. And the rapid development of biotechnology has brought to life ideas that were previously considered fantastic.

Over the past 100 years, the average life expectancy in the world has almost doubled, exceeding 2 years in a number of countries. The increase in the number of elderly people, the decline in the birth rate and other socio-demographic trends have sharply raised the question not so much of prolonging life as of maintaining health, having formed the concept of active longevity. For modern researchers, the search for immortality has largely turned into a search for prolonging youth, maintaining health and improving the quality of life by preventing negative age-related manifestations.

This study is intended for people interested in prolonging and improving the quality of life. 

The purpose of this work - identify the main achievements in the field of increasing the duration and quality of life in the global market, identify the main trends and the most promising areas. 

In preparing the study, information was used from open and official sources that are relevant for February-May 2022. GidMarket is not responsible for the accuracy of the information in these sources and maintaining their relevance for any long time.

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the global market for extension and improvement of the quality of life, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the global market for the extension and improvement of the quality of life.


Chapter 1 Introduction        

1.1. Addressing the Audience   

1.2. Research methodology, analytical tools            

Chapter 2. Summary            

Chapter 3. How did the market for life extension and improvement arise? – Conditions for the emergence of a global market for extending and improving the quality of life             

3.1. Life expectancy by country. Change in life expectancy over the past 50 years by country and the world as a whole.             

3.2. Scientific approaches to extending and improving the quality of life. Achieved results in this area

3.3. Innovations in 2021 of the market for extending and improving the quality of life   

3.4. Strategies developed at the global and national levels to increase life expectancy and improve its quality.             

3.5. Issues of safety of products and services of the market for extending and improving the quality of life  

Chapter 4 – Dynamics and trends

4.1. Market elements: services and products aimed at extending and improving the quality of life

4.2. Market volume. Dynamics of the market for extension and improvement of the quality of life 2016-2020, preliminary results for 2021      

4.3. The fastest growing areas of the market for extending and improving the quality of life, TOP-5   

4.4. Key drivers, threats and market prospects           

4.5. Main influencing factors            

4.6. The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the global market for extending and improving the quality of life  

4.7. Countries with the largest share in the global market for extending and improving the quality of life, their shares, TOP-5 countries   

4.8. Countries with the highest dynamics of markets for extending and improving the quality of life, TOP-5 countries

4.9. The structure of the market for the extension and improvement of the quality of life by segments: the segment of life extension and the segment of improving the quality of life        

Chapter 5. What will happen next in the global market for extending and improving the quality of life? – Forecast of the development of the global market for the extension and improvement of the quality of life until 2030

5.1. The most promising areas of the market     

5.2. Forecast of the development of the global market for the extension and improvement of the quality of life until 2030            

Chapter 6     

6.1. Components of the life extension segment            

6.2. Volume and dynamics of the life extension segment, 2016-2020, preliminary results for 2021     

6.3. TOP-5 cases - offers from companies from different countries (or from global companies) of the most interesting and effective products or services in this segment               

6.4. Leading companies in the life extension segment in the world (by revenue), TOP-5, their market shares

6.5. Prices for products, services of leading companies      

6.6. Life extension research nearing completion     

6.7. Forecast for the development of the life extension segment until 2030 

6.8. The most promising areas of life extension segment        

Chapter 7              

7.1. Components of the segment of improving the quality of life       

7.2. The volume and dynamics of the segment for improving the quality of life in 2016-2020, preliminary results for 2021

7.3 TOP-5 cases - offers from companies from different countries (or from global companies) of the most interesting and effective products or services in this segment               

7.4. Leading companies in the segment of improving the quality of life in the world (in terms of revenue), TOP-5, their market shares     

7.5. Prices for products, services of leading companies      

7.6. Research carried out in the direction of improving the quality of life, close to successful completion           

7.7. Forecast for the development of the segment for improving the quality of life until 2030           

7.8. The most promising areas in the segment of improving the quality of life   

Research excerpt 

Chapter 2. Summary  

Demographic aging is a trend observed in most countries of the world. At the same time, in many regions, a change in the age structure of the population due to an increase in the number of older people occurs simultaneously with a decrease in the birth rate and a decrease in the population. These processes form a demographic deficit, the essence of which is a decrease in the population of working age with a simultaneous increase in the number of people who are unable to work, primarily of retirement age. Such demographic processes affect socio-economic development, forming a global demand for an increase in overall life expectancy in general and a healthy life in particular.


Scientific methods of life extension have been studied for over 100 years. At the same time, a radical method for extending and improving the quality of life has not yet been found, although a number of scientists believe that the world is on the verge of a discovery that will occur over the next 10-20 years. 

At the moment, the following factors that affect the duration of human life have been scientifically proven: 

  • Lifestyle, including habits, stress, diet, working conditions, social circle, family relationships, urbanization, level of education and culture, working conditions, financial situation, living conditions, frequency of medication use. 
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The accepted method of increasing maximum life expectancy today is a low-calorie diet combined with regular exercise. Also an important role is played by the absence of bad habits, the external environment, including the ecological situation, and the level of socialization. This method continues to be explored and supplemented. 


According to GidMarket, the elements of the market for extending and improving the quality of life include:

  1. Methods of preventive anti-aging medicine: personal programs based on gene scanning.
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The volume of the global market for prolongation and improvement of the quality of life in 2021 reached … billion dollars, having increased by …% compared to 2020. The average annual growth rate (CAGR) for the period 2016-2021 amounted to …%.


The fastest growing areas of the market are:

  • Genetic testing
  • Gene therapy.
  • Cell therapy.
  • Bioengineering.

The development of the market for extending and improving the quality of life is driven by public and private interests. On the one hand, states, in conditions of a demographic deficit, are interested in maintaining and maintaining the health of the population at a high level. On the other hand, in the world there is a high demand for services to extend and improve the quality of life of middle and upper class people. 


According to GidMarket estimates, the volume of the life extension segment in 2021, the volume of the life extension segment amounted to … billion dollars, having increased by … % compared to 2020. The average annual growth rate (CAGR) amounted to … % for the period 2016-2021.

Due to the fact that life extension companies are currently at various stages of clinical and preclinical research, the segment is dominated by international biopharmaceutical and biotech giants selling drugs to treat and prevent the development of deadly diseases.


The most promising areas of the market in terms of the result obtained from the available products and services are:

  • Genetic testing, including all types of testing to determine the threat to health and longevity, prevent the development of diseases and select the most appropriate treatment.
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According to GidMarket estimates, in 2021 the volume of the life quality improvement segment reached … billion dollars, having increased by …% compared to 2020. The average annual growth rate (CAGR) amounted to …% for the period 2016-2021.


The most promising areas of the market in terms of the result obtained from the available products and services are:

  • Comprehensive programs of anti-aging medicine based on the results of in-depth diagnostics of the body, to maintain health and prevent the development of diseases
  • ...


Chapter 3. How did the market for life extension and improvement arise? – Conditions for the emergence of a global market for extending and improving the quality of life

3.1. Life expectancy by country. Change in life expectancy over the past 50 years by country and the world as a whole.

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of extending life. The theme of the search for immortality affects many myths and legends, as well as historical investigations and scientific works. 


Currently, life extension is understood as a set of measures and ways to increase life expectancy. At the same time, the concept of average and maximum life expectancy is distinguished. Average or life expectancy characterizes the level of mortality in a society and is one of the most important demographic indicators. Maximum lifespan is the maximum lifespan of an individual.


Thus, an increase in life expectancy is observed in all countries, regardless of economic development. And despite the deterioration of the environmental situation and the decline in the quality of food, it has a long-term trend, according to experts.


Table 1. Top 10 countries by life expectancy in 1970 and 2020, years

It should be noted that in a number of countries/regions, throughout the entire study period, life expectancy remained at a high level, and in other countries/regions, despite a generally positive trend, there was a slowdown and a significant lag behind the leaders in the ranking. 


Currently, life extension research is ongoing. Many assume that a qualitative breakthrough will be achieved in the coming years, although some scientists believe that humanity has already reached its limit and should focus on improving the quality of life.

3.2. Scientific approaches to extending and improving the quality of life. Achieved results in this area

One of the fundamental approaches to life extension is based on the study of the causes and mechanisms of aging. 


Currently, according to various estimates, there are from 100 to 300 theories and hypotheses of aging, none of which is generally accepted. At the same time, some scientists consider aging as a genetically programmed organic death of the body - phenoptosis. While other researchers lean towards the epigenetic theory, which states that aging is not programmed, but is due to permanent DNA damage. 

The main approaches to the study of the mechanism of aging today are reduced to the following areas:

  • Analysis of differences in life expectancy, including the search for a gene and other factors of longevity.
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Gerontologist and life extension activist Aubrey de Gray developed the concept of Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS). Instead of studying the mechanisms of accumulation of damage during aging and struggle, he proposes to influence the damage itself, highlighting 7 types of impaired functioning of the body:

  1. Nuclear DNA mutations leading to various organ dysfunctions, incl. to cancer.
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The purpose of such influences is to restore the structural and functional state of youth by removing, restoring or neutralizing damage before it develops into a pathology.


At the moment, the following factors that affect the duration of human life have been scientifically proven: 

  • Lifestyle, including habits, stress, diet, working conditions, social circle, family relationships, urbanization, level of education and culture, working conditions, financial situation, living conditions, frequency of medication use. 
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Diagram 3. Assessment of the influence of factors on life expectancy and human health

The accepted method of increasing maximum life expectancy today is a low-calorie diet combined with regular exercise. Also an important role is played by the absence of bad habits, the external environment, including the ecological situation, and the level of socialization. This method continues to be explored and supplemented. 


The list of geroprotectors is constantly updated due to new research. The most well-known geroprotectors with a proven effect are shown in the table.

Table 2. The most well-known geroprotectors with a proven effect

Since the early 2000s biohacking is gaining popularity - a movement of activists to improve the functioning of the body with the help of medicines, nutrition, training and other methods that stimulate the brain and slow down aging. Biohackers perceive the human body as a kind of operating system in which malfunctions can occur - overwork, illness and death. And they believe that, like any system, the body can be improved and protected from external factors.


3.3. Innovations in 2021 of the market for extending and improving the quality of life

In 2021, there are 2 major technological innovations that will have a significant impact on the development of the extension and quality of life market.

  • Development of RNA vaccines.
  • 3D printing of human bone fragments


3.4. Strategies developed at the global and national levels to increase life expectancy and improve its quality.

For the first time, a draft Declaration of the Rights of the Elderly was put forward at the UN General Assembly in 1948, which was never approved. In 1982, the First World Assembly on Aging adopted the Vienna International Plan of Action on Aging, which was the first policy document to offer recommendations for public policy in areas affecting older people. In 1991, the ideas of the Vienna International Plan of Action were enshrined in the UN Principles for the Elderly.


In developed countries, given the rapid aging of their populations, significant efforts are focused on preserving and maintaining the health of the older generation in order to increase the working age. One of the main directions in this area is the promotion of physical activity as part of a comprehensive 


Table 3. Main directions and measures for state support of active aging in developed countries.

It should be noted that in most countries with high life expectancy and in countries where this indicator is steadily growing, much attention is paid to the quality and accessibility of medical care. 


In India, a number of policy documents have been adopted to address the problems of accelerated aging and demographic deficit. In February 2016, the Strategy for Action for Senior Citizens in India 2025 was approved, and in November 2016, the Action Plan for 2016-2020 was approved. for the implementation of its first stage.


3.5. Issues of safety of products and services of the market for extending and improving the quality of life

Great interest in extending and improving the quality of life, rejuvenation, the demand for such products and services will lead to an increase in supply in this area, giving rise to a whole segment of medical institutions that offer services that have not passed final tests, have no proven effect, or have certain contraindications and risks. the development of complications. The best-known example in the field is unapproved stem cell therapies.


At the moment, there are a number of proven and successfully applied stem cell therapies:

  • Cord blood stem cells are used in the treatment of blood cancers. 
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Chapter 4 – Dynamics and trends

4.1. Market elements: services and products aimed at extending and improving the quality of life


All services and products aimed at prolonging and improving the quality of life can be conditionally divided into preventive, regenerative, geroprotective, and therapeutic. The conditionality of this division is due to the fact that some products or services may meet the criteria of several areas due to their complex effects on the body.


Table 4. Main types of products and services aimed at extending and improving the quality of life.


4.2. Market volume. Dynamics of the market for extension and improvement of the quality of life 2016-2020, preliminary results for 2021

A number of Western analysts consider companies that are at the stage of preclinical or clinical research as the main market players, due to their focus on the fight against aging and the search for ways to prolong life. 


According to GidMarket estimates, in 2016-2021. The volume of the world market for extending and improving the quality of life has been constantly increasing. The average annual growth rate (CAGR) amounted to … % for the period. In 2021, the market reached billions of dollars, having increased by …% compared to 2020.

4.3. The fastest growing areas of the market for extending and improving the quality of life, TOP-5

One of the fastest growing areas in the market for extending and improving the quality of life is genetic testing. The global market for genetic tests, according to various estimates, ranges from ... to billions of dollars, and the average market growth is from ... % to ... % per year. At the same time, the share of consumer genetic services accounts for about 2%.


4.4. Key drivers, threats and market prospects 

The rapid aging of the population of developed countries raises an acute issue of maintaining health, stimulating the development of preventive medicine and diagnostics at the state level. The main task of modern society is to maintain health and improve the quality of life. 


Thus, the main drivers of the market for extending and improving the quality of life are unsatisfied demand, the development of medicine and biotechnology, as well as a significant influx of investments. On the other hand, a significant threat to the market is the long development time, high price of products and reduced investment.

4.5. Main influencing factors

Diagram 5. Average (median) age of the world population 1970-2020, years


4.7. Countries with the largest share in the global market for extending and improving the quality of life, their shares, TOP-5 countries


Chapter 6

6.1. Components of the life extension segment

Most of the products and services on the longevity market are focused on both prolonging life and improving its quality. Any division is rather conditional, so in this chapter we will focus on life extension methods by preventing the development and/or eliminating diseases that significantly reduce the duration and quality of life.


Thus, due to the lack of products and services that have a proven effect of life extension, this segment is represented by methods and drugs at the intersection of gene, cell, immune and drug therapy.


6.2. Volume and dynamics of the life extension segment, 2016-2020, preliminary results for 2021

Due to the current lack of products and services that can radically extend life, the volume of this segment will be calculated based on the revenue of companies that specialize in the development and commercialization of drugs and services according to the main components defined in clause 6.1, i.e. in the field of: gene, cell, immune and drug therapies aimed at combating aging, preventing and treating deadly diseases.


6.3. TOP-5 cases - offers from companies from different countries (or from global companies) of the most interesting and effective products or services in this segment


Thus, the current offer in the life extension segment can be divided into products and services that target fatal diseases and products and services aimed at combating aging and prolonging life by preventing the development of pathologies. 


6.4. Leading companies in the life extension segment in the world (by revenue), TOP-5, their market shares


Table 6. Top 5 companies in the life extension segment, 2021


6.6. Life extension research nearing completion

Despite a large number of studies in the field of life extension and anti-aging, a significant part of the work is at the preclinical or 1st clinical stage of research.


6.7. Forecast for the development of the life extension segment until 2030


List of diagrams

Chart 1. Life expectancy at birth, 1970-2020, years      

Diagram 2. Dynamics of life expectancy in countries/regions with the highest life expectancy 1970-2020, years            

Diagram 3. Top 5 countries by the best dynamics of life expectancy growth in 1950-2020, years          

Diagram 4. Dynamics of life expectancy in India, China, Germany, Great Britain and the USA in 1970-2020, years    

Diagram 5. Assessment of the influence of factors on life expectancy and human health            

Diagram 6. Dynamics of the volume of the world market for extending and improving the quality of life, 2016-2021, billion dollars         

Diagram 7. Average (median) age of the world population 1970-2020, years        

Diagram 8. Dynamics and forecast of the number of adults with diabetes in 2000-2045, million people       

Diagram 9. Dynamics of investment in research in the field of regenerative medicine in the world 2018-2021, billion dollars  

Diagram 10. The structure of the market for the extension and improvement of the quality of life by regions of the world, 2021    

Diagram 11. Market structure for extending and improving the quality of life by segments, 2021, %           

Diagram 12. Forecast growth rates of the world economy 2019-2023, %          

Diagram 13. Forecast of the volume of the world market for extending and improving the quality of life, 2021-2030, billion dollars         

Diagram 13. Dynamics of the volume of the life extension segment, 2016-2021, billion dollars    

Diagram 14. Shares of the Top 5 companies in the life extension segment, 2021, %           

Diagram 13. Forecast of the volume of the life extension segment, 2021-2030, billion dollars        

Diagram 15. Dynamics of the volume of the segment for improving the quality of life, 2016-2021, billion dollars       

Diagram 16. Shares of Top-5 companies in the segment of improving the quality of life, 2021, %      

Diagram 19. Forecast of the volume of the segment for improving the quality of life, 2021-2030, billion dollars    

List of tables

Table 1. Top 10 countries by life expectancy in 1970 and 2020, years 

Table 2. The most well-known geroprotectors with a proven effect  

Table 3. Main directions and measures for state support of active aging in developed countries.            

Table 4. Main types of products and services aimed at extending and improving the quality of life.

Table 5. Components of the life extension segment.           

Table 6. Top 5 companies in the life extension segment, 2021      

Table 7. Prices for products and services of leading companies in the life extension segment, 2022  

Table 8. Components of the quality of life segment, 2022       

Table 9. Top 5 companies in the quality of life segment, 2021  

Table 10. Prices for products and services of leading companies in the quality of life segment, 2022

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