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Salt Market Analysis in India

Salt Market Analysis in India Salt Market Analysis in India
Release date 28.06.2013
Number of pages 72
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 28000 ₹


Part 1 Methodological comments on the study

Part 2 Overview of the Edible Salt Market in India

2.1. General market information

2.2. Market Structure of Edible Salt in India

Part 3 Analysis of Foreign Trade Supply of Edible Salt in India

3.1. Volume and dynamics of imports

3.2. Import structure

3.3. Volume and dynamics of exports

3.4. Export/import balance

Part 4 Analysis of Edible Salt Production in India

4.1. Volume and dynamics of production

4.2. Share of exports in production

4.3 Segmentation of production

Part 5 Competitive Analysis: Major Manufacturers and Distributors in India

5.1. Market saturation

5.2. Main competitors: production volume and market share

5.3 Main distribution companies and their market shares

5.4. Rating of the largest players

5.5. range of competitors. Types of packaging used. Main advantages

5.6. Analysis of the pricing policy of competitors

5.7. Distribution channels of competing companies

5.8. Profiles of major players

Part 6 Price Analysis

6.1. Producer price analysis (wholesale and retail prices)

6.2. Distributor price analysis (wholesale and retail prices)

6.3 Average import price

Part 7 Analysis of Dietary Salt Consumption in India

7.1. Assessment of the volume and structure of consumption

7.2. Demand factor analysis

7.3. Volume of imports in consumption

7.4. Description of consumer preferences (including by type of packaging)

7.5. Criteria for selecting suppliers from the main consumers

7.6. Perception of the pricing policy of existing suppliers

7.7. Forecast of consumption dynamics in the short term

Part 8 Recommendations and conclusions from the study

8.1. Market entry barrier

8.2. Market development prospects

8.3. Recommendations for entering the table salt market

8.4. Key Success Factors for Players

8.5. Study Conclusions

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