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Marketing research of the plastic furniture and equipment market for the HoReCa segment

Marketing research of the plastic furniture and equipment market for the HoReCa segment Marketing research of the plastic furniture and equipment market for the HoReCa segment
Release date 09.03.2019
Number of pages 88
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

The HoReCa segment is in the phase of active development. There are companies specializing in the supply of special equipment, decorative products, textiles, lighting, uniforms for staff and other exclusive products for restaurants, hotels, bars and catering establishments. Including the growing demand for plastic furniture and plastic inventory.  

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the market for plastic furniture and equipment for the HoReCa segment, assessment of the market volume, analysis of competitors, distributors, imports, as well as identification of factors affecting the market for plastic furniture and equipment for the HoReCa segment.


Part 1. Market overview of plastic furniture and equipment for the HoReCa segment in India

1.1.Main characteristics of the market
1.2. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.3. Market share of imports
1.4. Dynamics of market volume and capacity, 2013-2017 
1.5. Market structure by types of plastic furniture and equipment for the HoReCa segment

Part 2. Analysis of imports (TNVED code 39231090), 2017 

2.1. Recipient companies

Part 3. Consumption analysis

3.1. Main consumers

Part 4. Major distributors of plastic furniture and equipment for the HoReCa segment

4.1. TOP-20 main distributors
4.2. Profiles of major distributors

Part 5. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

Part 6. Consumption forecast until 2022

Part 7. Recommendations and conclusions

Research excerpt

Part 1. Overview of the plastic furniture and equipment market for the HoReCa segment in India
1.1. Main characteristics of the market
The consumption of plastics and products from them in the world is constantly growing, the market is characterized by a stable pace of development. As of 2018, the bulk of production is located in Asian countries, where almost half (...%) of the gross volume is produced. The leaders in this regard are ... . The countries of Europe and North America account for about ...% of the output of all types of plastics. The total volume of the world market is estimated at ... million tons, while the projected growth rate is ...% per year.
The Indian market of plastic products as of 2018 is ...% of the world volume and is characterized by a steady pace of development. According to statistics, about ...% of all industrial products in India are made of plastic. Potential demand for plastics in India is at a high level, which leads ...
From 2013 to 2018, the Indian market of plastic furniture and related equipment in physical terms grew by ...%.
The average annual growth rate showed uneven dynamics, which can partly be attributed to the financial crisis of 2015-2016. and the corresponding fluctuations.
Diagram 2. Dynamics of production volumes of plastic furniture, packaging and inventory in India, 2013-2018, billion Rs.

1.2. Assessment of factors affecting the market
Let's consider the main factors influencing the market and, accordingly, the demand for plastic furniture and equipment in the HoReCa segment in India.
Economic forces
Development of the HoReCa sector
Within the framework of this study, first of all, the prospects for the sale of plastic furniture, containers and inventory in the HoReCa segment are assessed. The development of this sector of the economy has a linear impact on the analyzed market. 
Table 2. STEP-analysis of factors influencing the market for the production of plastic furniture and equipment

 As can be seen from the results of the analysis, as of December 2018, the positive impact of environmental factors ...

1.3. Market share of imports
The share of imported products in the market under consideration is related to its domestic subspecies. 
In the segment of plastic furniture in the period 2013-2017, the share of imports reached ...%, incl. According to statistics, more than ...% of products were imported into our country from China. 
Chart 11. Share of imports in the plastic furniture market in India, 2013-2018, % of the total volume

The limiting factor in the import substitution of plastic products is ...
On the other hand, the devaluation of the national currency and the activation of domestic producers contribute to ... in the analyzed market.

1.4. Dynamics of market volume and capacity, 2013-2017
According to Rosstat, the territorial distribution of plastic furniture inventory consumption is directly related to ... and at the end of 2018 is as follows:
Estimated need of the domestic market in the analyzed segment is about ... thousand tons per year, which is more than ... times higher than the current production capacity of Indian enterprises and creates unsatisfied demand in the market.
Consider the dynamics of the development of the plastic furniture and equipment market in India in recent years.
Diagram 15. Dynamics of plastic furniture and equipment market volumes, 2013-2018, thousand tons

As of 2018, the plastic furniture and equipment market in the country can be attributed to ... a segment of the economy. ... 
At the stage of selling a product, competition between the main players ... and has a ... level. The success of sales is largely influenced not only by the price and quality of products, but also ...
However, due to the growing shortage of needs, the market dynamics in the period 2013-2017 has ... a trend. 

1.5. Market structure by types of plastic furniture and equipment for the HoReCa segment
The structural ratio of demand for plastic furniture for the HoReCa segment by type is shown in the diagram below.
As follows from the diagram, the largest share of the market is occupied by sales of standard furniture of a universal type (standard tables account for ...% of the market volume, standard chairs for ...%). Sales of specialized bar stools also play a significant role (...%).
Depending on the nature of production, plastic furniture is divided into the following types: ...
Differentiation of the market for plastic inventory sold in the HoReCa segment, by type of use in value terms, is shown in the diagram below:

Part 2. Analysis of imports (TNVED code 39231090), 2017
2.1. Recipient companies
An analysis of imports under the TN VED code 39231090 (boxes, boxes, baskets and similar plastic products), performed on the basis of customs declaration data for 2017, led to the following conclusions.
The total number of importing companies in 2017 amounted to ... units, and countries of departure - ... . The total volume of products imported into the country amounted to ... tons.
The structure of imports is highly differentiated, the share of the largest recipient (LLC ""ХХХХХ"") amounted to only ...% of the total value of imported products in 2017, while the total share of the twenty largest recipients did not exceed ...% of the total import volume. 
Table 3. Segmentation of the largest importers by TN VED code 39231090 in 2017

Part 3. Consumption analysis
3.1. Main consumers
The main consumers of plastic furniture and equipment in the HoReCa segment are companies ... . Companies, ..., purchase plastic products significantly less, statistically giving preference to more expensive materials (this is most typical for furniture). 
The structural distribution between the main consumer groups is shown in the diagram below...
As follows from the above diagram, the largest volume of consumption (...%) falls on fast food establishments. The next segment in terms of volume is casual dining (...%), which is a format that has emerged on the verge of fast casual and fine dining, as an average between them. ...
The third major segment is hotels, hotels and hostels (...%). In part, this lag behind the catering market is also due to ... 
Among the largest companies in the Indian market, which are the main consumers of plastic furniture and utensils, the following brands should be noted: 
in a chain of restaurants and fast food cafes - ...
in fast food chains - ...
Among the most famous companies in the hotel business, it should be noted ...
to a lesser extent, products are in demand by cinemas: ...

Part 4. Major distributors of plastic furniture and equipment for the HoReCa segment
4.1. TOP-20 main distributors

4.2. Profiles of major distributors

Part 5. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

Part 6. Consumption forecast until 2022

Part 7. Recommendations and conclusions


Diagram 1. Structure of the global plastics market in 2018 (preliminary), % of the total volume
Diagram 2. Dynamics of production volumes of plastic furniture, packaging and inventory in India, 2013-2018, billion Rs. 
Diagram 3. Structure of the HoReCa market in India, 2018, %
Diagram 4. Dynamics of the HoReCa market in India, 2008-2018, billion Rs. 
Diagram 5. Dynamics of domestic tourism in India, 2012-2017, million people
Diagram 6. Dynamics of India's GDP, in 2011-2017, Q2 2018 % to the previous year
Diagram 7. The dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, Jan. 2014 - December 2018, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 8. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2011 - 9 months. 2018 
Diagram 9. Population change in India, 2010-2018 
Diagram 10. Structure of establishments in the HoReCa segment in India, 2018,% 
Diagram 11. Share of imports in the plastic furniture market in India, 2013-2018, % of total volume
Diagram 12. Share of imports in the plastic inventory market in India, 2013-2018, % of total volume
Diagram 13. Distribution of consumption by regions, 2018 (preliminary), %
Diagram 14. Number of enterprises involved in the production of plastic products, 2013-2018 (preliminary), units 
Diagram 15. Dynamics of plastic furniture and equipment market volumes, 2013-2018, thousand tons
Diagram 16. Market structure by types of plastic furniture, 2018, %
Diagram 17. Market structure by types of plastic inventory, 2018, %
Diagram 18. The structure of imports according to the TN VED code 39231090 in 2017, %
Diagram 19. Rating of the largest importers by TN VED code 39231090 in the HoReCa segment in 2017, USD
Diagram 20. Sales of plastic furniture and equipment in the HoReCa segments, % of the total volume, 2018 
Diagram 21. Forecast of the plastic furniture and inventory market in the HoReCa segment in 2018 - 2022, billion Rs.


Table 1. Population density in the largest regions of India, 2018 
Table 2. STEP-analysis of factors influencing the market for the production of plastic furniture and equipment
Table 3. Segmentation of the largest importers by TN VED code 39231090 in 2017 
Table 4. Basic information about the company LLC ""ХХХХХ""
Table 5. Basic information about the company LLC ""XXXXX""
Table 6. Basic information about the company LLC ""XXXXX""
Table 7. Basic information about the company CJSC ""XXXXX""
Table 8. Basic information about JSC ""ХХХХХ"" 
Table 9. Basic information about the company LLC ""XXXXX""
Table 10. Basic information about the company LLC ""XXXXX""
Table 11. Basic information about the company LLC ""XXXXX""
Table 12. Basic information about the company LLC ""XXXXX""
Table 13. Basic information about the company LLC ""XXXXX""
Table 14. Basic information about the company LLC ""XXXXX""
Table 15. Basic information about the company LLC ""XXXXX""
Table 16. Basic information about the company LLC ""XXXXX""
Table 17. The main companies participating in the market in 2018 
Table 18. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 19. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 20. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 21. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 22. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 23. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 24. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 25. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 26. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 27. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 28. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 29. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ"" 
Table 30. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 31. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 32. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 33. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 34. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 35. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 36. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 37. Basic information about the company ""ХХХХХ""
Table 38. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the plastic furniture and equipment market in the HoReCa segment in India

Research benefits

The most complete presentation of information in an accessible and visual form. When ordering a marketing research, you can be sure of the accuracy and reliability of market information, which allows you to make informed management decisions and not miss the attractive opportunities that the market provides.

Directions for using the results of the study

To bring a new product to the market, organize a new production, correct the current strategy of the company or develop a new one, to make various decisions


For senior and middle managers, marketing specialists, investors, business owners

Additional options

Create a customized ppt presentation 
Extended update of the report ""according to the goals and objectives of the Customer""  
Business plan development

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