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Marketing research of the market of starter batteries

Marketing research of the market of starter batteries Marketing research of the market of starter batteries
Release date 03.04.2014
Number of pages 84
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹


Successfully investing or making the right business decision all require accurate background information. You can learn the real situation in the industry of interest from experienced marketers. Specialists of the agency ""GidMarket"" have sufficient qualifications to evaluate various areas of activity and provide effective recommendations.

The company offers an analysis of the starter battery market in India and a prepared report on the results of the study for 2008-2013. If necessary, customers can choose a conclusion with updated indicators as of the time of the order. Updating the document is made for a small surcharge within 3-10 days.

The website report contains the following information:

  • Types of products, its main characteristics.
  • Basic indicators of the state of the industry (volume and geography of output, growth rates, leading enterprises).
  • Foreign trade operations (by commodity groups, countries of origin and destination, manufacturers).
  • Pricing principles.

Procedure for Analyzing the Starter Battery Market in India

Marketers base their conclusions and recommendations on information obtained from open databases, from insider sources, from interviews with key stakeholders.

For example, widely used:

  • reports of the Federal Tax Service and Rosstat, manufacturers, sectoral ministries;
  • articles, reviews, media broadcasts;
  • price bulletins;
  • materials posted on thematic Internet portals;
  • various ratings;
  • expert opinions.

To conduct surveys, the most typical or key representatives of the direction are selected from among manufacturers, consumers, distributors, importers.

The result of the analysis of the starter battery market in India is a detailed report describing the current state of affairs, prospects and expert advice.

All options for cooperation are available to the clients of the GidMarket company. Decide on the most preferable and fill out the appropriate application form on the website.

If you have any questions, ask them online or by phone.

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