Marketing research of the dental materials market
The relevance of research
The market of dental materials is derived from the market of dental services, the development of which determines the dynamics of consumption of materials. The final consumers of the market are dental institutions, the volume of consumption of which, in turn, is determined by the number of patients, that is, the size of the population. Accordingly, the quality structure of consumption is affected by the level of well-being of citizens, as well as the health insurance system and access to innovations.
Purpose of the study
Analysis of the state of the dental materials market, assessment of the market volume, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the market of dental materials
Part 1. Market Overview of Dental Materials in India
1.1. Definition and Characteristics of the Indian Dental Materials Market
1.2. Factors Affecting the Dental Materials Market in India
1.3. Dynamics of the volume of the market of dental materials in the context of types 2015-2019
1.3.1. filling materials
1.3.2. impression materials
1.3.3. carpool needles
Part 2. Analysis of Imports of Dental Materials in 2019
2.1. Import analysis of filling materials
2.1.1. Structure of imports by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms)
2.1.2. Average prices for filling materials by manufacturing companies
2.2. Import analysis of impression materials
2.2.1. Structure of imports by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms)
2.2.2. Average prices for impression materials by manufacturing companies
2.3. Carpool needle import analysis
2.3.1. Structure of imports by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms)
2.3.1. Average prices for carpule needles by manufacturing companies
Part 3. Competitor Analysis (Domestic and Foreign Players) in the Indian Dental Materials Market
3.1. Major players in the dental materials market in India
3.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
3.3. Wholesale prices of the main competitors
Part 4. Analysis of government contracts by type of dental materials. Assessment of the market potential for government contracts for these products
Part 5. Findings from the study
Research excerpt
Part 1. Market Overview of Dental Materials in India
1.1. Definition and Characteristics of the Indian Dental Materials Market
The market for dental materials is derived from the market for dental services, the development of which determines the dynamics of …
Features of the Indian market: …
In this study, the following types of dental products are considered: ...
1.2. Factors Affecting the Dental Materials Market in India
Depreciation of the rupee against the US dollar
The economic crisis with the sharp depreciation of the rupee … affected the Indian dental materials market, increasing …
In 2015, the change in the dollar exchange rate is … in nature, only in the summer months this value ... In 2017, the dynamics of the dollar exchange rate is … in nature, but without ... In 2019, the average value of the exchange rate was … Rs.
At the beginning of March 2020, the dollar exchange rate ...
The prospects for the rupee this year will mainly be determined by the situation around ... The situation in the foreign exchange market may worsen if it fails ...
Table 2. STEP analysis of factors affecting the dental materials market
Market STEP Analysis Conclusion
The total influence of external factors on the market of dental materials ... The main contribution is made by ... factors. In addition to the general negative trends in society associated with the coronavirus pandemic and the economic downturn, the industry has its own vulnerabilities. First of all, we are talking about…
1.3. Dynamics of the volume of the market of dental materials in the context of types 2015-2019
At the end of 2018 and 2019, the dental services market showed … dynamics with an increase at the level of ...
Forecasted by experts … a breakthrough growth in the dental industry of at least …% in the coming years is necessary … Until 2020, the forecasted growth was associated with …
Growth rates in the segment are predicted to decrease, the segment of filling materials and carpule needles is expected to have an internal ...
The market value is expressed in import prices (not in consumer prices).
1.3.1 filling materials
The market for filling materials (excluding the volume of auxiliary materials) is … tons in 2019, which is by …% … the indicator of 2018 and is comparable to ...
In general, the market is at the stage of …, … the dynamics is similar to the sales market – dental services in India. At the same time, there is a positive trend in…
The share of imports in physical terms is …%. Imported products are represented by a wide ...
Filling materials are produced in India in significant volumes by … companies. The development of the Indian market is connected with…
The market leader is the company “…”, among Indian manufacturers the key role is played by “…”.
Diagram 6. Dynamics of the market volume of filling materials in India, 2015-2019, in tons
The volume of the market in ruble terms is significantly affected by ... Firstly, this is due to the volume-forming share of ... products. Secondly, due to a significant proportion ...
1.3.2. impression materials
1.3.3. carpool needles
Part 2. Analysis of Imports of Dental Materials in 2019
2.1. Import analysis of filling materials
Imported products occupy ... a share of the Indian filling materials market and in ... consumer preferences.
Supplies of filling materials are carried out in conjunction with ... materials. This analysis presents the most refined data by type of product. But some of the supply data has ...
2.1.1. Structure of imports by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms)
In 2019, in India, filling materials were imported by ... a manufacturer. At the same time, imports of products from … manufacturers presented in the diagram amounted to …% of total imports in value terms and …% in physical terms. Let us first consider the largest manufacturers of this rating, occupying a share from …% to …%. The share of the following manufacturers is …% and … in value terms. In real terms, there are large deliveries from manufacturers … with a share of …% (…% in value terms) and …
In this analysis, the share in the company is separately highlighted ... Due to the fact that filling materials have different consumption depending on the type, as well as for an objective assessment in all economic segments, the ranking of importing manufacturers is carried out by volume ...
A significant gap from other participants shows the market leader - the company ... - with a share of ...%. The share of … in physical terms is …%, which is also higher than the share of other manufacturers. The next importer is the company … with a share of …% in value terms. At the same time, in natural terms…
The total share of imports of other … manufacturers is …% in value terms and …% in real terms. Thus, the main demand in the import segment of the market falls on …
Diagram 12. The structure of imports of filling materials by manufacturers - importers for 2019, in kg and USD
The products of ... manufacturers were supplied one-time. A number of producers with low total annual imports in India have stable delivery frequencies in small batches (eg … (… deliveries per year), …). …
The leading supplier (in value terms) is the representative office in India of the company ""…"" with a share of …%. At the same time, in real terms, the share of the company is …%. The same share is...
Filling materials in India in 2019 imported ... supplier. Of these, ... the company made one-time deliveries.
Table 4. Structural ratio between importing companies of filling materials in 2019
The cumulative analysis of imports of filling materials by manufacturers and suppliers reflects the trend of product sales through …
2.1.2. Average prices for filling materials by manufacturing companies
Procurement of filling materials is mainly carried out in a set with related materials and tools: ...
Also, filling and auxiliary materials are often collected in one purchase. Therefore, the price analysis presented in the diagram reflects the generalized purchase price.
Examples of prices for filling materials supplied separately from auxiliary materials and related instruments:
2.2. Import analysis of impression materials
2.3. Carpool needle import analysis
2.3.1. Structure of imports by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms)
Part 3. Competitor Analysis (Domestic and Foreign Players) in the Indian Dental Materials Market
3.1. Major players in the dental materials market in India
Company ""…""
Table 11. Basic information about the participant in the market of dental materials ""ХХХХХ""
3.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
The Indian market for dental materials is determined by …, so the main players in the market are … manufacturers. The leader in the segment of filling materials is … with a share of …% in kg and …% in ruble terms. Other manufacturers occupy less than …%. In the segment of impression materials, the leader is …
It should be noted that in this analysis, a separate share in the company …, which is part of the holding …
Indian market participants among the market segments considered in this study are represented in a significant volume only in the category … (… Indian manufacturers produce significant volumes of products). Of these, the ranking includes … with a share of …% and … with a share of …% in real terms. It should be noted a significant share of the company's exports ...
In the Impression Materials category…
3.3. Wholesale prices of the main competitors
The product distribution system is different for … and … producers. Import manufacturers operate in... Distribution alignment is seen as... Major dealers...
Domestic manufacturers sell products ...
Discount system …:
10% when ordering for ...
15% when ordering for …
Part 4. Analysis of government contracts by type of dental materials. Assessment of the market potential for government contracts for these products
The share of consumption of dental materials in public institutions differs depending on ... Thus, filling materials are paid for ...
For a significant amount of government contracts, information is not ...
The share of state orders in the market of dental materials
The volume of supplies of dental materials to public institutions is formed from ... Therefore, they participate in procurement as ...
The share of consumption of filling materials in the public sector is significantly …
Diagram 23. Segmentation of the dental materials market by type of consumer (state and commercial organizations)
Government contracts for filling materials
In 2019, … public procurement for filling materials was announced, which is …% less than in 2018. At the same time, the total volume of announced public procurements for filling materials in 2019 amounted to … million Rs, which is …% less than in 2018. Fulfilled in 2019 was …% of purchases.
Diagram 24. Dynamics of the volume of announced public procurements for filling materials, million Rs., 2015 - 2020 (until 14.04.)
Below are the concluded state contracts for the supply of filling materials (data on auxiliary and other materials are excluded), ranked by the date of execution of the contract. Data on suppliers is available only under contracts concluded under Federal Law-44, which is …% of the total volume of government contracts in 2019. …
In connection with the change in the legislation on public procurement in 2019, …
For 2020 - … million Rs (… million Rs in announced purchases + … million Rs in concluded state contracts, total … million rubles)
For 2021 - ...
For 2022 - ...
In connection with the self-isolation regime introduced in April 2020, procurement plans …
Government contracts for impression materials
State contracts for carpool needles
Part 5. Findings from the study
Market Indices
Chart 1. Monthly dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2015-Apr. 2020, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Chart 2. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2012-2019
Diagram 3. Dynamics of the volume of insurance premiums for VHI, 2015 - 2019, billion Rs.
Diagram 4. The structure of dental appointments in 2019
Chart 5. Population dynamics in India, 2012-2019
Diagram 6. Dynamics of the market volume of filling materials in India, 2015-2019, in tons
Diagram 7. Dynamics of the market volume of filling materials in India, 2015-2019, in million Rs.
Diagram 8. Dynamics of the market volume of impression materials in India, 2015-2019, in tons
Diagram 9. Dynamics of the market volume of impression materials in India, 2015-2019, in million Rs.
Diagram 10. Dynamics of the market volume of carpule needles in India, 2015-2019, in million pieces.
Diagram 11. Dynamics of the volume of the carpool needle market in India, 2015-2019, in million Rs.
Diagram 12. The structure of imports of filling materials by manufacturers - importers for 2019, in kg and USD.
Diagram 13. The structure of imports of filling materials by importing companies for 2019, in kg and USD.
Diagram 14. Average prices for filling materials by manufacturing companies for 2019, USD/kg
Diagram 15. The structure of imports of impression materials by importing manufacturers for 2019, in tons and USD
Diagram 16. The structure of imports of impression materials by importing companies for 2019, in tons and USD
Diagram 17. Average prices for impression materials by manufacturing companies for 2019, USD/kg.
Diagram 18. The structure of imports of carpule needles by importing manufacturers for 2019, in pieces and USD.
Diagram 19. The structure of imports of carpule needles by importing companies for 2019, in pieces and USD.
Diagram 20. Average prices for carpule needles by manufacturing companies for 2019, USD/pack (100 needles).
Diagram 21. The structure of the Indian market of dental materials by manufacturers for 2019
Diagram 22. Wholesale prices of manufacturers of filling materials, Rs/pc.
Diagram 23. Segmentation of the dental materials market by type of consumer (state and commercial organizations)
Diagram 24. Dynamics of the volume of announced public procurements for filling materials, million Rs., 2015 - 2020 (until 14.04.)
Diagram 25. Dynamics of the volume of announced public procurements for impression materials, million Rs., 2015 - 2020 (until 14.04.)
Diagram 26. Dynamics of the volume of announced state purchases of carpule needles, million Rs., 2015 - 2020 (until 14.04.)
Table 1. Population density in the largest regions of India, thousand people
Table 2. STEP analysis of factors affecting the dental materials market
Table 3. Structural relationship between manufacturers-importers of filling materials in 2019
Table 4. Structural ratio between importing companies of filling materials in 2019
Table 5. The structure of imports of filling materials in total by manufacturers and suppliers in 2019, tons
Table 6. The structure of imports of impression materials by importing manufacturers for 2019
Table 7. The structure of imports of impression materials by importing companies for 2019
Table 8. The structure of imports of impression materials in total by manufacturers and suppliers in 2019, tons
Table 9. The structure of imports of carpule needles by importing manufacturers for 2019
Table 10. The structure of imports of carpule needles by importing companies for 2019
Table 11. Basic information about the participant of the market of dental materials XXXXX
Table 12. Basic information about the participant of the market of dental materials XXXXX
Table 13. Basic information about the participant of the market of dental materials XXXXX
Table 14. Basic information about the participant of the market of dental materials XXXXX
Table 15. Basic information about the participant of the market of dental materials XXXXX
Table 16. Basic information about the participant of the market of dental materials XXXXX
Table 17. Basic information about the participant of the market of dental materials XXXXX
Table 18. Basic information about the participant of the market of dental materials XXXXX
Table 19. Basic information about the participant of the market of dental materials XXXXX
Table 20. Basic information about the participant of the market of dental materials XXXXX
Table 21. Basic information about the participant of the market of dental materials XXXXX
Table 22. Basic information about the participant of the market of dental materials XXXXX
Table 23. Basic information about the participant of the market of dental materials XXXXX
Table 24. Basic information about the participant of the market of dental materials XXXXX
Table 25. Basic information about the participant of the market of dental materials XXXXX
Table 26. Basic information about the participant of the market of dental materials XXXXX
Table 27. State contracts for the supply of filling materials in India, concluded before 14.04.2020/ / , ranked by year of execution, thousand rubles
Table 28. State contracts for the supply of impression materials in India, concluded before 01.08.2019/14.04.2020/ - / / , ranked by year of execution, thousand rubles
Table 29. State contracts for the supply of carpule needles in India in 2019 and 2020 (until April 14.04.20, ), thousand rubles
Table 30. Price analysis of government contracts for the supply of carpule needles
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