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Market research of natural graphite in the CIS

Market research of natural graphite in the CIS Market research of natural graphite in the CIS
Release date 26.10.2012
Number of pages 50
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 25000 ₹

For the development of industry, and especially high-tech industries, it is important to have objective information about the raw materials used. Professional experts can prepare it.

The specialized agency ""GidMarket"" has been conducting relevant research since 2007. We have the necessary personnel and analysis techniques to guarantee quality and accuracy.

One of the most demanded areas for business and investors is the natural graphite market in the CIS countries. Its detailed study provides an opportunity for successful investment and making effective decisions on the creation of new enterprises and the expansion of existing ones.

The site contains a report on the results of a study conducted several years ago. To obtain more up-to-date information or calculate indicators that are not included in the submitted expert opinion, order an analysis of the direction according to individual criteria.

The document included in the GidMarket catalog contains a large amount of information about the natural graphite market in the CIS and non-CIS countries for 2010-2011, for example:

  • Indicators of world stocks, prices, production, trade and consumption of this material.
  • The state of affairs in the CIS (operating deposits, available reserves, quality requirements, production volume, etc.).
  • Situation in India (price level, foreign supplies, demand structure).
  • Conclusion of experts.

Ways to study the natural graphite market in the CIS

Monitoring of documents from open sources and insider information, including:

  • databases of the tax service, Rosstat, FCS;
  • price bulletins;
  • thematic reviews on TV, in print, on the Internet;
  • ratings of consulting and analytical agencies.

Selective interviews with the largest representatives of the natural graphite market in the CIS.

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To order a special study, fill out an application in the appropriate section. Managers of the company ""GidMarket"" answer all additional questions by the specified phones.

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