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Market Forecast for Organic Fertilizers in India

Market Forecast for Organic Fertilizers in India Market Forecast for Organic Fertilizers in India
Release date 07.10.2021
Number of pages 46
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

Organic fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and other plant nutrients, as well as organic matter, which positively affects soil properties.

Purpose of the study

Analyzing the state of the organic fertilizer market in India, assessing the market size, analyzing competitors, as well as identifying factors affecting the organic fertilizer market


Chapter 1. Key components of the organic fertilizer market

1.1. Market size
1.2. Growth rates of the market of organic fertilizers
1.3. The ratio of imported and domestic products in the market
1.4. Volume and dynamics of organic fertilizer production
1.5. Import of organic fertilizers. Volume and dynamics
1.6. Export of organic fertilizers. Volume and dynamics
1.7. Share of exports in production

Chapter 2. Economic characteristics of the market

2.1. Organic fertilizer market trends
2.2. The main problems of the industry
2.3. Estimation of the number of buyers and their financial capabilities
2.4. Estimated consumption per capita
2.5. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity
2.6. Compact location of industry companies in certain regions
2.7. Stage of the life cycle of the market of organic fertilizers

Chapter 3

3.1. Economic components
3.2. Social Components
3.3. Technological components
3.4. Political Components
3.5. STEP-analysis of the market of organic fertilizers

Chapter 4. Assessment of the degree of competition

4.1. Scale of competition (local, regional, national, global)
4.2. Number of competitors and relative market shares of the largest competitors
4.3. Competition from substitute products

Chapter 5 Industry Forecasts

5.1. Analysis of the impact of recent crises on the industry (the global crisis of 2008 and the currency crisis in India in 2014)
5.2. Analysis of the impact on the state aid industry at the current date
5.3. Assessment of the degree of impact of the crisis due to covid-19 on the analyzed market. Barriers existing in the market of organic fertilizers
5.4. Prospects and growth drivers for the organic fertilizer market
5.5. Forecast for the development of the organic fertilizer market in the context of the current economic crisis due to covid-19

Chapter 6 Forecasting Methodology

6.1. Methods for forecasting key industry indicators
6.2. Sources of information for forecasting
6.3. Timing of forecasting

Research excerpt 

Chapter 1. Key components of the organic fertilizer market

1.1. Market size

Organic fertilizers - fertilizers containing plant nutrients mainly in the form of organic ...
Organic fertilizers contain...

Organic matter plays a crucial role in agriculture, so it is widely used to increase yields by creating fertile soil. 
At the end of 2020, the market volume amounted to … tons, which is …
The peculiarity of the market is that organic fertilizers are created and consumed by themselves ... This is confirmed by the data ... on the application of organic fertilizers for crops in agricultural organizations. So, in 2020, … million tons of organic fertilizers were applied, which exceeds … by … Agroholdings and farms …

The dynamics of applying organic fertilizers until 2020 was … in nature, the average annual growth rate is …%. In 2020, the indicator is …% compared to 2019, due to ...

1.2. Growth rates of the market of organic fertilizers

Consider the dynamics of the volume of the organic fertilizer market in India for the period 2013-2020.
Dynamics of the volume of the organic fertilizers market has … character, except for …% in relation to … year, which is due to ...
The market of organic fertilizers is growing …, according to the results of 2020, the indicator amounted to … thousand tons, … This is primarily due to …

1.3. The ratio of imported and domestic products in the market

In general, the market of organic fertilizers in India during the period under review is dominated by … products - its share ranges from …% to … The share of foreign products …
In 2014 and 2015, a somewhat different situation is observed: as before, the market is mainly represented by … products, but their ... The share of foreign products in 2015 is equal to …% - …

Diagram 3. The ratio of imported and domestic products in the organic fertilizer market, 2013-2020, %

1.4. Volume and dynamics of organic fertilizer production

Let's consider the dynamics of organic fertilizer production volumes in India.
Dynamics of organic fertilizer production volume for the period 2013-2020 has … character, for …% in relation to … year.

The growth rates of the market volume are not ... The maximum growth rate for the period under review was recorded in … year – by …% compared to 2016. 
In 2020, the volume of production reached ... - ... tons, which is ... the volume of 2019 and ... 2013.

1.5. Import of organic fertilizers. Volume and dynamics

Consider the indicators of foreign trade operations with organic fertilizers in India.
The dynamics of imports in physical terms has … character. The maximum increase in the indicator is observed in … year – … thousand tons of organic fertilizers were imported, which is in …
In 2015-2016, …% and …% are noted, respectively. So, in 2016, the indicator amounted to … thousand tons, which is …

According to the results of 2020, … tons of organic fertilizers were imported, which is …% more compared to … year. 
The dynamics of imports in value terms is generally similar to the change in the indicator in physical terms: in 2014, …

1.6. Export of organic fertilizers. Volume and dynamics

Diagram 7. Volume and dynamics of exports of organic fertilizers, 2013-2020, thousand tons

The dynamics of exports of organic fertilizers from India in physical and value terms in 2013-2020 had … character – indicator …, except for …% in physical terms and by …% - in value …

According to the results of 2020, the export of organic fertilizers to foreign countries is equal to … thousand tons for the amount of … thousand dollars, the growth compared to the previous period amounted to …% in physical terms and …% in value terms.

1.7. Share of exports in production

During the entire period under review, the share of exports in production ... The maximum value of the indicator is observed in ... year - ...%. From 2016 to 2020, …% is observed, which is due to …
The share of production for domestic consumption in 2013-2020 remains …, the indicator fluctuates from …%.

Chapter 2. Economic characteristics of the market 

2.1. Organic fertilizer market trends

Let's consider trends in the main components of the volume of the organic fertilizer market in India.

Unstable structure...
The structure of production by union territories depending on the period ... So, in 2013, the main volume of production of organic fertilizers accounted for ... Union territories - the share of the district was ...%. In subsequent periods, the volume of production in the district significantly ...
The reverse situation is observed in…
Unstable structure...
In 2020, …% of organic fertilizers were imported from …, and …% from … countries. In 2014, this ratio was …%, respectively. This is due to the fact that in 2014 there is a sharp …
In 2020, the bulk of products were imported from … – …%

In 2020 …% of organic fertilizers were exported to … countries and …% to … countries For comparison: in 2013 this ratio was … 
The leading exporters in 2020 are: … with a share of …% and … with a share of …%. However, it should be noted that export to …
Significant changes in the structure of exports are also observed in … years, when the share of exports to non-CIS countries was …
During the period under review, the trade balance (the difference between exports and imports) in the market …

Diagram 11. Balance of exports and imports in the Indian organic fertilizer market in 2013-2020, thousand tons

One of the agricultural practices aimed at reducing soil degradation and increasing their fertility is the use of …

2.2. The main problems of the industry 

2.3. Estimation of the number of buyers and their financial capabilities
The main consumers of organic products are…

The distribution of the population by the size of the average per capita cash income characterizes the differentiation of the population by the level of ...
The share of Indians with an income of up to 27 Rs. annually …, so in 000 the share was …%, in 2014 – …%. The main share of the population for the entire period under review falls on monetary income ...

The main buyers of organic fertilizers are …

The turnover of agricultural organizations in current prices tends to ... At the end of 2020, the indicator amounted to ... billion Rs., which is ...% higher than the value of ... a year. At the same time, the gross harvest of agricultural crops in 2020 is …% compared to the previous period. The largest decrease in the gross harvest is observed in such crops as …

Gross Margin by 'Annual and Perennial Crops' industries 2017-2020 … similar to all industries in India.

2.4. Estimated consumption per capita

Consumption of organic fertilizers per capita is determined by GidMarket based on the ratio of the volume of applied organic fertilizers to the population of India.
The dynamics of changes in the consumption of organic fertilizers in physical terms tends to ... In 2020, the indicator amounted to ... kg / person, which is ...% more than the value of ... year and by ...

2.5. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity

Important data for analyzing the state of the industry is the dynamics of such indicators as profitability, liquidity, and business activity. …

The table shows the dynamics of the gross profit margin (the ratio of gross profit to income). Gross margin serves as an estimate of...
During the period under review from 2015 to 2020, the dynamics of the gross profitability indicator of the organic fertilizer industry had … character – ... Gross profitability fluctuated from …% to …%. When compared with the indicator for all sectors of the Indian economy, the profitability deviations in 2015-2016, 2018-2020 were …

Chart 15. Profitability before tax (profit of the reporting period) in the organic fertilizer industry in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2015-2020
years, %

Profitability before tax in the organic fertilizer industry fluctuated over the period under review from …% to …%. At the same time, she was…

Consider the liquidity ratios in the organic fertilizer industry. The current liquidity ratio is a measure of...

The estimated indicator of current liquidity of a normally operating solvent legal entity should be ...
For the period under review, the indicator for the organic fertilizer industry corresponded to …

A more stringent liquidity criterion is the absolute liquidity ratio. He shows, …
During the period under review, the indicator for all sectors of the Indian economy did not fall below ..., which indicates ... In the organic fertilizer industry, this indicator until 2020 ...
Thus, the gross margin of the organic fertilizer industry…

2.6. Compact location of industry companies in certain regions

To determine the compactness of the location of companies in the industry, …

Diagram 18. Compactness of location of companies in the industry in certain regions in 2020, %

The largest market participants in 2020 are concentrated in … Union Territories – the share of the district is … This is primarily due to the fact that in 2020 …
At the same time, due to the uneven concentration of production, imports and exports, the compactness of the placement of industry companies in certain regions annually …

2.7. Stage of the life cycle of the market of organic fertilizers

Chapter 3 

Macroeconomic factors influence the dynamics of all sectors of the Indian economy, including the organic fertilizer market. The main groups of factors are: economic, political, social and technological.

3.1. Economic components

GDP dynamics

Gross domestic product (GDP) is a macroeconomic indicator that reflects the market value of all final goods and services produced per year in all sectors of the economy in India for consumption, export and accumulation, regardless of the nationality of the factors of production used. 
Gross domestic product is the main indicator on the basis of which the level and pace of economic development are determined. 
The chart shows India's GDP growth rate from 2012 to 2021 (Q1) at comparable prices (at 2016 prices).

According to the … data, for the period 2012-2014 there is … the GDP growth rate, while the indicator is gradually … and in 2015 it was … In 2015, which was the peak of the crisis in the country, the decline in GDP amounted to …% compared to the previous year 2014 , …
In 2016 GDP …

At the end of 2020, the decline in GDP amounted to …%, which is ... This is the most significant drop in the Indian economy since … the year when GDP fell by …%. The decline in GDP in 2020 is due to …

3.2. Social Components
3.3. Technological components
3.4. Political Components
3.5. STEP-analysis of the market of organic fertilizers

Let's present the results of the analysis of factors affecting the market in the form of a STEP analysis table

Table 12. STEP analysis of factors affecting the organic fertilizer market

Thus, at the moment, the Indian market of organic fertilizers is experiencing in general ... the influence of environmental factors ... forces.
Holding back market development: …
Positive impact on the market...

Chapter 4. Assessment of the degree of competition

4.1. Scale of competition (local, regional, national, global)

Consider world statistics on exports and imports of organic fertilizers in 2020.

Diagram 26. Leading import countries of organic fertilizers in 2019, mln USD

The largest volume of organic fertilizers is imported by: … (… million dollars, accounting for …% of global imports), ... Among the importing countries of organic fertilizers in 2020, India is in … place, occupying …

The largest volume of organic fertilizers is exported: ... Among the exporting countries of organic fertilizers in 2020, India is in ... place, ranking ...

Thus, in comparison with other countries, India …
At the national level, the competition is … as in the organic fertilizer market …
The market is dominated by… 

4.2. Number of competitors and relative market shares of the largest competitors

The main market participants are LLC “…”, LLC “…”, LLC “Ekovit”, …
Competitor shares in the organic fertilizer market in India are based on an estimate of …
The total share of the main producers specializing in the production of organic fertilizers is …%. These include LLC “…” and LLC “…” with a share of …%, LLC …
The Herfindahl-Hirschman index for the organic fertilizer market is … (HHI  1000), the market is ...

4.3. Competition from substitute products

Chapter 5 Industry Forecasts

5.1. Analysis of the impact of recent crises on the industry (the global crisis of 2008 and the currency crisis in India in 2014)

5.2. Analysis of the impact on the state aid industry at the current date

Forecasting the development of the organic fertilizer market in India is impossible without understanding the economic situation in the country, as well as the impact of the spread of the covid-19 virus and the measures taken.

5.3. Assessment of the degree of impact of the crisis due to covid-19 on the analyzed market. Barriers existing in the market of organic fertilizers
5.4. Prospects and growth drivers for the organic fertilizer market
5.5. Forecast for the development of the organic fertilizer market in the context of the current economic crisis due to covid-19

Chapter 6 Forecasting Methodology 


Diagram 1. Dynamics of organic fertilizer application for crops in agricultural organizations in India, million tons.
Diagram 2. Dynamics of the market volume of organic fertilizers, 2013-2020, thousand tons
Diagram 3. The ratio of imported and domestic products in the organic fertilizer market, 2013-2020, %
Diagram 4. Dynamics of organic fertilizer production volumes in India, 2013-2020, thousand tons
Diagram 5. Volume and dynamics of imports of organic fertilizers, 2013-2020, thousand tons
Diagram 6. Volume and dynamics of imports of organic fertilizers, 2013-2020, thousand dollars
Diagram 7. Volume and dynamics of exports of organic fertilizers, 2013-2020, thousand tons
Diagram 8. Volume and dynamics of exports of organic fertilizers, 2013-2020, thousand dollars
Diagram 9. The share of exports in production, 2013-2020, %
Diagram 10. Structure of exports of organic fertilizers by countries in 2020 in physical terms, %
Diagram 11. Balance of exports and imports in the Indian organic fertilizer market in 2013-2020, thousand tons
Diagram 12. Dynamics of the population of India, as of January 1, 2012-2021, million people, %
Chart 13. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2012-2021 (Q1), % to the previous year
Diagram 14. Volume of consumption in the market of organic fertilizers per capita, 2013-2020, kg/person
Diagram 15. Profitability before tax (profit of the reporting period) in the organic fertilizer industry in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2015-2020, %
Diagram 16. Current liquidity (total coverage) for the organic fertilizer industry for 2015–2020, times
Diagram 17. Business activity (average term of receivables turnover) in the organic fertilizer industry, for 2015-2020, days days
Diagram 18. Compactness of location of companies in the industry in certain regions in 2020, %
Figure 19. Life cycle stage of the organic fertilizer market
Chart 20. Dynamics of India's GDP, 2012-2020, Q1 2021, % to the previous year
Chart 21. Monthly dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2016-2021 (Jan-July), Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 22. Change in the area under crops of the main crop crops in 2020 in relation to 2019, %
Diagram 23. Population forecast for India, for the period 2022-2025, million people
Diagram 24. Dynamics of the number of machines for organic fertilizers in agricultural organizations in 2012-2020 (as of January 1), pieces
Figure 25. The procedure for granting a subsidy
Diagram 26. Leading import countries of organic fertilizers in 2019, mln USD
Chart 27. Leading export countries of organic fertilizers in 2020, %
Diagram 28. Shares of the largest competitors in the organic fertilizer market in 2020, %
Diagram 29. Dynamics of the volume of the mineral fertilizer market, 2013-2020, thousand tons
Diagram 30. Forecast of the market volume of organic fertilizers in 2021-2025, thousand tons


Table 1. Main types of organic fertilizers and their application
Table 2. Dynamics of organic fertilizer production in India by union territories in 2013-2020, thousand tons
Table 3. Structure of imports of organic fertilizers by importing countries in 2020 in physical terms, units rev.
Table 4. Distribution of the population by average per capita income per month, %
Table 5. Key performance indicators of agricultural organizations in 2017-2020, units rev.
Table 6. Gross margin of the organic fertilizer industry in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2015-2020, %
Table 7. Absolute liquidity of the organic fertilizer industry compared to all sectors of the Indian economy, 2015-2020, times
Table 8. Projections from various sources of real GDP in India in 2020-2023 (base scenario), %
Table 9. Dynamics of sown areas of agricultural crops in India (farms of all categories), 2016-2020, thousand hectares
Table 10. Dynamics of the number of farm animals in India, 2016-2020, thousand heads
Table 11. Weighted average interest rates of credit institutions on credit operations in rupees, excluding PJSC Sberbank (% per annum), 2016-2021 (Jan-April)
Table 12. STEP analysis of factors affecting the organic fertilizer market
Table 13. Main companies participating in the organic fertilizer market in 2020
Table 14. Main advantages and disadvantages of organic and mineral fertilizers
Table 15. Assessment of the impact of recent crises on the industry
Table 16. Analysis of the impact on the industry of the state aid proposed to date
Table 17. Forecast indicators of the development of the Indian economy in 2021-2024, %
Table 18. State and prospects of the Indian organic market

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