Market Analysis of Washed Potatoes and Carrots
The relevance of research
Agriculture in India in the future will grow only through processing. Washing, polishing and packaging of potatoes and carrots in consumer-friendly nets become relevant for producers: products immediately become interesting, producers become more in demand, and added value, and as a result, profits, increase.
Purpose of the study
Analysis of the state of the market for washed potatoes and carrots, assessment of the market volume, analysis of competitors, as well as current prices and their trends.
Introduction. Market Overview of Washed Potatoes and Carrots
Part 1. Competitor Analysis by Union Territories of India
1.1. The largest producers of washed potatoes in the Central Union Territories
1.2. Washed potato production volumes in the Central Union Territories
1.3. The largest producers of washed potatoes in the Southern Union Territories
1.4. Washed potato production volumes in the Southern Union Territories
1.5. The largest producers of washed potatoes in the North Caucasian Union Territories
1.6. Production volumes of washed potatoes in the North Caucasian Union Territories
1.7. The largest producers of washed potatoes in the Volga Union Territories
1.8. Volumes of production of washed potatoes in the Volga Union Territories
1.9. The largest producers of washed carrots in the Central Union Territories
1.10. Production volumes of washed carrots in the Central Union Territories
1.11. The largest producers of washed carrots in the Southern Union Territories
1.12. Production volumes of washed carrots in the Southern Union Territories
1.13. The largest producers of washed carrots in the North Caucasian Union Territories
1.14. Production volumes of washed carrots in the North Caucasian Union Territories
1.15. The largest producers of washed carrots in the Volga Union Territories
1.16. Production volumes of washed carrots in the Volga Union Territories
1.17. Washed potato market shares of the largest competitors in India
1.18. Washed carrot market shares of the largest competitors in India
Part 2. Price Analysis by Union Territories of India
2.1. Prices of large producers for washed potatoes in the Central Union Territories
2.2. Prices of large producers for washed potatoes in the Southern Union Territories
2.3. Prices of large producers for washed potatoes in the Union Territories
2.4. Prices of large producers for washed potatoes in the Volga Union Territories
2.5. Prices of large producers for washed carrots in the Central Union Territories
2.6. Prices of large producers for washed carrots in the Southern Union Territories
2.7. Prices of large producers for washed carrots in the Union Territories
2.8. Prices of large producers for washed carrots in the Volga Union Territories
Part 3. Price Trends in India
3.1. Assessment of seasonal price dynamics during the year for washed potatoes, India
3.2. Price trend forecast for washed potatoes by months in 2019
3.3. Assessment of seasonal price dynamics during the year for washed carrots in India
3.4. Price trend forecast for washed carrots by months in 2019
Part 4. Recommendations and conclusions
Research excerpt
Introduction. Market Overview of Washed Potatoes and Carrots
Today, the market of fresh (commercial) vegetables in India is showing a bright trend - on the shelves of supermarkets, unwashed Indian vegetables (potatoes, carrots, other representatives of the so-called ""borscht group"") are seriously outperformed by washed, beautifully packaged, but often imported products.
Chart 1. Structure of carrot imports to India by importing countries in 2018, %
In 2018, the three main suppliers of carrots to the Indian market with almost the same volumes were …, and before India imposed restrictions on food imports, …. In absolute terms, imports amounted to ... Carrots are not considered a difficult crop to grow, but imports of marketable carrots (i.e. sold in stores) in 2018 amounted to ...
In 2018, the main supplier of potatoes to the Indian market with a share of … was Egypt, and the top four also includes …
The share of imports of potatoes is less than that of carrots. According to market experts and GidMarket estimates, Indians consume about ... potatoes per year, of which ...
The premium potato and carrot segment began to take shape in India over a decade ago. Far-sighted companies began to offer the market ...
Table 1. Potato production in India by Union Territories in 2018 (preliminary data), units rev.
As the results of the agricultural census showed, over the past 10 years (since 2008) the share of personal households in potato production has decreased from ... to ... while increasing the share of agricultural organizations from ... to ..., peasant (farmer) households and individual entrepreneurs - from ... to ... Apparently, in the coming years we can expect ...
Part 1. Competitor Analysis by Union Territories of India
1.1. The largest producers of washed potatoes in the Central Union Territories
Given that the largest potato producers have the opportunity to process vegetables (their washing and packaging for subsequent sale in a retail network), agricultural enterprises were identified that have the best indicators in the industry in terms of the gross potato harvest. Further work has been done…
The farm survey confirms that...
Table 3. The largest producers of potatoes in the Central Union Territories (including washed and packaged)
Based on the results of the analysis of agricultural producers and organizations selling potatoes in bulk in the region, the following features were identified:
Agricultural producers are trying to organize their own processing of vegetables, the share of such enterprises is growing ... At the same time, the decisive ones are ... An increase in the ""delivery shoulder"" reduces the feasibility of processing products at the place of cultivation, since ...
There are few notable ""specialized"" players in this segment. The most famous brands...
The sales market itself has an unconditional influence on the range of products offered - the Central Union Territories is characterized by a significant concentration of buyers with an average and above average income, namely, demand creates supply.
1.2. Washed potato production volumes in the Central Union Territories
Consider the volumes and dynamics of potato production in farms of all categories ...
Diagram 5. Gross potato harvest in India, all categories of farms in India in 2013-2018 (preliminary data), million tons
According to Rosstat data, over the past three years, about …% of potatoes are grown in farms of all categories for the purpose of subsequent sale (in 2012-2014 this figure was …%), the remaining farms are for personal use. Thus, it can be calculated that at the end of 2018, about … million tons of marketable potatoes were produced, i.e. potatoes intended for subsequent sale (and not for personal consumption by citizens).
Diagram 6. Structure of potato use in India, %
Considering that the share of the Central Union Territories in production amounted to …%, the gross harvest of potatoes for subsequent sale in the Central Union Territories can be estimated at … thousand tons (about … billion Rs. in producer prices, according to Rosstat).
The total share of washed potatoes in India is estimated by GidMarket on average at the level of …%, which in absolute terms is … million tons.
The market share of Indian potatoes, washed and packaged in consumer packaging, is …%. On a national scale, this is about ... tons of potatoes per year.
But the picture emerging in the Central Union Territories differs from the average situation in the country, since the district ...
Thus, the volumes of production of packaged washed potatoes in the Central Union Territories are influenced by the following factors: ...
1.3. The largest producers of washed potatoes in the Southern Union Territories
1.4. Washed potato production volumes in the Southern Union Territories
1.5. The largest producers of washed potatoes in the North Caucasian Union Territories
1.6. Production volumes of washed potatoes in the North Caucasian Union Territories
1.7. The largest producers of washed potatoes in the Volga Union Territories
1.8. Volumes of production of washed potatoes in the Volga Union Territories
1.9. The largest producers of washed carrots in the Central Union Territories
To analyze the producers of washed carrots in the Central Union Territories, the largest producers of marketable carrots were identified, work was carried out to analyze these enterprises - information provided in free sources was collected, Table 9 was formed, which includes information on the main agricultural producers of carrots and organizations producing washed carrots .
The survey of households showed that ....
After analyzing agricultural producers and organizations that produce and sell carrots (including washed and packaged) in the Central Union Territories, the following features were identified: ...
1.10. Production volumes of washed carrots in the Central Union Territories
Diagram 7. Gross harvest of carrots in India in all types of farms in 2013-2018 (preliminary data), thousand tons
Thus, it can be calculated that, according to the results of 2018, about … thousand tons of marketable carrots were produced, i.e. carrots intended for subsequent sale (and not for personal consumption by citizens) ...
Thus, in general, in India, the volume of production of packaged carrots in 2018 amounted to … thousand tons.
The peculiarity of the Central Union Territories is that ...
Thus, the following factors influence the production of washed carrots in the Central Union Territories…
1.11. The largest producers of washed carrots in the Southern Union Territories
1.12. Production volumes of washed carrots in the Southern Union Territories
1.13. The largest producers of washed carrots in the North Caucasian Union Territories
1.14. Production volumes of washed carrots in the North Caucasian Union Territories
1.15. The largest producers of washed carrots in the Volga Union Territories
1.16. Production volumes of washed carrots in the Volga Union Territories
1.17. Washed potato market shares of the largest competitors in India
As a result of the analysis of the production volumes of washed potatoes by Indian producers, the following picture of the distribution of market shares between the largest competitors was obtained:
Diagram 8. Washed potato market shares of the largest competitors in India in 2018, %
The distribution of market shares includes companies ...
1.18. Washed carrot market shares of the largest competitors in India
The distribution of market shares includes companies ...
Diagram 9. Market shares of washed carrots of the largest competitors in India, %
Part 2. Price Analysis by Union Territories of India
2.1. Prices of large producers for washed potatoes in the Central Union Territories
Consider the price offers of the largest potato producers. All prices are current as of March 2019.
Analysis of the collected information shows...
2.2. Prices of large producers for washed potatoes in the Southern Union Territories
Let's consider the price offers of the largest potato producers of the Southern District, received both in response to a written request and as a result of telephone conversations...
2.3. Prices of large producers for washed potatoes in the Union Territories
2.4. Prices of large producers for washed potatoes in the Volga Union Territories
2.5. Prices of large producers for washed carrots in the Central Union Territories
Consider the price proposals of the largest producers of carrots in the Central Union Territories.
Analysis of the collected information shows:
2.6. Prices of large producers for washed carrots in the Southern Union Territories
2.7. Prices of large producers for washed carrots in the Union Territories
2.8. Prices of large producers for washed carrots in the Volga Union Territories
Part 3. Price Trends in India
3.1. Assessment of seasonal price dynamics during the year for washed potatoes, India
Potatoes are classified as essential goods (24 items in total), for these goods the state can set maximum permissible retail prices ...
At the same time, during the year there are pronounced ""maximum points"" of prices, which fall on the period ...
A clear parallel can be drawn between the wholesale price of washed packaged potatoes and ware potatoes, as...
3.2. Price trend forecast for washed potatoes by months in 2019
Consider the forecast for the trend in wholesale prices for potatoes ...
3.3. Assessment of seasonal price dynamics during the year for washed carrots in India
3.4. Price trend forecast for washed carrots by months in 2019
Part 4. Recommendations and conclusions
An analysis of the market for washed potatoes and washed carrots showed that…
Diagram 1. Structure of carrot imports to India by importing countries in 2018, %
Diagram 2. Structure of potato imports to India by importing countries in 2018, %
Diagram 3. Shares of federal districts in potato production in India, %
Diagram 4. The share of Indian districts in the production of carrots according to the preliminary results of 2018, %
Diagram 5. Gross potato harvest in India, all categories of farms in India in 2013-2018 (preliminary data), million tons
Diagram 6. Structure of potato use in India, %
Diagram 7. Gross harvest of carrots in India in all types of farms in 2013-2018. (preliminary data), thousand tons
Diagram 8. Washed potato market shares of the largest competitors in India in 2018, %
Diagram 9. Market shares of washed carrots of the largest competitors in India, %
Diagram 10. Dynamics of wholesale prices for food and packaged/washed potatoes in India 2017-2018, Rs. per 1 kg
Diagram 11. Wholesale price forecast for packaged/washed and unprocessed potatoes, 2019, Rs.
Diagram 12. Dynamics of wholesale prices for carrots in India, 2017-2018, Rs. per 1 kg
Diagram 13. Wholesale price forecast for packaged/washed and unprocessed carrots in 2019, Rs. per 1 kg
Table 1. Potato production in India by Union Territories in 2018 (preliminary data), units rev.
Table 2. Carrot production in India by Union Territories in 2018 (preliminary data), units rev.
Table 3. The largest producers of potatoes in the Central Union Territories (including washed and packaged)
Table 4. Directions for the use of grown potatoes at the end of 2018, %
Table 5. The largest potato producers in the South Union Territories (including washed and packaged)
Table 6. The largest producers of potatoes in the Union Territories (including washed and packaged)
Table 7. Investment project of JSC ""Prokhladnoye"" in SK-Union Territories
Table 8. The largest producers of potatoes in the Union Territories (including washed and packaged)
Table 9. The largest producers of carrots in the Central Union Territories (including washed and packaged)
Table 10. The largest producers of carrots in the EU territories (including washed and packaged)
Table 11. The largest producers of carrots in the Union Territories (including washed and packaged)
Table 12. The largest producers of carrots in the Union Territories (including washed and packaged)
Table 13. Washed potato production volumes by the largest competitors in 2018, units rev.
Table 14. Production volumes of washed carrots by the largest competitors in 2018, %
Table 15. Price offer (wholesale) for washed / unwashed potatoes among producers / intermediaries who wash potatoes or plan to do so, Central Union Territories
Table 16. Price offer (wholesale) for washed / unwashed potatoes among producers / intermediaries engaged in washing potatoes or planning to do so, Southern Union Territories
Table 17. Price offer (wholesale) for washed / unwashed potatoes among producers / intermediaries engaged in washing potatoes or planning to carry out, North Caucasian Union Territories
Table 18. Price offer (wholesale) for washed / unwashed potatoes among producers / intermediaries engaged in washing potatoes or planning to do so, Privolzhsky Union Territories
Table 19. Price offer (wholesale) for washed / unwashed carrots among producers / intermediaries who wash carrots or plan to do so, Central Union Territories
Table 20. Price offer (wholesale) for washed / unwashed carrots among producers / intermediaries who wash carrots or plan to do so, Southern Union Territories
Table 21. Price offer (wholesale) for washed / unwashed carrots among producers / intermediaries who wash carrots or plan to do so, North Caucasian Union Territories
Table 22. Price offer (wholesale) for washed / unwashed carrots among producers / intermediaries who wash carrots or plan to do so, Privolzhsky Union Territories
Table 23. Wholesale prices for food and packaged / washed potatoes in India 2017 - 2018, Rs. for 1kg
Table 24. Wholesale price forecast for packaged/washed and unprocessed potatoes for 2019, Rs. per 1 kg
Table 25. Wholesale prices for food and packaged/washed carrots in India in 2017-2018, Rs. per 1 kg
Table 26. Wholesale price forecast for packaged/washed and unprocessed carrots in 2019, Rs. per 1 kg
All reports