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Market analysis of vegetable soups, fruit and vegetable juices in India

Market analysis of vegetable soups, fruit and vegetable juices in India Market analysis of vegetable soups, fruit and vegetable juices in India
Release date 18.12.2019
Number of pages 60
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

The fruit and vegetable juices analyzed in this study are fresh pressed fruits and vegetables supplied to the market in packaging that ensures prolonged storage of products. As a rule, fresh juices are produced by cutting raw materials with subsequent processing under pressure to a liquid state. Soups and broths in liquid form are a ready-to-eat product. However, in this case, their shelf life is extremely small: from 2 to 7 days.

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the market for ready-made liquid vegetable soups, as well as fruit and vegetable fresh juices, assessment of the market volume, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the market for ready-made liquid vegetable soups, as well as fruit and vegetable fresh juices


Part 1. Overview of the market for ready-made liquid vegetable soups, as well as fruit and vegetable juices in India

1.1. Definition and main characteristics of the analyzed market
1.2. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.3. Market share of imports
1.4. Dynamics of market volume 2013-2018 Potential market capacity.

Part 2. Analysis of imports of ready-made liquid vegetable soups, as well as fruit and vegetable fresh juices (HS codes 21041000, 20083090, 20089999), 2018

2.1. Import structure
2.1.1. Structure of imports of fruit and vegetable fresh juices by sending countries
2.1.2. Structure of imports of fresh juices by manufacturing companies
2.1.3. Structure of imports of fresh juices by recipient companies in India
2.2.1. Structure of soup imports by sending countries
2.2.2. Structure of imports by manufacturing companies
2.2.3. Structure of imports by recipient companies in India

Part 3. Main distributors of ready-made liquid vegetable soups, as well as fruit and vegetable juices
3.1. TOP-30 main distributors

Part 4. Consumption forecast until 2024

Part 5. Recommendations and conclusions

Research excerpt

Part 1. Overview of the market for ready-made liquid vegetable soups, as well as fruit and vegetable juices in India
1.1. Definition and main characteristics of the analyzed market
Soup is a liquid dish (usually the first), common in many countries. A distinctive feature of the soup is, firstly, the fact that the soup includes at least 50% liquid, and, secondly (for hot soups), the soup is cooked by boiling, in most cases in water.
Broth is a liquid broth made from meat, fish or vegetables. It contains a small amount of proteins, therefore it has more taste and stimulating value than nutritional value, it is also easily absorbed even by a weakened body. The broth is served to the table as an independent dish, or together with a side dish. Often other products are added to the broth - cereals, bread, eggs, etc. Among other things, the broth often serves as a dressing for various kinds of sauces.
Soups and broths in liquid form are a ready-to-eat product. However, in this case, their shelf life is extremely small: from 2 to 7 days. To increase the shelf life of soups and broths, such product processing formats as gelling (jelly soups), freezing and canning are used.
According to the serving temperature, soups are classified into the following categories:
Hot soups
Serving temperature - 60-70 degrees Celsius. …
Cold soups
Cold soups are the common name for first courses served cold. Serving temperature - 6-12 degrees Celsius.
According to the liquid used for cooking, soups are classified as follows. 
The vast majority of soups are boiled in water or mixtures of water with other ingredients, a partial list of which is given below.
On kvass
On beer
On dairy products
in brine
On wine
On fruit (vegetable) juice
According to the main component, soups are classified into the following categories:
Meat soups, including poultry;
fish soups;
vegetable soups;
mushroom soups;
Seafood soups;
Soups from flour products;
Cereal soups (buckwheat soup, pea soup, etc.);
Milk soups, including cheese;
fruit soups;
Soups from fermented products;
Seaweed soups.
According to the cooking technology, soups are usually divided into the following main groups:
Transparent soups
They consist of a side dish and strong transparent broths, for clarification of which a guy is used.
filling soups
A distinctive feature of the soups of this group is the presence of browned vegetables. Browned tomato puree is introduced into many soups; sometimes cabbage soup and borscht are seasoned with flour sauté.
thickened soups
Soups thickened with some ingredient during cooking.
Soups, during the preparation of which the components of the soup are ground by rubbing or otherwise grinding.
Roast soups
Soups, the components of which are first fried, and only then filled with liquid.
Combined soups
Soups typical of the Far Eastern cuisine (China, Japan), where soup components are put directly on the table into the broth.
Sweet soups
Prepared from fresh, frozen and dried fruits and berries. These include fruit soups, unlike other soups, usually served as a dessert, and some types of milk soups.
The fruit and vegetable juices analyzed in this study are fresh pressed fruits and vegetables supplied to the market in packaging that ensures prolonged storage of products.
As a rule, fresh juices are produced by cutting raw materials with subsequent processing under pressure to a liquid state.
In India, fresh juices are in demand in two ways: as an industrial raw material for the production of other food products (for example, juices and yogurts), and as an end product intended for direct consumption by the end user. 

1.2. Assessment of factors affecting the market
Let's consider the main factors influencing the market and, accordingly, the demand for soups and fresh juices in India.
Economic forces
GDP dynamics
The dynamics of GDP determines the general vector of the country's economic development. As shown in the figure below, for the period 2011-2014. …
Currency fluctuations
The level of real incomes of the population
Real disposable money income per capita is income minus mandatory payments, adjusted for inflation. 
Diagram 3. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2011 - 2018

Tax Factors
Social factors
Population of India
 This factor has an indirect impact on the analyzed market due to a change in the number of potential home buyers, which in turn determines the demand in the construction industry for procurement materials for the construction of new premises. 
Increasing urbanization
The impact of current trends
At present, the culture of consumption is significantly influenced by both the mass media and the trends emerging in society. 
Technological factors
Implementation of scientific developments
The market for soups and fresh juices is quite dependent on scientific developments and their implementation in modern practical production, both at the production stage and at the packaging stage.
Repair and renewal of fixed assets…
Information awareness, advertising and distributors…
As of October 2019, the majority of wholesale consumers have already formed a base of suppliers with whom they enter into contracts. 
Modern packaging materials
The specificity of the production of chilled soups and fresh juices determines a special attitude to the choice of modern packaging materials. Often, the level of demand for products depends on the choice of packaging format. 
Political factors
Governmental support 
Formally, the government of India announced the possibility of state support for enterprises engaged in food production, as part of the overall development of the country's economy. However, actually obtaining subsidies is a rather complicated and lengthy process. As the analysis showed, in most cases, only companies affiliated with state structures succeed in this.
Foreign policy relations
Concluding the assessment of the factors influencing the Indian market of soups and fresh juices, we will summarize the key ones in the framework of the STEP-analysis.
Table 2. STEP analysis of factors affecting the market for soups and fresh juices in India

1.3. Market share of imports
The share of import supplies of the analyzed commodity items in the total market volume is relatively small.
The diagrams below show the dynamics of imports by years separately for soups and fresh juices.
Diagram 6. The share of imports of soups in value terms, 2013-2018, %

The share of fresh imports (including fresh for industrial production), as follows from the above diagrams ...

1.4. Dynamics of market volume 2013-2018 Potential market capacity.
Consider the dynamics of changes in the market volume for the period 2013 - 2018.
In kind in the period 2013-2018. the analyzed market was characterized by fluctuations corresponding to the situation with the Indian economy as a whole. 
Diagram 11. Dynamics of fresh market volume, 2013-2018, kg

 As follows from the diagrams, the volume of the fresh market (including pulp for industrial production) at the end of 2018 amounted to …

Part 2. Analysis of imports of ready-made liquid vegetable soups, as well as fruit and vegetable fresh juices (HS codes 21041000, 20083090, 20089999), 2018
The volume of imports of ready-made liquid soups and fresh juices is low.
The diagrams below show the structure of imports by commodity items at the end of 2018. 

2.1. Import structure 

2.1.1. Structure of imports of fruit and vegetable fresh juices by sending countries 

2.1.2. Structure of imports of fresh juices by manufacturing companies 
Diagram 14. Fresh import structure in value terms by shipping companies, 2018, %

In value terms, the largest share of imports is occupied by the company …

2.1.3. Structure of imports of fresh juices by recipient companies in India 
Below is a summary table by recipient companies.
It should be noted that data on fresh imports include supplies for industrial production, which account for the bulk of imports in this category.

2.2.1. Structure of soup imports by sending countries 
Chart 18. Structure of soup imports by countries in value terms, 2018, %

2.2.2. Structure of imports by manufacturing companies 

2.2.3. Structure of imports by recipient companies in RФ 
Below is a summary table of recipient companies for reference.

Part 3. Main distributors of ready-made liquid vegetable soups, as well as fruit and vegetable juices
3.1. TOP-30 main distributors

Part 4. Consumption forecast until 2024
Macroeconomic factors, affecting the country's economy, affect the solvency of citizens, the development of retail trade, and the demand for fast food products, in particular, soups and fresh juices. The development of the market is built on the basis of trends and tendencies that are gaining momentum, but only with time it becomes clear which of them really acquire a large-scale effect, and which ones are temporary and local. 

Part 5. Recommendations and conclusions
Basically, these products are sold in the premium segment, according to consumer surveys, soups that are not traditional for India (for example, gazpacho soup) are in the greatest demand. Traditional dishes (borscht, hodgepodge, fish soup) are in high demand among domestic producers and are practically not purchased from importers. Also noteworthy is the high demand in the analyzed segment for Asian products (traditional Japanese, Chinese and Thai soups). 
According to the analysis, the largest manufacturers currently prefer to sell their products directly to retail or wholesale distribution networks, bypassing distributors. 
Thus, the key trends of the analyzed market are the following:


Diagram 1. Dynamics of India's GDP, in 2011-2018, % to the previous year
Diagram 2. The dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, Jan. 2014 - December 2018, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 3. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2011 - 2018
Diagram 4. Population change in India, 2010-2018
Diagram 5. Internet penetration dynamics in India, 2008-2018, %
Diagram 6. Share of soup imports in value terms, 2013-2018, %
Diagram 7. Share of fresh imports in value terms, 2013-2018, %
Diagram 8. Liquid soup market volume dynamics, 2013-2018, Rs.
Diagram 9. Dynamics of liquid soups market volume, 2013-2018, kg
Diagram 10. Fresh market volume dynamics, 2013-2018, Rs.
Diagram 11. Fresh market volume dynamics, 2013-2018, kg
Diagram 12. Structure of fresh imports by countries in value terms, 2018, %
Diagram 13. Structure of imports of fresh juices by country in physical terms, 2018, %
Diagram 14. Fresh import structure in value terms by shipping companies, 2018, %
Diagram 15. Structure of fresh imports in physical terms by shipping companies, 2018, %
Diagram 16. Fresh import structure in value terms by recipient companies, 2018, %
Diagram 17. Structure of fresh imports in physical terms by recipient companies, 2018, %
Diagram 18. Structure of soup imports by country in value terms, 2018, %
Diagram 19. Structure of soup imports by country in physical terms, 2018, %
Diagram 20. Structure of soup imports by producers in value terms, 2018, %
Diagram 21. Structure of soup imports by producers in physical terms, 2018, %
Diagram 22. Structure of soup imports by recipients in value terms, 2018, %
Diagram 23. Structure of soup imports by recipients in kind, 2018, %
Diagram 24. Soup market dynamics forecast, 2019-2024, kg
Diagram 25. Soup Market Dynamics Forecast, 2019-2024, Rs.
Diagram 26. Forecast of fresh market dynamics, 2019-2024, kg
Diagram 27. Forecast of fresh market dynamics, 2019-2024, Rs.


Table 1. Population density in the largest regions of India, 2018
Table 2. STEP analysis of factors affecting the market for soups and fresh juices in India
Table 3. Basic information about recipient companies (fresh import)
Table 4. Basic information about recipient companies (imports of soups)
Table 5. Basic information about the company OOO ""ХХХ""
Table 6. Basic information about the company LLC ""ХХХХ""
Table 7. Basic information about the company OOO ""ХХХ""
Table 8. Basic information about the company OOO ""ХХХ""
Table 9. Basic information about JSC ""XXX""
Table 10. Basic information about the company OOO ""ХХХ""
Table 11. Basic information about the company LLC ""ХХХХ""
Table 12. Basic information about the company ""XXX""
Table 13. Basic information about the company OOO ""ХХХ""
Table 14. Basic information about the company OOO ""ХХХ""
Table 15. Basic information about the company OOO ""ХХХ""
Table 16. Basic information about JSC ""ХХ""ХХХ""
Table 17. Basic information about the company LLC `ХХХ`
Table 18. Basic information about the company OOO ""ХХХ""
Table 19. Basic information about the company OOO ""ХХХ""
Table 20. Basic information about the company LLC `ХХХ`
Table 21. Basic information about the company LLC `ХХХ`
Table 22. Basic information about the company OOO ""ХХХ""
Table 23. Basic information about the company LLC `ХХХ`
Table 24. Basic information about the company LLC `ХХХ`
Table 25. Basic information about the company OOO ""ХХХ""
Table 26. Basic information about the company OOO ""ХХХ""
Table 27. Basic information about the company LLC ""XXX""
Table 28. Basic information about the company LLC `ХХХ`
Table 29. Basic information about the company LLC `ХХХ`
Table 30. Basic information about JSC `ХХХ`
Table 31. Basic information about the company OOO ""ХХХ""
Table 32. Basic information about the company LLC `ХХХ`
Table 33. Basic information about the company OOO ""ХХХ""
Table 34. Basic information about the company OOO ""ХХХ""
Table 35. Basic information about the company OOO ""ХХХ""

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