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Market Analysis of Vacuum Furnaces in India

Market Analysis of Vacuum Furnaces in India Market Analysis of Vacuum Furnaces in India
Release date 30.09.2018
Number of pages 18
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

Purpose of the study

Analysis of imports and prices for vacuum furnaces.


Part 1. Analysis of imports in 2017 

1.1. Product import volume 
1.2. Import structure 
1.2.1. By producing countries (in physical and value terms) 
1.2.2. By recipient companies (in physical and value terms) 
1.2.3. By regions of receipt (in physical and value terms) 
1.2.4. By types of vacuum furnaces (in physical and value terms) 

Part 2. Price Analysis 

2.1. Prices for domestic vacuum furnaces
2.2. Analysis of prices for imported products

Part 3. Regions of India with High Concentration of Major Manufacturing Capacities Requiring Vacuum Furnaces

Research excerpt

Part 1. Analysis of imports in 2017
1.1. Product import volume
According to GidMarket's estimate based on data from the Federal Customs Service, in 2017, the import of vacuum furnaces to India in physical terms amounted to … units, in value terms – … thousand dollars.

1.2. Import structure
1.2.1. By producing countries (in physical and value terms)
In 2017, the leading countries in terms of imports of vacuum furnaces in India in value terms include Germany (… thousand dollars or ...%), ... (... thousand dollars or ...%), ... (... thousand dollars or ...% ), … (… thousand dollars or …%). Together, they accounted for … thousand dollars or …% of total imports in value terms. 
In terms of the number of delivered vacuum furnaces in India, the leaders were … (… pcs or …%), … (… pcs or …%) and … (… pcs or …%). 
Table 1. Structure of imports of vacuum furnaces in India by producing countries, 2017

1.2.2. By recipient companies (in physical and value terms)
According to the results of 2017, the clear leaders among the recipient companies of imported vacuum furnaces in India in value terms ... . There are one-time deliveries of industrial vacuum furnaces for industrial enterprises and equipment distributors, which led to their getting into the top lines of the rating.
Table 2. Structure of imports of vacuum furnaces in India by recipient companies, 2017

1.2.3. By regions of receipt (in physical and value terms)
In 2017, the TOP-5 regions in terms of imports of vacuum furnaces in India in value terms included … (… thousand dollars or …%), … region (… thousand dollars or …%), … region (… thousand dollars or …%) , … region (… thousand dollars or …%) and … region (… thousand dollars or …%). 
Table 3. Structure of imports of vacuum furnaces in India by regions of receipt, 2017

1.2.4. By types of vacuum furnaces (in physical and value terms)
In 2017, the main volume of imports of vacuum furnaces in India in value terms fell on …
In terms of the number of delivered vacuum furnaces in India, …
Table 4. Structure of imports of vacuum furnaces in India by types, 2017

Part 2. Price Analysis
2.1. Prices for domestic vacuum furnaces
Vacuum furnace manufacturers in India present models of equipment in different price segments. Their final cost is formed under the influence of a number of factors: design features, dimensional parameters, the purpose of the installation, the degree of complexity of the execution of its individual systems and blocks.
Among the most popular manufacturers of vacuum furnaces, the following enterprises should be singled out:

2.2. Analysis of prices for imported products
Price analysis for vacuum furnaces imported into India is based on customs statistics. It should be noted that the average price obtained is the price at the border, while each delivery has its own characteristics in terms of transport costs and customs clearance ...
Table 6. Price Analysis of Vacuum Furnaces Imported in India, 2017

Part 3. Regions of India with High Concentration of Major Manufacturing Capacities Requiring Vacuum Furnaces
Vacuum furnaces have a wide range of applications and are supplied for the needs of many industries. According to manufacturers, the most popular are ...


Figure 1. Regions of India with a high concentration of major manufacturing facilities requiring vacuum furnaces


Table 1. Structure of imports of vacuum furnaces in India by producing country, 2017
Table 2. Structure of imports of vacuum furnaces in India by recipient companies, 2017
Table 3. Structure of imports of vacuum furnaces in India by regions of receipt, 2017
Table 4. Structure of imports of vacuum furnaces in India by type, 2017
Table 5. Pricing policy of domestic manufacturers of vacuum furnaces as of July 2018
Table 6. Price Analysis of Vacuum Furnaces Imported in India 2017

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