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Market analysis of thermal insulation materials

Market analysis of thermal insulation materials Market analysis of thermal insulation materials
Release date 26.03.2020
Number of pages 68
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

An important factor in maintaining the microclimate in the room is correctly calculated, selected and installed thermal insulation, which provides heat, moisture, and noise protection. To date, there are various options and technologies for insulating rooms based on polyurethane foam, mineral wool, polystyrene, foamed polyethylene and polypropylene, and other heaters.

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the market for thermal insulation materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the market for thermal insulation materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene


Part 1. Overview of the market for thermal insulation materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene

1.1. Main characteristics of the market
1.2. Volume of production
1.3. Dynamics of the market volume in 2016-2018 Potential market capacity.
1.4. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market

Part 2. Overview of the market for thermal insulation materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Volga Federal District

2.1. Main characteristics of the market
2.2. Volume of production
2.3. Dynamics of the market volume in 2016-2018 Potential market capacity

Part 3. Analysis of the situation in the construction market in India

3.1. Description of the growth rate of multi-storey construction
3.2. Description of the growth rate of the individual residential sector
3.3. Construction forecast until 2023

Part 4. Analysis of the situation on the construction market in the Volga Federal District

4.1. Description of the growth rate of multi-storey construction
4.2. Description of the growth rate of the individual residential sector
4.3. Construction forecast until 2023

Part 5. Analysis of competitors in the market of thermal insulation materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Volga Federal District

5.1. The largest manufacturers on the market
5.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
5.3. Comparison of competitors' products, their advantages (price, quality, logistical availability, technical characteristics)

Part 6. Forecasts and prospects for the development of the market for thermal insulation materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene

6.1. Forecast of TIM market size in India until 2023
6.2. Forecast of the TIM market size in the Volga Federal District until 2023

Part 7. Market Analysis Conclusions

Research excerpt

Part 1. Overview of the market for thermal insulation materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene  

1.1. Main characteristics of the market

Consider the characteristics and features of the market for thermal insulation materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene. 

The market of heat-insulating materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in this study is understood as a set of enterprises producing …

An important factor in maintaining the microclimate in the room is ... 

To date, there are various options and technologies for insulating rooms based on ...

According to the method of production, polyethylene foam is divided into ...

A common disadvantage is...

General positives:…

The unique technical characteristics of PPE, while taking into account the cost of production, made it possible to use it in many areas ...

Construction: …

Expanded polypropylene, almost the same as ordinary polypropylene, retains its ...

Companies producing thermal insulation materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene conduct their activities mainly according to OKVED:

After strong growth in 2012-2014. and … the Indian thermal insulation market as a whole in 2018. started …, the market capacity amounted to … million m3, the growth rate …% compared to 2017.

In the structure of the market by type of heat-insulating materials in India, …% of the total volume falls on ... The share of this material in physical terms is growing …, mainly due to a reduction in .... Despite the increase in output … in 2018, the volume of consumption of this material in India almost …, sales amounted to … million m3, the increase in production volumes was directed to … 

A similar situation has developed in the … segment: …

1.2. Volume of production 

During 2016-2018. the volume of production of heat-insulating materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in India grows at the level of …%.

In 2016 the volume of production amounted to … thousand sq. m. m, in 2017. …% (…) thous. m., in 2018. production is small...

Diagram 2. Dynamics of production volumes of heat-insulating materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in India, 2016-2018, thousand square meters m.


Increase in production volumes in 2018 demonstrated...

The Volga region as a whole increased by ...%, but the leader of the Union Territories - ... did not increase ..., in contrast to 2017, when the volumes were ...

Companies of the Northwestern Federal District showed …

1.3. Dynamics of the market volume in 2016-2018 Potential market capacity

Consider the dynamics of the volume of the market for thermal insulation materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in India.

At the end of 2018 volume of the market of heat-insulating materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene … by … % in relation to 2017. and amounted to ... billion rupees. 

Growth more than the market (more than …%) in 2018 showed … the company producing polyethylene foam and foam propylene, the largest increase in …

In 2018 amount of revenue...

Production of heat-insulating materials from … prevails in the revenue structure, which makes up …% of the market. Thermal insulation materials made of expanded polypropylene are produced by … enterprises: …

The largest manufacturers and suppliers of thermal insulation materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene to the Indian market are: … with a market share in terms of revenue of …%, … - …% and Plant …%. Market shares of enterprises are calculated based on …

Diagram 5. Market shares by revenue of manufacturing enterprises in the industry of thermal insulation materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in India, 2018, %


Market Saturation and Estimated Market Potential in India

1.4. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market  

The key trends in the PE and PP thermal insulation market in India include:


Prospects for the development of the TIM market from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene:
TIM Market…

To the limitations of the growth and development of the market for thermal insulation materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene, one can …
Negative impacts can be...

Assessment of factors affecting the market

Consider the main factors affecting the market and, accordingly, demand:

Economic forces

Dynamics of India's Gross Domestic Product  

The dynamics of GDP is the most important factor in the development of the country's economy, it determines the main trends in consumer effective demand and economic activity.

Based on the data of Rosstat, the index of the physical volume of GDP relative to the three quarters of 2019. amounted to …%. According to Chart 6, you can see that for the period from 2012 to 2014. happened ... The crisis of 2014. …

Since 2016 and currently observed...

Given the weak economic activity observed in …

Diagram 6. Dynamics of India's GDP, in 2012-2019 (forecast), % to the previous year


Social factors
Political factors
Technological factors

Macro-environment factors have both positive and negative impact on the market of heat-insulating materials (TIM) made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene, however, the decisive influence is exerted by … factors.

Such factors … have a negative impact on the development of the TIM market from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene. 

In the medium and long term, political factors, such as …

Technological factors…

According to the results of the STEP-analysis, the decisive influence is exerted by ... factors that will ultimately have ... an impact on the development of the market for thermal insulation materials made of polyethylene and polypropylene foam.

Part 2. Overview of the market for thermal insulation materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Volga Federal District 

2.1. Main characteristics of the market

The development of the market for heat-insulating materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Volga Federal District depends on …

The market of heat-insulating materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Volga Federal District demonstrates …

In total, in the Volga Federal District, there are … enterprises producing heat-insulating materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene, which is …% of the total number …

In the Volga Federal District, enterprises producing thermal insulation materials from foamed polyethylene account for …%, …% of manufacturing enterprises use polypropylene in their production.

Dynamics of the number of enterprises for 2016-2018 shows that in 2016 in the Volga Federal District, there were ... manufacturers of heat-insulating materials made of polyethylene foam. In 2017 and 2018 opened...

2.2. Volume of production


2.3. Dynamics of the market volume in 2016-2018 Potential market capacity

As the study shows, the volume of the market for heat-insulating materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Volga Federal District occupies ... a place in India, after ...

In 2018 the market share in terms of revenue of manufacturing enterprises in this industry in the Volga Federal District amounted to …% of the Indian market.

Consider the dynamics of the market volume, according to GidMarket calculations based on the data of …, the market volume of heat-insulating materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Volga Federal District in 2018. amounted to … billion Rs., an increase in relation to 2017. …%. 

The largest enterprise in the TIM industry from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Union Territories are ...

Throughout the analyzed period 2016-2018. observed...

Less than … enterprises of the industry in the Volga Federal District (…%) grew in 2018. higher than the increase in the market volume of the district (…%) in relation to 2017. 

Compared to the growth of the Indian market in 2018. …

Part 3. Analysis of the situation in the construction market in India

3.1. Description of the growth rate of multi-storey construction

The total volume of housing construction includes two categories of new housing:
- individual houses, …;
- ...

The dynamics of the construction of these two categories of housing in different periods of time can vary significantly. 

Demand for multi-family high-rise housing is largely dependent on …

In 2016 in India, … mln. m, which is by …% … of the indicator of 2015, of which multi-apartment high-rise construction - … mln. m, which is by …% … 2015. and amounts to …% of the total housing commissioning.

In 2017 housing commissioning in India amounted to …

Since the beginning of 2018 there is a noticeable increase...

3.2. Description of the growth rate of the individual residential sector

In connection with the introduction of escrow accounts from July 1, 2019. and the transition to project finance for companies building multi-family, high-rise housing, and as a result ..., many families in India began ...

In India in 2016 an individual residential sector (IZhS) was put into operation … mln. m, which is by …% … of the same period in 2015. and amounts to …% of the total housing commissioning.

In 2017 commissioning of IZHS housing amounted to … million sq. m. m, which is by …% … in 2016. and amounts to …% of the total housing commissioned.

3.3. Construction forecast until 2023


Part 4. Analysis of the situation on the construction market in the Volga Federal District

4.1. Description of the growth rate of multi-storey construction

The Volga Federal District (Union Territories) is in ... place in India in terms of housing commissioning after ... For ten months of 2019. The Union Territories occupies …% of the total housing construction market share of the Indian market, which is by … p.p. …, compared to 2018, when the market share of the Union Territories was …%.

In 2016 in the Volga Federal District, housing commissioning amounted to …
In 2017 was launched...
In 2018 in the Union Territories, housing was introduced on ...

Over the past 10 months of 2019 the share of multi-apartment high-rise construction in the Volga Federal District amounted to …% in India, which is … the largest segment after … 

The problem of small construction companies that …

Diagram 22. Dynamics of the volume of multi-apartment high-rise construction in the regions of the Volga Federal District, 2016-2019, mln. m


During the period under review, the leading positions in the Volga Federal District in terms of multi-apartment multi-storey housing construction are occupied by …, the Republic of … and … region. 

The vast majority of the regions of the Union Territories during 2016-2018. demonstrated ...

Leader in 10 months of 2019 became...
The Republic of Bashkortostan occupies ... a place in the Union Territories, has ...

Let us consider the dynamics of the market shares of the regions for the commissioning of multi-apartment housing for the period under review; for convenience, we will divide the regions into two diagrams.

Diagram 23. Market shares of regions by volume of construction of multi-apartment high-rise housing in the Volga Federal District, %


In the volume of the Volga Federal District during the period under review 2016-2019. leadership belongs to... 

The market share of the … region has significantly decreased following the results of 10 months of 2019. ""minus"" ... p.p., according to information from ... this is happening in connection with the threat ...

4.2. Description of the growth rate of the individual residential sector


4.3. Construction forecast until 2023


Part 5. Analysis of competitors in the market of thermal insulation materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Volga Federal District 

5.1. The largest manufacturers on the market 


5.2. Market shares of the largest competitors

When conducting a competitive analysis in the market of heat-insulating materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene, the size of …

According to GidMarket, the leader in the market of heat-insulating materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Volga Federal District is …, occupying a share of …% in 2018.

In second place is the trademark ...

Diagram 34. Shares of the largest competitors in the market of thermal insulation materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Union Territories, 2018 


Other manufacturers account for …% of the market of thermal insulation materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Volga Federal District.

Profiles of major players

Company ""…""

Table 5. Basic information about the participant No. 1 of the market of heat-insulating materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene

The growth in 2018 of the TOP-5 operators was achieved due to the growth in the volume of revenue of the companies: …

5.3. Comparison of competitors' products, their advantages (price, quality, logistical availability, technical characteristics)


Part 6. Forecasts and prospects for the development of the market for thermal insulation materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene 

6.1. Forecast of TIM market size in India until 2023


6.2. Forecast of the TIM market size in the Volga Federal District until 2023


Part 7. Market Analysis Conclusions



Diagram 1. Market structure of thermal insulation materials in India, 2018
Diagram 2. Dynamics of production volumes of heat-insulating materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in India, 2016-2018, thousand square meters m
Diagram 3. Dynamics of the market volume of thermal insulation materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in India, 2016-2018
Diagram 4. Market structure of TIM made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene by types of raw materials, %
Diagram 5. Market shares by revenue of manufacturing enterprises in the industry of thermal insulation materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in India, 2018, %
Diagram 6. Dynamics of India's GDP, in 2012-2019 (forecast), % to the previous year
Chart 7. Monthly dynamics of the average monthly exchange rate of the US dollar against the rupee, 2014-2019 (October), Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 8. Dynamics of the population of India, 2012-2019, million people
Diagram 9. Dynamics of real disposable income of the population in India, % to the previous year
Diagram 10. Market structure by the number of enterprises producing thermal insulation materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the union territories of India, 2018, %
Diagram 11. Structure of enterprises-manufacturers of heat-insulating materials of the Volga Federal District by types of raw materials used, %
Diagram 12. Dynamics of the number of enterprises producing heat-insulating materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Volga Federal District, 2016-2018, pcs.
Diagram 13. Dynamics of the volume of production of heat-insulating materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Volga Federal District, 2016-2018, thousand square meters m
Diagram 14. Market shares by revenue of the TIM industry from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene by union territories of India, 2018, %
Diagram 15. Dynamics of the volume of the market of heat-insulating materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Volga Federal District, 2016-2018, billion Rs.
Diagram 16. Dynamics of the volume of multi-storey construction in India, 2016-2019, mln. m
Diagram 17. Dynamics of commissioning of the individual residential sector in India, 2016-2019, mln. m
Diagram 18. Forecast of the volume of commissioning of multi-apartment multi-storey residential buildings by developers, mln sq. m until 2024.
Diagram 19. Forecast of the volume of commissioning of the individual residential sector mln. m until 2024.
Diagram 20. Dynamics of the volume of multi-apartment high-rise construction in the Volga Federal District, 2016-2019, mln. m
Diagram 21. Structure of the Indian market by volume of multi-apartment multi-storey construction by federal districts, %
Diagram 22. Dynamics of the volume of multi-apartment high-rise construction in the regions of the Volga Federal District, 2016-2019, mln. m
Diagram 23. Market shares of regions by volume of construction of multi-apartment high-rise housing in the Volga Federal District, %
Diagram 24. Market shares of regions by volume of construction of multi-apartment high-rise housing in the Volga Federal District, % (part 2)
Diagram 25. Market structure by individual residential sector by federal districts of India, %
Diagram 26. Dynamics of the share of individual housing construction in the total volume of housing construction in the Volga Federal District,%
Diagram 27. Dynamics of the volume of construction of an individual residential sector in the Volga Federal District, 2016-2019, mln. m
Diagram 28. Dynamics of individual residential construction in the regions of the Volga Federal District, 2016-2019, mln. m
Diagram 29. Market shares of regions by volume of individual residential sector in the Volga Federal District, %
Diagram 30. Market shares of regions by volume of individual residential sector in the Volga Federal District, % (part 2)
Diagram 31. Market shares of regions by volume of housing construction in the Volga Federal District, 2016-2019, %
Diagram 32. Forecast of the volume of commissioning of multi-apartment multi-storey residential buildings by developers of the Volga Federal District until 2023, mln. m
Diagram 33. Forecast of the volume of commissioning of the individual residential sector of the Volga Federal District until 2023, mln. m
Diagram 34. Shares of the largest competitors in the market of thermal insulation materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Union Territories, 2018
Diagram 35. Dynamics of the total revenue of the largest manufacturers of thermal insulation materials (TIM) from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene (TOP-5) of the Volga Federal District, 2016-2018
Chart 36. Forecast of the market size of the thermal insulation materials made of polyethylene and polypropylene foam in India, 2019-2023
Diagram 37. Forecast of the volume of the market for thermal insulation materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Volga Federal District, 2019-2023


Table 1. Comparative characteristics of ""non-crosslinked"" and ""crosslinked"" polyethylene foam
Table 2. Characteristics of polypropylene foam
Table 3. Investment projects of the construction industry of the Volga Federal District
Table 4. The main companies participating in the market of thermal insulation materials made of foamed polyethylene and polypropylene in the Volga Federal District, 2019
Table 5. Basic information about the participant No. 1 of the market of heat-insulating materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene
Table 6. Basic information about the participant No. 2 of the market of heat-insulating materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene
Table 7. Basic information about the participant No. 3 of the market of heat-insulating materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene
Table 8. Basic information about the participant No. 4 of the market of heat-insulating materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene
Table 9. Basic information about the participant No. 5 of the market of heat-insulating materials from foamed polyethylene and polypropylene
Table 10. Comparison of products of manufacturers-competitors of the Union Territories in terms of quality and technical characteristics
Table 11. Comparison of the properties of TIM from expanded polypropylene Penoterm with products from polyethylene foam Porilex, Penofol and Isolon.
Table 12. Comparison of competitors' products by price, additional conditions and logistical availability 

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