Market Analysis of Technical Dairy Ingredients in India
The relevance of research
Technical dairy ingredients currently occupy a strong position in the global market. The trend towards a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition is growing all over the world. More and more food companies are starting to produce new products that not only have nutritional properties, but also make up for the deficiency of certain nutrients in the diet, the so-called superfoods.
Purpose of the study
Analysis of the state of the market for technical dairy ingredients, assessment of the market volume, determination of the share of imports and exports in the market, analysis of competitors, as well as a description of TMI production technologies
Section 1. Lactose market
Part 1. Overview of the lactose market in India
1.1 Indian production volume
1.2 Share of exports in production
1.3 Share of imports in production
1.4 Dynamics of the market volume and capacity in 2015-2017
1.5 Major manufacturers in India
Part 2. Description of lactose production technology, its place in the technological chain
Section 2. Demineralized whey market
Part 1. Market Overview of Demineralized Whey in India
1.1 Indian production volume
1.2 Share of exports in production
1.3 Share of imports in production
1.4 Dynamics of the market volume and capacity in 2015-2017
1.5 Major manufacturers in India
Part 2. Description of the technology for the production of demineralized whey, its place in the technological chain
Section 3. Whey Protein Concentrate Market
Part 1. Overview of the Whey Protein Concentrate Market in India
1.1 Indian production volume
1.2 Share of exports in production
1.3 Share of imports in production
1.4 Dynamics of the market volume and capacity in 2015-2017
1.5 Major manufacturers in India
Part 2. Description of whey protein concentrate production technology, its place in the technological chain
Section 4. Whey Protein Isolate Market
Part 1. Overview of the Whey Protein Isolate Market in India
1.1 Indian production volume
1.2 Share of exports in production
1.3 Share of imports in production
1.4 Dynamics of the market volume and capacity in 2015-2017
1.5 Major manufacturers in India
Part 2. Description of whey protein isolate production technology, its place in the technological chain
Section 5. Milk Protein Concentrate Market
Part 1. Market Overview of Milk Protein Concentrate in India
1.1 Indian production volume
1.2 Share of exports in production
1.3 Share of imports in production
1.4 Dynamics of the market volume and capacity in 2015-2017
1.5 Major manufacturers in India
Part 2. Description of milk protein concentrate production technology, its place in the technological chain
Part 6. Milk Protein Isolate Market
Part 1. Market Overview of Milk Protein Isolate in India
1.1 Indian production volume
1.2 Share of exports in production
1.3 Share of imports in production
1.4 Dynamics of the market volume and capacity in 2015-2017
1.5 Major manufacturers in India
Part 2. Description of the milk protein isolate production technology, its place in the technological chain
Section 7 Casein Market
Part 1. Overview of Casein in India
1.1 Indian production volume
1.2 Share of exports in production
1.3 Share of imports in production
1.4 Dynamics of the market volume and capacity in 2015-2017
1.5 Major manufacturers in India
Part 2. Description of the technology for the production of casein, its place in the technological chain
Research excerpt
Section 1. Lactose market
Part 1. Overview of the lactose market in India
1.1 Indian production volume
Over the past 10 years, the lactose market has not been stable. There were periods when market volumes grew at a double annual rate, as in the period from 2008 to 2010. Further, in 2011, a sharp drop in production volumes by ...% was noted, from ... t (2010) to ... t (in 2011). The production of lactose in India at that time was concentrated in ...
Further, the production of lactose decreased and in 2015 it can be noted ...
1.2 Share of exports in production
If in 2010 Indian producers of lactose TN VED code 170219 ""Other lactose and lactose syrup"" exported ... tons of products, then the export of this product in 2011 amounted to already ... tons ...
It can be concluded that the former Soviet republics ...
1.3 Share of imports in production
An import-oriented model has formed in the Indian lactose market, with foreign manufacturers making up the majority of the market. The volume of import deliveries is more than ... times higher than domestic production in 2017.
The leader in terms of import deliveries of products under the TN VED code 170219 in the period 2015-2017. is France (about ...% of the amount of imports). The leading supplier of products with a lactose content of up to 99% is the company ""ХХХХХ"" (...%).
The leaders in terms of the volume of import deliveries of products under the TN VED code 170211 in the period 2015-2017. are Germany and the Netherlands, whose shares are very close and amount to ... and ...%. Lithuania ranks third in terms of imports (share ...% over the last three years).
Table 1. Average lactose import and export prices, 2015-2017
1.4 Dynamics of the market volume and capacity in 2015-2017
Let us consider the dynamics of the volume and capacity of the lactose market, while the volume of Indian production will be indicated as an average calculated indicator for the period, which is ... tons annually.
The structure of consumption of lactose in India by consumption segments differs significantly from the structure of consumption in European countries: the most significant share of consumption in India - up to ...% - is made by manufacturers of chocolate confectionery.
Consider the situation with the formation of a raw material base for the production of lactose in India. As part of the trend analysis, we will study the statistics of the production volumes of a number of dairy products.
1.5 Major manufacturers in India
With regard to the production of lactose in India, technical lactose until 2009 was produced in small volumes by many enterprises, but in 2009 most of the production closed. India's food lactose production is just over ... tons per year. Interviews with major Indian cheese producers show that they see this market as highly promising, but few are seriously considering lactose production projects - investment size is a key barrier, and most producers prefer to consider lower cost whey processing projects. ...
Part 2. Description of lactose production technology, its place in the technological chain
Section 2. Demineralized whey market
Part 1. Market Overview of Demineralized Whey in India
1.1 Indian production volume
According to rough estimates, in our country, whey resources suitable for further processing amount to more than ... million tons of production annually.
The volume of whey processing until recently was about ...%, in the last 5 - 7 years it has increased to about ...%. The remaining volumes of whey obtained during the production of cheese, cottage cheese and casein are sent for animal feed (up to ...% of production volumes) and for disposal (can reach ...% of production volumes).
Diagram 10. Regional distribution of production of demineralized whey of all types, shares of volumes in physical terms, %
1.2 Share of exports in production
Despite the small production volumes of demineralized whey and weak price competitiveness, Indian whey is exported to a number of destinations, ...
1.3 Share of imports in production
Consider the volume of imports of demineralized whey in physical terms over the past three years. Monthly volumes of import fluctuate in the range from ... thousand tons to ... thousand tons, on average, the import is about ... thousand tons per month.
1.4 Dynamics of the market volume and capacity in 2015-2017
Consider the dynamics of the market volume of demineralized whey. According to market analysts, supported by Rosstat data, the Indian whey market is dominated by domestic production. The share of imported whey in the volume of the market in physical terms ranges from ...% to ...%. The volume of whey imports to the Indian market in 2017 decreased by ...% compared to the previous year, while the volume of Indian production over the period increased by ...%.
1.5 Major manufacturers in India
Part 2. Description of the technology for the production of demineralized whey, its place in the technological chain
As mentioned above, whey is produced as a by-product of the production of cheese, cottage cheese and casein.
Section 3. Whey Protein Concentrate Market
Part 1. Overview of the Whey Protein Concentrate Market in India
1.1 Indian production volume
Whey protein concentrate is a promising direction for increasing the depth of processing of raw materials. The finished product is more expensive than whey (both in dry and liquid form), as well as more marginal. The organization of the production of KSB together with the installation of microparticulation is promising. The range of products that can be produced with microparticles (sweet cheese or sour curd) is quite wide and includes, among other things, innovative products (starting from the replacement of casein in products and ending with the production of sports nutrition).
Interest in the group of protein supplements based on dairy components, in particular whey protein concentrate, and an increase in demand for products of this group has been noted in India only in the last decade. This is confirmed by the growth of imports, investment projects of companies for the production of this group of protein supplements. Nevertheless, the domestic production of protein supplements does not exceed ...% of the total market volume.
Based on the market analysts' assessment, our own Indian production satisfies no more than ...% of the need for whey proteins. Taking into account the analytics of market operators, as well as information on the production volumes of Indian enterprises, available in open sources, it is possible to calculate the volumes of Indian production of whey protein (concentrate and isolate): in total, according to the results of 2015, it is about ... million Rs. In 2016, a significant increase in volumes was noted and goods were produced for almost ... million Rs., according to the results of 2017, there was some slowdown in growth and whey proteins were produced approximately in the amount of ... million Rs. ...
1.2 Share of exports in production
Diagram 19. The structure of export directions of whey protein concentrate and isolate, shares of volumes in monetary terms, 2015 - 2018
1.3 Share of imports in production
It is necessary to note the steadily positive dynamics of import volumes both in monetary and physical terms: in 2016, it was imported by ...% more products than in 2015 (in physical terms), in 2017 - by ...% more than in 2016. At the same time, it is worth considering that earlier, in the period 2009–2012. foreign deliveries of high-protein supplements based on whey-milk components grew on average by ...% annually.
1.4 Dynamics of the market volume and capacity in 2015-2017
According to the forecast, the market for whey protein concentrate will continue to grow, but a little more restrained - by about ""plus"" ... % in physical terms and about ""plus"" ...% in value terms.
The positive outlook for the development of the Indian whey protein concentrate market is based on ...
Diagram 22. Dynamics of the volume and capacity of the whey protein market, 2015 - 2017, million Rs.
The Indian ingredients market has the potential to develop both domestically through the expansion of the production of functional products, and on external sites. According to the GIRA agency, the demand for dairy ingredients in the world in the last year showed a greater growth than milk production. Until 2022, the consumption of whey protein in the world will still grow, and according to market analysts, the consumption of whey protein concentrate will increase by ...%, and whey protein isolate - by ...%.
1.5 Major manufacturers in India
Part 2. Description of whey protein concentrate production technology, its place in the technological chain
Section 4. Whey Protein Isolate Market
Part 1. Overview of the Whey Protein Isolate Market in India
1.1 Indian production volume
Globally, industry analysts are forecasting higher growth rates in particular for whey protein isolates and concentrates, with worldwide growth in demand for whey protein isolate exceeding demand for whey protein concentrate. The growth of isolate production in the world is slowed down primarily by the limited raw materials in the places of already existing processing and the high cost of organizing a new production. ...
1.2 Share of exports in production
1.3 Share of imports in production
1.4 Dynamics of the market volume and capacity in 2015-2017
The volume dynamics of the whey protein isolate market is positive, but somewhat behind the dynamics of the whey protein concentrate market, as the products have a narrower specific range of consumers. But, on the other hand, due to the fact that consumption is partially caused by medical restrictions, we can assume that there is a certain segment of the market for which the product is vital and will not be replaced by analogue products.
1.5 Major manufacturers in India
Part 2. Description of whey protein isolate production technology, its place in the technological chain
Section 5. Milk Protein Concentrate Market
Part 1. Market Overview of Milk Protein Concentrate in India
1.1 Indian production volume
The production of this type of product, as a rule, is associated with the normalization of milk for protein, for further use in the preparation of cheese or cottage cheese.
Currently, some Indian enterprises can produce concentrated milk protein. However, according to the results of statistical surveys and assessments by market analysts, it has been found that most of the dairies in India produce KMB for their own needs, and not for sale.
The Indian market has not yet satisfied its demand for milk protein concentrate, although the technology for the production of this ingredient has been mastered. For the production of one kilogram of KMB, 2,5 - 3 kg of SMP are needed, while they have a comparable shelf life.
1.2 Share of exports in production
1.3 Share of imports in production
1.4 Dynamics of the market volume and capacity in 2015-2017
1.5 Major manufacturers in India
Part 2. Description of milk protein concentrate production technology, its place in the technological chain
Section 6 Milk Protein Isolate Market
Part 1. Market Overview of Milk Protein Isolate in India
1.1 Indian production volume
To understand the trends in production and consumption, it is necessary to take into account that in the world the total production of milk protein concentrate and isolate has exceeded the production of casein and caseinate, there is a displacement and replacement of protein groups.
But the volumes of casein consumption in India are not so significant and amount to about ... tons per year, so there is not much to displace in this segment.
Milk protein isolate is an exchange product (the main competitors are Germany, Denmark, New Zealand). To organize profitable production, large volumes of milk (from 300 tons per day) are needed.
1.2 Share of exports in production
1.3 Share of imports in production
1.4 Dynamics of the market volume and capacity in 2015-2017
Thus, we can estimate the current volume of the milk protein isolate market in volumes of ... tons, but these figures in no way reflect the real market capacity, which is currently limited only by the economic problems of Indians.
Let's make a calculation to assess the potential market capacity. ...
1.5 Major manufacturers in India
Part 2. Description of the milk protein isolate production technology, its place in the technological chain
Section 7 Casein Market
Part 1. Overview of Casein in India
1.1 Indian production volume
Casein (caseinogen) is one of the main proteins of milk, cheese, cottage cheese and other dairy products, along with whey proteins (albumins, etc.); its content in cow's milk is 78-87% of all proteins. Those. casein makes up the bulk of cottage cheese, cheese.
In the period 2007-2011. the supply of casein in the Indian market has significantly decreased - by ... times, according to industry analysts. The reason for the stable decline in demand is primarily the decline in purchases of Indian casein by foreign enterprises, which consumed a significant part of domestic production.
Diagram 23. Casein production volumes (with the allocation of food and technical volumes), 2013 - 2017, tons
In the structure of casein production by commodity groups in 2016-2017. the main share is food casein - ... tons in 2016 or ... % of the total production volume; technical casein accounts for ... t or ... % of production volumes. Similar proportions between the shares of food and technical casein remained in 2017 as well.
1.2 Share of exports in production
Despite significant fluctuations in casein production volumes, Indian producers ship part of their products for export. Let's consider the directions of export, the shares are calculated from the volume of exports in physical terms.
1.3 Share of imports in production
Consider the volume of casein imports in physical terms over the past three years. Monthly volumes of import fluctuate in the range from ... thousand tons to ... thousand tons, on average, the import is about ... thousand tons per month.
1.4 Dynamics of the market volume and capacity in 2015-2017
The market capacity is determined on the basis of actual statistical data, taking into account global trends in the consumption of this type of protein. ...
1.5 Major manufacturers in India
Part 2. Description of casein production technology, its place in the technological chain
Diagram 1. Lactose export directions, TN VED code 170219, 2015 - 2017, shares of volumes in physical terms
Diagram 2. Volumes of imports of lactose (products of the ""other lactose and lactose syrup"" group), TN VED code 170219, 2015-2017, tons
Diagram 3. Structure of imports of lactose and lactose syrup, TN VED code 170219, 2015 - 2017, shares of import volumes in monetary terms
Diagram 4. Export and import of lactose, TN VED code 170219, 2015 - 2017
Diagram 5. The structure of imports of lactose and lactose syrup, with a lactose content of 99% or more, TN VED code 170211, 2015 - 2017, shares of import volumes in monetary terms
Diagram 6. Export and import of lactose, TN VED code 170211, 2015 - 2017
Diagram 7. Dynamics of the volume and capacity of the market for all types of lactose, 2015 – 2017, tons
Diagram 8. Dynamics of dairy products production in India, 2016 - 2017, thousand tons
Diagram 9. Whey production volumes, 2013 - 2017, thousand tons
Diagram 10. Regional distribution of production of demineralized whey of all types, shares of volumes in physical terms, %
Diagram 11. Whey export structure, 2015 – 2017, %
Diagram 12. Whey import volumes, 2015 – 2017, tons
Diagram 13. Export and import of whey, 2015 - 2017
Diagram 14. Whey import structure, shares of volumes in monetary terms, 2015 – 2017, in %
Diagram 15. Dynamics of the volume and capacity of the whey market, 2015 – 2017, tons
Diagram 16. Production of other dairy products, revenue (without VAT), billion Rs.
Diagram 17. Regional structure of production of other dairy products, %
Diagram 18. Dynamics and volumes of exports of whey protein concentrate and isolate, 2015-2018, $ thousand
Diagram 19. The structure of export directions of whey protein concentrate and isolate, shares of volumes in monetary terms, 2015 - 2018
Diagram 20. Dynamics and volumes of imports* of whey protein concentrate and isolate, 2015 – 2018
Diagram 21. The structure of imports of whey protein concentrate and isolate, shares of volumes in monetary terms, 2015 - 2018
Diagram 22. Dynamics of the volume and capacity of the whey protein market, 2015 - 2017, million Rs.
Diagram 23. Volumes of casein production (with the allocation of food and technical volumes), 2013 - 2017, tons
Diagram 24. Casein export directions, 2015 - 2017, shares of volumes in physical terms
Diagram 25. Casein import volumes, 2015 – 2017, tons
Diagram 26. Import and export of casein, 2015 - 2017
Diagram 27. Structure of imports by countries - suppliers of casein, 2015 - 2017, shares of volumes in monetary terms
Diagram 28. Dynamics of volumes and capacity of the casein market, 2015 – 2017, tons
Table 1. Average lactose import and export prices, 2015-2017
Table 2. Consumption of lactose (except technical), India, 2001-2009, thousand tons
Table 3. Situation in lactose consuming industries, 2016 – 2017
Table 4. Production of dairy products, India, 2016 - 2017, thousand tons
Table 5. Production and demand for whey ingredients, worldwide, 2013-2017
Table 6. Public procurement of baby food based on whey protein hydrolyzate
Table 7. List of enterprises whose activities since 2010 have been related to the production of dairy ingredients
Table 8. Exports (TN VED code 170211) of lactose and lactose syrup containing ≥99% lactose, expressed as lactose anhydrous, on a dry basis, 2015
Table 9. Exports (TN VED code 170211) of lactose and lactose syrup containing ≥99% lactose, expressed as lactose anhydrous, on a dry basis, 2016
Table 10. Exports (TN VED code 170211) of lactose and lactose syrup containing ≥99% lactose, expressed as lactose anhydrous, on a dry basis, 2017
Table 11. Exports (TN VED code 170219) of other lactose and lactose syrup, 2016
Table 12. Exports (TN VED code 170219) of other lactose and lactose syrup, 2017
Table 13. Imports (TN VED code 170211) of lactose and lactose syrup containing ≥99% lactose, expressed as lactose anhydrous, on a dry basis, 2015
Table 14. Imports (TN VED code 170211) of lactose and lactose syrup containing ≥99% lactose, expressed as lactose anhydrous, on a dry basis, 2016
Table 15. Imports (TN VED code 170211) of lactose and lactose syrup containing ≥99% lactose, expressed as lactose anhydrous, on a dry basis, 2017
Table 16. Sample of import volumes (TN VED code 170219) of other lactose and lactose syrup, 2015
Table 17. Sample of import volumes (TN VED code 170219) of other lactose and lactose syrup, 2016
Table 18. Sample of import volumes (TN VED code 170219) of other lactose and lactose syrup, 2017
Table 19. Sample of whey import volumes, 2017
Figure 1. Flowchart of Wasteless Whey Processing Using Membrane Processes
Figure 2. Stages of completing the line for the processing of whey (offer ""ХХХХХ"")
Figure 3. Whey Processing Development Structure
Figure 4. Block diagram of whey processing based on membrane processes with the production of WPC and ISP
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The most complete presentation of information in an accessible and visual form. When ordering a marketing research, you can be sure of the accuracy and reliability of market information, which allows you to make informed management decisions and not miss the attractive opportunities that the market provides.
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