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Market Analysis of Pepper Plaster in India

Market Analysis of Pepper Plaster in India Market Analysis of Pepper Plaster in India
Release date 04.12.2021
Number of pages 52
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

Pepper plaster is applied externally as an analgesic, analgesic and local irritant for rheumatic and muscular pains, myalgia, arthritis, sciatica, neuralgia

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the market of pepper plaster in India, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the market of pepper plaster


Part 1. Market Overview of Pepper Plaster in India

1.1. Description of pepper paste
1.2. Main characteristics of the market
1.3. Volume of production
1.4. Share of exports in production
1.5. Market share of imports
1.6. Dynamics of market volume 2018-2020 (2020 - forecast). Potential market capacity
1.7. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market
1.8. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.8.1. Social factors
1.8.2. Technological factors
1.8.3. Economic forces
1.8.4. Political factors
1.8.5. Conclusions about the influence of factors on the market
1.9. Market structure by types of pepper plaster
1.10. Pepper Patch Market Life Cycle Stage
1.11. Competition from substitute products

Part 2. Analysis of imports of pepper plaster (TN VED code 3005100000) to India, 2020

2.1. The volume of imports (in physical and value terms)
2.2. Average import price
2.3. Import structure
2.3.1. by producing countries (in physical and value terms)
2.3.2. by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms)
2.3.3. by recipient companies (in physical and value terms)
2.3.4. by types of pepper plaster (subject to the availability of this information in customs declarations)
2.4. Major importers, import volumes, average import prices

Part 3. Analysis of competitors-manufacturers represented in the Indian market TOP-10

3.1. The level of competition in the market
3.2. Major players in the market
3.3. Market shares of the largest competitors
3.4. Production volumes of the largest competitors
3.5. Analysis of the product range
3.6. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors

Part 4. Announced investment projects in the industry under study

Part 5. Consumption analysis

5.1. Market saturation
5.2. Key consumer trends in India
5.3. Estimated per capita consumption of pepper patches
5.4. Market structure by consumption sectors
5.5. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase

Part 6. Price Analysis

6.1. Prices of domestic producers
6.2. Retail prices
6.3. Analysis of prices for imported products

Part 7. Forecasts and conclusions

7.1. Barriers in the market
7.2. Prospects and market growth drivers
7.3. Market development forecast until 2025
7.4. Recommendations for entering the market of a domestic manufacturer
7.5. Key findings from the study

Research excerpt 

Part 1. Market Overview of Pepper Plaster in India

1.1. Description of pepper paste


1.2. Main characteristics of the market

Pepper plaster is a rectangular base (substrate) (with or without perforation) with a layer of adhesive mass, with a protective coating of siliconized paper or film. Included with item…
The pepper plaster market in India is dominated by … products (the share is more than …%), production is concentrated in … The main sales channel in the pepper plaster market is ..

1.3. Volume of production

Estimation of production volumes of pepper plaster was made by GidMarket based on data from …

During the period under review, the dynamics of the production of pepper plaster in India has … character, in 2018 there is …% compared to the previous period, in subsequent years … production volumes are observed on average by …%.
At the end of 2020, the indicator amounted to … thousand units. patches, which is …% lower than in … year and by …% compared to … year. Significant … in 2020 is due to …

1.4. Share of exports in production

During the period shown in the diagram, the share of exports in the production of pepper plaster in physical terms tends to … – from …% in 2017 to …% in 2020. This is due to the general trend...
The share of production for domestic consumption fluctuates within …%.

Consider the balance of exports and imports in the analyzed market.

Diagram 3. Balance of exports and imports in the market of pepper plaster in India in 2017-2020, thousand pieces

During the period under review, the trade balance (difference between exports and imports) in the market for pepper paste in India remains ... The volume of ... exceeds ... more than ...

1.5. Market share of imports

In the pepper plaster market, the share of imports in physical terms is on average …%. During the period under review, there is … the share of foreign products, but this is primarily due to ... 
The market is dominated by … products with a share of …% in 2020. 

Diagram 4. The ratio of imported and domestic products in the pepper patch market in India in 2017-2020 in kind, %

1.6. Dynamics of market volume 2018-2020 (2020 - forecast). Potential market capacity

Consider the dynamics of the market volume of pepper plaster in India in real terms for the period 2018-2020.
The volume of the market for pepper plaster in India for the period 2019-2020 has … dynamics. In 2018, … the value of the indicator is … thousand units, which is …% more compared to … year. In 2020, the market volume … thousand pieces, … amounted to …% compared to the previous period.

2020 marks a significant...

1.7. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market

The key market trends are as follows:

1.8. Assessment of factors affecting the market
Let's present the results of the analysis of factors influencing the market in the form of a STEP-analysis table.

Table 4. STEP Analysis of Factors Affecting the Pepper Patch Market in India

Thus, at the moment, the pepper patch market in India is more affected by ... the influence of environmental factors ... forces.

The negative impact is due to...
The following factors positively affect the market: ...

1.9. Market structure by types of pepper plaster

There are two types of pepper plaster on the market: perforated and non-perforated.
The structure of the pepper plaster market by type is determined on the basis of data from the nomenclature of manufacturers, import and export deliveries, share ...  
Thus, the ratio of perforated and non-perforated pepper patches is approximately …, slightly dominated by … patches - their share is …%.
Depending on the size, pepper plasters … cm are leading the market, their share is equal to …% in 2020. The share of pepper plasters with the size of … cm is …%. These two types of patches are presented at ...

1.10. Pepper Patch Market Life Cycle Stage

1.11. Competition from substitute products

Part 2. Analysis of imports of pepper plaster (TN VED code 3005100000) to India, 2020

2.1. The volume of imports (in physical and value terms)

Pepper plaster was supplied to India in a complex with other types ...
Consider the indicators of foreign trade operations with pepper plaster in India.

In 2020, … declarations for the supply of pepper plaster to India were revealed. The total volume of imports amounted to … thousand pieces. plasters in the amount of … mln Rs.
The share of imports of pepper patches from the total imports of materials for dressings, anesthetics and other materials with a sticky surface (TN VED code ...) in 2020 in value terms ...%.

2.2. Average import price

The average import price of pepper plaster is … Rs. for 1 piece
Consider the average prices within the framework of foreign manufacturers of pepper plaster.

Diagram 18. Average import prices of pepper plaster by manufacturers, Rs./pc.

The highest import price of pepper plaster is observed for the manufacturer … – … Rs./piece, which is …% higher than the average import price, the lowest – …

2.3. Import structure
2.3.1. by producing countries (in physical and value terms)

In 2020, pepper patch was supplied by manufacturers from … countries: …
The absolute leader among producing countries in 2020 in physical and value terms is … with a share of …% and …%, respectively …

2.3.2. by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms)

Based on the analysis of imports for 2020, it was revealed that the main producer of the supplied pepper plasters in physical terms is … (…) with a share of …%. Followed by…
In value terms, PharmLine Limited also leads (share 86,8%), followed by Changzhou Hualian Health Dressing with a higher share than in physical terms (11,2%). The manufacturer AUP Sarepta-Mediplast in this case ranks third and has a share of 1,2%. The smallest share in value terms was recorded by the manufacturer Jiangsu Nanfang Medical (0,8%).

The share of imports of pepper plaster in the total volume of imports of all types of plasters and various medical dressings within each manufacturer under consideration is insignificant and ranges from 0,3% to 6,8%.

2.3.3. by recipient companies (in physical and value terms)

In 2020, … companies receiving pepper patches were identified.
The main recipient of the pepper patch in physical and value terms is OOO “…” with a share of …% and …%, respectively. The remaining … recipients in total make up …% of the total volume of imports of pepper plaster in physical terms and …% - in terms of value.

2.3.4. by types of pepper plaster (subject to the availability of this information in customs declarations)

2.4. Major importers, import volumes, average import prices

Let's present the results of the analysis of foreign trade operations in the table.

Pepper patch importers are … companies, deliveries are made mainly from ... The largest shipping company in physical terms is … with a share of …%, in value terms – …
In most cases, the importer and manufacturer of pepper plaster is ...

Part 3. Analysis of competitors-manufacturers represented in the Indian market TOP-10

3.1. The level of competition in the market

There are … number of manufacturers on the market of pepper plaster. According to the analysis of registration certificates for pepper patch, … competitors were identified.
Thus, there are … foreign manufacturers and … Indian ones on the market. All registration certificates (RU) have ...

Also found…
The Herfindahl-Hirschman index for the considered market is HHI=… (…), the market is …: represented by … 

3.2. Major players in the market

According to the analysis of imports for the period 2018-2020, the supply of pepper plaster was carried out by …
Thus, the following companies are participants in the pepper patch market: ...

Consider the profiles of the main market participants.
JSC ""…""

3.3. Market shares of the largest competitors

Estimation of the shares of competitors is given on the basis of data on the volume of imports of pepper plasters and an estimate of the volume ...

Diagram 25. Shares of the largest competitors in the pepper patch market in 2020, 

In 2020, there are … manufacturers of pepper patch on the market, among foreign competitors described in paragraph 3.2 of this study, in 2020 …

The absolute market leader is the Indian company JSC “…” with a share of …%, in second place is …

Among import manufacturers, the leader is … with a total share of …% in 2020. The cumulative share of the rest…

3.4. Production volumes of the largest competitors  

The production volumes of the largest competitors in the pepper patch market in 2020 for foreign manufacturers are determined based on …
JSC “…” is the leader of the pepper plaster market, the company's production volume is estimated at … million units. The volume of production and deliveries by companies …

3.5. Analysis of the product range
3.6. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors

Part 4. Announced investment projects in the industry under study

Part 5. Consumption analysis

5.1. Market saturation
5.2. Key consumer trends in India

Among the main consumer trends and changes in user behavior in the market, the following can be distinguished:
Consumers are making...
With the development of Internet technologies, a potential customer first ...

Based on the analysis of reviews, it was revealed that the main disadvantages of pepper patches are ...
The decline in real incomes of the population leads to ...
Consumers have become...

5.3. Estimated per capita consumption of pepper patches

The volume of consumption of pepper plasters per capita in value terms was calculated by GidMarket based on the ratio of …
The volume of consumption of pepper plasters per capita in value terms in 2018-2019 tended to …, while the growth rate was …: in 2018, the growth was …% compared to 2017, in 2019 the volume ...

At the end of 2020, the volume of consumption of pepper plasters per capita amounted to … Rs., which is …% lower than in 2019. Despite the rise in consumer prices and the decrease in the population in 2020, … 

5.4. Market structure by consumption sectors

The main purpose of the pepper patch is ... Thanks to the herbal ingredients that are part of the product, it provides ...
In this study, consumer industries are considered in two aspects:
In the first case, the main consumers are …, …, ...

Thus, the sale of products through ... is the main sales channel for pepper plasters - the share is equal to ...%. Share…

5.5. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase

According to ... at the end of 2020, according to 44 Federal Laws, it was concluded ... for the supply of ... pcs. pepper plasters for a total amount of … thousand Rs., which is …% less compared to 2019. According to Federal Law 223, contracts for the purchase of pepper plaster ...

The decrease in the volume of purchases of pepper patch in 2020 is due to ... the situation in the country, since during this period mainly purchased ...

Table 17. Contracts for tenders for the purchase of pepper plaster, concluded in 2019-2020

As a rule, the pepper patch was supplied in a complex with ...  
According to the site … according to 44 Federal Laws, tenders are placed within each region ... ... In 2020, … tenders were identified for the supply of more than … thousand pieces. pepper plaster (the product was purchased together with other types ...).

Part 6. Price Analysis

6.1. Prices of domestic producers

There are ... Indian manufacturers on the pepper plaster market: JSC ""..."" (... federal district) and ...
The change in producer prices in the union territories over the period under review occurred ... In general, in India in 2020, the average producer prices for dressings increased by ...% compared to 2019. In the … Union Territories there is an increase in prices in 2020 by …%, in the … Union Territories, on the contrary, …%.

Average prices are determined on the basis of data ... 
Thus, the average price of a 6x10 cm pepper plaster of JSC “…” is … Rs. per unit, 10x18 cm – … Rs./pc. The average prices of JSC “…” are somewhat lower and amount to … Rs./pc. and … Rs./pc. respectively.

6.2. Retail prices

In order to compare retail prices, the average prices of pepper patches 10x18 cm (perforated and without perforation) in various pharmacies within the main participants were determined.

Diagram 30. Average retail prices of pepper plaster 10x18 cm (as of 02.06.2021/ / ) by main manufacturers, Rs./pc.

The average market retail price for one 10x18 cm pepper patch in India is … Rs. In general, it can be noted…

6.3. Analysis of prices for imported products

Part 7. Forecasts and conclusions


Diagram 1. Dynamics of production volumes of pepper plaster in India for 2017-2020, thousand pieces
Diagram 2. The share of exports of pepper plaster in production for 2017-2020,%
Diagram 3. Balance of exports and imports in the market of pepper plaster in India in 2017-2020, thousand pieces
Diagram 4. The ratio of imported and domestic products in the pepper patch market in India in 2017-2020 in kind, %
Diagram 5. Dynamics of the volume of the pepper plaster market in India, 2018-2020, thousand pieces
Diagram 6. Dynamics of the population of India, as of January 1, 2012-2021, million people, %
Diagram 7. Population forecast for India, for the period 2022-2025, million people
Diagram 8. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2014 - 2021 (1st quarter), % to the previous year
Diagram 9. Dynamics of the incidence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue in India in 2015-2020, thousand people
Diagram 10. Dynamics of India's GDP, 2012-2020, % to the previous year
Chart 11. Monthly dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2016 - 2021 (Jan-Apr.), Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 12. Dynamics of the number of pharmacies in India, 2014-2020, thousand units
Diagram 13. Market structure by types of pepper plaster in India (in real terms), 2020, %
Diagram 14. Market structure by types of pepper plaster in India depending on the size (in real terms), 2020, %
Figure 15. Life cycle stage of the pepper patch market
Diagram 16. Current average consumer prices for pepper plaster substitutes, Rs./pcs.
Diagram 17. The volume of imports of plasters (…) in physical terms in 2020, thousand pieces
Diagram 18. Average import prices of pepper plaster by manufacturers, Rs./pc.
Diagram 19. The structure of imports of pepper plaster by producing countries in 2020 in physical terms,%
Diagram 20. Structure of imports of pepper plaster by producing countries in 2020 in value terms, %
Diagram 21. The structure of imports of pepper plaster by manufacturing companies in 2020 in physical terms,%
Diagram 22. The structure of imports of pepper plaster by manufacturing companies in 2020 in value terms,%
Diagram 23. The share of imports of pepper plaster from the total imports of the manufacturer in 2020 in physical and value terms,%
Diagram 24. The structure of imports of pepper patch by type, depending on the size in 2020 in physical terms,%
Diagram 25. Shares of the largest competitors in the pepper patch market in 2020, %
Diagram 26. Production volumes of the largest competitors in the pepper patch market in 2020, thousand pieces
Diagram 27. Dynamics of consumption of pepper plasters in monetary terms, 2017 - 2020, Rs./person
Diagram 28. Market structure of pepper plasters by consumption sectors, 2020 (in value terms), %
Diagram 29. Average prices of domestic producers for pepper plaster depending on the size in 2020, Rs./pc.
Diagram 30. Average retail prices of pepper plaster 10x18 cm (as of 02.06.2021/ / ) by main manufacturers, Rs./pc.
Chart 31. Average retail prices for pepper patch depending on the size (as of 02.06.2021/ / ), Rs./pc.
Chart 32. Average retail prices for domestic and foreign pepper plaster depending on the size (as of 02.06.2021/ / ), Rs./pc.
Diagram 33. Forecast of the market size of the pepper patch in 2021-2025, thousand pieces


Table 1. The main characteristics of the pepper patch
Table 2. Forecasts of various sources for real GDP in India in 2020-2023 (base scenario), %
Table 3. Weighted average interest rates of credit institutions on lending operations in rupees, excluding PJSC Sberbank (% per annum), 2016-2021 (Jan-Feb)
Table 4. STEP Analysis of Factors Affecting the Pepper Patch Market in India
Table 5. Types of pepper patch
Table 6. Analysis of the main substitutes for pepper patch
Table 7. The volume of imports of pepper plaster to India in physical and value terms in 2020, units rev.
Table 8. Structure of pepper plaster imports by recipient companies in 2020 in physical and value terms, %
Table 9. The largest importers of pepper plaster in 2020, units rev.
Table 10. Marketing Authorizations for Pepper Patch Valid in India
Table 11. The main manufacturing companies in the pepper patch market
Table 12. The range of products and services of the main participants in the pepper plaster market
Table 13. List of manufactured types of pepper plasters of the main competitors
Table 14. Strengths and weaknesses of the main competitors
Table 15. Distribution of the population by average per capita income per month, 2014-2020 %
Table 16. Dynamics of the volume of purchases of pepper patch in physical and value terms, 2018-2020, units rev.
Table 17. Contracts for tenders for the purchase of pepper plaster, concluded in 2019-2020
Table 18. Dynamics of the producer price index according to OKPD2 ""Adhesive dressing materials"", 2017-2020, %

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