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Market analysis of nails in India

Market analysis of nails in India Market analysis of nails in India
Release date 06.10.2021
Number of pages 38
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

A nail is one of the most common hardware. A nail is used to fasten parts made of various materials to each other.

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the nail market in India, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the nail market


Part 1. Overview of the Indian Nail Market

1.1. Main characteristics of the market
1.2. Dynamics of the market volume of nails 2016-2020 Potential market capacity
1.3. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.4. Nail Market Life Cycle Stage
1.5. Competition from substitute products

Part 2. Competitive Analysis in the Nail Market

2.1. Major players in the market
2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
2.3. Profiles of major players

Part 3. Analysis of the production of nails

3.1. Volume and dynamics of domestic production of nails
3.2. Share of exports in the production of nails
3.3. Segmentation of nail production by regions
3.3.1. Production by Union Territories
3.3.2. Production by states of India

Part 4. Analysis of foreign trade supplies of nails

4.1. Volume and dynamics of imports of nails
4.2. Import structure
4.3. The volume and dynamics of exports of nails
4.4. Export structure

Part 5. Nail Consumption Analysis

5.1. Dynamics of consumption of nails
5.2. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase

Part 6. Price Analysis

6.1. Average producer prices by union territories
6.2. Average consumer prices by states in India

Part 7. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

Part 8. Forecast for the development of the market of nails until 2025

Part 9. Recommendations and conclusions

Research excerpt 

Part 1. Overview of the Indian Nail Market

1.1. Main characteristics of the market

A nail is one of the most common hardware. A nail is a fastener, a hardware in the form of a rod ...
The first nails were made from natural materials such as…

Modern nails are made primarily from…
The market for nails in India is formed mainly by the products of … manufacturing. The share of imported products in the market is …%, and after 2016 the share of imports is …

1.2. Dynamics of the market volume of nails 2016-2020 Potential market capacity

In 2016-2018 the volume of the nail market in India in monetary terms … with a trend towards …, however, in 2019 there was … the market volume by …% to … billion Rs. At the end of 2020, the volume of the nail market amounted to … billion Rs. … relative to 2019 by …%, and relative to 2016 – …%. The average annual growth rate in the study period was …%. 

Diagram 2. Dynamics of the market volume of nails, 2016-2020

Despite … at the end of 2020, industry enterprises still faced a number of problems:
forced ...

According to market experts, the industry, as part of the Indian economy, is ready for ... The potential capacity of the nail market in monetary terms in 2020 is estimated at … billion Rs., while the actual market capacity has reached … billion Rs. Thus, the potential market capacity is estimated ...

In the structure of industry-wide revenue by federal districts during 2018-2020. leaders among federal districts are … and … federal districts where …

1.3. Assessment of factors affecting the market

Social (demographic)

General trends in macroeconomic indicators can also be traced in such a value as real incomes of the population, which determine the level of effective demand. 
From 2014 to 2017, there is a trend towards ... In 2014, the real incomes of the population by …%, in 2015 by …%, and in 2016 by …% more compared to the previous year. But in 2017 we can observe a decrease of …%. According to the … data, the growth rate of real disposable income in 2018 amounted to …% instead of the forecasted …%, which indicates ... According to the results of 2020, the real disposable money income of Indians decreased by …% in annual terms. The government expected their decrease by …%. 


According to the results of the performed STEP-analysis, macro-environmental factors have a greater influence on the nail market. Economic and social factors have … influence. The political and technological group of factors has an impact on the development of the market. 

Holding back market development in 2021: …
The positive impact on the market is...

Table 5. STEP analysis of factors influencing the nail market

1.4. Nail Market Life Cycle Stage

1.5. Competition from substitute products

The market for nails is experiencing competition from substitute products, which include: ... 
The market for nails from the side of substitute products is experiencing ... influence, since the main threat to manufacturers and distributors of nails is not so much substitute products as products ...

Part 2. Competitive Analysis in the Nail Market 

2.1. Major players in the market 

The nail market is different… barrier to entry. India has a large number of…
The main market players include such manufacturers as: OJSC “…”, OJSC “…”, ... Together, the TOP-5 players account for …% of the nail market.
The calculation data of the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index in the industry show that this market belongs to ... markets (concentration in the market ...). 

2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors 

As of 2020, OJSC “…” is the largest operator of the nail market in India, occupying …% of the market. The second place is occupied by the company OJSC “…” – …%. The third line is occupied by products ... Other companies account for …% of the nail market.

Chart 13. Shares of the largest competitors in the nail market in India in 2020, in %

2.3. Profiles of major players

OJSC “…” is one of the largest specialized enterprises for deep processing of metal, capable of producing …

Part 3. Analysis of the production of nails

3.1. Volume and dynamics of domestic production of nails

The Indian nail market in the study period demonstrates … the dynamics of its development, while the business is characterized by an increase in …, a positive trend ... In 2017-2018. the production of nails in India … and in 2018 amounted to … thousand tons, but at the end of 2019, the production of the studied products … thousand tons. The annual total production in 2020 …% - up to … thousand tons. ...

Estimating the total revenue of market leaders is made difficult by the fact that market operators provide data …

Diagram 15. Dynamics of the total revenue of the largest manufacturers (TOP-5) of nails in India, 2016-2020, million Rs.

3.2. Share of exports in the production of nails

Share of exports in the production of nails in 2016-2020 varies within …%-…% with a tendency to ... The main export deliveries are carried out in …, however, we can say that at the moment the market is working on ...

Diagram 16. The share of exports in production for 2016-2020

3.3. Segmentation of nail production by regions
3.3.1. Production by Union Territories

Statistical data characterizing the production of nails at the moment is sufficient ... However, as can be seen from the table, in 2018-2020. the production of nails in India was carried out in ... federal districts.
The largest part of the production falls on the … federal district, on the territory of which …% of all products in the country were produced in 2020, and … the federal district with a share of …% in 2020.

3.3.2. Production by states of India

About …% of Indian nails are produced in … region. The TOP-5 producing regions of this product also include … (…%), … (…%), ... Other regions account for only …% of nail production in India.

Part 4. Analysis of foreign trade supplies of nails

4.1. Volume and dynamics of imports of nails

The volume of imports of nails in 2020 amounted to … thousand tons, then by …% … than in 2019. At the same time, …% happened in 2019, after …% in 2018. The reason for … 2019 was .. At the same time, the maximum volume of imports in the study period fell on … year, when … thousand tons of products were imported. For 6 months In 2021, … thousand tons of nails were imported.

In monetary terms in 2017-2018 the volume of imports of nails …, and in 2019, the value of the indicator, as well as in physical terms, … In 2020, the volume of imports of nails amounted to … million dollars, which is …% … compared to a year earlier. For 6 months In 2021, nails were imported to India in the amount of … million dollars.

4.2. Import structure

Nails are imported to India mainly from … countries: … and … … in 2020 imported into the country …% of nails of total imports. About …% of the volume is made up of products imported from ... Also in 2020, …% of imports of nails fell on products from ... These countries accounted for about …%. 

4.3. The volume and dynamics of exports of nails

During 2017-2019 exports of nails from India …: from … thousand tons in 2016 to … thousand tons in 2019. In 2020, exports show … In quantitative terms, by …%, the volume of nails sold abroad in 2020 amounted to almost … thousand tons. In 6, … thousand tons of nails were exported.
In value terms, the growth in 2020 compared to the previous period was … – …%. At the end of 2020, nails were exported in the amount of … million dollars, which is …

The balance of exports and imports in the nail market in 2020 was … (… thousand tons), that is, there is an excess of …

4.4. Export structure

The main part of Indian production is exported to … — more than …%. About …% of export of nails falls on …, and …

Part 5. Nail Consumption Analysis

5.1. Dynamics of consumption of nails

During 2016-2018 The dynamics of consumption of nails in physical terms was … and in 2018 it reached … thousand tons, which is … In 2019, the volume of consumption in the market was …% up to … thousand tons, and in 2020 the market was …

5.2. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase

From July 01, 2021 to August 11, 2021, … tenders were announced for the purchase of nails worth from … Rs. up to … million Rs.
Among the total number of purchases, purchases of both … type and … purchases for needs equally predominate… Most tenders (…%) involve the supply of nails…

Part 6. Price Analysis

6.1. Average producer prices by union territories
In general, in India in 2020, the average prices for the products of nail manufacturers …% compared to 2019, and compared to 2016, the growth amounted to …%. 

The maximum price increase in 2020 was recorded in … Union Territories – by …%, in this federal district, prices for nails increased by …% over five years.
At the same time, in 2020, there was a decrease in the price of the studied products in …

6.2. Average consumer prices by states in India

The average consumer price for 1 kg of nails in India in 2020 amounted to … Rs., having increased by …% compared to 2019. 
The highest price for these products takes place in … (… Rs./kg, which is … times higher than the average price for India as a whole) and … regions (… Rs./kg, which is …% higher than the average price for India as a whole) .
The lowest price for nails is fixed in …

At the same time, the maximum increase in prices in 2020 was noted in … – by …%, in the Republic of … – by …%, … regions – by …%. And in … states, on the contrary, a decrease in the consumer price of nails was recorded.

Part 7. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

… the investment climate factors of the nail market dominate …. A comprehensive assessment of the factors of investment attractiveness is ... points - ... investment climate. 

The most significant positive factors. …
The most significant negative factors. …

Part 8. Forecast for the development of the market of nails until 2025 

Part 9. Recommendations and conclusions 


Diagram 1. The ratio of imported and domestic products in the market of nails,%
Diagram 2. Dynamics of the market volume of nails, 2016-2020
Diagram 3. Dynamics of the population of India, as of January 1, 2015-2021, million people, thousand people
Diagram 4. Population forecast in India for the period 2021-2024, million people
Chart 5. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2015-2020
Chart 6. India's GDP dynamics, 2015-2021 Q2 years, % to the previous year, trillion Rs.
Chart 7. Monthly dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2017-June 2021, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Chart 8. Dynamics of the inflation rate in India, 2016-2021 (June), %
Diagram 9. Dynamics of the commissioning of residential and non-residential buildings in India, 2016-2020, mln m2
Diagram 10. Dynamics of the average interest rate on loans, 2015-2020, %
Diagram 11. Dynamics of the cost of GOST 3282-74 wire in India, 2016-2021 (July), thousand Rs./t.
Figure 12. Life cycle stage of the nail market
Chart 13. Shares of the largest competitors in the nail market in India in 2020, in %
Diagram 14. Dynamics of production volumes of nails in India for 2016-2020, thousand tons
Diagram 15. Dynamics of the total revenue of the largest manufacturers (TOP-5) of nails in India, 2016-2020, million Rs.
Diagram 16. The share of exports in production for 2016-2020
Chart 17. Production of nails by states of India, 2020, %
Diagram 18. The volume and dynamics of imports of nails in kind 2016-2021, thousand tons
Diagram 19. The volume and dynamics of imports of nails in monetary terms 2016-2021, million dollars
Chart 20. Nail import structure by importing countries in 2020, %
Diagram 21. Dynamics of export of nails in physical terms, thousand tons
Diagram 22. Dynamics of export of nails in monetary terms, mln USD
Diagram 23. Balance of export and import of nails 2016-2020, thousand tons
Chart 24. Structure of exports by countries in 2020,%
Diagram 25. Dynamics of consumption of nails in physical terms, 2016-2020, t.
Diagram 26. Forecast of the volume of the market of nails in 2021 - 2025, million Rs.


Table 1. Industrial production index by state of India (in % of the previous year), 2015 - 2020
Table 2. Average weighted interest rates of credit institutions on credit operations in rupees, excluding PJSC Sberbank (% per annum), 2015-2020 (Oct.)
Table 3. List of sectors of the Indian economy most affected by the deterioration of the situation as a result of the spread of a new coronavirus infection (as of October 16, 2020)
Table 4. Analysis of the impact on the industry of the state aid proposed to date
Table 5. STEP analysis of factors influencing the nail market
Table 6. Characteristics of nails and substitute products
Table 7. The main companies participating in the nail market in 2020
Table 8. Structure of nail production in India by union territories, %
Table 9. Data on tenders for the purchase of nails over Rs 500 announced from 000/01.07.21/11.08.21 to / /
Table 10. Average producer prices for nails in the Union Territories, 2016-2020, Rs./t.
Table 11. Average consumer prices for nails by states of India, 2016-2020, Rs./kg
Table 12. Factors of investment attractiveness of the nail market

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