Market Analysis of Lactoferrin in India and the World
The relevance of research
Lactoferrin (eng. Lactoferrin, Lactotransferrin) is a multifunctional compound, a protein that is part of many secretory fluids of mammals and humans. Lactoferrin was first identified in cow's milk in 1939, and in 1960 this protein was also identified in women's milk. Since then and to the present, it has been the subject of interest of many scientists. However, they became seriously interested in the practical use of lactoferrin only 15-20 years ago, when they discovered its effect on the human body, starting from early childhood: it was found that the intensity of the formation of the immune system of the baby depends on its amount, the higher the concentration of lactoferrin in mother's milk, the less and easier the child gets sick.
Purpose of the study
Analysis of the state of the lactoferrin market in India and in the world, assessment of the market size, competitor analysis, as well as consumption analysis.
Part 1. Overview of the lactoferrin market in the world
1.1. The world's largest producers of lactoferrin TOP 10 and their capacities
1.2. Localization of the main players
1.3. Main countries consumers of lactoferrin
1.4. Global production and consumption trends
Part 2. Lactoferrin Market Overview in India
2.1. Main characteristics of the market
2.2. Assessment of factors affecting the market
2.3. Volume of production
2.4. Dynamics of the volume and capacity of the market in 2015-2017 (2017 - estimated)
2.5. Market structure by forms of release of lactoferrin (dry, liquid, etc.)
2.6. By-products of production, their value, possible use, processing
Part 3: Competitor Analysis
3.1. Major players in the market
3.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
3.3. The product range of the main competitors: form of release (liquid, dry and others), weight, packaging, purity, price
3.4. Lactoferrin producers closest to India
Part 4. Consumption analysis
4.1. Market structure by consumption sectors
4.2. Purposes of using lactoferrin
4.3. Main consumers
4.4. The range of products in the production of which lactoferrin is used, its content in such products
4.5. Consumers of products using lactoferrin (final and wholesale)
Part 5. Price Analysis
5.1. Prices for domestic products
5.2. Analysis of prices for imported products
Part 6. Consumption forecast until 2028
Part 7: Analysis of the Minimum Investment Requirement for Lactoferrin Production in India
Part 8. Recommendations and conclusions
Research excerpt
Part 1. Overview of the lactoferrin market in the world
1.1. The world's largest producers of lactoferrin TOP 10 and their capacities
Lactoferrin (eng. Lactoferrin, Lactotransferrin) is a multifunctional compound, a protein that is part of many secretory fluids of mammals and humans.
Due to the fact that the production of lactoferrin requires a large amount of raw materials, today it is necessary to separate dairy companies that have sufficient raw materials for the production of semi-finished lactoferrin and companies that have technologies and equipment for the production of final finished goods based on and containing lactoferrin...
1.2. Localization of the main players
The localization of the main players in the global lactoferrin market takes place in places …
1.3. Main countries consumers of lactoferrin
The production of lactoferrin is quite expensive due to the high cost of raw materials in the production process and the low yield of finished products, as a result, the ingredient cannot be called generally available in terms of production volumes and prices.
Table 1. Leading countries in terms of GDP, $, trillion, results of 2017
1.4. Global production and consumption trends
Part 2. Lactoferrin Market Overview in India
2.1. Main characteristics of the market
In India, lactoferrin is today a little-known type of biologically valuable component of milk. The population is informed about milk calcium (benefit for bones) and, in general, about the protein component of milk, as having nutritional value in the first place. Despite the growth in demand for lactoferrin worldwide, its production and consumption in India has not yet increased. One of the main reasons for this is the insufficient popularization of its high biological value, the uniqueness of its complex effect on the human body (including children) and its medicinal properties.
The lactoferrin market in India is characterized by several major factors:…
2.2. Assessment of factors affecting the market
Consider the main factors influencing the development of lactoferrin production in India.
Economic forces
GDP is a macroeconomic indicator that reflects the market value of all final goods and services (that is, those intended for direct consumption) produced per year in all sectors of the economy on the territory of the state for consumption, export and accumulation, regardless of the nationality of the factors of production used.
GDP is the main, most complete official indicator of social welfare. The absolute and relative values of GDP give an idea of the general material well-being of the nation and the dynamics of its growth / decrease, since the higher the level of production, the higher the welfare of the country.
Diagram 1. Dynamics of GDP growth in India, 2012 - 2017, % to the previous year
The exchange rate is a significant factor for the Indian lactoferrin market, as the share of imports significantly exceeds the volume of domestic industrial production.
Currently, the US dollar against the rupee has fallen by 6,26% since March 2015. The dollar has been relatively stable over the past 18 months (Chart 2).
Earlier, in 2014, the growth of the dollar exchange rate amounted to almost 100%, which led to the devaluation of the rupee and had a strong negative impact on the level of effective demand of the population as a whole, led to a change in the structure of consumption of medicines, dietary supplements, etc. - preference is given to cheaper drugs.
Chart 2. The dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, March 2015 - March 2018, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Demographic factors
Over the past seven years, the change in the population of India has shown a positive trend - there is a positive natural increase in the population. An increase in population provides a potential present and future demand for products containing lactoferrin as commodities with proven biological value.
Chart 6. Population change in India, 2010-2017
2.3 Production volume
2.4. Dynamics of the volume and capacity of the market in 2015-2017 (2017 - estimated)
Considering that 2015-2016 showed a crisis situation in the Indian economy, characterized by a decrease in the purchasing power of the population, stagnation of consumption and production volumes in general, and a trend towards improvement of the situation was outlined only by the end of 2017, the stagnation of the volumes of the lactoferrin market in India is natural.
2.5 Market structure by forms of release of lactoferrin (dry, liquid, etc.)
The structure of the lactoferrin market is divided into two main blocks according to the form of release: dry and liquid preparations. But I would like to additionally highlight a block of materials for laboratory tests (regardless of their state of aggregation), since this is an independent group of finished products.
After analyzing all currently available products sold on the Indian market, made on the basis of and containing lactoferrin, it is possible to form a market structure according to the forms of release of lactoferrin.
Diagram 9. Market structure by forms of release of lactoferrin
2.6. By-products of production, their value, possible use, processing
The raw materials for the production of lactoferrin are colostrum, milk or whey. There are few ways to produce lactoferrin from these related raw materials...
Part 3: Competitor Analysis
3.1. Major players in the market
Let's consider the players of the lactoferrin market in order of increasing their real weight in the market. Let's start with the players...
The volumes of lactoferrin sold in India and forming its market can be conditionally divided into three categories:
1. Volumes produced by Indian enterprises;
2. Volumes produced by foreign enterprises and sold by certain Indian dealers;
3. Volumes produced by foreign enterprises and sold by any Indian trading company, online store, etc., interested in this area of sales.
1. As the volumes of enterprises producing and selling lactoferrin in India, the following can be noted: ...
2. As volumes of lactoferrin produced by foreign enterprises and sold in India by dealers or used for further processing, the following can be noted: ...
3. As volumes of lactoferrin produced by foreign enterprises and sold in India by any Indian trading company, online store, etc. interested in this area of sales, or used for further processing, the following can be noted: ...
As foreign companies not yet entering the lactoferrin market in India, but potentially ready for such a step, one can name a number of manufacturers characterized by solid production experience and rich raw material reserves, for example: ...
In addition to the information provided on the presence of foreign drugs on the Indian market, let us analyze the official statistics of lactoferrin imports to India.
Diagram 10. Volume and dynamics of imports of lactoferrin to India, 2015 - 2017
3.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
3.3. The product range of the main competitors: form of release (liquid, dry and others), weight, packaging, purity, price
In the range of lactoferrin preparations presented on the Indian market, there are the following five main forms of production: ...
3.4. Lactoferrin producers closest to India
Considering the current situation with the geographic proximity of lactoferrin producers...
Part 4. Consumption analysis
4.1. Market structure by consumption sectors
After analyzing the total consumption of lactoferrin in India, as well as studying the structure of its consumption in countries with a formed and developed demand for the product (primarily Japan), we got the following picture of the market structure by consumption sectors:
Diagram 12. Structure of the Indian lactoferrin market by consumption sectors
4.2. Purposes of using lactoferrin
The organic substance ""lactoferrin"" was first discovered in 1939. In the 60s of the last century, the substance was found in human breast milk. However, scientists became seriously interested in lactoferrin only 15 - 20 years ago, when they discovered its effect on the human body.
The goals of using lactoferrin are formed based on the main properties that it has: ...
4.3. Main consumers
The production of goods containing lactoferrin can be single-stage (the whole cycle takes place “within the same walls”) and two-stage ...
4.4. The range of products in the production of which lactoferrin is used, its content in such products
In the world, the practical use of lactoferrin began in 1986, with the production of BF-L dry milk baby food enriched with bovine lactoferrin by the Japanese company Morinaga Milk Industry. The introduction of lactoferrin in ""BF-L dry milk"" contributed to the improvement of the intestinal microflora, an increase in the level of serum ferritin and hematocrit, a decrease in the number of respiratory diseases, lactoferrin prevented lipid oxidation in baby food.
4.5. Consumers of products using lactoferrin (final and wholesale)
A feature of the production of lactoferrin is that enterprises that have the ability to process large volumes of milk, colostrum and whey, with the production of significant volumes of the final commercial product - lactoferrin - are typical representatives of the dairy industry...
Part 5. Price Analysis
5.1. Prices for domestic products
When conducting a price analysis, it is necessary to separate goods for the pharmacology market and other goods ...
5.2. Analysis of prices for imported products
Prices for imported products with lactoferrin range from ... to ... $ per gram, depending on the purity of the drug and the possibilities of its use...
Part 6. Consumption forecast until 2028
To form a forecast for the lactoferrin market, it is necessary to focus on its most current trends, predict them over time, adjusted for expert opinion in the industry.
Part 7: Analysis of the Minimum Investment Requirement for Lactoferrin Production in India
Part 8. Recommendations and conclusions
Based on the analysis done in the work, the following conclusions can be drawn on the topic: ...
Diagram 1. Dynamics of GDP growth in India, 2012 - 2017, % to the previous year
Diagram 2. The dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, March 2015 - March 2018, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 3. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2010 - 2017, % to the previous period
Diagram 4. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, %, 2013 - 2017, forecast up to 2020, cumulative total
Diagram 5. Indian Retail Volume Indices, 2007 - 2017
Diagram 6. Population change in India, 2010-2017
Diagram 7. Dynamics of total revenues of the main Indian producers of lactoferrin, 2015 - 2016, 2017 forecast
Diagram 8. Dynamics of the volume and capacity of the lactoferrin market, India, 2015 - 2017
Diagram 9. Market structure by forms of release of lactoferrin
Diagram 10.Volume and dynamics of lactoferrin imports to India, 2015 – 2017
Diagram 11. Market shares of the largest competitors, 2015 - 2017
Diagram 12. Lactoferrin market structure in India by consumption sectors
Diagram 13. Dynamics of retail trade turnover, forecast until 2020
Diagram 14. Forecast of consumption of lactoferrin by the Indian market in 2015-2016, forecast up to 2028, t
Table 1. Leading countries in terms of GDP, $, trillion, results of 2017
Table 2. Indian Industrial Production Index (in % of the previous year), 2008-2017
Table 3. STEP analysis of factors affecting the market
Table 4. Main bioreactor organisms used to produce recombinant human lactoferrin
Table 5. Bovine lactoferrin dietary supplements that can be purchased in India through online stores
Table 6. Companies importing lactoferrin to India; 2015 – 2017
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