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Market analysis of incinerators and cremators in India

Market analysis of incinerators and cremators in India Market analysis of incinerators and cremators in India
Release date 21.03.2019
Number of pages 107
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

While the Indian market for incinerators and cremators is considered by most analysts to be mature and fully mature, current market demand far outstrips supply. Domestic producers are not able to satisfy this need, which causes the high importance of product imports. The development of domestic industry and the introduction of innovative technologies by Indian enterprises will contribute to market expansion and partial import substitution.

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the incinerator/cremator market, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the incinerator/cremator market


Part 1. Market overview of manufacturers and suppliers of incinerators and cremators in India

1.1. The main characteristics of the analyzed market
1.2. Estimated total market size, 2018 
1.3. Assessment of the market structure by product type (incinerators, cremators) 
1.4. Factors affecting the market

Part 2. Analysis of exports of incinerators, 2017 

2.1. Volume and dynamics of exports
2.2. Export structure, 2017 
2.2.1. Recipient countries
2.2.2. Manufacturing companies
2.2.3. Departure regions
2.2.4. Possibilities of exporting Indian-made incinerators and cremators to Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey
- Kyrgyzstan
- Belarus
- Mongolia
- Kazakhstan
- Armenia
- Azerbaijan
- Georgia
- Turkey

Part 3. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

Part 4. Findings from the study

4.1 Market outlook
4.2 Assessment of the export potential of products
4.3 Possible barriers to the development of export activities
4.4 Findings from the study

Part 5. Reference materials

Profiles of the main market participants

Research excerpt

Part 1. Market overview of manufacturers and suppliers of incinerators and cremators in India
1.1. The main characteristics of the analyzed market
Incinerators are specialized installations that are designed for the thermal processing of solid and liquid waste, both mineral and organic origin. The incineration technology also solves the problem of waste when processing scrap metal, which contains plastic, organic matter, mineral inclusions, etc. In other words, an incinerator is a waste oven. 
As of the end of 2018, the market for incinerators and cremators should be attributed to ... , ... segments of the economy. 
In the period 2013-2018. the market is characterized ... in quantitative terms and ... in value terms. There is a trend... Nevertheless, based on the results of 2018, it should be concluded that ... .
The export of the analyzed products is characterized by ... indicators, mainly deliveries are made to ... . The foreign trade balance has ... values, which indicates ... . Domestic production of insinerators and cremators has ... volumes to meet the needs of potential buyers. 
In the medium term, the market does not have ... . In value terms, the annual ... within ...% is forecasted.

1.2. Estimated total market size, 2018
The analyzed market is highly dependent on ... : a significant amount of the needs of Indian enterprises is covered by ... products. Domestic production as of early 2019... meet the needs of Indian businesses.
The dynamics of the total volume, taking into account imported products, is shown in the diagram below:
Diagram 1. Market volume of incinerators and cremators in India, 2014-2018, thousand Rs.

As follows from the above diagram, in general, the analyzed market is characterized by ... . Volume growth in value terms... 

1.3. Assessment of the market structure by product type (incinerators, cremators)
Both incinerators and cremators are designed for the thermal destruction of waste. The difference between these types of equipment is ... .
According to open source data, despite the clear advantages of incinerators over simple cremators, there is still widespread demand for the latter in India.
Diagram 2. The ratio of demand for incinerators and cremators in the domestic market of India, 2018, %

This situation is largely due to both ... cremators and the specifics of their area of ​​application. 

1.4. Factors affecting the market
Let us consider the main factors influencing the market and, accordingly, the demand for the cremator market in India.
Economic forces
GDP dynamics
The dynamics of GDP determines the general vector of the country's economic development. As shown in Chart 6, for the period 2011-2014. there was a decrease in the annual GDP growth rate, and in 2015-2016. GDP dynamics has moved into the negative zone. On the whole, the decline in GDP is a very serious symptom; against its background, a significant part of business processes in the country is slowing down.
According to the results of 2017, the dynamics of GDP is positive, but not high, which indicates the revival of business processes in the country. The change in the vector of GDP dynamics in 2017 has a positive impact on the market at the macroeconomic level, which will lead to the growth of dependent markets.
The volume of India's GDP for the II quarter of 2018. amounted to ... billion rupees in current prices. The index of physical volume of GDP relative to the II quarter of 2017 amounted to ...%, compared to Q2018 2018. – ...%. GDP deflator index for the II quarter of 2017 compared to the second quarter of . amounted to ...%.
GDP for the first half of 2018 amounted to ... billion rupees in current prices, the index of its physical volume relative to the first half of 2017. amounted to ...%.
According to the Ministry of Economic Development of India, GDP in January-August increased by ...%. 
Diagram 3. Dynamics of India's GDP, in 2011-2017, Q2 2018 % to the previous year

The analyzed market is associated with the general development of the economy, especially the agro-industrial sector, the petrochemical industry, medicine and shipping. Available data allow us to give ... forecasts of development in the medium term.
Social factors...
Technological factors...
Political factors...
Concluding the assessment of the impact factors on the Indian market of incinerators and cremators, we will summarize the key ones in the framework of the STEP-analysis.
Table 2. STEP Analysis of Factors Affecting the Incinerator and Cremator Market in India

As can be seen from the results of the analysis, as of the beginning of 2019, the main factors of the macro environment in relation to the analyzed market are ..., which has a significant impact on the pace and efficiency of domestic production. ...

Part 2. Analysis of exports of incinerators, 2017
2.1. Volume and dynamics of exports
It should be noted that the foreign trade balance in relation to incinerators and cremators for India takes stable ... values: volumes of imported products ... exports. The share of the latter in foreign trade relations is rather insignificant.
Diagram 8. Ratio of exports and imports for incinerators and cremators in India, 2014-2017, USD

As follows from the above ratio, in 2017 the largest volume of imports fell on the Lipetsk region (...%). In second place is (...%). On the third - the Republic of Tatarstan (...%).
At the end of 2017, the bulk of imports fell on Italian equipment (...% of total imports). The second place is occupied by German manufacturers (...%). On the third - French (...%).
Separately, it should be noted that cremators and complete incinerators are imported from most European countries, while China largely supplies spare parts and components.

2.2. Export structure, 2017
Let us analyze in more detail the structure of exports of cremators and incinerators from India in 2017 based on data from customs services.

2.2.1. Recipient countries
At the end of 2017, the main direction of export of cremators and incinerators for India is Kazakhstan: it accounts for ...% of the total volume of foreign trade. In second place is Uzbekistan, where ...% of deliveries were exported. The third place is occupied by Ukraine (...%).
Diagram 13. The structure of exports of cremators from India by producing countries in value terms, 2017, %

As follows from the above diagram, the largest volume of deliveries in physical terms also fell on Kazakhstan (...%, which corresponds to ... tons of equipment). The second place is occupied by Ukraine (...%), which indicates a lower cost of goods supplied to this region in relation to the common market. The third place is occupied by Azerbaijan (...%): this region is also supplied with more budgetary products. The equipment supplied to Uzbekistan has a higher unit cost, which is why this country occupies only the fourth place in the structure of exports in physical terms (...%).
In total, in 2017, ... tons of cremators and incinerators were exported from India for a total of ... million USD. 

2.2.2. Manufacturing companies
It should be noted that the analyzed market is characterized by ... the degree of differentiation. There are many small companies in the segment, each of which is mainly engaged in the sale of equipment within the nearest territorial accessibility. Advertising activity is carried out ... . 

2.2.3. Departure regions
Let us analyze the structure of exports in relation to the regions where products are shipped. According to ..., the bulk of exports in 2017 fell on the producers of the Ulyanovsk region (...%, which corresponds to ... thousand USD). The Chelyabinsk Region is in second place (...%). On the third - (...%).

2.2.4. Possibilities of exporting Indian-made incinerators and cremators to Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey
The analysis of ... data revealed the following indicators regarding the market of incinerators and cremators for Kyrgyzstan. The volume of imports of incinerators is significantly ... export volumes. Export is characterized by insignificant indicators. The foreign trade balance of Kyrgyzstan in relation to the analyzed products has consistently negative values, which indicates ... .
According to the results of 2017, the goods of the analyzed group amounted to ...% of the total imports of goods to Kyrgyzstan (in total, in 2017, imports to Kyrgyzstan amounted to ... billion dollars). Compared to 2016, the share of the group's goods in total imports to Kyrgyzstan decreased by ... p.p. (in 2016 it amounted to ... percent, and total imports to Kyrgyzstan - ... billion dollars).
According to the given data, ...% of the total volume of imports were parts and accessories for furnaces and hearths. The general trend indicates that the country mainly imports ... .
India ranks fourth in the import of incinerators to Kyrgyzstan. At the end of 2017, its share in value terms amounted to ... thousand USD, which corresponds to ...% of the total volume of products imported to Kyrgyzstan.
According to experts, at present the market of Kyrgyzstan is ... for the export of Indian products: ... . 

Part 3. Evaluation of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

Part 4. Findings from the study
4.1. Market development prospects

4.2. Assessment of the export potential of products
In general, India's foreign trade balance for incinerators and cremators is persistently negative. Export volumes are not high and occupy negligible percentages relative to the total market turnover. In the medium term, the situation is not predicted to change. 
As part of the study, an assessment was made of the export of Indian equipment in the following key areas: Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey.
According to experts, at present, the Kyrgyz market is ... for the export of Indian products: the main buyers, according to preliminary estimates, will strive in the medium term ... . 
In general, the current export potential of Indian products is assessed by specialists ... as ...: in most cases ... . 

4.3. Possible barriers to the development of export activities
As follows from the analysis, the main factor limiting the success of Indian cremators and incinerators in foreign markets is ... .

4.4 Findings from the study

Part 5. Reference materials
Profiles of the main market participants ..


Diagram 1. Market volume of incinerators and cremators in India, 2014-2018, thousand Rs. 
Diagram 2. The ratio of demand for incinerators and cremators in the domestic market of India, 2018, %
Diagram 3. Dynamics of India's GDP, in 2011-2017, Q2 2018 % to the previous year
Diagram 4. The dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, Jan. 2014 - December 2018, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 5. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2011 - 9 months. 2018 
Diagram 6. Dynamics of changes in prices for fuels and lubricants, 2013-2018, % to the previous period
Diagram 7. Population change in India, 2010-2018 
Diagram 8. The ratio of exports and imports for incinerators and cremators in India, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 9. Structure of imports of cremators in India by regions, 2017, %
Diagram 10. Structure of imports of cremators in India by producing countries, 2017, %
Diagram 11. Dynamics of export of incinerators and cremators from India, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 12. Dynamics of export of incinerators and cremators from India, 2014-2017, kg
Diagram 13. Structure of export of cremators from India by producing countries in value terms, 2017, %
Diagram 14. Structure of export of cremators from India by producing countries in kind, 2017, %
Diagram 15. Structure of export of cremators from India by regions of departure in value terms, 2017, %
Diagram 16. The structure of exports of cremators from India by regions of departure in kind, 2017, %
Diagram 17. Dynamics of imports of incinerators to Kyrgyzstan, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 18. Dynamics of imports of incinerators to Kyrgyzstan, 2014-2017, kg
Diagram 19. The structure of imports of incinerators to Kyrgyzstan by the composition of the gas turbine engine, 2017, %
Diagram 20. Structure of imports of incinerators to Kyrgyzstan by countries of import, 2017, %
Diagram 21. Structure of imports of incinerators to Kyrgyzstan by countries of import, 2017, USD
Diagram 22. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Kyrgyzstan from China, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 23. Dynamics of imports of incinerators to Kyrgyzstan from India, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 24. Dynamics of imports of incinerators to Kyrgyzstan from India, 2014-2017, kg
Diagram 25. The ratio of exports and imports according to the TN VED code 8417 on the territory of Belarus, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 26. Dynamics of imports of incinerators to Belarus, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 27. Dynamics of imports of incinerators to Belarus, 2014-2017, kg
Diagram 28. Structure of imports of incinerators to Belarus by the composition of gas turbine engines, 2017, %
Diagram 29. Structure of imports of incinerators to Belarus by countries of import, 2017, %
Diagram 30. Structure of imports of incinerators to Belarus by countries of import, 2017, USD
Diagram 31. Dynamics of imports of incinerators to Belarus from Romania, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 32. Dynamics of imports of incinerators to Belarus from India, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 33. Dynamics of imports of incinerators to Belarus from India, 2014-2017, ru
Diagram 34. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Mongolia, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 35. Dynamics of imports of incinerators to Mongolia, 2014-2017, kg
Diagram 36. Structure of imports of incinerators to Mongolia by the composition of gas turbine engines, 2017, %
Diagram 37. Structure of imports of incinerators to Mongolia by countries of import, 2017, %
Diagram 38. Structure of imports of incinerators to Mongolia by countries of import, 2017, USD
Diagram 39. Dynamics of imports of incinerators to Mongolia from China, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 40. The ratio of exports and imports according to the TN VED code 8417 in the territory of Kazakhstan, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 41. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Kazakhstan, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 42. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Kazakhstan, 2014-2017, kg
Diagram 43. The structure of imports of incinerators to Kazakhstan by the composition of the gas turbine engine, 2017, %
Diagram 44. Structure of imports of incinerators to Kazakhstan by countries of import, 2017, %
Diagram 45. Structure of imports of incinerators to Kazakhstan by countries of import, 2017, USD
Diagram 46. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Kazakhstan from Germany, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 47. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Kazakhstan from India, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 48. Dynamics of imports of incinerators to Kazakhstan from India, 2014-2017, kg
Diagram 49. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Kazakhstan from China, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 50. The ratio of exports and imports according to the TN VED code 8417 in the territory of Armenia, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 51. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Armenia, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 52. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Armenia, 2014-2017, kg
Diagram 53. Structure of imports of incinerators to Armenia by the composition of the gas turbine engine, 2017, %
Diagram 54. Structure of imports of incinerators to Armenia by countries of import, 2017, %
Diagram 55. Structure of imports of incinerators to Armenia by import countries, 2017, USD
Diagram 56. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Armenia from Italy, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 57. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Armenia from India, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 58. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Armenia from India, 2014-2017, kg
Diagram 59. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Azerbaijan, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 60. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Azerbaijan, 2014-2017, kg
Diagram 61. Structure of imports of incinerators to Belarus by the composition of gas turbine engines, 2017, %
Diagram 62. Structure of imports of incinerators to Azerbaijan by countries of import, 2017, %
Diagram 63. Structure of imports of incinerators to Azerbaijan by countries of import, 2017, USD
Diagram 64. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Azerbaijan from Turkey, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 65. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Azerbaijan from India, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 66. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Azerbaijan from India, 2014-2017, kg
Diagram 67. The ratio of exports and imports according to the TN VED code 8417 on the territory of Georgia, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 68. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Georgia, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 69. Dynamics of imports of incinerators to Georgia, 2014-2017, kg
Diagram 70. Structure of imports of incinerators to Georgia by the composition of the CCD, 2017, %
Diagram 71. Structure of imports of incinerators to Georgia by countries of import, 2017, %
Diagram 72. Structure of imports of incinerators to Georgia by import countries, 2017, USD
Diagram 73. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Georgia from China, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 74. Dynamics of imports of incinerators to Georgia from India, 2014-2017, kg
Diagram 75. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Georgia from India, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 76. The ratio of exports and imports according to the TN VED code 8417 in Turkey, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 77. Dynamics of import of incinerators to Turkey, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 78. Dynamics of imports of incinerators to Turkey, 2014-2017, kg
Diagram 79. The structure of imports of incinerators to Turkey by the composition of the gas turbine engine, 2017, %
Diagram 80. Structure of imports of incinerators to Turkey by countries of import, 2017, %
Diagram 81. Structure of imports of incinerators to Turkey by countries of import, 2017, USD
Diagram 82. Dynamics of imports of incinerators to Turkey from Germany, 2014-2017, USD
Diagram 83. Forecast dynamics of the volume of the Indian market of incinerators and cremators, 2019 - 2023, thousand Rs. 


Table 1. Population density in the largest regions of India, 2018 
Table 2. STEP Analysis of Factors Affecting the Incinerator and Cremator Market in India
Table 3. Export destination ratio of cremators and incinerators from India, 2017 
Table 4. The main companies participating in the market in 2018 
Table 5. The ratio of regions of origin of exports of cremators and incinerators from India, 2017 
Table 6. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market of incinerators / cremators
Table 7. The main products of the company XXXXX
Table 8. Basic information about the company XXXXX
Table 9. Basic information about the company XXXXX 
Table 10. Basic information about the company XXXXX 
Table 11. Basic information about the company XXXXX 
Table 12. Basic information about the company XXXXX 
Table 13. Basic information about the company XXXXX 
Table 14. Basic information about the company XXXXX 
Table 15. Basic information about the company XXXXX 
Table 16. Basic information about the company XXXXX 
Table 17. Basic information about the company XXXXX 
Table 18. Basic information about the company XXXXX 
Table 19. Basic information about the company XXXXX  

Research benefits

The most complete presentation of information in an accessible and visual form. When ordering a marketing research, you can be sure of the accuracy and reliability of market information, which allows you to make informed management decisions and not miss the attractive opportunities that the market provides.

Directions for using the results of the study

To bring a new product to the market, organize a new production, correct the current strategy of the company or develop a new one, to make various decisions


For senior and middle managers, marketing specialists, investors, business owners

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