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Market analysis of helicopter services

Market analysis of helicopter services Market analysis of helicopter services
Release date 21.06.2019
Number of pages 120
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 65000 ₹

The relevance of research

The helicopter segment is an important part of the air transport market. The special flight capabilities of helicopters provide them with significant advantages over aircraft, as well as with ground-based technologies in a wide range of tasks. Especially these advantages are manifested in hard-to-reach areas, in the absence of airfields and equipment.

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the helicopter services market, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the helicopter services market


Chapter 1. Market Overview of Helicopter Services in India

1.1 Key Features of the Helicopter Services Market in India
1.2 Assessing the Factors Affecting the Helicopter Services Market in India
1.3 Dynamics of the volume and capacity of the helicopter services market in India, 2011-2018
1.4 Key Trends in the Helicopter Services Market in India
1.5 Market structure by types of services

Chapter 2. Seller (Operator) Analysis of Helicopter Market in India

2.1 Large sellers in the market (TOP-5)
2.2 Profiles of the main competitors (TOP-5)
2.3 Market shares of the largest operators (TOP-5)

Chapter 3: Intermediary Analysis of the Helicopter Service Market in India

3.1 The largest intermediaries in the market (TOP-5)
3.2 Profiles of major intermediaries (TOP-5)
3.3 Market shares of the largest intermediaries (TOP-5)

Chapter 4. Consumption Analysis of the Helicopter Services Market in India

4.1 Analysis of consumer preferences
4.2 Major buyers (TOP-10)
4.3 Market structure by sectors of consumption

Chapter 5

5.1 Cost of renting helicopters
5.2 Cost per flight hour
5.3 Helicopter maintenance costs

Chapter 6. Analysis of the structure of the cost of renting a helicopter (the cost of a flight hour of operation)

Chapter 7. Overview of the Helicopter Maintenance Market: Helicopter Repair/Maintenance Services Companies; organizations exercising control over the state of helicopters (public and private); the cost of helicopter repairs throughout its operating cycle

Chapter 8. Conclusions based on the results of the analysis of the civil helicopter market, including the market for helicopter services and helicopter leasing, 2014-2018, forecast until 2023

Research excerpt

Chapter 1. Market Overview of Helicopter Services in India
1.1 Key Features of the Helicopter Services Market in India
The helicopter segment is an important part of the air transport market. The special flight and technical capabilities of helicopters provide ...
Helicopters carry… 
Small aircraft is…
India is characterized by large-scale use ...
Against the backdrop of intensifying competition…
According to the annual report of …, the largest fleet of helicopters belongs to … 
Diagram 1. Shares of countries in the world helicopter fleet
India is one of the potential regions for the development of … Thus, in 2013 and 2018, … and … helicopters were registered in … and … respectively. At the same time, the share of domestic helicopters …% in 2018
In ... at the beginning of 2019, there are ... helicopters. Of these, …% are domestically produced vehicles and …% are foreign helicopters.
According to the list of ... published on ..., as of March 2019, helicopters were in the fleet ... From ... domestic commercial air carriers ...
It should be noted that it flies … If in 2015 there were flights of … helicopters, then in 2017 their number was … units. According to Gidmarket analysts, in 2018 the number of flying helicopters in India amounted to … units.
Diagram 4. Number of flying helicopters in India, 2015-2018, pcs.
Most airlines operating helicopters are concentrated in … Union Territories - …% and … Union Territories - …%. The most vulnerable territories in terms of transport accessibility account for …%. Followed by…
It should also be noted that India has one of the most ... helicopter fleets ...

1.2 Assessing the Factors Affecting the Helicopter Services Market in India
Let's consider the main factors influencing the market and, accordingly, demand.
Social (demographic)
During 2014-2018 India's population shows … dynamics. … At the same time, starting from 2017, ... 
Helicopters are actively used ...
Table 5. STEP analysis of factors influencing the market for helicopter services

1.3 Dynamics of the volume and capacity of the helicopter services market in India, 2011-2018
At the end of 2018, the volume of the helicopter services market in monetary terms amounted to … billion Rs., … compared to 2017 by …%. In 2017, the market volume will amount to … billion rupees, which is by …% … the indicator of the previous year.
In general, the volume of the helicopter services market in terms of value tends ... Only in 2013 it was noted ... According to representatives of market operators, this is due to ...
Diagram 14. Dynamics of the volume of the helicopter services market 2011 - 2018, billion Rs.
In physical terms, in 2018, the volume of the helicopter services market (according to GidMarket analysts) in India amounted to … thousand hours, … by …% compared to 2017. … the volume of the helicopter services market in physical terms in 2016 was due to …
Thus, the actual capacity of the helicopter services market in 2018 reached … billion Rs. Despite …, experts note that the potential … Another booming helicopter segment, as noted above, is …

1.4 Key Trends in the Helicopter Services Market in India
The main tendencies and trends in the helicopter services market include: …

1.5 Market structure by types of services
The structure of the helicopter services market consists of the following main types of work: ...

Chapter 2. Seller (Operator) Analysis of Helicopter Market in India
2.1 Large sellers in the market (TOP-5)
According to the data ... as of March 2019, helicopter air services in India are provided by ... airlines that are completely independent in choosing a segment of the work market and determining the fleet formation policy. Most newly formed companies have…

2.2 Profiles of the main competitors (TOP-5)
Company group …
Diagram 18. Age map of MI-8T helicopters of XXXXX company
The company provides the following services:
Company XXXXXX

2.3 Market shares of the largest operators (TOP-5)
Diagram 30 clearly shows that there are two clear leaders on the market: …, occupying …% and …% of the market, respectively. The total volume of the market of these companies is …%. 
The third place is occupied by …, occupying …%. The shares of other companies are …

Chapter 3: Intermediary Analysis of the Helicopter Service Market in India
3.1 The largest intermediaries in the market (TOP-5)
At the moment, the market for business aviation services in India…
The main intermediaries for the provision of services in the helicopter services market in India in 2018 were …

3.2 Profiles of major intermediaries (TOP-5)
Company XXXXXX
Company XXXXXX
Company XXXXXX

3.3 Market shares of the largest intermediaries (TOP-5)
The leader in the market of intermediary helicopter services in India is …, occupying …% of the market. The second place is occupied by … with a share of …%. …

Chapter 4. Consumption Analysis of the Helicopter Services Market in India
4.1 Analysis of consumer preferences
State-owned companies and budgetary organizations are obliged to ... To determine consumer preferences, an analysis of the tender documentation on the portals ... was carried out in the period 2016-2017. 
After analyzing the tender documentation, the following requests/requirements to the bidder for the provision of helicopter (transportation) services were identified.
Purchasing Method: ...
General requirements: …
Service types: ...
Service unit: …
Brand of aviation equipment (if specified) and other technical characteristics: ...

4.2 Major buyers (TOP-10)
Helicopters have taken a big place in the life of mankind, and now it is almost impossible to imagine the performance of any work without the help of these machines. …
The oil and gas sector of the economy around the world is … 
In addition to companies … major consumers of helicopter services are … 
In aggregate, the share of the oil and gas sector (geological exploration, construction and maintenance of infrastructure facilities) can reach …%.
… form the demand for helicopter services in general. Their own structural divisions (including subsidiaries and affiliates), as well as construction and oilfield service companies are …

Chapter 5
5.1 Cost of renting helicopters
In the course of this study, price lists were requested from the main market participants, but as practice has shown, airlines … 
The construction of both passenger and cargo tariffs for air transport is formed depending ... In the pricing of helicopter transportation, an important point is ...: ...
Also, the key stage of the pricing mechanism in helicopter transportation is the determination of …
Examples of helicopter rental costs are shown in Table 15.
Table 15. The cost of renting a helicopter in India in 2016-2017 years.
After analyzing the cost of renting helicopters through purchases, we can conclude that the calculation of the cost of the contract depends on ... For example, a contract for renting a helicopter with a crew to fly around overhead power lines ... for a period of ... and a cost of ... Rs. involves renting … for … Rs./hour. While the service contract...

5.2 Cost per flight hour
To compile flight hour price charts, …
The average cost per flight hour for a light helicopter is … Rs. Helicopters are in the lower price segment … The average cost of a flight hour … is … Rs., and ...
Diagram 33. Cost of a light helicopter flight hour, Rs.
The average cost per flight hour for an average helicopter is … Rs. At the same time, the most expensive flight hour ...

5.3 Helicopter maintenance costs
As a result of the analysis of tenders for the maintenance of helicopters in 2016-October 2017. the following average prices for helicopter maintenance were calculated, presented in table 17.
A more detailed discussion of the cost of maintenance work is presented in table 18.

Chapter 6. Analysis of the structure of the cost of renting a helicopter
The cost of operating a helicopter almost by …% consists of variable costs per hour and …% - fixed costs for the entire service life (excluding depreciation).
The variable costs include...
Fixed costs, in turn, consist of ...

Chapter 7. Overview of the Helicopter Maintenance Market
There are many companies in the helicopter maintenance market in India. The main enterprises of this industry are presented in table 21.
Company XXXXXX
Company XXXXXX
Company XXXXXX
At the moment, the leaders among the companies providing services for the repair / maintenance of helicopters in India are enterprises that are part of ...
Consider the types of maintenance and repair of helicopters.
In civil aviation adopted ...
A characteristic feature…
For maintenance, the system is regulated ...
List of maintenance work ...
The regulation provides for the following types of maintenance: ...
It is worth noting that the cost of repair work is highly dependent on ...

Chapter 8. Conclusions on the results of the analysis of the civil helicopter market


Diagram 1. Shares of countries in the world helicopter fleet
Diagram 2. Dynamics of India's helicopter fleet, 2013-2018
Diagram 3. Helicopter Fleet of India, 2018
Diagram 4. Number of flying helicopters in India, 2015-2018, pcs.
Diagram 5. Share of airlines with helicopters in their fleet, 2019
Diagram 6. Distribution of airlines operating helicopters by union territories of India, %
Diagram 7. Population change in India, 2014-2018
Diagram 8. Dynamics of the population employed in the oil and gas sector of India, 2014-2018
Diagram 9. Dynamics of India's GDP, 2014 - 2018, % to the previous year
Diagram 10. The dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2015-March 2019, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 11. The dynamics of the inflation rate in India, 2014-Feb. 2019
Diagram 12. Average annual prices for Indian oil in the period 2014 - 2019
Diagram 13. Number of helicopter fleet, 2014-2018, forecast until 2021
Diagram 14. Dynamics of the market volume of helicopter services 2011 - 2018, billion Rs.
Diagram 15. Dynamics of the volume of the helicopter services market 2011 - 2018, thousand hours
Diagram 16. Helicopter services market structure, 2019, %
Diagram 17. Age map of Mi-26 helicopters of XXXXX company
Diagram 18. Age map of MI-8T helicopters of XXXXX company
Diagram 19. Age map of helicopters MI-17 (MI-8 MTV / AMT) of the company XXXXX
Diagram 20. Age map of Mi-8 AMT helicopters of XXXXX company
Diagram 21. Age map of Mi-8 MT helicopters of XXXXX company
Diagram 22. Age map of Mi-8T helicopters of XXXXX company
Diagram 23. Age map of Mi-8 P helicopters of XXXXX company
Diagram 24. Age map of Mi-2 helicopters of XXXXX company
Diagram 25. Age map of Mi-8 MT helicopters of XXXXX company
Diagram 26. Age map of Mi-8T helicopters of XXXXX company
Diagram 27. Age map of Mi-8T helicopters of XXXXX company
Diagram 28. Age map of Mi-8T helicopters of XXXXX company ""
Diagram 29. Age map of Mi-2 helicopters of the XXXXX company ""
30 Chart. Shares of airlines providing helicopter services, 2018
Diagram 31. Shares of the largest intermediaries in the helicopter services market, %
Diagram 32. Helicopter services market structure by consumption sectors, %
Diagram 33. The cost of a light helicopter flight hour, Rs.
Diagram 34. Cost of an average helicopter flight hour, Rs.
Diagram 35. Flight hour structure, %
Diagram 36. Structure of variable expenses, %
Diagram 37. Structure of fixed costs, %
Diagram 38. The structure of the cost of 1 flight hour for various forms of ownership,%
Diagram 39. Shares of largest helicopter repair/maintenance companies in India in 2016
Diagram 40. Forecast of oil and gas condensate production at the largest new fields in the Baseline scenario and in the ""Strengthening sanctions"" scenario for the period up to 2030
Diagram 41. Scenario forecast of oil and gas condensate production in India for the period up to 2030
Diagram 42. Helicopter services market volume forecast 2019-2023 , billion Rs.


Table 1. Industrial production index by state of India (in % of the previous year), 2014 - Feb. 2019
Table 2. The dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2015 - March 2019, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Table 3. Dynamics of the inflation rate, the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of India and the key rate of the Central Bank of India, 2014 - 2019 (March)
Table 4. List of GOSTs introduced on 01.03.2016/ /
Table 5. STEP analysis of factors affecting the helicopter services market
Table 6. The main companies participating in the helicopter services market in 2018
Table 7. Characteristics of the air force of the company XXXXX
Table 8. Characteristics of the air force of the company XXXXX
Table 9. Characteristics of the air force of the company XXXXX
Table 10. Characteristics of the air force of the company XXXXX
Table 11. Characteristics of the air force of the company XXXXX
Table 12. The main intermediary companies in the helicopter services market in 2018
Table 13. Profiles of intermediary companies in the helicopter services market in 2018
Table 14. The main companies-customers of helicopter services in 2017
Table 15. The cost of renting a helicopter in India in 2016-2017
Table 16. Price offer of airlines and intermediaries, Rs.
Table 17. Average prices for helicopter maintenance, 2017, Rs.
Table 18. Average prices for maintenance of MI-8 and its various modifications, 2017, Rs.
Table 19. Costs for obtaining EEVS airworthiness certificates (for small-scale helicopters and helicopters not previously produced).
Table 20. The structure of the flight hour of the Mi-8 and its various modifications, Rs.
Table 21. Major helicopter repair/maintenance companies in India in 2016
Table 22. Profiles of helicopter repair/maintenance companies in India in 2016
Table 23. List of certification centers accredited by the Federal Air Transport Agency for carrying out work to assess the compliance of the EMU (an aircraft copy) and the AEVS GA (a single copy of a general aviation aircraft) with the requirements of the FAR of India (Federal Aviation Regulations of India)
Table 24. Average cost of helicopter overhaul, 2017, Rs.
Table 25. Cost of repair and maintenance of helicopters, 2017, Rs.

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