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Market Analysis of Heat Resistant Rubber Thermal Insulation in India

Market Analysis of Heat Resistant Rubber Thermal Insulation in India Market Analysis of Heat Resistant Rubber Thermal Insulation in India
Release date 02.09.2020
Number of pages 86
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

Materials based on foamed rubber have an unofficial name - ""technical thermal insulation of the third generation."" The main use of foamed rubber is in thermal insulation.

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the market for heat-resistant rubber thermal insulation, assessment of the market volume, analysis of competitors, imports, consumers, as well as identification of factors affecting the market 


Chapter 1. Market Overview of Heat Resistant Rubber Thermal Insulation in India 

1.1. Product description 
1.2. Scope of the product, application features 
1.3. Main characteristics of the market 
1.4. Dynamics of market volume 2017-2019 
1.5. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market 
1.6. Assessment of factors affecting the market 
1.6.1. Social factors 
1.6.2. Technological factors 
1.6.3. Economic forces 
1.6.4. Political factors 
1.6.5. Conclusions about the influence of factors on the market 

Chapter 2. Analysis of foreign trade operations (FEA) in the market of heat-resistant rubber thermal insulation (TN VED code 4008), 2019 

2.1. Import Analysis 
2.1.1. The volume of imports (in physical and value terms) 
2.1.2. Import structure: by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms) by recipient companies (in physical and value terms) 

Chapter 3. Analysis of production (TOP-5) 

3.1. The level of competition in the market 
3.2. Biggest Producers in India 
3.3. Market shares of the largest competitors 

Chapter 4. Consumption Analysis 

4.1. Market saturation 
4.2. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase 

Chapter 5 

5.1. Prices of domestic producers 
5.2. Analysis of prices for imported products 

Chapter 6. Forecasts and conclusions 

6.1. Market development forecast until 2024 
6.2. Go-to-Market Recommendations 
6.3. Key findings from the study

Research excerpt

Chapter 1. Market Overview of Heat Resistant Rubber Thermal Insulation in India

1.1. Product description

Professional foam synthetic rubber insulation systems were first developed and introduced to the market by Armstrong World Industries in 2000. 

Foam rubber is an elastic material that does not absorb moisture and regains its shape after the load is removed. The material is highly resistant to microorganisms and fungus, has low thermal conductivity, is environmentally friendly, belongs to the G1 fire safety group. Foamed rubber is a medium-density insulation (70 kg/m3) and is suitable for protecting water supply, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. Its main scope is the isolation of industrial communications with elevated surface temperatures.

1.4 Dynamics of market volume 2017-2019

Consider the dynamics of the market volume of rubber thermal insulation in India in 2017-2019. According to GidMarket's calculations based on data from Rosstat and the Federal Customs Service, the market volume in 2017 amounted to 3654,11 million Rs. In 2018, the market volume, in turn, amounted to 4254,83 million Rs., which is 16,4% higher than the value of the indicator in 2017. The growth is due, first of all, to an increase in domestic production as a result of an increase in the capacity utilization of factories - main manufacturers. In addition, in 2018, imports of the analyzed products increased both in physical and value terms. In 2019, the rubber insulation market decreased by 6,2%, driven by a 7,8% decline in domestic production, and amounted to Rs 3993,10 million.

Diagram 1. Dynamics of the market volume of heat-resistant rubber thermal insulation in India in 2017-2019, million Rs. 


Throughout the analyzed period, there has been an uneven dynamics of the volume of the rubber thermal insulation market in monetary terms, at current prices. The driver for the increase in the market volume in 2018 was the level of prices for thermal insulation materials, as well as the recovery in the construction sector of the economy, the main consumer of VSC-based insulation. 

1.5 Current trends and development prospects of the studied market

Key trends in the heat resistant rubber thermal insulation market in India include:

During 2017-2019 there was a positive dynamics in the volume of work for the type of activity ""Construction"" in India, which had a positive effect on the development of the Indian technical insulation market as a whole. At the same time, the main increase was provided by the construction of residential facilities. The volume of construction of new offices and shopping centers ceased to be a driver a few years ago. Positive dynamics in 2017-2019 demonstrated the industrial sector, where the state has taken a course to strengthen India's position in Europe as a key supplier of energy resources and the production of products necessary for the world market. In the pre-crisis period, there was a gradual increase in demand for products from the main consumer sectors of insulating materials - the construction industry, housing and communal services, transport engineering, shipbuilding, the chemical industry, and the oil and gas complex. 

1.6 Evaluation of factors affecting the market

Let's consider the main factors influencing the rubber thermal insulation market in India and, accordingly, the consumer demand and income of market operators. 

1.6.2 Technological factors
Insulating materials based on foamed synthetic rubber are a relatively new product on the building materials market. This is a modern type of insulating material, thanks to which it has become possible to achieve the best results in maintaining the service life of insulated surfaces and minimizing the loss of resources. 

1.6.3 Economic factors
GDP level in India
The dynamics of India's GDP determines the vector of development of the country's economy as a whole and to a large extent affects the development trends of industries and markets in the country. The GDP growth rate has an impact on the level of effective demand of the population. 

Table 2. STEP Analysis of Factors Affecting the Heat Resistant Rubber Thermal Insulation Market in India


According to the results of the performed STEP-analysis, macro-environmental factors are currently affecting the market for thermal insulation based on foamed rubber …

Chapter 2. Analysis of foreign trade operations (FEA) in the market of heat-resistant rubber thermal insulation (TN VED code 4008), 2019

2.1 Import Analysis 

2.1.1 Volume of imports (in physical and value terms)
An analysis of the volume of imports for the product “rubber thermal insulation” for 2019 showed that the main types of the product in question imported to India were sheets and tapes made of foamed synthetic rubber. 

The natural volume of imports amounted to … tons. Imports in value terms in 2019 amounted to … million Rs. 

The main exporting countries of thermal insulation based on foam rubber to India (in physical terms) in 2019 were: …. 

Diagram 15. Structure of imports of thermal insulation based on foamed rubber to India (by exporting countries) in kind, 2019, %


2.1.2 Import structure: by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms)
Let's analyze the structure of imports of thermal insulation based on foamed rubber in India for 2019 in the context of manufacturing companies. 

The main exporters of these products in India are: …, …, …, which account for …% of imports in physical terms and …% of imports in value terms. Table 3 presents data on the volume of imports of rubber thermal insulation in India in physical and value terms (in the context of exporting companies). 

The leader in terms of export volumes of rubber thermal insulation in India in physical terms in 2019 was the company … which accounts for …% of Indian imports. The second place belongs to the company …, with a share of …%. The third place is occupied by the company … with a share of …%. It should be noted that these three companies have been the leaders in terms of exports of rubber thermal insulation in India for many years (two of them - ... and ... - have their own production in India and are also leaders in domestic production). 

Other companies account for …% of Indian imports of rubber insulation, among them: a manufacturing company from … (…%), Chinese manufacturers …

Diagram 17. Structure of imports in physical terms by manufacturing companies, 2019, %


A similar structure has imports of thermal insulation based on synthetic foamed rubber in value terms. First up is the company...

Chapter 3. Analysis of production (TOP-5)

3.1 Level of competition in the market 

The heat resistant rubber thermal insulation market in India is characterized by… 

The main part of the products sold on the market is thermal insulation made in India. At the same time, companies from European countries that produce insulating materials in the territory and India at their own factories using Western technologies have significant market shares ... 

Among the Indian manufacturers of thermal insulation materials on the market, European brands compete with such companies as … 

The largest players in the market of thermal insulation materials based on VSC have an extensive distribution network in India (…) and also export products abroad. 

In general, it should be noted that there are few manufacturing companies operating in the rubber thermal insulation market in India (up to 10 Indian companies). Also, an insignificant market share is occupied by imported products of such companies as … 

Let's analyze in more detail the TOP-5 manufacturers of heat-resistant rubber thermal insulation on the Indian market: ... 

Table 5. Major Suppliers of Heat Resistant Rubber Thermal Insulation in India, 2018 


3.3 Market shares of the largest competitors

Let's determine the market shares of the largest manufacturers of thermal insulation based on foamed synthetic rubber. 

The total share of TOP-5 manufacturers in the market is … %. According to GidMarket, the absolute leader of the rubber thermal insulation market in India is the company … with a share of 46,3%. In second place is the company...

Chart 21. Shares of the largest manufacturers in the heat-resistant rubber thermal insulation market in India, 2019



Diagram 1. Dynamics of the market volume of heat-resistant rubber thermal insulation in India in 2017-2019, million Rs. 
Diagram 2. Dynamics of the population of India in 2008-2020, thousand people 
Chart 3. Dynamics of the unemployment rate in India, 2008-2019, Jan-May 2020, % 
Diagram 4. Dynamics of real money income of the population of India in 2008-2019, January-March 2020, % to the previous year 
Diagram 5. Dynamics of India's GDP, 2007-2019, trillion. Rs. 
Diagram 6. Dynamics of industrial production in India in 2008-2019, January-April 2020,% of the corresponding period of the previous year 
Diagram 7. Dynamics of the volume of work by type of activity ""Construction"" in India, 2007-2019, Jan.-Apr. 2020, billion Rs. 
Diagram 8. Dynamics of commissioning of heat supply facilities in India, 2007-2019, km. 
Diagram 9. Dynamics of costs for energy saving measures of organizations supplying heat and hot water, 2015-2018, billion Rs. 
Diagram 10. Dynamics of the price index for thermal insulation materials in India, 2007-2019, January 2020,% 
Diagram 11. Dynamics of state lending to small and medium enterprises in India in 2011-2019, trillion. Rs. 
Chart 12. Dynamics of the weighted average rate on mortgage ruble loans in India, 2013-2019, January-March 2020, % 
Chart 13. Dynamics of the average official exchange rate of the US dollar against the rupee, 2007-2019, January-June 2020, Rs/USD 
Diagram 14. Dynamics of the index of entrepreneurial confidence in construction, quarterly, 2015-2019, Q2 2020, % 
Diagram 15. Structure of imports of thermal insulation based on foamed rubber to India (by exporting countries) in kind, 2019, % 
Diagram 16. Structure of imports of thermal insulation based on foamed rubber to India (by exporting countries) in value terms, 2019, % 
Diagram 17. Structure of imports in physical terms by manufacturing companies, 2019, % 
Diagram 18. Structure of imports in value terms by manufacturing companies, 2019, % 
Diagram 19. Structure of imports of thermal insulation based on foamed rubber in physical terms by recipient companies, 2019, % 
Diagram 20. Structure of imports of thermal insulation based on foamed rubber in value terms by recipient companies, 2019, % 
Chart 21. Shares of the largest manufacturers in the heat-resistant rubber thermal insulation market in India, 2019 
Chart 22. Structure of consumption of rubber thermal insulation under commercial tenders in India (by type), 2019-2020, % 
Chart 23. Structure of consumption of rubber thermal insulation in tubes within the framework of commercial tenders in India (depending on material thickness), 2019-2020, % 
Diagram 24. Structure of consumption of rubber thermal insulation in tubes within the framework of commercial tenders in India (depending on the diameter of the product), 2019-2020, % 
Diagram 25. Structure of consumption of rubber thermal insulation in sheets and rolls within the framework of commercial tenders in India (depending on material thickness), 2019-2020, % 
Diagram 26. Structure of demand for rubber thermal insulation (rolls, sheets and tubes) within the framework of commercial tenders in India (by product brands), 2019-2020, % 
Chart 27. Structure of consumption of rubber thermal insulation under commercial tenders in India by regions, 2019-2020, % 
Chart 28. Price positioning of universal rubber thermal insulation in tubes (thickness 9 mm, diameter 22 mm.) in the market in India, July 2020, Rs. 
Chart 29. Price positioning of universal rubber thermal insulation in tubes (thickness 13 mm, diameter 42 mm.) in the market in India, July 2020, Rs. 
Chart 30. Price positioning of universal rubber thermal insulation in rolls (9 mm thick.) on the market in India, July 2020, Rs. 
Chart 31. Price positioning of universal rubber thermal insulation in rolls (19 mm thick.) on the market in India, July 2020, Rs. 
Chart 32. Price positioning of high temperature rubber thermal insulation in tubes (thickness 13 mm, diameter 42 mm.) in the market in India, July 2020, Rs. 
Chart 33. Price positioning of high-temperature rubber thermal insulation in rolls (thickness 19 mm.) in the market in India, July 2020, Rs. 
Chart 34. Price positioning of environmentally friendly rubber thermal insulation in tubes (thickness 13 mm, diameter 42 mm.) in the market in India, July 2020, Rs. 
Chart 35. Price positioning of high-temperature rubber thermal insulation in rolls (thickness 19 mm.) in the market in India, July 2020, Rs. 
Chart 36. India Heat Resistant Rubber Insulation Market Size 2018-2019, 2020-2024 forecast, million Rs. (at current prices)


Table 1. Main physical and mechanical properties of foamed synthetic rubber
Table 2. STEP Analysis of Factors Affecting the Heat Resistant Rubber Thermal Insulation Market in India 
Table 3. Imports of foamed rubber thermal insulation in India by manufacturing companies, 2019 
Table 4. Import volume of foamed rubber thermal insulation in India by recipient companies, 2019 
Table 5. Major Suppliers of Heat Resistant Rubber Thermal Insulation in India, 2018 
Table 6. Basic information about the participant No. 1 of the heat-resistant rubber thermal insulation market. 
Table 7. Basic information about the participant No. 2 of the heat-resistant rubber thermal insulation market. 
Table 8. Basic information about the participant No. 3 of the heat-resistant rubber thermal insulation market. 
Table 9. Basic information about the participant No. 4 of the heat-resistant rubber thermal insulation market. 
Table 10. Basic information about the participant No. 5 of the heat-resistant rubber thermal insulation market. 
Table 11. Tenders for the purchase of foamed rubber thermal insulation announced from 01.01.19/30.06.20/ to / /  
Table 12. K-FLEX ST foam rubber thermal insulation prices, July 2020, Rs. 
Table 13. Prices for thermal insulation made of foamed rubber by K-flex LLC, July 2020, Rs. 
Table 14. Prices for ARMAFLEX ACE foam rubber thermal insulation, July 2020, Rs. 
Table 15. Prices for thermal insulation made of foamed rubber by Armacell LLC, July 2020, Rs. 
Table 16. ENERGOCELL HT rubber foam insulation prices, July 2020, Rs. 
Table 17. AEROFLEX EPDM foam rubber thermal insulation prices, July 2020, Rs. 
Table 18. Prices for thermal insulation made of foamed rubber by LLC Teploizolyatsiya Perm, July 2020, Rs. 
Table 19. Prices for thermal insulation made of foamed rubber of the RU-flex ST brand, July 2020, Rs. 
Table 20. Prices for thermal insulation from foamed rubber of the Indian Thermal Insulation Company LLC, July 2020, Rs. 
Table 21. Prices for Kaiflex rubber foam insulation, July 2020, Rs. 
Table 22. MISOT FLEX ST foam rubber thermal insulation prices, July 2020, Rs.

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