Market analysis of green peas and beans in India
The relevance of research
Canned peas and beans belong to the canned vegetable market, occupying about 20-25% of its total production. It is also necessary to note the low popularity of peas and beans for home canning compared to other vegetables.
Purpose of the study
Analysis of the state of the canned peas and beans market, assessment of the market volume, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the canned peas and beans market.
Part 1. Overview of the Indian market for canned peas and beans
1.1. Main characteristics of the market
1.2. Dynamics of the market volume of canned peas and beans 2012-2016 Market volume
1.3. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.4. Canned Pea and Bean Market Life Cycle Stage
1.5. Competition from substitute products
Part 2. Competitive analysis in the canned peas and beans market
2.1. Major players in the market
2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
2.3. Profiles of major players
Part 3. Analysis of the production of canned peas and beans
3.1. Volume and dynamics of domestic production of canned peas and beans
3.2. Share of exports in the production of canned peas and beans
3.3. Segmentation of canned peas and beans production by regions
3.3.1. Production by Union Territories
3.3.2. Production by states of India
Part 4. Analysis of foreign trade supplies of canned peas and beans
4.1. Volume and dynamics of imports of canned peas and beans
4.2. Import structure
4.3. The volume and dynamics of exports of canned peas and beans
4.4. Export structure
Part 5. Analysis of the consumption of canned peas and beans
5.1. Dynamics of consumption of canned peas and beans
5.2. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase
Part 6. Price Analysis
6.1. Average producer prices by union territories
6.2. Average consumer prices by states in India
Part 7. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market
Part 8. Market forecast for canned peas and beans until 2021
Part 9. Recommendations and conclusions
Research excerpt
Part 1. Overview of the Indian market for canned peas and beans
1.1.Main characteristics of the market
The object of this study is canned peas and beans.
Canned peas are green peas that have been preserved using a canning method.
Peas are harvested for the purpose of long-term storage, trying to preserve vitamins and nutrients as much as possible. Canned food is produced from young grains (milk stage of maturity), when they are still tender and rich in sugar and vitamins. Unlike mature peas (grain legumes), green peas are considered a vegetable. Canned food consists of 65-70% grains and 30-35% filling and contains peas, water, salt and sugar, no preservatives...
1.2. Dynamics of the market volume of canned peas and beans 2012-2016 Market volume
Consider the dynamics of the volume and capacity of the canned peas and beans market in India.
Diagram 2. Dynamics of the volume of the Indian market of canned peas and beans in 2012 - 11 months of 2017, billion Rs.
1.3. Assessment of factors affecting the market
Let's consider the main factors influencing the market of canned peas and beans and, accordingly, the demand...
1.4. Canned Pea and Bean Market Life Cycle Stage
The market for canned peas and beans is at the stage of maturity of the life cycle. This is evidenced by:…
1.5. Competition from substitute products
As such, there are no direct substitute products for canned peas and beans, competition from other groups of canned vegetables is not observed due to the different properties and further use of products ...
Part 2. Competitive analysis in the canned peas and beans market
2.1. Major players in the market
The largest companies operating in the Indian canned peas and beans market include … SA, … , …, …, … .
2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
According to Euromonitor International, at the end of 2017, the TOP brands in the Indian canned peas and beans market included … (8,8%), … (6,6%), … (3,3%), … (3,1 %). Together, these brands accounted for just over a quarter of the Indian market.
Chart 9. Shares of leading brands in the Indian canned peas and beans market in 2017
2.3. Profiles of major players
Part 3. Analysis of the production of canned peas and beans
3.1. Volume and dynamics of domestic production of canned peas and beans
According to the results of 11 months of 2017, the volume of production of canned peas and beans decreased for the first time over the past few years, the decline was 22,9% compared to the corresponding period in 2016.
Diagram 10. Dynamics of production volumes of canned peas and beans in India for 2012 - 11 months of 2017, million conventional cans
3.2.Share of exports in the production of canned peas and beans
During 2012 - 11 months of 2017. there has been a gradual increase in the share of exports of canned peas and beans in the Indian output...
3.3. Segmentation of canned peas and beans production by regions
3.3.1. Production by Union Territories
According to the Federal State Statistics Service, in 2016, more than half of the production of canned peas and beans in India fell on ... Union Territories (51,5%). The second significant region was ... Union Territories with a share of 34,1%, in third place - ... Union Territories (14,2%). The shares of … Union Territories and … Union Territories turned out to be insignificant – less than 1%...
3.3.2. Production by states of India
According to Rosstat, in 2016 a little more than half of the production …
Diagram 14. Production of canned peas and beans by states of India in 2016, %
Part 4. Analysis of foreign trade supplies of canned peas and beans
4.1. Volume and dynamics of imports of canned peas and beans
According to the data of the Federal Customs Service, imports of canned peas and beans to India in 2012 amounted to … thousand tons in physical terms.
Diagram 15. Volume and dynamics of imports of canned peas and beans in physical terms, thousand tons
4.2. Import structure
In 2016, … became the leader in imports of canned peas and beans in India, accounting for slightly more than half of the supply - 56,9%. In second place is ... (11,8%), in third - ... (6,7%).
4.3. The volume and dynamics of exports of canned peas and beans
According to the data of the Federal Customs Service, during 2012 - 11 months of 2017, the export of canned peas and beans from India in physical terms grew at a double-digit pace. In 2016
4.4. Export structure
In 2016, the largest recipient countries of Indian canned peas and beans were … (37,9%), … (25,0%), … (13,2%) and … (11,1%). Together, they accounted for 87,2% of total exports.
Part 5. Analysis of the consumption of canned peas and beans
5.1. Dynamics of consumption of canned peas and beans
In recent years, India has seen an increase in the popularity of canned vegetables. However, in terms of the volume of canned vegetables, India still lags behind the countries of the European Union, the United States and Canada. According to GidMarket calculations, 1 kg of canned vegetables per 7,5 Indian per year, while the consumption rate in the EU countries is 10-16 kg, in the USA - 50 kg and in Canada - 13 kg.
5.2. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase
As a rule, the purchase of canned peas and beans is included in the general applications for the purchase of food products for the needs of enterprises and organizations. The analysis made it possible to identify only a few tenders directly related to the considered product category.
Part 6. Price Analysis
6.1. Average producer prices by union territories
According to Rosstat data, at the end of 2016, the highest producer prices for canned peas and beans were set in … Union Territories (Rs. cans). The largest increase in prices in 23 compared to 076,6 was noted in the … Union Territories (+17%), and the smallest – in the … Union Territories (673,6%).
6.2. Average consumer prices by states in India
According to GidMarket's estimate based on Rosstat data, in 2016 the highest consumer prices for canned peas and beans were observed in … AO (83,4 Rs/conv bank), and the lowest in … oblast. (31,0 Rs/bank bank).
Part 7. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market
Part 8. Market forecast for canned peas and beans until 2021
Part 9. Recommendations and conclusions
Diagram 1. The ratio of imported and domestic products in the Indian market of canned peas and beans, %
Diagram 2. Dynamics of the volume of the Indian market of canned peas and beans in 2012 - 11 months of 2017, billion Rs.
Diagram 3. Revenue (net) from the sale of canned peas and beans in the union territories for 2012 - 9 months 2017, %
Diagram 4. Dynamics of India's GDP, in % to the previous year
Diagram 5. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India
Diagram 6. Average nominal exchange rate of Rs. to USD
Diagram 7. Dynamics of the gross pea harvest in India, million tons
Diagram 8. Dynamics of the population of India, million people
Chart 9. Shares of leading brands in the Indian canned peas and beans market in 2017
Diagram 10. Dynamics of production volumes of canned peas and beans in India for 2012 - 11 months of 2017, million conventional cans
Diagram 11. Dynamics of the total revenue of the largest producers (TOP-5) of canned peas and beans in India, 2012-2016, billion Rs.
Diagram 12. Shares of companies in the total revenue of the largest producers (TOP-5) of canned peas and beans in India, 2012-2016
Diagram 13. The share of exports in the Indian production of canned peas and beans for 2012 - 11 months. 2017
Diagram 14. Production of canned peas and beans by states of India in 2016, %
Diagram 15. Volume and dynamics of imports of canned peas and beans in physical terms, thousand tons
Diagram 16. Volume and dynamics of imports of canned peas and beans in monetary terms, million dollars
Diagram 17. Dynamics of export of canned peas and beans in physical terms, thousand tons
Diagram 18. Dynamics of exports of canned peas and beans in monetary terms, mln USD
Diagram 19. Balance of exports and imports in the Indian market of canned peas and beans in 2012 - 11 months 2017, thousand tons
Diagram 20. The structure of exports of canned peas and beans from India by recipient countries in 2016 - 11 months 2017
Diagram 21. Dynamics of consumption of canned peas and beans in physical terms 2012 - 11 months 2017, million conventional cans
Diagram 22. Dynamics of consumption of canned peas and beans in value terms 2012 - 11 months 2017, billion Rs.
Diagram 23. Market forecast for canned peas and beans in India in 2017-2021, million conventional cans
Table 1. STEP analysis of factors affecting the canned peas and beans market in India
Table 2. Main companies participating in the Indian canned peas and beans market in 2017
Table 3. Total sales of TOP 5 canned peas and beans in the Indian market in 2016
Table 4. Dynamics of the production of canned peas and beans in India by union territories, million conventional cans
Table 5. Structure of imports of canned peas and beans by sending countries in 2016 - 11 months of 2017
Table 6. Data on tenders for the purchase of canned peas and beans announced from 01.12.17 to 31.12.17
Table 7. Average producer prices for canned peas and beans across the union territories in 2012 – 11 months 2017, Rs/thousand conventional cans
Table 8. Average consumer prices for canned peas and beans by states of India, 2016, Rs/cond bank
Table 9. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the canned peas and beans market
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