Market Analysis of Engineering Survey Services in India
The relevance of research
Engineering surveys are an obligatory part of urban planning activities, providing a comprehensive study of the natural conditions of the territory (region, district, site, site, route) and factors of anthropogenic impact on the territory of capital construction projects
Purpose of the study
Analysis of the state of the engineering survey services market in India, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the engineering survey services market
Part 1. Market overview of engineering surveys in construction
1.1. Characteristics of the Indian market of engineering surveys
1.2. Market Size, Market Size and Dynamics of the Indian Engineering Survey Market, 2005-2020
1.3. The structure of the engineering survey market in India
1.3.1. by type of services provided
1.3.2. by sector of consumption / type of consumers
1.4. Assessment of current trends and development prospects of the studied market
1.5. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity
Part 2: Competitive Analysis in the Engineering Survey Market in India
2.1. The largest players in the market (TOP-10)
2.2. Main competitors, their market share
2.3. Working conditions of competing companies, types of services offered
2.4. Market Saturation and Estimated Market Potential in India
Part 3. Analysis of service consumption. Identification of potential customers interested in engineering survey services for construction
3.1. Assessment of the volume and structure of consumption of engineering survey services
3.2. TOP potential customers, 2020
3.3. Characteristics of the activities of consumer enterprises
3.4. Identification of potential customers interested in consuming engineering survey services. Identification of the most profitable, especially dangerous and technically complex facilities
3.5. Identification of promising market segments and interesting objects
3.6. Description of consumer preferences
3.7. Criteria for choosing a supplier from the main consumers
3.8. Growth prospects for key consumer sectors
3.9. Consumption forecast up to 2025. Comparative analysis of supply and demand structures in the market
Part 4. Recommendations and conclusions
4.1. Macroeconomic Factors Affecting the Engineering Survey Market in India
4.2. Conclusions on the prospects for the development of enterprises providing services in the field of engineering surveys in India
Research excerpt
Part 1. Market overview of engineering surveys in construction
1.1. Characteristics of the Indian market of engineering surveys
Engineering surveys are an obligatory part of urban planning activities, providing …
The developer has the right to carry out engineering surveys, carry out ...
The execution of engineering surveys, work on the preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities under such contracts is provided by ...
The activity of self-regulatory organizations is regulated by…
Types of engineering surveys
The main types of engineering surveys include:
Special types of engineering surveys include:
In the State Register of Self-Regulatory Organizations at the end of 2020. there are ... self-regulatory organizations in the field of engineering surveys, founded ...
In general, the engineering survey industry depends on the development of ... the Indian industry. Increasing the rate of housing…
Among the main characteristics of the engineering survey industry are:
Existence …;
over the past 15 years, security ...;
lack of reasonable ...;
The industry is characterized by a significant share…
1.2. Market Size, Market Size and Dynamics of the Indian Engineering Survey Market, 2005-2020
For the analyzed period 2005-2020. according to … the volume of the engineering survey market in India has increased …, from … billion Rs. in 2005 up to … billion Rs. in 2020
Chart 1. Dynamics of the market size of engineering surveys in India, 2005-2020
In 2005-2008 Indian engineering market …%. After the 2008 crisis in 2009 market volume …% and amounted to … billion Rs. In 2010 market … and during 2010-2012. grew …%.
In 2013 and crisis 2014. market size …% respectively. In 2015-2019 volume of engineering survey market in India annually …%.
At the end of 2020 market volume … compared to 2019 by …% and amounted to … billion Rs.
Let's consider the indicators of the industry in the context of federal districts.
It can be noted a significant share of ... Union Territories, according to the results of 2020. was …%. The second place is occupied by … the Union Territories with a share of …%, the third place is occupied by …
1.3. The structure of the engineering survey market in India
1.3.1. by type of services provided
Let's analyze the market of engineering surveys by the type of services provided.
The largest share is occupied by … surveys, their share is …%.
The second place is taken by … surveys, which account for …% of the market.
Third place is…
In fourth place...
Diagram 3. Structure of the engineering survey market by type of service, India, 2020, %
Engineering and… surveys account for …%, … surveys based on the results of 2020 – …% of the market volume, other types of engineering surveys account for …%.
1.3.2. by sector of consumption / type of consumers
By industries of consumption / type of consumers, the engineering survey market can be structured into the following segments, which are presented in the diagram below.
By industries, engineering surveys are dominated by … (…%) and … (…%).
These two industries account for …% of the market.
1.4. Assessment of current trends and development prospects of the studied market
Engineering survey market trends:
Prospects for the development of the engineering survey market:
1.5. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity
Let's consider the financial and economic indicators of the engineering survey industry, compare them with the situation in the Indian economy (with dynamics in all industries).
At the end of 2020 gross profitability of the engineering survey industry in India amounted to …%, which is at the level of … the same financial indicator for the Indian economy as a whole by … p.p.
… gross margin indicates …
The profitability before tax in the engineering survey industry in India was … relative to the profitability before tax of all sectors of the Indian economy in 2009-2013, and in 2016-2020, the last three years the indicator is in ...
Diagram 5. Profitability before tax, 2005–2020, %
… deprives the industry of … Exploration companies have limited resources to improve …
The value of the current liquidity ratio during the analyzed period was mainly in …, including in 2020, which indicates …
For Indian companies, the normative value of the absolute liquidity ratio is within ... absolute liquidity was ...
Compared to 2005 average term of receivables turnover in 2020 … which is … a trend.
Compared to 2019 in 2020 observed … the average period of turnover of accounts receivable in the industry from … days days to 2 … days days.
Financial stability is the security of own working capital. In the period 2005-2020. indicator for the engineering survey industry … the minimum allowable standard value (…%).
The indicator indicates a sufficient amount of working capital in the industry, necessary for its financial stability. …
In general, the analysis of sectoral financial ratios shows ..., which may be the result of excessive ... in the industry at the same time as high ... At the same time, indicators of sectoral values of current and absolute liquidity, financial stability indicate ...
Part 2: Competitive Analysis in the Engineering Survey Market in India
2.1. The largest players in the market (TOP-10)
To identify the biggest players in the market, let's take a look at the major survey service providers in India. The table below shows the largest organizations by revenue for 2020.
2.2. Main competitors, their market share
Let's consider the TOP-10 companies-competitors of the engineering survey market.
Table 4. Basic information about the participant No. 1 of the engineering survey market
The leading position in the engineering survey market in India is occupied by …, whose share is …%.
The share of the company … is …%, the third share is occupied by …
TOP-5 companies occupy …% of the Indian engineering survey market.
In sixth place...
TOP-10 companies own …% of the market.
2.3. Working conditions of competing companies, types of services offered
We will analyze the working conditions of competing companies, the types of services offered.
Table 14. The range of works of the largest players in the engineering survey market
An analysis of the conditions and types of work of the largest players in the engineering services market made it possible to draw a number of conclusions:
All analyzed companies specialize in…
The larger the company, the...
Mostly companies...
2.4. Market Saturation and Estimated Market Potential in India
The market for engineering surveys, as well as the construction industry as a whole, is extremely ... Currently, there are ... legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in India performing engineering surveys. Businesses range from…
Let's evaluate the saturation index of the engineering survey market in India.
Part 3. Analysis of service consumption. Identification of potential customers interested in engineering survey services for construction
3.1. Assessment of the volume and structure of consumption of engineering survey services
3.2. TOP potential customers, 2020
When identifying the most attractive potential customers, it is important to take into account that a significant part of large construction and development companies …
The market is dominated by orders...
To identify the TOP potential customers, a table was formed based on data from open sources based on information from tenders announced as of August 2021.
Most of the large orders that go through tenders have been placed by businesses...
It can be noted that some of the tenders…
3.3. Characteristics of the activities of consumer enterprises
3.4. Identification of potential customers interested in consuming engineering survey services. Identification of the most profitable, especially dangerous and technically complex facilities
3.5. Identification of promising market segments and interesting objects
In the near future, the market for surveying works is expected to grow opportunistically due to the implementation of infrastructure projects with …
The most capacious and interesting segment are procurement tenders…
At the end of 2020 the problem of construction in progress (ONS), which was financed from the budget system, has become ...
If a decision is made to complete the construction of the ONS, new opportunities open up ...
The need to update research and conduct new research is due to ...
3.6. Description of consumer preferences
Consider consumer preferences in the engineering survey market in India.
Consumer preferences of customers in the form of procurement
Methods and preferences for determining suppliers
The largest share in the market belongs to the purchase of …, according to the results of 2020. the share amounted to …% in monetary terms.
With … and … customer preferences become more complex. When conducting ..., the supplier's experience is important, the availability of ... Procurement of engineering surveys for ... in 2020. amounted to …%. Also, in the procurement of works on engineering surveys, … is used, which accounts for …% of the volume of purchases in monetary terms in 2020.
Of particular interest are…
3.7. Criteria for choosing a supplier from the main consumers
Potential consumers of the product are the public sector…
Consider the criteria for choosing a supplier from the main consumers. Approaches to the selection of a prospector and the basis of the selection criteria are closely related to ...
Today's price is…
The importance of the quality criterion for the execution of engineering surveys in recent years ...
Availability …
GidMarket analysts determined the selection criteria for the organization of engineering surveys, taking into account the existing competition.
Diagram 13. Distribution of consumer preference criteria, %
According to GidMarket, the most important factors when choosing an engineering survey company are:
- … (…%);
- … (…%);
- turnaround time (…%);
- ... (...%).
3.8. Growth prospects for key consumer sectors
Forecasting the development of the engineering survey market in India is impossible without understanding the economic situation in the country and the prospects for the construction industry. Trends in demand for engineering surveys during
largely due to the state and trends ...
The crisis provoked by the decline in oil prices and the COVID - 19 pandemic, according to the Center for Strategic Initiatives Foundation, revealed the following main problems faced by developers: ...
In addition to stopping construction work, a significant barrier to recovery is …
The most effective measures of state support from the point of view of developers, which are currently being applied: ...
Among the government support measures in the construction sector with the greatest positive impact on the industry, developers first of all note …
3.9. Consumption forecast up to 2025. Comparative analysis of supply and demand structures in the market
Consumption volume in 2005-2020 determined based on...
India Engineering Survey Market Development Forecast 2021-2025 calculated based on...
Part 4. Recommendations and conclusions
4.1. Macroeconomic Factors Affecting the Engineering Survey Market in India
Forecasting the development of the engineering survey market in India is impossible without understanding the economic situation in the country and the prospects for the construction industry.
The coronavirus pandemic, the decline in oil prices had an impact on the development of the global economy and the Indian economy in particular. Consider the main factors that influence the development of the engineering survey market in India.
Dynamics of India's Gross Domestic Product
The dynamics of GDP is a determining factor in the development of the country's economy, it forms the main trends in consumer effective demand and economic activity.
In 2005-2008 India's GDP grew by …% a year. After the 2008 crisis GDP …% in 2009 In 2010 it happened...
According to the estimate of …, the decline in India's gross domestic product in 2020 amounted to …%. Government of India...
Technological Factors Affecting the Engineering Survey Market
Political factors
4.2. Conclusions on the prospects for the development of enterprises providing services in the field of engineering surveys in India
Chart 1. Dynamics of the market size of engineering surveys in India, 2005-2020
Diagram 2. Structure of the engineering survey market by Union Territories, 2020, %
Diagram 3. Structure of the engineering survey market by type of service, India, 2020, %
Diagram 4. Structure of the engineering survey market by industry, India, 2020, %
Diagram 5. Profitability before tax, 2005–2020, %
Diagram 6. Current liquidity (total coverage), 2005-2020, times
Diagram 7. Business activity (average period of receivables turnover), 2005-2020, days days
Diagram 8. Financial stability (security of own working capital), 2005-2020, %
Diagram 9. Shares of the largest competitors in the engineering survey market, 2020, %
Chart 10. Consumption of engineering survey services in India, 2005-2020
Diagram 11. Structure of the engineering survey market by industry, India, 2020, %
Diagram 12. Structure of procurement of works on engineering surveys, 2020, %
Diagram 13. Distribution of consumer preference criteria, %
Chart 14. Dynamics of India's GDP, 2005-2020, available period 2021, % of the previous year
Chart 15. Dynamics of the average annual exchange rate of the US dollar against the rupee, 2005-2020, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 16. Mortgage portfolio dynamics, trillion Rs.
Diagram 17. Population dynamics in India, as of 01 Jan. 2005–2021
Chart 18. Population forecast in India for the period 2021-2024, million people
Chart 19. Dynamics of real income of the population of India, 2008-2020, available period 2021
Table 1. Engineering Survey Industry Gross Margin vs. All Industries in India, 2005-2020, %
Table 2. Absolute liquidity of the engineering survey industry compared to all sectors of the Indian economy, 2005-2020, times
Table 3. Main companies participating in the engineering survey market in India, 2020
Table 4. Basic information about the participant No. 1 of the engineering survey market
Table 5. Basic information about the participant No. 2 of the engineering survey market
Table 6. Basic information about the participant No. 3 of the engineering survey market
Table 7. Basic information about the participant No. 4 of the engineering survey market
Table 8. Basic information about the participant No. 5 of the engineering survey market
Table 9. Basic information about the participant No. 6 of the engineering survey market
Table 10. Basic information about the participant No. 7 of the engineering survey market
Table 11. Basic information about the participant No. 8 of the engineering survey market
Table 12. Basic information about the participant No. 9 of the engineering survey market
Table 13. Basic information about the participant No. 10 of the engineering survey market
Table 14. The range of works of the largest players in the engineering survey market
Table 15. TOP-10 potential customers for January-August 2021
Table 16. Forecast of the size of the engineering survey market in India until 2025
Table 17. The structure of the development of engineering survey market segments in 2020/2025
Table 18. Index of industrial production, India, 2005-2020, % to the previous year
Table 19. Investments in fixed assets in the Construction industry, billion Rs., 2005–2019
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