Market analysis of electric lamps
Everyday goods are in high and stable demand. However, business and investors need a more accurate and objective assessment of the prospects for this direction.
In the agency ""GidMarket"" you can get the opinion of experts in the industry of interest for the past period. All data and conclusions presented in it are the result of a market analysis of electric lamps for domestic lighting, which took place in 2014.
The finished report, presented in the catalog of our website, contains the following information:
- Classification of relevant products by type, principle of operation, color rendering method, operation options, existing disadvantages and advantages, and a number of other criteria.
- Indicators of the domestic production of these products, the volume of their imports and exports.
- The main characteristics of the domestic industry.
- Current policy in the field of energy saving and the introduction of appropriate technologies.
- Methods for analyzing the market for electric lamps for household lighting
In the course of marketing research, experts use various tools:
The study of information posted in the public domain, as well as the collection of information from insider sources. For this purpose, most often used:
- databases of authorized departments (for example, Rosstat, customs and tax services);
- financial statements of organizations;
- articles, reviews, expert opinions with professional analysis of the market of electric lamps for household lighting in print and electronic media;
- official ratings;
- price bulletins;
- materials on thematic Internet portals.
Selective interviews with key industry players (manufacturers, suppliers, importers, distributors, etc.).
Based on the results of this work, experts draw conclusions about the state of affairs and a development forecast for the coming years.
If the submitted conclusion does not contain the necessary data, an individual marketing research can be organized at the request of the client.
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