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Market analysis of crushing and screening equipment in India

Market analysis of crushing and screening equipment in India Market analysis of crushing and screening equipment in India
Release date 21.04.2011
Number of pages 71
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 40000 ₹

Assessing the real situation and prospects of any industry means significantly increasing your chances of success in business. But this work should be done by professional marketers. The GidMarket company has such specialists and will be able to provide a qualitative and objective analysis.

Currently, road and capital construction is developing at a serious pace, and the issue of recycling metal structures and debris from demolished buildings is acute. All this makes the crushing and screening equipment market in India in demand. However, for the further development of the industry and making the right management decisions, it is necessary to have accurate information about the current situation and prospects.

In order to obtain objective information about the state of this area, a number of indicators are being studied.

This allows:

  • Give a general description of the market (basic parameters, size of investments, development factors).
  • Conduct an analysis of the structure (capacity and volume, segmentation, share of imports and domestic production).
  • Make a conclusion about the current state of affairs and forecasts for the medium term.

Methods of marketing research of the market of crushing and screening equipment in India

To assess the situation, experts use the following tools:

The study of open and insider information sources, including:

  • databases and reports on the official websites of Rosstat, the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Customs Service;
  • financial statements of major players in the crushing and screening equipment market in India (manufacturers and key consumers);
  • media materials (current and archival);
  • thematic Internet portals;
  • ratings, analytics, expert reviews;
  • other helpful resources.

Interviewing interested representatives of the industry (domestic plants, foreign representative offices, distributors, etc.).

Based on the results of the study, a reasonable report is formed with the conclusions and recommendations of specialists.

The GidMarket company offers a ready-made study from 2011 or a custom-made service for studying the industry. For advice, please contact online or by contact numbers.

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