Market Analysis of Beauty Salons in India
The relevance of research
Despite the presence of a significant number of players in the beauty salon market, the market in India is far from being saturated. In addition, if earlier the client of a beauty salon suffered somewhat from the lack of a range of services, today the market is ready to offer various directions for development.
Purpose of the study
Analysis of the state of the market for beauty salon services, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the market for beauty salon services.
Part 1. Overview of the Indian Beauty Salon Market
1.1. Definition and Characteristics of the Indian Beauty Salon Market
1.2. Dynamics of the volume of the Indian market of beauty salons, 2014-2018
1.3. Market structure by type of service provided in India
1.4. The structure of the market for services of hairdressing and beauty salons in the Union Territories
1.5. Assessment of current trends and development prospects of the studied market
1.6. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.7. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity
Part 2. Competitive Analysis in the Beauty Salon Market in India
2.1. Major players in the market
2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
2.3. Profiles of major players
Part 3. Analysis of the consumption of services of beauty salons
3.1. Estimation of the volume of consumption of beauty salons services per capita
3.2. Market Saturation and Estimated Market Potential in India
3.3. Description of consumer preferences
3.4. Price analysis
Part 4. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market
Part 5. Forecast for the development of the beauty salon services market until 2023
Part 6. Conclusions on the prospects of creating enterprises in the study area and recommendations for current market operators
Research excerpt
Part 1. Overview of the Indian Beauty Salon Market
1.1. Definition and Characteristics of the Indian Beauty Salon Market
One of the main problems associated with the study of the market of beauty salons is the lack of a unified classification of establishments in this market segment. But still, in most cases, a beauty salon is understood as an enterprise that provides cosmetic services related to cutting and coloring hair, manicure, tanning and other similar activities. ...
All beauty salons can be divided into the following types: ...
To provide services of beauty salons of a medical orientation, it is necessary .... It's regulated...
1.2. Dynamics of the volume of the Indian market of beauty salons, 2014-2018
... the volume of the market of hairdressing services and beauty salons has increased from ... billion Rs. in 2014 to ... billion Rs. in 2016 In 2017, the market volume decreased by ...%, in 2018 (preliminary estimate) the market increased by ...% - up to ... billion Rs.
Diagram 1. Dynamics of the market volume of hairdressing services and beauty salons, 2014-2018
The physical volume of services of hairdressing and beauty salons during 2014-2018 showed growth, except for 2017, when the volume decreased by ...%. According to preliminary estimates, in 2018 the indicator increased by ...%.
Thus, the market for hairdressing and beauty salons ...
1.3. Market structure by type of service provided in India
In the structure of the market of services of hairdressing and beauty salons in value terms, cosmetology services are leading - ...% (related to ...) and hairdressing services - ...%.
In addition, significant income brings ...
1.4. The structure of the market for services of hairdressing and beauty salons in the Union Territories
The geographical structure of the market is dominated by the Central Union Territories (...% in 2018), the second place is occupied by the Union Territories (...%), followed by the South Union Territories (...%).
1.5. Assessment of current trends and development prospects of the studied market
The analysis carried out allows us to highlight the following main trends in the Indian beauty salon market: ...
1.6. Assessment of factors affecting the market
Let's consider the main factors influencing the market and, accordingly, the demand in the segment of beauty salon services.
Macroeconomic factors
The growth rate of India's GDP (gross domestic product at market prices in accordance with the 2008 SNA methodology, at constant 2011 prices) has been declining over 2011-2015 - from ...% to ...%.
In 2016, the Indian economy showed signs of recovery (the decline in GDP slowed down, growth rates amounted to ...%), in 2017 the indicator increased by ...%, according to preliminary results for 2018, the indicator remained at the same level - ...% compared to the previous year.
STEP analysis is used to assess the influence of the entire set of factors.
Table 2. STEP analysis of factors affecting the beauty salon market in India
In general, the impact of macro factors on the beauty services market in India is currently assessed as ... .
1.7. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity
In ... the activities of beauty salon services are accounted for under the group ... . For this type of activity, the financial results differ significantly by years: after profit in 2014 in the amount of ... million Rs., in 2015. – loss ... mln Rs., by 2017 the enterprises of the industry again showed profit (... mln Rs.). According to preliminary estimates, in 2018 the loss amounted to ... thousand Rs.
The analysis carried out allows us to conclude that...
Part 2. Competitive Analysis in the Beauty Salon Market in India
2.1. Major players in the market
At the end of 2017, there were more than ... profile enterprises in India, one way or another connected with the beauty industry (for ... the largest cities in India, representatives of small businesses are not included, employed in the regions, their number ranges from ... to . .. thousand enterprises).
2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
... of the market entails a low share of the largest companies in the Indian market. Thus, the TOP-8 largest chains of beauty salons in India occupies a little more than ...% of the total Indian market.
2.3. Profiles of major players
Diagram 15. Dynamics of the total revenue of the largest beauty salon market operators (TOP-8) in India, 2014-2018
The volume of proceeds of the largest market players increased from ... million Rs. in 2014 to ... million Rs. in 2018. The largest growth was observed in 2017 (...%) due to ... .
Thus, the potential of the beauty salon market players is associated mainly with ... .
However, in regions with...
Part 3. Analysis of the consumption of services of beauty salons
3.1. Estimation of the volume of consumption of beauty salons services per capita
... consumption of services of beauty salons on d.s. for the period from 2014 to 2018 increased by ...% - from ... Rs. to ... Rs.
Diagram 16. The volume of consumption of services of beauty salons per capita, 2014-2018, Rs./person
The largest consumption growth was observed in 2015 - ...%, in 2017 consumption decreased by ...%. In 2018, the market grew by ...% (to ... Rs./person), but the level of 2016 was not reached.
3.2. Market Saturation and Estimated Market Potential in India
The saturation and potential of the beauty salon services market was estimated on the basis of ... . Potential market capacity is estimated based on the following inputs and assumptions: ...
Table 15. Potential market capacity of beauty salon services and the degree of market saturation in India, by the level of 2018
Thus, the market for beauty salon services in India is estimated as ... (...%). The degree of market saturation depends primarily on ... . It should be noted ...
3.3. Description of consumer preferences
The main consumers of the services of beauty salons and aesthetic medicine are still women, but regular care for their appearance is becoming common for men as well. ...
According to information from open sources, the largest share of clients of beauty salons visit salons ... once a year (...% of the total number of visitors).
Chart 17. Frequency of visiting a beauty salon, in % of all salon clients, 2018
The main factors influencing the choice of a salon by consumers are the cost of services and the location of the salon (...% and ...% of the total number of visitors).
3.4. Price analysis
In their focus on the consumer, beauty salons form ..., according to which this or that enterprise belongs to a certain price segment. Most of the enterprises remain at the level ... of the market segment, providing themselves with a stable influx of customers. Salons with democratic prices for services compete against ... %, taking over ... % of the market. The remaining share of the service sector remains with the premium segment, which includes high quality service and a maximum of additional services.
... consumer prices for the services of beauty salons (annual average prices for the year compared to the previous year) for the period 2014-2018 showed the largest growth in 2016 (...%), the smallest - in 2017 (...%), in 2018, prices increased by ...%.
Chart 20. Consumer price indices for beauty salon services in India in 2014-2018, %
Thus, the growth rate of prices for services of beauty salons as a whole outstrips the rate of inflation. The lowest growth was observed in 2017 due to ... . In the Union Territories, the highest level of prices for services is in the Central Union Territories, the Far Eastern Union Territories and the NW Union Territories (more than ...% higher than the average for India).
Part 4. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market
Part 5. Forecast for the development of the beauty salon services market until 2023
Part 6. Conclusions on the prospects of creating enterprises in the study area and recommendations to existing market operators
Diagram 1. Dynamics of the market volume of hairdressing services and beauty salons, 2014-2018
Diagram 2. Index of physical volume of the market of hairdressing services and beauty salons, 2014-2018
Diagram 3. Market structure of hairdressing and beauty salon services by type, %
Diagram 4. The structure of the provision of services of hairdressing and beauty salons in India by Union Territories, %
Diagram 5. Dynamics of India's GDP, in 2012-2018, % to the previous year
Diagram 6. Monthly dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2014-2018, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 7. Population change in India, 2012-2018
Diagram 8. Dynamics of real income of the population of India, 2012-2018
Diagram 9. Profitability of profit before tax (profit of the reporting period) of services of hairdressing and beauty salons in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2014-2018, %
Diagram 10. Current liquidity (total coverage) in the services of hairdressing and beauty salons for 2013-2017, times
Diagram 11. Business activity (average term of receivables turnover) in the provision of hairdressing and beauty salon services, for 2014-January-September 2018, days
Diagram 12. Financial stability (security of own working capital) in the field of hairdressing and beauty salons, in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2013-2017, %
Diagram 13. Share of TOP 8 beauty salon chains in India in 2018
Diagram 14. Share of Top Competitors in Indian Beauty Salon Market, 2018
Diagram 15. The dynamics of the total revenue of the largest operators of the market of beauty salons (TOP-8) in India, 2014-2018
Diagram 16. Consumption of beauty salon services per capita, 2014-2018, Rs./person
Diagram 17. Frequency of visiting a beauty salon, in % of all salon clients, 2018
Diagram 18. Factors influencing the choice of salon by consumers, in % of the total number of visitors to the salon
Diagram 19. Market structure of beauty salons in India by prices in 2018
Diagram 20. Consumer price indices for beauty salon services in India in 2014-2018, %
Diagram 21. Forecast of the volume of the beauty salon services market in 2019-2023
Table 1. Assessment of the correlation of macroeconomic factors and the development of the beauty services industry in India in 2013-2018.
Table 2. STEP Analysis of Factors Affecting the Beauty Salon Market in India
Table 3. Profit (loss) from the sale of personnel services in the Union Territories of India, 2013-2017, million Rs.
Table 4. Gross margin of the hairdressing and beauty industry in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2013-2017, %
Table 5. The main companies participating in the beauty salon services market in 2018
Table 6. Absolute liquidity in the hairdressing and beauty services sector in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2013-2017, times
Table 7. Basic information about the market participant of beauty salons ""ХХХХХ""
Table 8. Basic information about the market participant of beauty salons ""ХХХХХ""
Table 9. Basic information about the market participant of beauty salons ""ХХХХХ""
Table 10. Basic information about the market participant of beauty salons ""ХХХХХ""
Table 11. Basic information about the market participant of beauty salons ""ХХХХХ""
Table 12. Basic information about the market participant of beauty salons ""ХХХХХ""
Table 13. Basic information about the market participant of beauty salons ""ХХХХХ""
Table 14. Basic information about the market participant of beauty salons ""ХХХХХ""
Table 15. Potential market capacity of beauty salon services and the degree of market saturation in India, by the level of 2018
Table 16. Average prices for services of beauty salons (model haircut in the women's room) in the Union Territories of India in 2014-2018, Rs./service
Table 17. Average prices for services of beauty salons (model haircut in the men's room) in the Union Territories of India in 2014-2018, Rs./service
Table 18. Average prices for services of beauty salons (manicure) in the Union Territories of India in 2018, Rs./service
Table 19. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the Indian beauty salon services market
Table 20. Calculation of the volume of the beauty salon services market for the period 2019-2023.
Research benefits
The most complete presentation of information in an accessible and visual form. When ordering a marketing research, you can be sure of the accuracy and reliability of market information, which allows you to make informed management decisions and not miss the attractive opportunities that the market provides.
Directions for using the results of the study
To bring a new product to the market, correct the current strategy of the company or develop a new one, to make various decisions
For senior and middle managers, marketing specialists, investors, business owners
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