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Market Analysis of Ball Tanks in India

Market Analysis of Ball Tanks in India Market Analysis of Ball Tanks in India
Release date 12.01.2020
Number of pages 72
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

At present, ball tanks are widely used in such leading industries as oil refining, gas processing, petrochemical, chemical industries, LPG terminals, liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification terminals

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the market of ball tanks, assessment of the market size, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the market of ball tanks


Part 1. Overview of the Indian ball tank market in India

1.1. Key Features of the Ball Tank Market
1.2. The volume of domestic production of ball tanks
1.3. Share of exports in the production of ball tanks
1.4. Import share of ball tank market
1.5. Dynamics of market volume in 2016-2018 Potential market capacity
1.6. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market
1.7. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.8. Market structure by types of ball tanks

Part 2: Competitive Analysis in the Ball Tank Market in India

2.1. The largest players in the market (TOP-3)
2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
2.3. Product range of major players
2.4. Prices of the largest competitors
2.5. Weaknesses and strengths of the main competitors

Part 3. Consumption Analysis of Ball Tank Market

3.1. Key consumer trends in India
3.2. Market structure by consumption sectors
3.3. The main consumers in the market of spherical tanks

Part 4. Forecast for the development of the ball tank market until 2024

Part 5. Recommendations and conclusions

Research excerpt

Part 1. Overview of the Indian ball tank market in India 

1.1. Key Features of the Ball Tank Market

Consider the characteristics and features of the ball tank market in India. 

In this study, the market of spherical tanks is understood as a set of enterprises that produce and sell spherical tanks designed to store oil refining products of various types ...

Spherical tanks - containers of spherical shape, installed vertically and intended for storage ...

The first pressure storage facilities appeared in the USA in the 1910s, and then in Europe in the 1920s. Their construction was due ...

At present, ball tanks are widely used in leading industries such as…

Ball tanks are produced in standard standard sizes, and can also be custom-made according to individual customer sizes. 

Depending on the volume, ball tanks can be designed: ...

Technical characteristics of the most popular models of spherical tanks with a volume of 600 and 2000 m3 are given in the tables.
The construction of large-capacity spherical tanks is economically feasible, since at the same time ... Spherical tanks, in comparison with horizontal tanks, allow: ...

For the manufacture of spherical shells, steel grades recommended ...

The method of installation of spherical tanks is ground and, as a rule, ...

Spherical tanks with a shell thickness of more than 30 mm, regardless of the method of their manufacture, are subjected to ...

All spherical tanks have the same... The structural elements of spherical tanks include:…

The use of ball tanks has a number of advantages over other tank shapes:…

Ball tank market in India is characterized by the following features:…

1.2. The volume of domestic production of ball tanks

The beginning of the production of spherical tanks in India falls on … y. During this period, more than … spherical tanks and gas tanks were manufactured, the volume of which is ... The largest tank farms were built on the territory of …

From the 2000s to the present, … ball tanks have been built, the total capacity of which is … m3. At the same time, the largest tank farms were built on the sites ... Analytical information on the main transactions related to the production and installation of spherical tanks is presented in Table 6.

Table 6. Notable completed projects related to the supply of ball tanks in 2005-2019. in India 


In general, in India, the production of spherical tanks differs by years …, the maximum number of tanks was produced in … years. (... in ...), and in 2016-2019. produced on average about ... reservoirs annually.

Production of ball tanks by years in 2005-2018 ..., the only exception is ... years, which is due to the construction of ...

1.3. Share of exports in the production of ball tanks 

In the classifier of TN VED codes, ball tanks are not allocated to a separate group, which greatly complicates the analysis of foreign economic transactions with them. … The only possible way to analyze foreign economic transactions in the ball tank market is a detailed study … 

Currently, in India, the export of ball tanks is ... A significant share of the production of ball tanks is accounted for ...

Over the past 9 years (2010-2019), the share of exports amounted to ...% in the total volume of ball tanks produced during this period (... ball tanks). At the same time, …% of exported spherical tanks were produced by …, and …% of exports fell to the share of the enterprise “…” LLC, which started its activity relatively recently (…). Ball tanks exported by … were intended for oil refineries (…). Spherical tanks exported ... were built to order ...

1.4. Import share of ball tank market

An analysis of completed projects with the installation of spherical tanks in India was carried out as part of this study and showed no ... According to open sources, all installed spherical tanks in India in 2005-2019. were made...

The vast majority of ball tanks in India are produced by ..., which back in ... headed for ... in this area of ​​\u b\u bactivity. … became one of the first enterprises that announced for implementation ... As a result, in the conditions of the arrival of suppliers of similar goods from Asia and Europe to the domestic market, customers made a choice in favor of …

However, there are currently several companies on the market that represent …: … 

1.5. Dynamics of market volume in 2016-2018 Potential market capacity

Consider the dynamics of the volume of spherical reservoirs in India. According to GidMarket’s calculations based on …, as well as … in this area, the volume of the ball tank market in India in 2018 amounted to … thousand Rs., … relative to … by …%. 

Every year, the growth driver of the market is … The trend is especially clear… Among the possible reasons for this growth is the launch of … Other factors that have a positive impact on the volume dynamics of the market of ball tanks are: …

Diagram 3. Dynamics of the market volume of ball tanks in 2016-2019 (forecast), thousand Rs.


Let's determine the potential capacity of the market of spherical tanks. According to experts in this field, about …% of the tanks built during the Soviet period need to be replaced. During the Soviet period, about ... spherical tanks were built. Thus, it will be necessary to replace ... While maintaining the current trend of building tank farms at the oil refining industry, ..., it will be necessary to produce and install about ... tanks. … 

Taking into account the average cost of a ball tank …, the potential minimum size of the ball tank market will be about … million Rs. in year. If we take into account the emerging trend …, then the potential market capacity can be estimated at about … million Rs. in year. 

1.6. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market

Key trends in the ball tank market include:…

Among the prospects of the analyzed market are: ...

1.7. Assessment of factors affecting the market

Let's consider the main factors influencing the market of spherical tanks and, accordingly, the demand and income of market operators. 


Growth dynamics of the world economy in 2014-2018

In 2014-2016 The global economy is experiencing...
Demographic factors 
Technological factors
Political and legal factors

Table 7. STEP Analysis of Factors Affecting Ball Tank Market


According to the results of the performed STEP-analysis, macro-environment factors have a greater influence on the market of ball tanks. … 

Factors such as …

A number of economic factors have a positive impact on the ball tank market: …

1.8. Market structure by types of ball tanks 

The market structure by types of spherical tanks includes ... types of tanks that differ in their capacity. During 2015-2019 in addition to the standard sizes of spherical tanks with nominal capacity … In addition, at present, the technological capabilities of manufacturing enterprises allow them to …

In the structure of the market by types of spherical tanks, the largest share (…%) is occupied by spherical tanks with a capacity of … m3. This size is…

Ball tanks with a capacity of 3000 m3 occupy …% of the total volume of produced tanks. Tanks of this volume are designed to store ...

Pretty much the same share...

Diagram 12. Market structure by types of ball tanks (total for 2015-2018, 9 months 2019),%


Part 2: Competitive Analysis in the Ball Tank Market in India 

2.1. The largest players in the market (TOP-3) 

The ball tank market in India is characterized by … a level of concentration (…, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index is HHI =…, HHI … – … market monopolization). 

Conducting a competitive analysis in the ball tank market in India is complicated by the fact that, on the one hand, the companies producing ball tanks in the country …

In addition, PJSC ... is present on the market - the largest general contractor ...

Thus, the first criterion in selecting the TOP-3 of the main competitors in the market of spherical tanks in India was - ...

The biggest competitors in India's ball tank market are …, …, … Reliable information about completed projects, production capacities and sales is only about …, the rest of the participants …

The company ...

At the same time, it should be noted that today the financial situation ... is not ..., as evidenced by the dynamics of ...

Diagram 15. Dynamics of the main indicators of financial and economic activity of XXXXX for 2008-2018 (million Rs.)



Table 9. Basic information about the participant No. 1 of the market of ball tanks


OOO ""…"" 

2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors

The criterion of the first degree in determining the market share of competitors was the volume of …. Thus, according to GidMarket, the leader of the ball tank market in India is …, occupying …% of the market in 2018, the second place is taken by …

Other market operators account for …% of the ball tank market in India.

2.3. Product range of major players 


2.4. Prices of the largest competitors


2.5. Weaknesses and strengths of the main competitors  

Let's analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the main competitors of the Indian ball tank market. 

Weak sides …

Table 14. Map of strengths and weaknesses of competitor XXXXX, number of points


Part 3. Consumption Analysis of Ball Tank Market

3.1. Key consumer trends in India 


3.2. Market structure by consumption sectors 

The structure of the market of spherical tanks by industries of consumption is represented by … industries. It is quite predictable that the largest share in the structure of consumption (…%) is occupied by enterprises ... The main consumers of this industry are ...

The share of consumption by … enterprises in the structure of the market of spherical tanks accounts for about …%. The main consumers of this industry are…

The share of consumption by … enterprises in the structure of the market of spherical tanks accounts for about …%. The total capacity of spherical tanks consumed by enterprises in this industry amounted to … m3. The main consumers of this industry are…

3.3. The main consumers in the market of spherical tanks 

High demand for ball tanks is observed in the regions that are leaders in …

The Volga Union Territories accounts for …% of consumption in the ball tank market. The main consumption in this Union Territory falls on enterprises ... 

The main consumer in the ball tank market in the Far Eastern Union Territories is …

Part 4. Forecast for the development of the ball tank market until 2024


Part 5. Recommendations and conclusions



Diagram 1. Dynamics of production of ball tanks in 2005-2019 (Jan.-Sept.), pcs.
Diagram 2. The share of exports and domestic consumption in the structure of production of ball tanks (total for the period 2010-2018, 9 months 2019),%
Diagram 3. Dynamics of the market volume of ball tanks in 2016-2019 (forecast), thousand Rs.
Diagram 4. Dynamics of the growth rate of output in the world economy 2014-2019 (forecast) (according to ""global GDP""), %
Diagram 5. Dynamics of India's GDP in 2012-2018, 9 months 2019 % to the previous year
Diagram 6. Dynamics of industrial production in India in 2012-2018, 9 months 2019, % to the previous year
Chart 7. Monthly dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2014-2019, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 8. Dynamics of investment in fixed capital in India in 2014-2018, Jan-June 2019, % to the previous year
Diagram 9. Dynamics of the index of entrepreneurial confidence for manufacturing industries, by months, for 2015-2018, Jan.-Oct. 2019
Diagram 10. Dynamics of gross LPG production in India in 2008-2018, January-May 2019, million tons
Diagram 11. Dynamics of LNG production in India in 2009-2018, 9 months 2019, million tons
Diagram 12. Market structure by types of ball tanks (total for 2015-2018, 9 months 2019),%
Figure 13. Rolling of the reservoir petal 600m3, 18mm at the enterprise XXXXX, at the NKMZ mill
Figure 14. Schleifstein press used for point deformation of the petals of spherical tanks
Diagram 15. Dynamics of the main indicators of financial and economic activity of XXXXX for 2008-2018 (million Rs.)
Diagram 16. Dynamics of profitability of sales XXXXX for 2016-2018, January-June 2019, in %, in comparison with industry averages
Chart 17. Dynamics of current liquidity XXXXX for 2016-2018, January-June 2019, in times, in comparison with industry averages
Diagram 18. Dynamics of asset turnover XXXXX for 2016-2018, January-June 2019, in times, in comparison with industry averages
Diagram 19. Dynamics of the total revenue volume of the largest competitors in the ball tank market (TOP-3) in India, 2016-2018 (million Rs.)
Diagram 20. Shares of the largest competitors in the ball tank market in India, 2018, %
Figure 21. Control assembly of the ball tank on XXXXX
Diagram 22. The structure of the market of ball tanks by consumption sectors in India in 2005-2018, 9 months. 2019, %
Diagram 23. Structure of consumption in the market of ball tanks in India by Union Territories in 2005-2018, 9 months 2019, %
Chart 24. India Ball Tank Market Volume Forecast 2020-2024 - three scenarios


Table 1. Generalized characteristics of mass-produced spherical tanks, units rev.
Table 2. Technical characteristics of ball tanks with a nominal volume of 600 m3 and a diameter of 10,5 m, depending on the storage product, units. rev.
Table 3. Technical characteristics of ball tanks with a nominal volume of 2000 m3 and a diameter of 16,0 m, depending on the storage product, units. rev.
Table 4. Mechanical properties of some domestic steels used for the manufacture of ball tanks, units rev.
Table 5. Main production methods of ball tanks
Table 6. Notable completed projects related to the supply of ball tanks in 2005-2019. in India
Table 7. STEP Analysis of Factors Affecting Ball Tank Market
Table 8. Major companies participating in the ball tank market in India, 2018
Table 9. Basic information about the participant No. 1 of the market of ball tanks
Table 10. Basic information about the participant No. 2 of the market of ball tanks
Table 11. Basic information about the participant No. 3 of the market of ball tanks
Table 12. Characteristics of ball tanks produced by ХХХХХ, units rev.
Table 13. Implemented XXXXX projects, units rev.
Table 14. Map of strengths and weaknesses of competitor XXXXX, number of points
Table 15. Map of strengths and weaknesses of competitor XXXXX, number of points
Table 16. Map of strengths and weaknesses of competitor XXXXX, number of points

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