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Market analysis of bakery products, wafers and wafer wafers

Market analysis of bakery products, wafers and wafer wafers Market analysis of bakery products, wafers and wafer wafers
Release date 02.04.2020
Number of pages 101
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

The bakery, wafer and wafer market in India is a mature market with latent demand and an opportunity to gain new momentum after a period of stagnation

Purpose of the study

Analyzing the state of the market for bakery products, wafers and wafer wafers, assessing the market size, analyzing competitors, as well as determining the factors affecting the market for bakery products, wafers and wafer wafers 


Part 1. Overview of the bakery market and the market of wafers and wafer wafers in India

1.1. Overview of General Macroeconomic Conditions in India and Economic Outlook for the Next 3 Years
1.2. Main characteristics of the bakery market and the market of wafers and wafer wafers in India
1.3. Dynamics of the market volume of bakery products (in physical and monetary terms) 2016-2018 Potential market capacity
1.4. Dynamics of the market volume of wafers and wafer wafers (in physical and monetary terms) 2016-2018 Potential market capacity
1.5. Assessment of current trends and market development prospects
1.6. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.7. Features of tax regulation at the enterprises of bakery and confectionery products
1.8. Market structure by types of products

Part 2: Competitive Analysis of the Indian Bakery, Wafer and Wafer Custard Market

2.1. Major players in the market
2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
2.3. Sales channels
2.4. Analysis of the level of production costs of the largest competitors

Part 3. Consumption analysis in the bakery and wafer and wafer wafer market in India

3.1. Key consumer trends in India
3.2. Description of the main consumer segments

Part 4. Pricing Analysis in the Indian Bakery and Wafer and Wafer Custard Market

4.1. Description of pricing mechanisms in the bakery and confectionery market in India
4.2. Average prices of the largest producers of bakery products and wafers in India
4.3. Average consumer prices for bakery and confectionery products in India

Part 5. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

Part 6. Forecast of the market size of bakery products, wafers and wafer wafers in India, highlighting natural and price factors until 2023.

Part 7. Recommendations and conclusions

Research excerpt

Part 1. Overview of the bakery market and the market of wafers and wafer wafers in India

The object of this study are bakery products and wafers and wafer cakes as part of the confectionery market.

1.1. Overview of General Macroeconomic Conditions in India and Economic Outlook for the Next 3 Years


1.2. Main characteristics of the bakery market and the market of wafers and wafer wafers in India

The market of bakery products, wafers and wafer wafers in India is ... a market with a hidden ... In monetary terms, the market has ... - on average in India by ...% (prices for products are stable ...), in physical terms, the market is in ... - volume fluctuations within …%. The consumption of bread by the inhabitants of India ... over the past 10 years, namely from ... kg per person per year to ... kg. 
... the number of states of regional industrial bakery. According to experts, their share will be ...

Variety and competition. 

There is an expansion in the market ... A feature of the bread market at the moment is competition ... The development of competition is also associated with the lack of ...

The problem of the industry remains low ...

The industry's profitability is significantly … average for all sectors of the Indian economy. … indicators are due to …

Diagram 9. Profitability of profit before tax (profit of the reporting period) in the production of bakery and flour confectionery products in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy,%


… the trend of current liquidity in the shelf-life bakery and confectionery segment is driving recovery …

Characteristics of the waffle market. 

Wafers are one of the most popular varieties ... The share of wafers in the structure of flour confectionery products is about ...%. Waffles are a classic product, but nowadays…

Types of waffles: ...

1.3. Dynamics of the market volume of bakery products (in physical and monetary terms) 2016-2018 Potential market capacity

According to the estimate of …, made taking into account the results of …, as well as the volume of retail trade, the market of bakery products in India in 2018 reached … million tons (…% per year) in physical terms and … % amounted to … billion Rs (…% per year) in value terms.

Market potential. In India, there are about … thousand bakery states, of which …% (by the number of enterprises) account for … Historically, large …  

As a result, the estimated market potential is … million tons (includes the forecast full real demand of … million tons for 2023 and unexpressed (and market-limited) demand in the amount of …% of real demand, which potentially falls on …

In 2018, production continued to decline by …% compared to the same period last year. At the same time, the production of specialized … is growing by …% against the level of the previous year. However, the share of specialized bakery is still …%.

The export of confectionery occupies ... a place in the export of Indian agro-industrial products. According to industry experts, this is ... a direction that has a large ...

1.4. Dynamics of the market volume of wafers and wafer wafers (in physical and monetary terms) 2016-2018 Potential market capacity

India produces a huge variety of confectionery products that are of interest to both domestic and foreign consumers. The Indian confectionery market is stable …: despite the small … that was observed in 2014–2015, it is …% per year. In monetary terms, such a significant growth …, especially …

Consumption gradually recovered and by 2018 the market of flour confectionery products amounted to … million tons, and per capita consumption was … per person per year. The potential for further growth can be determined by consumption in …

Over the past three years, India has seen … the production of wafers and wafer wafers. In 2018, India produced … tons of wafers and wafer wafers, which is by …% … of the previous year’s production volume.

The Indian confectionery market is close to …, the growth in production volumes is mainly driven by …

Diagram 14. Dynamics of the market of wafers and wafer wafers in India, in tons*

The leader in the production of wafers and wafer wafers in (tons) of the total production volume for 2018 was … the federal district with a share of about …%. In second place is … the Union Territories with a share of …% (in which one of the largest manufacturers … is represented).

Import and export of confectionery products. 

Speaking about the external trade balance and the volume of the domestic market, it can be noted that the domestic market … – the growth amounted to …% in 2018 and …% in 2017. Noticeable … imports (by …%), but good … 

Export of flour confectionery products in 2018 …

One of the most active … export segments is wafers and wafer cakes: …

1.5. Assessment of current trends and market development prospects


1.6. Assessment of factors affecting the market

Positive dynamics of GDP. According to the results of 2017 - 2018, and 3 quarters of 2019 (growth ...%), the dynamics of GDP ..., but, contrary to ... forecasts, ..., which indicates ...

Chart 18. Dynamics of India's GDP, in 2012-2018, Q1-Q3 2019, % to the previous year


political factors.
Technological factors.
social factors.

Table 10. STEP analysis of factors influencing the market for bakery products and wafers and wafer wafers 

Conclusions of STEP analysis. 

According to the results of the performed STEP-analysis, macro-environmental factors have a greater influence on the market of bakery products and wafers and wafer wafers. Each of the considered groups of factors exerts … influence on the development of the market, while a group of … factors has a determining influence on the development of the market. The key factor (in the category and in the market as a whole) is …

Social factors have both … and … impact on the industry. …

1.7. Features of tax regulation at the enterprises of bakery and confectionery products


1.8. Market structure by types of products

Traditional varieties of bread in India make up …% of bakery products (non-durable storage). Moreover, …% more bread is produced from wheat flour than from …

Experts see the most significant development potential and hidden demand in the segment of ...

Diagram 20. Segmentation of the production of non-durable bakery products in India in 2018, tons


Part 2: Competitive Analysis of the Indian Bakery, Wafer and Wafer Custard Market

2.1. Major players in the market 


2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors

In recent years, the structure of the bakery market has undergone …, the share of … bakery has been decreasing by …% in real terms, this is due to the following factors: …

However, compared to …, … producers have the following advantages: …

The main pressure of competition from ... is felt ... Small private industries benefit from ...

2.3. Sales channels

In the bakery market in India, all types of sales are represented by quantity ... There are also ...

The peculiarity of the sale of bakery products with a short shelf life is the limitation ... ...

The main sales channel for bakery products is … Recently, many retailers have relied on the development of …

Entering retail chains (especially large ones ...) ...

Until 2017, a serious problem for the bread market was ...

Currently, in the field of baking, one can trace the trend of increasing the number of …
In the HoReCa segment, the most popular are …

2.4. Analysis of the level of production costs of the largest competitors

One of the features of the industry is... 

Diagram 23. Dynamics of the cost of goods sold (CSP) of the largest enterprises in the sector of production of bakery products of non-durable storage and wafers in India, million Rs.


For the majority of enterprises, the growth of … in 2018 outpaced the growth of …, which directly affected … In 2019, we should expect …

An analysis of the cost per rupee of marketable output shows the ratio ...

Part 3. Consumption analysis in the bakery and wafer and wafer wafer market in India

3.1. Key consumer trends in India 

How consumers choose bread. 

According to numerous marketing studies, consumers are guided, first of all, by the freshness and appearance of the bakery product, and only then - by its price. 

3.2. Description of the main consumer segments


Part 4. Pricing Analysis in the Indian Bakery and Wafer and Wafer Custard Market

4.1 Description of pricing mechanisms in the bakery and confectionery market in India

The most influential factors are...
In the process of forming consumer prices for bakery products from premium flour, the largest difference in price is formed on ... This difference in price is due to the fact that, unlike flour, the production of bakery products requires ...

The trade markup for bakery products, according to …, reaches …% (according to averaged data …).

Table 28. Structure of the retail price of bread (industry average) in India, % 


4.2. Average prices of the largest producers of bakery products and wafers in India

The pricing system of industrial bakery and confectionery enterprises is based on structuring …

These consumer prices are presented in network retail. Prices differ from those presented in section 4.3 “Average consumer prices in the industry”, which shows average prices for all types and price categories.

Chart 28. Price map of positioning bakery products and wafers in India in retail, 2019


4.3. Average consumer prices for bakery and confectionery products in India

Bakery products. 2019 is characterized by … an increase in prices for bread and bakery products from ... As predicted … the price increase is in line with the indicator ... In the first half of 2019, the average cost of bread and bakery products increased by …% compared to the same period in 2018, which is much less...

The prices for black oil increased most significantly ... Its average price in January-July 2019 increased by …% (price in June 2019 - … Rs/kg) compared to …

According to …, as of August 1.08.2019, , the prices of social bread producers for some items were …

Wafers. …

Part 5. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

… factors of the investment climate of the market of bakery products, wafers and wafer wafers in India dominate over ... A comprehensive assessment of the factors of investment attractiveness is ... points - ... investment climate. 

The most significant positive factors are…

The most significant negative factors are…

Part 6. Forecast of the market size of bakery products, wafers and wafer wafers in India, highlighting natural and price factors until 2023


Part 7. Recommendations and conclusions



Chart 1. Monthly dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2014-2018, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Chart 2. Dollar exchange rate forecast for 2019-2021, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 3. Population dynamics in India, 2010-2019, million people, %
Diagram 4. Total fertility rate (number of children per 1 woman) in 2016-2021, units rev.
Chart 5. The size and growth rate of the average monthly nominal accrued wages of employees for a full range of organizations in general for the Indian economy in 2016-2021 (forecast), Rs., %
Diagram 6. Consumer price index for transport services on average by years in 2016-2021 (forecast), %
Diagram 7. Consumer price index for fuel on average by years in 2016-2021 (forecast), %
Diagram 8. Consumer price index for housing and communal services on average by years in 2016-2021 (forecast), %
Diagram 9. Profitability of profit before tax (profit of the reporting period) in the production of bakery and flour confectionery products in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy,%
Diagram 10. Current liquidity (total coverage) in the production of bakery and flour confectionery products in India, for 2016-2018, times
Diagram 11. Business activity (average receivables turnover period) in the production of bakery and flour confectionery products in India, for 2016-2018, days. days
Diagram 12. Financial stability (security of own working capital) in the production of bakery and flour confectionery products, in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2014-2018, %.
Diagram 13. Dynamics of the volume of the bakery products market in India
Diagram 14. Dynamics of the market of wafers and wafer wafers in India, in tons*
Diagram 15. Dynamics of production of wafers and wafer wafers in India, in tons and thousand Rs *
Diagram 16. Segmentation of the market of wafers and wafer wafers in real terms by the union territories of India
Chart 17. Monthly dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2014-2018, Rs. for 1 US dollar -2018, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Chart 18. Dynamics of India's GDP, in 2012-2018, Q1-Q3 2019, % to the previous year
Chart 19. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2013-2018, 1st half of 2019.
Diagram 20. Segmentation of the production of non-durable bakery products in India in 2018, tons
Diagram 21. Shares of the largest competitors in the market of bakery products and wafers and wafer wafers in 2018, thousand Rs. *
Chart 22: Distribution channels of the wafer and wafer wafer bakery industry in India, 2018
Diagram 23. Dynamics of the cost of goods sold (CSP) of the largest enterprises in the sector of production of bakery products of non-durable storage and wafers in India, million Rs.
Diagram 24. Comparative change in revenue and cost of the largest enterprises
Chart 25: Rupee cost analysis of marketable products of the largest enterprises in the bakery and pastry industry in India, 2018
Diagram 26. Characteristics of bread influencing the purchase decision
Chart 27. Changes in the share of producer selling prices in the retail price of bread and bakery and flour confectionery products in India
Chart 28. Price map of positioning bakery products and wafers in India in retail, 2019
Diagram 29. Dynamics of flour production in India 2016 - Q3 2019, thousand tons
Diagram 30. Forecast of the market volume of bakery products in 2019-2023
Diagram 31. Market volume forecast for wafers and wafer wafers in 2019-2023
Chart 32. Forecast of the market share dynamics of the largest producers of non-durable bakery products in India in 2019-2021
Chart 33. Forecast of the dynamics of the market shares of the largest producers of wafers and wafer wafers in India in 2019-2021


Table 1. Average monthly nominal accrued wages of employees across the Union Territories in 2016-2021 (forecast), Rs.
Table 2. Dynamics of debt burden (LBN) in India by Union Territories, 2015-2021 (forecast), %
Table 3. Consumer price index for products on average by years in 2016-2021 (forecast), %
Table 4. Tax and social rates in India in 2016-2021 (forecast)
Table 5. Absolute liquidity in the production of bakery and flour confectionery products in India, in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2016-2018, times
Table 6. Dynamics of the market of bakery and flour products of non-durable storage in India, tons (indicating changes to the previous year).
Table 7. Dynamics of import and export of bakery and flour confectionery products in India.
Table 8. Dynamics of import and export of wafers and wafer wafers in India.
Table 9. Export countries of wafers and wafer wafers
Table 10. STEP analysis of factors influencing the market for bakery products and wafers and wafer wafers
Table 11. Major companies in the bakery and wafer and wafer market in India, 2018
Table 12. Basic information about participant No. 1 of the non-durable bakery products market.
Table 13. Basic information about participant No. 2 of the bakery and non-durable bakery products market.
Table 14. Key information about No. 4 bakery market participant and No. 4 waffle and wafer cake market participant in India
Table 15. Basic information about the No. 5 market participant in the non-durable baked goods market in India 53
Table 16. Key information about No. 6 non-durable baked goods market player and No. 8 waffle and waffle cake market participant in India
Table 17. Basic information about the No. 7 market participant in the non-durable baked goods market in India
Table 18. Basic information about No. 8 non-durable bakery entrant in India
Table 19. Basic information about No. 9 non-durable baked goods and No. 9 waffle and wafer cake market participant in India
Table 20. Basic information about No. 10 non-durable bakery entrant in India
Table 21. Basic information about the No. 1 player in the wafer and wafer cake market in India
Table 22. Basic information about the No. 2 player in the wafer and wafer cake market in India
Table 23. Basic information about the No. 3 player in the wafer and wafer cake market in India
Table 24. Basic information about the No. 5 player in the wafer and wafer cake market in India
Table 25. Basic information about the No. 6 player in the wafer and wafer cake market in India
Table 26. Basic information about the No. 7 player in the wafer and wafer cake market in India
Table 27. Pricing factors in the bakery and pastry market in India. The strength of influence is assessed on a 5-point scale, where 1 is a very weak influence, 5 is a very strong influence.
Table 28. Structure of the retail price of bread (industry average) in India, %
Table 29. Dynamics of average producer prices in the market of bakery and flour confectionery products in India, Rs/tn.
Table 30. Dynamics of average retail (consumer) prices in the market of bakery and flour confectionery products in India, Rs/kg
Table 31. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market of bakery products, wafers and wafer wafers in India
Table 32. Dynamics of shipments (harvest) and exports of wheat, 2016 - Q3 2019
Table 33. Average Producer Prices of Grain in India, 2016 - Q3 2019, Rs/t, showing change from the previous year in %
Table 34. Dynamics of exports and imports of flour in tons, 2016 - Q3 2019, indicating changes to the previous year in%
Table 35. Dynamics of flour producer prices in Rs/t, 2017 - Q3 2019,
indicating the change to the previous year in %
Table 36. Natural and price factors for the development of the market for bakery products, wafers and wafer wafers in 2019-2023

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