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Market analysis of axial metal cutting tools in India

Market analysis of axial metal cutting tools in India Market analysis of axial metal cutting tools in India
Release date 06.03.2019
Number of pages 37
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

Metal cutting tools are traditionally characterized by a high level of demand from modern industry. The main object of development of the tool industry, as an integral part of the formation of a new technological order in mechanical engineering, is an axial cutting tool.

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the market for axial metal-cutting tools, assessment of the market volume, analysis of competitors, distributors, as well as identification of factors affecting the market for axial metal-cutting tools.


Part 1. Market overview of axial metal cutting tools in India

1.1 Main characteristics of the market
1.2 Evaluation of factors affecting the market
1.3 Barriers and risks for a new player to enter the market
1.4 Production volume in India
1.5 Dynamics of market volume and capacity in 2013-2017 
1.6 Market structure by types of products (milling cutters, drills, reamers, countersinks, burrs, taps) 

Part 2. Analysis of manufacturers (TOP-5) 

2.1 The largest manufacturers in India, their profiles (contacts, geography of presence, assortment, competitive advantages) 
2.2 Market shares of the largest manufacturers

Part 3. Analysis of distributors (TOP-5) 

3.1 The largest distributors in India, their profiles (contacts, geography of presence, sales volumes and assortment, brands sold, competitive advantages) 
3.2 Market shares of the largest distributors

Part 4. Consumption analysis

4.1 Existing consumer types
4.2 Market structure by sectors of consumption

Part 5. Forecast of the development of the market for axial metal cutting tools in India

Part 6. Recommendations and conclusions

Research excerpt

Part 1. Market overview of axial metal cutting tools in India
The metal cutting tool market is an extremely broad category that covers tools required for use on machine tools and press forging equipment, in locksmith shops by chip removal or plastic deformation of the metal during its shaping. The tool is used in all branches of metalworking and mechanical engineering - from the production of household appliances to the aerospace industry.

1.2 Main characteristics of the market
At the moment, the following instrument segments are represented in the Indian market in terms of origin: ...
The analysis carried out allows us to identify the following main trends: ...

1.2 Evaluation of factors affecting the market
An analysis of the state and current market trends makes it possible to single out key groups of factors influencing the market: macroeconomic, political and legal, technological, social. 
Macroeconomic factors
The growth rate of India's GDP (gross domestic product at market prices in accordance with the 2008 SNA methodology, at constant 2011 prices) has been declining over 2011-2015 - from ...% to ...%. 
Table 1. Assessment of the correlation of macroeconomic factors and the development of the metal cutting tool industry in India in 2013-2017

Overall, the impact of macro factors on the axial metal cutting tool market in India is currently being assessed...

1.3 Barriers and risks for a new player to enter the market
Despite the attractiveness of the axial metal cutting tool market, there are a number of barriers to the entry of a new player: ...
In accordance with the above barriers, there are the following risks: ...

1.4 Production volume in India
The production of metal-cutting tools is accounted for under the OKPD2 code:
25.73.40 Working interchangeable tools for machine tools or for hand tools (with or without a mechanical drive), includes 17 qualifying codes, among which are related to axial tools:
According to official statistics, the volume of production of axial cutting tools in India for the period from 2013 to 2017. decreased from ... mln. up to ... mln. (on the ...%).
Diagram 6. Dynamics of production of axial cutting tools in India in 2013-2017 in kind

Diagram 7. Dynamics of the structure of production of metal-cutting tools by the Union Territories of India in 2013-2017 in kind

1.5 Dynamics of market volume and capacity in 2013-2017
An analysis of the production, volume and export of axial metal cutting tools in India is estimated in 2017 at the level of ... billion Rs. During the period from 2013 to 2017, the market volume increased by ...%.
In physical terms, the market volume decreased by ...%, which is primarily due to the decline in production volume.
Diagram 9. The growth rate of the market volume of the axial cutting tool in India in 2014-2017, in natural and value terms

The market capacity for a domestic manufacturer of axial cutting tools is characterized by the following parameters ...

1.6 Market structure by types of products (milling cutters, drills, reamers, countersinks, burrs, taps)
In the market structure by product type, drills are leading in value terms - ...% in 2017.
Diagram 10. The structure of the market of axial metal cutting tools by product in India in 2017, in value terms

In the market structure in volume terms, the segment ""Drills"" accounts for ...%, ""Cutters"" - ...%, ""Taps, dies"" - ...%, ""Borning bars"" - ...%.
Diagram 11. The structure of the market of axial metal cutting tools by product type in India in 2017, in real terms

Part 2. Analysis of manufacturers (TOP-5)
2.1 The largest manufacturers in India, their profiles (contacts, geography of presence, assortment, competitive advantages)
2.2 Market shares of the largest manufacturers

Part 3. Analysis of distributors (TOP-5)
3.1 The largest distributors in India, their profiles (contacts, geography of presence, sales volumes and assortment, brands sold, competitive advantages)
3.2 Market shares of the largest distributors

Part 4. Consumption analysis
Existing consumer types
The metal-cutting tool market is characterized by ... the type of consumers who use the tool in their professional activities. ...
Market structure by consumption sectors
The main consuming industry for axial metal-cutting tools is the military-industrial complex - ...% of total consumption, followed by the automotive industry - ...% and the aviation and rocket and space industries.

Part 5. Forecast of the development of the market for axial metal cutting tools in India

Part 6. Recommendations and conclusions


Diagram 1. Market structure of metal cutting tools by category in India in 2017 
Diagram 2. Dynamics of India's GDP, in 2011- Q2 2018, % to the previous year
Diagram 3. The dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, Jan. 2014 - August 2018, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 4. Industrial production index in India in 2014-January-August 2018, in % of the corresponding period of the previous year
Diagram 5. Dynamics of production and consumption of machine tools in India in 2013-2017 in kind
Diagram 6. Dynamics of production of axial cutting tools in India in 2013-2017 in kind
Diagram 7. Dynamics of the structure of production of metal-cutting tools in the Union Territories of India in 2013-2017 in kind
Diagram 8. Dynamics of production of axial cutting tools in India in 2013-2017 in value terms
Diagram 9. The growth rate of the market volume of the axial metal-cutting tool in India in 2014-2017, in natural and value terms
Diagram 10. The structure of the market for axial cutting tools in India by type of product in 2017, in value terms
Diagram 11. The structure of the market of axial metal-cutting tools by product type in India in 2017, in physical terms
Diagram 12. Share of the largest manufacturers of axial cutting tools in India in 2017, in value terms
Diagram 13. Shares of the largest distributors in the Indian axial cutting tool market in 2017 in value terms
Diagram 14. The structure of the market of axial metal cutting tools by industry in India in 2017


Table 1. Assessment of the correlation of macroeconomic factors and the development of the metal cutting tool industry in India in 2013-2017. 
Table 2. STEP Analysis of Factors Affecting the Axial Metal Cutting Tools Market
Table 3. The volume of the market of axial metal-cutting tools in India in 2013-2017, billion Rs. 
Table 4. The volume of the market of axial metal-cutting tools in India in 2013-2017, thousand pieces 
Table 5. Forecast of the volume of the market of axial metal-cutting tools in India for 2018-2022, thousand pieces 
Table 6. Forecast of the volume of the market of axial cutting tools in India for 2018-2022, billion Rs. 

Research benefits

The most complete presentation of information in an accessible and visual form. When ordering a marketing research, you can be sure of the accuracy and reliability of market information, which allows you to make informed management decisions and not miss the attractive opportunities that the market provides.

Directions for using the results of the study

To bring a new product to the market, organize a new production, correct the current strategy of the company or develop a new one, to make various decisions


For senior and middle managers, marketing specialists, investors, business owners

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