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Indian Ice Cream Market Analysis 2013

Indian Ice Cream Market Analysis 2013 Indian Ice Cream Market Analysis 2013
Release date 03.04.2014
Number of pages 120
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 35000 ₹


Food producers and investors need reliable information about the state of affairs in the industry. Marketers from the agency ""GidMarket"" can provide such data.

Of particular interest is one of the most dynamically developing areas of this business - the Indian ice cream market. The company's clients can purchase a ready-made opinion on the state of the relevant segment of the food industry, order an updated report for the date of purchase for a small additional fee, or use the service of studying the issue according to individual criteria.

The presented document includes a description of the situation in the Indian ice cream market in 2013.

In particular, it includes the following sections:

  • The volume of domestic production of the product, the size of imports and exports (including in general, throughout the country and in the context of federal districts).
  • Trends in the industry in India and the world (current situation, prospects, level of competition, consumer preferences, etc.).
  • Modern manufacturing technologies (current technical regulations, GOSTs, composition of products).
  • Description of major representatives of domestic and foreign brands.

Ways to collect information about the Indian ice cream market

Data for analysis can be obtained in several ways:

Search for any information containing indicators of the functioning of the industry, opinions and assessments of experts. For this, a number of sources are used, in particular:

  • information from the websites of Rosstat, the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Customs Service, as well as relevant departments;
  • financial statements of producers and intermediaries;
  • materials of thematic media and Internet portals.

Conducting selective interviews with participants in the Indian ice cream market (the data of the survey based on the results of 2013 are given in the finished report).

The GidMarket company offers to buy a conclusion, including with the option of updating as of the date of purchase, by clicking on the link and filling out the attached form.

To order a new study, select the required button on this page. You can get answers to your questions by phone.

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