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India Raw Marble Market Analysis

India Raw Marble Market Analysis India Raw Marble Market Analysis
Release date 27.05.2022
Number of pages 38
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research  

Since ancient times, people have valued marble. It was used in the construction of palaces, monuments, temples and other important buildings. Many sculptors have created their masterpieces of art from marble. India - a country rich in natural resources, has several marble deposits - from Karelian pinkish to Sayan deposits

Purpose of the study

Analyzing the state of the rough marble market in India, assessing the market size, analyzing competitors, and identifying factors affecting the rough marble market


Part 1. Overview of the Indian Marble Market

1.1. Main characteristics of the market

1.2. Dynamics of the marble market volume 2017-2021 Potential market capacity

1.3. Assessment of factors affecting the market

1.4. Marble Market Life Cycle Stage

1.5. Competition from substitute products

Part 2. Competitive analysis in the marble market

2.1. Major players in the market

2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors

2.3. Profiles of major players

Part 3. Analysis of marble production

3.1. Volume and dynamics of domestic marble production

3.2. Share of exports in marble production

3.3. Segmentation of marble production by regions

3.3.1. Production by Union Territories

3.3.2. Production by states of India

Part 4. Analysis of foreign trade deliveries of marble

4.1. Volume and dynamics of marble imports

4.2. Import structure

4.3. The volume and dynamics of marble exports

4.4. Export structure

Part 5. Marble consumption analysis

5.1. Dynamics of marble consumption volume

5.2. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase

Part 6. Price Analysis

6.1. Average producer prices by union territories

6.2. Average consumer prices by states in India

Part 7. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

Part 8. Forecast for the development of the marble market until 2026

Part 9. Recommendations and conclusions

Research excerpt 

Part 1. Overview of the Indian Marble Market

1.1. Main characteristics of the market

Since ancient times, people have valued marble. It was used in the construction of palaces, monuments, temples and other important buildings. Many sculptors have created their masterpieces of art from marble.


Modern marble extraction involves the use of…

Marble (from the Greek μάρμαρο - “white or shiny stone”) is a metamorphic, sedimentary rock formed ...

Marble is formed as a result of limestone metamorphosis due to the impact of certain physical ...

Distinctive features of marble.


The chemical composition of marble...

Due to different influences, marble acquires different colors and shades. The most common white marble, especially valuable..

Raw materials based on white marble - crushed marble, marble chips (carolites), microcalcite (ground marble) - the most common …

India is a country rich in natural resources, has several deposits of marbles - ...

This study considers raw marble - marble as a mined mineral, as well as imported and exported coarsely crushed or not crushed, sawn or not sawn, or otherwise divided.

The share of imports in the rough marble market in India is …% during the period under review. Almost the entire market volume is marble, ...

1.2. Dynamics of the marble market volume 2017-2021 Potential market capacity

The volume dynamics of the raw marble market is almost identical to …, which is due to …

In 2015 and 2016, the market volume was … million tons, and from 2017 to 2019 it was quite stable and averaged … million tons. In 2020, the market is estimated at … thousand tons, which is …% lower than in 2019. This decrease is due to...

The one postponed in 2020 was immediately implemented in 2021, which led to an increase in the market volume by …% by 2020. In absolute terms, the indicator amounted to … million tons.

On the one hand, the raw marble market is at the stage of …, so its potential capacity is currently …, on the other hand, firstly, the demand for processed marble products has …, and, secondly, the construction industry …, which can in the longer term lead to an increase in the potential market capacity by …% or even more.

Diagram 3. Revenue (net) from the sale of marble by union territories in 2017-2021, %

More than …% of India’s raw marble market revenue comes from …the federal district, which is explained by the registration of …

1.3. Assessment of factors affecting the market

Macroeconomic factors influence the dynamics of all sectors of the Indian economy, including the marble market. The main groups of factors are: economic, political, social and technological.

  • Economic forces
  • ...
  • Social (demographic)
  • ...
  • Technological factors
  • ...
  • Political factors
  • ...

Table 2. STEP analysis of factors affecting the marble market 

In general, the impact of macro factors on the marble market in India can be assessed as … forces. Negative influence is exerted by... Positive influence is exerted by...

1.4. Marble Market Life Cycle Stage

If we consider the stage of the life cycle of raw marble, then the market is already ..., the extraction of marble is carried out ...

If we consider already mined and initially processed marble, then at the moment the market is at the stage ... At the same time, the quality of the goods is at …

Processed marble as a product from the category of novelties has long moved into the category of …

At this stage, the role of ...

At the stage ... the main task of marketing activities is to ...


1.5. Competition from substitute products


Part 2. Competitive analysis in the marble market 

2.1. Major players in the market 

According to GidMarket, the main companies in the rough marble market in India are: …

2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors 

Diagram 13. Shares of the largest competitors in the marble market in 2021, %

The leading players in the rough marble market in India are: ... with a share of ...%, LLC ... with a share of about ...%, ... with a share of ...%, ... In total, the Top 5 companies occupy ...%. Other companies in total occupy …% of the market. 

According to the calculation, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index in 2021 amounted to …, the market is …

2.3. Profiles of major players


Part 3. Analysis of marble production

3.1. Volume and dynamics of domestic marble production

Let's present the data on the volume of marble production in India.

Diagram 14. Dynamics of marble production in India in 2015-2021, thousand tons

The indicator of marble production in India in physical terms until 2017 was … at a pace, from 2017 to 2019 - …% annually, and in 2020, the crisis year, …% was observed by 20…. The volume at the end of 2020 amounted to … million tons.

In 2021, a record volume of marble was mined, which is estimated at … million tons, which is more than the level of 2020 by …%.

The dynamics of the total revenue of the largest manufacturers has … character. The indicator reached its minimum value in 2020 - ... billion Rs., in 2021, the total revenue amounted to ... billion Rs., showing an increase of ...%, but did not reach the level of the pre-crisis 2019.

3.2. Share of exports in marble production

Almost all raw (extracted) marble produced in India is consumed by …: the share of exports in production is minimal and …% during the entire period.

3.3. Segmentation of marble production by regions

3.3.1. Production by Union Territories

Table 5. Dynamics of marble production in India by union territories in 2017-2021, thousand tons

The absolute leader in marble production in India during the entire period under review is … the federal district – its share ranged from ..% to …%, in 2021 production amounted to … million tons; in second place are producers from … the Union Territories with a share from …% to …% and a volume of … million tons in 2021. 

The location of the leading manufacturing companies in the districts is due to …

3.3.2. Production by states of India

According to GidMarket estimates and calculations, the largest volume of mined marble is produced in … oblast – …%, in second place is … oblast with a share of …%, in third place is Crimea with a share of …%. Other regions account for …% of production.

Part 4. Analysis of foreign trade deliveries of marble

4.1. Volume and dynamics of marble imports

Let's imagine the dynamics of the volume of imports of raw marble to India.

During the entire period, with the exception of 2017, the volume of imports did not exceed … tons, in 2017 it amounted to … thousand tons. According to the results of 2021, … thousand tons of raw marble were imported, which is …% higher than the level of 2020.

The dynamics of imports in rupees in the period under review had … character. In 2017 and 2020-2021, the indicator ... At the end of 2021, imports amounted to ... million Rs., which ..

The dynamics of imports in value and physical terms is significantly …

At the same time, it should be noted that the share of imports in the raw marble market is …%, therefore, import operations ...

4.2. Import structure

More than …% of marble was imported in 2021 from countries … Countries … accounted for only …% in physical terms and …% in value terms.

In the Top 3 leading countries in terms of imports of rough marble to India in 2021 were: … (…% in physical terms and …% in value terms), …

4.3. The volume and dynamics of marble exports

Until 2019, inclusive, the volume of exports of raw marble from India is not … thousand tons, in 2020 it amounted to … thousand tons, having increased by more than …

The dynamics of exports of raw marble in monetary terms has ... character and, similarly to imports, differs from ...

In 2021, marble was exported in the amount of … mln Rs., which is …% less than in 2020.

Diagram 22. Balance of export and import of marble in 2015-2021, million Rs.

During the period under review, the trade balance (difference between exports and imports) in value terms in the rough marble market in India was …: in … years it was …


4.4. Export structure

Chart 23. Structure of exports by countries in 2021, %

In 2021, among non-CIS countries, raw marble was supplied mainly to … – the share of …% in physical terms and …% in value terms.

The rest of the export volume fell mainly on the countries …

Part 5. Marble consumption analysis

5.1. Dynamics of marble consumption volume


5.2. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase

According to the EIS in the field of procurement and IS Fira.Pro, from May 1, 2021 to April 30, 2022, 44 contracts for the purchase of marble were concluded under Federal Law-24. 

We present detailed information on contracts in the form of a table.


Part 6. Price Analysis

6.1. Average producer prices by union territories

The sources of official statistics record producer prices for raw marble only for 3 union territories. The maximum price is traditionally marked in the … Union Territories, and since this district occupies more than …% of the total production, the price in it has ...

The average price in India in 2021 was … Rs. per 1 ton of raw marble, which is …% higher than the level of 2020 and ..% higher than the level of 2017.

 6.2. Average consumer prices by states in India


Part 7. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market

A comprehensive assessment of the factors of investment attractiveness of the raw marble market is ... points - ... investment climate. Negative factors of the investment climate in the raw marble market ... This means that within the industry in question there are difficulties and problems, ...

The most significant positive factors. ..

The most significant negative factors. …

Part 8. Forecast for the development of the marble market until 2026   


Part 9. Recommendations and conclusions  



Diagram 1. The ratio of imported and domestic products in the marble market in 2015-2021, %

Diagram 2. Dynamics of marble market volume, 2015-2021, thousand tons

Diagram 3. Revenue (net) from the sale of marble by union territories in 2017-2021, %

Chart 4. Dynamics of India's GDP, 2012–2021, % to the previous year

Chart 5. Monthly dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2015-2022 (Jan-Mar), Rs. for 1 US dollar

Diagram 6. Dynamics of India's IPP in 2014 - 2022 (Q1), % to the previous year

Diagram 7. Population dynamics in India as of January 1, 2010-2022, million people, %

Diagram 8. Population forecast in India for the period 2021-2024, million people

Diagram 9. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2011–2021, % to the previous year

Chart 10. Total revenue by type of economic activity ""Construction"" in India, 2015-2021, trillion Rs.

Diagram 11. Number of open stations of the Moscow Metro, 2015-2021, units

Figure 12. Marble market life cycle stage

Diagram 13. Shares of the largest competitors in the marble market in 2021, %

Diagram 14. Dynamics of marble production in India in 2015-2021, thousand tons

Chart 15. Dynamics of the total revenue of the largest manufacturers (TOP-5) of marble in India, 2017-2021, million Rs.

Diagram 16. The share of exports in the production of marble for 2015-2021,%

Chart 17. Shares of Indian states in marble production in 2021, %

Diagram 18. Volume and dynamics of marble imports to India in physical terms in 2015-2021, tons

Diagram 19. Volume and dynamics of marble imports in monetary terms to India in 2015-2021, million Rs.

Diagram 20. Volume and dynamics of export of marble in natural terms from India in 2015-2021, tons

Diagram 21. The volume and dynamics of exports of marble in monetary terms from India in 2015-2021, tons

Diagram 22. Balance of export and import of marble in 2015-2021, million Rs.

Chart 23. Structure of exports by countries in 2021, %

Diagram 24. Dynamics of marble consumption per capita in monetary terms, 2017-2021, Rs./person

Diagram 25. Forecast of market volume in 2022-2026, thousand tons


Table 1. CPI for selected types of industrial goods for India at the end of the period in 2016-2021, %

Table 2. STEP analysis of factors affecting the marble market

Table 3. Main companies participating in the marble market in 2021

Table 4. Profiles of companies participating in the marble market in 2021

Table 5. Dynamics of marble production in India by union territories in 2017-2021, thousand tons

Table 6. Structure of marble imports by importing countries in 2021, %

Table 7. Tenders for the purchase of marble, for which contracts were concluded in the period from 01.05.2021/30.04.2022/ to / /

Table 8. Average producer prices in the marble market across the Union Territories in 2015-2021, Rs./t

Table 9. Average consumer prices in the marble market by state of India in 2021, Rs. with VAT for 1 sq. m

Table 10. Evaluation of factors of investment attractiveness of the marble market

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