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India Fitness Equipment Market Analysis

India Fitness Equipment Market Analysis India Fitness Equipment Market Analysis
Release date 27.09.2021
Number of pages 36
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

For successful sports, fitness and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, special sports equipment is required. With it, you can increase the load on the muscles, diversify your workouts

Purpose of the study

Analyzing the state of the fitness equipment market in India, assessing the market size, analyzing competitors, and identifying factors affecting the fitness equipment market


Part 1. India Fitness Equipment Market Overview

1.1. Description of fitness equipment
1.2. Main characteristics of the market
1.3. Volume of production
1.4. Share of exports in production
1.5. Market share of imports
1.6. Assessment of the dynamics of the market volume in 2018-2020 (in physical and value terms). Potential market capacity
1.7. Current trends and market development prospects
1.8. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.8.1. Social factors
1.8.2. Technological factors
1.8.3. Economic forces
1.8.4. Political factors
1.8.5. Conclusions about the influence of factors on the market
1.9. Fitness equipment market structure (in physical and value terms)
1.9.1. Sales online/offline
1.9.2. Wholesale/retail sales
1.9.3. On the union territories of India

Part 2. Analysis of Imports of Fitness Equipment in India (HS Code 9506)

2.1. The volume of imports (in physical and value terms)
2.2. Average import price
2.3. Import structure:
2.3.1. by producing countries (in physical and value terms)
2.3.2. by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms)
2.3.3. by recipient companies (in physical and value terms)
2.3.4. by brands (in physical and value terms)
2.4. Major importers, import volumes, average import prices

Part 3. Competitor Analysis in India's Top 10 Fitness Equipment Market

3.1. The level of competition in the market
3.2. Major players in the market
3.3. Market shares of the largest competitors
3.4. Analysis of the product range
3.5. Sales channels
3.6. Marketing activity and channels for promoting market players
3.7. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors

Part 4. Consumption Analysis of the Indian Fitness Equipment Market

4.1. Market saturation
4.2. Key consumer trends in India
4.3. The largest consumers TOP-10

Part 5. Price Analysis

Part 6. Forecasts and conclusions

6.1. Barriers in the market
6.2. Market Growth Drivers
6.3. Market development forecast until 2025

Research excerpt 

Part 1. India Fitness Equipment Market Overview

1.1. Description of fitness equipment

For successful sports, fitness and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, special sports equipment is required. With it, you can increase the load on the muscles, diversify your workouts. 

Equipment for training is used: ...
Inventory share fitness can be: ...
In this study, the fitness equipment market is considered in the volume of the following product groups: ...
Let's present the description of some goods from the specified list.
Dumbbells. Dumbbells - this type ...
Rods - used for ...
A bar is a sports equipment used for…
Fitball - this sports equipment is used in ...
Bosu (Bosu hemisphere) is another fitness machine that …

1.2. Main characteristics of the market

Some of the major characteristics or features of the fitness equipment market in India include:

- Significant variety…;
- High level …;
- The market is at the stage of …;
- Significant, but at the same time multidirectional ...;
- The main consumer of goods related to fitness equipment in India (among states) is … (…%);
- Commodity prices ...

1.3. Volume of production

Let's represent the dynamics of the production of fitness equipment in India in the form of a diagram.

The calculation of the volume of production of fitness equipment was made by GidMarket based on the data of ..., estimated data on the shares of ...
According to GidMarket's calculations, the volume of production of fitness equipment in value terms in the period under review had … dynamics - ... In 2020, production is estimated at … billion Rs., which is by …% … the level of 2019.

1.4. Share of exports in production

Let's represent the data in the form of a chart.
The export direction in the fitness equipment market in India is … – the share of exports in production is not …%, however, it tends to ...

During the period under review …% of the produced inventory was consumed by ...

1.5. Market share of imports

Imagine an estimate of the shares of imported and domestic products in the fitness equipment market in India.

Diagram 4. The ratio of imported and domestic products in value terms in the fitness equipment market in India in 2018-2020,% 

The fitness equipment market in India is distinguished by a significant level of … – more than … of the industry in value terms is represented by … During 2018-2020, the share of Indian-made products is …%.

It can also be noted that in physical terms, the share of imports in the market for the period …%, which is due to higher ...

1.6. Assessment of the dynamics of the market volume in 2018-2020 (in physical and value terms). Potential market capacity

The size of the fitness equipment market in India is made up of import and production volumes, excluding export volumes. Let's represent the dynamics in the form of a diagram.
In 2020, the volume of the fitness equipment market is estimated by GidMarket at … billion Rs., which is by …% … the level of 2019. At the same time, it should be noted that due to the significant predominance of … in the market in 2020 due to …, the real volume growth rate in rupees is estimated at …%.
Since the range of fitness products is presented ...

The dynamics of the fitness equipment market in tons is similar to the dynamics in rupees, however, taking into account the fact that …%, and the market growth rate in tons is …%, the increase was mainly due to ...
Nevertheless, the growth in the conditions of the crisis … showed … on the part of the population. 

The following factors had a positive impact: ...

As for the potential capacity of the fitness equipment market, according to the survey, …% of the population is engaged in physical education or sports. Accordingly, the potential capacity of the fitness market can be estimated as …% of the existing volume. To be more specific, …% of the population is engaged in fitness or complex physical education, which increases the potential market capacity at least ...

1.7. Current trends and market development prospects 

Among the main trends in the fitness equipment market, the following can be noted:

1.8. Assessment of factors affecting the market

Macroeconomic factors affect the dynamics of all sectors of the Indian economy, including the fitness equipment market. The main groups of factors are: economic, political, social and technological.

1.8.1. Social factors

During 2010-2018, there was … …% increase in 2015 compared to the previous year 2014, in addition to natural growth and growth due to migration … However, at the beginning of 2018, the population growth rate …% compared to the previous 2017, in 2019 ( as of January 1.01.2019, 1) population growth .. As of January 2021, , there was …%. This factor has … an impact on the market in question.

Diagram 6. Population dynamics in India as of January 1, 2010-2021, million people, % 

According to the forecast for the period up to 2024, the population will increase only with …, however, in the light of the economic crisis and the coronavirus pandemic, this forecast option …

1.8.2. Technological factors
1.8.3. Economic forces
1.8.4. Political factors
1.8.5. Conclusions about the influence of factors on the market

Table 6. STEP Analysis of Factors Affecting the Fitness Equipment Market

According to the results of the performed STEP-analysis, macro-environmental factors have a greater influence on the fitness equipment market. 
Such economic factors, … have a negative impact on the development of the fitness equipment market. Complicates the development of the market ...

All groups of factors have an impact on the market.

1.9. Fitness equipment market structure (in physical and value terms)
1.9.1. Sales online/offline

Since the share of sales via the Internet for various categories of goods is not fixed by sources of official statistics, we will present some data that allow us to estimate the share of online / offline in sales of fitness equipment.

According to research…
“Buying sporting goods in 2020…”.
According to the study, in the fall of 2020, Indians spent on sports goods and equipment on average …% more than in ...

The most active growth in sales was recorded in …

Consider the data of official statistics on the share of online sales in general in terms of retail trade turnover.
According to …, if we consider all types of goods, in 2020 the share of online sales in India on average amounted to …%, which is almost 2 times... It can also be noted that in January-March 2021, the indicator continued to increase and reached …% on average across the country.
The highest level of development of online trading in 2020 reached …
According to GidMarket analysts, these indicators ...
According to … in 2019, the number of online orders for sports goods increased by …%, while the volume of online sales over the same period also increased by …%, which indicates …
If we consider the markets of similar (non-food) products, then, for example, according to reporting data ... the share of online sales was ...% of turnover, and in the 2nd quarter of 2020 - already ...% of the turnover, in the 4th quarter - ...%. …

Thus, estimates, official data and expert opinions about the share of online sales are significantly ..

For the sports equipment market in 2020, GidMarket analysts estimate the share of online sales at an average of …% in regions and medium-sized cities and up to …% in million-plus cities. At the same time, the shares in value and physical terms …

1.9.2. Wholesale/retail sales

The final wholesale buyers of fitness equipment can be:

- fitness and sports clubs
- ...
- big...
- sports...
- ...

The government estimates the volume of the entire sporting goods market in India at more than … billion Rs. At the same time, according to…
At the same time, if we consider only tenders that include the keyword ""fitness"", then the share of purchases is about ...% in the market volume.

It should be noted that a significant part of wholesale purchases is made ...
According to GidMarket, the fitness equipment market is dominated by …, which is associated with a significant audience … At the same time, the population as a retail consumer is probably more inclined to …

1.9.3. On the union territories of India

The assessment of the structure of the fitness equipment market for the union territories was carried out by GidMarket, taking into account the data …

The undisputed leader in terms of consumption is the … Union Territories, which on average occupies …% in physical terms and more than …% in value terms. At the same time, only … region (…) accounts for …% and …% of the market, respectively. The high market share of the region in value terms is due not only to …, but also to a high level of ... At the same time, the share of … Union Territories minus the shares of … is only …% and …% in physical and value terms, respectively.

The second place in the market structure in the Union Territories is occupied by … Union Territories with shares of …% and …%, respectively. The share of this region in value terms lags behind …, which is explained by more modest …

The smallest shares in the structure fall on the following regions: … and … Union Territories – less than …% each in value and physical terms.

Part 2. Analysis of Imports of Fitness Equipment in India (HS Code 9506)

2.1. The volume of imports (in physical and value terms)

Let's present the data on the volume of imports of fitness equipment to India. Analysis of the dynamics of export-import operations in the range of such goods is difficult due to the following circumstances:

Diagram 16. Dynamics and volume of imports of fitness equipment to India in physical terms in 2018-2020, tons

The volume of imports in physical terms in 2019 … compared to 2018, and at the end of 2020 amounted to … thousand tons, which is by …% … the level of 2019.

In 2020, the volume of imports in dollars, although it exceeded the level of 2019, but ...% - in 2020, more than ...
A radically different picture can be seen by analyzing the volume of imports in rupees: due to ... the increase in the volume of imports in the national currency ...%, amounting to ... billion Rs.

2.2. Average import price

Let's present the data in the form of a table.
The average price of imports in 2019 as a whole ... compared to the figure for 2018 both in dollars and rupees, which is due to ... But at the end of 2020, we can conclude that ... were purchased abroad, which leveled ... In 2020, the average import price was … USD/kg or … Rs./kg.

2.3. Import structure:

Let's present the fitness equipment import structure by various parameters in the form of tables or diagrams.

2.3.1. by producing countries (in physical and value terms)

More than two thirds of imports of fitness equipment account for goods manufactured by … - in 2020, their share amounted to …% in value terms and …% in kind. In second place …
It should be noted that the shares of states in value and physical terms differ significantly, which is due to …

2.3.2. by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms)

Diagram 19. The structure of imports of fitness equipment to India by manufacturing companies in 2020, 

The diagram shows the rating of foreign manufacturers in terms of value and their shares in the structure of imports in physical terms. Shares of all represented manufacturers exceed 1%.
The structure of imports of fitness equipment by manufacturing companies …, only 3 companies occupy shares of more than …% in value terms: …, GK …, … In physical terms – 4 companies occupy shares of more than …%.

2.3.3. by recipient companies (in physical and value terms)

The diagram shows the rating of importers in value terms and their shares in the structure of imports in physical terms.

The structure of fitness equipment imports by recipient companies (importers) …, only … companies occupy shares of more than …% in value terms: LLC …, LLC …, ... In physical terms - total … companies occupy shares of more than 5%.

2.3.4. by brands (in physical and value terms)

The diagram shows the rating of brands in value terms and their shares in the structure of imports in physical terms.
The structure of imports of fitness equipment by brands …, only … of them account for shares of more than 5% in value terms: ... In physical terms - total of … brands occupy shares of more than …%.

2.4. Major importers, import volumes, average import prices

Let's present information about the Top 30 largest importers in the form of a table. Their shipment volumes fluctuate from … to … thousand dollars and from … to … tons. Average import prices depend on supplied … and range from … to … USD/kg. The average import price for the top 30 importers is … USD/kg.

Table 9. Top 30 fitness equipment importers in 2020 in value terms, units rev.

Part 3. Competitor Analysis in India's Top 10 Fitness Equipment Market

3.1. The level of competition in the market

The degree of concentration of players in the market can be assessed by the Herfindahl-Hirschman index, an indicator used to assess the degree of monopolization of an industry.

According to the values ​​of the Herfindahl-Hirschman indices, there are three types of market:
Type I - highly concentrated markets: 1800
Type II - moderately concentrated markets: 1000
Type III - low-concentration markets: HHI <1000

For the fitness equipment market in 2020, the Herfindahl-Hirschmann index is ... the market is ... 
Competition in the market is at …: … market shares are occupied by both … and … goods, … The number of market players … At the same time, the number of foreign manufacturers whose products are supplied to the Indian market, … 

3.2. Major players in the market 

Let's present the basic information about the leading companies in the market in the form of a table. Since more than …% of products on the fitness equipment market are represented by .., the largest companies are … – 9 companies from the Top 10. Only 1 company...

Among the largest companies in the fitness equipment market in India are: LLC ..., LLC ..., LLC ...

3.3. Market shares of the largest competitors

Diagram 22. Shares of the largest competitors in the fitness equipment market in value terms in 2020, % 

The leading companies in the fitness equipment market in 2020 occupied the following shares: LLC … - …%, LLC … - …%, LLC … – …%, CJSC … – …%, … Top-10 companies occupy …% of the fitness equipment market in value terms. Other market operators accounted for more than …%.

3.4. Analysis of the product range

Let's present the data on the assortment of fitness equipment included in the subject of the study, the leading companies in the market in 2020 in the form of a table.
Leading companies in the market choose different types of ... For example, companies ..., selling a significant part of the goods at retail, offer ... At the same time, the number of brands ... Other companies specialize in ...

3.5. Sales channels

Let's present a list of distribution channels in a pivot table.

Table 12. Sales and distribution channels for fitness equipment by the largest competitors

The lists of distribution channels of the leading companies in the market differ significantly, for example, some companies focus more on ... At the same time, corporate clients, third-party marketplaces and online stores are ... Mobile application ..., occupying positions 1 and 2 in the ranking - . ..

3.6. Marketing activity and channels for promoting market players 

Analysis of the marketing activity of market leaders ..., which is largely due to the lack of ... The most complete information is presented on ...

3.7. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors

All companies in the Top 10 are large and have ... Some of them are in …

Part 4. Consumption Analysis of the Indian Fitness Equipment Market

4.1. Market saturation

At the moment, the fitness equipment market is at the stage of …

4.2. Key consumer trends in India

Consumer trends and preferences in the fitness equipment market in 2020 and currently include:
In addition to these trends, the following can also be noted:

4.3. The largest consumers TOP-10

The main buyers (except for end users - individuals) of fitness equipment are ... etc.
The category of companies that purchase the widest range of goods included in the subject of research, and without which the activities of such companies is impossible, are ... Let's provide information about the largest of them.

Table 16. The largest consumers of fitness equipment among fitness clubs, units. rev.

Part 5. Price Analysis

Let's look at consumer prices for fitness equipment.
During the period under review, the dynamics of retail consumer prices for fitness equipment …: the maximum growth occurred in … year and amounted to …% on average in India. At the same time, it fluctuated from …% to …% in the union territories. Also, high rates were noted in …
Prices increased most rapidly from 2014 to 2020 in … Union Territories and … Union Territories, inventory prices rose least of all in ...

If we compare the dynamics of prices for fitness equipment and for non-food products in general, then the first ... Over the period from 2014 to 2020, prices for equipment increased by …% in total, and for the group of non-food products – by …%.
Let's present data on consumer prices for a conditional gymnastic ball with an average price of … Rs./pcs. in India in 2020 by states of India.
Prices in the states of India can vary quite a lot. To analyze the price difference, a conditional ball with an average cost of … Rs was taken. The maximum price is ... rupees, it is marked in ... area.

Also in the list of regions with high prices - ... - ...
The minimum price is observed in … – … Rs. Also in the list of states with low ball prices - less than ... rupees - ...
The maximum price is above the average by …%, and the minimum is below the average for India by …%.
Such a spread of prices in the regions is due to different reasons for each of them: ...

Part 6. Forecasts and conclusions

6.1. Barriers in the market

Barriers to the development of the fitness equipment market in the medium term may be:

6.2. Market Growth Drivers

Among the main drivers of the fitness equipment market are:

6.3. Market development forecast until 2025


Figure 1. Image of some types of fitness equipment
Diagram 2. Dynamics of the volume of production of fitness equipment in India in 2018-2020, billion Rs.
Diagram 3. The share of exports in the production of fitness equipment in India in 2018-2020,%
Diagram 4. The ratio of imported and domestic products in value terms in the fitness equipment market in India in 2018-2020,%
Diagram 5. Dynamics of the market volume of fitness equipment in India in 2018-2020, units rev.
Diagram 6. Population dynamics in India as of January 1, 2010-2021, million people, %
Diagram 7. Population forecast in India for the period 2021-2024, million people
Diagram 8. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2011 - 2020, % to the previous year
Diagram 9. The share of physical culture and sports services in the volume of paid services to the population,%, 2012−2019
Diagram 10. Dynamics of India's GDP, 2007-2020, % to the previous year
Chart 11. Monthly dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2015-2021 (Jan.-May), Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 12. Index of physical volume of turnover of retail trade in non-food products in India, 2014-2020, % to the previous year
Chart 13. Dynamics of the size of the average interest rate on loans, 2015-2020 (Jan-Nov), years, %
Diagram 14. Assessment of the market structure for wholesale/retail sales, %
Diagram 15. The structure of the fitness equipment market by union territories with the allocation in 2018-2020,%
Diagram 16. Dynamics and volume of imports of fitness equipment to India in physical terms in 2018-2020, tons
Diagram 17. Dynamics and volume of imports of fitness equipment to India in value terms in 2018-2020, units rev.
Diagram 18. Structure of imports of fitness equipment to India by producing countries in 2020, %
Diagram 19. Structure of imports of fitness equipment to India by manufacturing companies in 2020, %
Diagram 20. Structure of imports of fitness equipment to India by recipient companies in 2020, %
Diagram 21. Structure of imports of fitness equipment to India by brands in 2020, %
Diagram 22. Shares of the largest competitors in the fitness equipment market in value terms in 2020, %
Figure 23. Life cycle stage of the fitness equipment market
Diagram 24. Forecast of the fitness equipment market volume in physical terms in 2021–2025, tons
Diagram 25. Forecast of the fitness equipment market in value terms in 2021–2025, billion Rs.


Table 1. Subject of study
Table 2. Urban and rural population in India in 2014-2020 (as of January 1), million people, %
Table 3. Forecasts of various sources for real GDP in India in 2021-2023 (data for January-June 2021), %
Table 4. Average producer prices and CPI for electricity at the end of the period in 2017-2020, rupees, %
Table 5. Weighted average interest rates of credit institutions on credit operations in rupees, excluding PJSC Sberbank (% per annum), 2015-2020 (Jan-Nov)
Table 6. STEP Analysis of Factors Affecting the Fitness Equipment Market
Table 7. Share of online sales in total retail turnover in India in 2014-2020, %
Table 8. Dynamics of the average import price in 2018-2020, units rev.
Table 9. Top 30 fitness equipment importers in 2020 in value terms, units rev.
Table 10. The main companies participating in the fitness equipment market in 2020
Table 11. The range of fitness equipment of the largest competitors
Table 12. Sales and distribution channels for fitness equipment by the largest competitors
Table 13. Marketing activity and promotion channels of the largest market players
Table 14. Strengths and weaknesses of the largest market players
Table 15. Assortment structure of the fitness equipment market in 2018, %
Table 16. The largest consumers of fitness equipment among fitness clubs, units. rev.
Table 17. Dynamics of consumer price indices for fitness equipment in 2014-2021 (Jan.-April), %
Table 18. Average consumer prices for a gymnastic ball by state of India in 2020, Rs./pc.
Table 19. Main indicators of the forecast for the socio-economic development of India until 2024 (base case), units rev.

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