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Hotel business plan Hotel business plan
Release date 21.10.2013
Number of pages 113
Cost 25000 ₹

The profitability of the project or its economic inefficiency are determined at the stage of business plan formation. This is especially important when opening a hotel. The GidMarket company offers the development of such a document.

Clients can purchase a ready-made project or order the development of an individual program. In particular, a hotel business plan with calculations of the main financial indicators, compiled in 2013, is proposed. If the hotel has unique characteristics, it is advisable to order an individual project.

Such a document will:

  • clarify the real demand for the organization of accommodation and temporary accommodation of guests;
  • determine the size and sources of resources needed to open a hotel and its maintenance;
  • assess the profitability of the project in case of its successful implementation;
  • draw a conclusion about the prospects of the idea, etc.

In addition, such a document is a reliable confirmation of the creditworthiness of the enterprise and helps it to obtain the necessary borrowed funds.

Standard structure of a hotel business plan with calculations

  • Summary (key characteristics of the project).
  • The state of affairs in the market. These are the current conditions in this area in India, the real need for relevant services.
  • Marketing policy.
  • Organizational structure (location of the facility, registration procedure, staffing, risk assessment, information support, tax and legal support).
  • Description of the production process.
  • financial component. Data on various costs, total cost, performance results are provided. The same section contains the opinion of experts on the investment efficiency of the idea and the economic feasibility of its practical application.

If you are planning to open a hotel, buy a ready-made study in the GidMarket catalog or order a similar document, but taking into account the specifics of your project.

The application can be submitted and sent on the website by filling out a special form. Ask related questions by phone, chat or via e-mail.

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