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Hockey Equipment Market Analysis in India

Hockey Equipment Market Analysis in India Hockey Equipment Market Analysis in India
Release date 27.05.2020
Number of pages 31
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

Hockey differs from other game sports in a significant set of game equipment. The number of equipment elements, its complexity and relatively short service life (especially true for sticks) determine the high cost of hockey compared to other sports. 

Manufacturers of hockey equipment constantly conduct research and introduce new developments aimed at improving the consumer properties of products: the playing qualities of the equipment and the degree of protection of the player from injuries

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the hockey equipment market, assessment of the market volume, analysis of competitors


Part 1. Overview of the Indian Hockey Equipment Market

1.1. Key Features of the Indian Hockey Equipment Market
1.2. Dynamics of the Indian market of hockey equipment, 2018-2019 Potential market capacity
1.3. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market
1.4. Market structure by types of hockey equipment

Part 2. Hockey Equipment Retail Analysis in the Indian Market

2.1. Estimation of the number of chain stores selling hockey equipment
2.2. Estimated number of independent stores selling hockey equipment
2.3. Estimation of the number of online stores selling hockey equipment

Part 3. Analysis of Hockey Equipment Brands in the Indian Market

3.1. The biggest brands on the market
3.2. Market shares of the largest brands on the market

Part 4. Analysis of tenders for the purchase of hockey equipment with a description of manufacturers, buyers, number of transactions

Part 5. Recommendations and conclusions on the study

Research excerpt

Part 1. Overview of the Indian Hockey Equipment Market

1.1. Key Features of the Indian Hockey Equipment Market

Hockey differs from other game sports in a significant set of game equipment. The number of equipment elements, its complexity and relatively short service life (especially true for sticks) determine the high cost of hockey compared to other sports. Hockey equipment includes: ...

Manufacturers of hockey equipment on an ongoing basis conduct …

Until recently, the Indian market for hockey equipment has been almost completely ...

In addition to state subsidies, the Ministry of Industry and Trade uses other tools in practice ...

There are a number of ongoing programs such as… 

Federal project...

1.2. Dynamics of the Indian market of hockey equipment, 2018-2019 Potential market capacity

The volume of the Indian market of hockey equipment was calculated by the analysts of GidMarket based on the data ... The assessment of the market volume is complicated by the fact that the description of imported products may indicate ... 

Nevertheless, the analysis of … makes it possible to estimate the size of the hockey equipment market in 2019 at … billion Rs., an increase relative to 2018 by …%. 

The assessment of the market volume is made in consumer prices.

Diagram 1. Dynamics of the hockey equipment market volume, million Rs., 2018-2019


Despite … the Indian market for hockey equipment, its potential capacity … 

Thanks to the development of state programs, there will be gradually …

The main limiting factor is the high...

1.3. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market

Trends: ...


1.4. Market structure by types of hockey equipment

The largest share in the market of hockey equipment in terms of value accounts for …– …%, due to the fact that the average price of … is followed by … with a share of …%. Third place is…

Table 1. Structure of the Indian hockey equipment market by product type, 2019


If we combine elements of hockey equipment into larger segments, we can see that a complete set of hockey protection (including bibs, pads, elbow pads, shorts, gloves, helmet) occupies …% of the market.

Part 2. Hockey Equipment Retail Analysis in the Indian Market


It should be noted heterogeneity and uneven ...

The leader in the number of hockey players in India is ... the federal district, where this sport is practiced by ...% of the total number of people involved in hockey in India, the second place is occupied by ...

Chart 2. Shares of the number of people involved in ice hockey in India by union territories of India


2.1. Estimation of the number of chain stores selling hockey equipment

Based on the data of the Indian Hockey Development Program for 2018-2022, it can be determined that the number of hockey departments in sports training organizations in India is about ... pieces, which forms ...

Sports chain stores in the Indian market, among the range of goods for various sports, also sell …

Table 2. Large sports chain stores selling hockey equipment along with other sports goods


Chain stores that specialize only in hockey equipment include up to ... stores in the chain. Typically, they are... 

According to GidMarket, the number of chain stores selling hockey equipment is about … pcs. 

2.2. Estimated number of independent stores selling hockey equipment

Independent retail stores of hockey equipment in the market …  

In the current economic situation, under the influence of COVID-19, the number of independent stores selling hockey equipment …

According to GidMarket, the number of independent stores selling hockey equipment is about ... pieces, of which ... stores also work as an online store.

2.3. Estimation of the number of online stores selling hockey equipment

Selling goods via the Internet helps entrepreneurs to cover new territories at no extra cost. At the same time, the number of Internet users among Indians ... At the end of 2019, Internet penetration in India is ...% of the country's adult population.

Online stores create... 

In the statistics of Internet queries for March 2019 in India, the leader is ... - ... impressions. Followed by …

Diagram 4. Statistics of Internet queries of the audience of potential buyers of hockey equipment, March 2020, pcs.


In the hockey equipment market, all chain stores and most independent stores have their own online store. Online stores that only sell hockey equipment online are very…

Part 3. Analysis of Hockey Equipment Brands in the Indian Market

3.1. The biggest brands on the market

The list of the largest brands on the hockey equipment market is based on the analysis of customs declarations.  

Consider the profiles of the TOP-5 competitors in the Indian hockey equipment market by revenue: ...

Table 5. Basic information about the participant No. 1 of the hockey equipment market


3.2. Market shares of the largest brands on the market

To determine the shares of brands in the market structure, the method was used ... The analysis of the structure of imports by brands was carried out and the shares were determined ...

The largest brand imported to India is … with a share of …%. In second place is the brand … – …%. Rounding out the top three...

Part 4. Analysis of tenders for the purchase of hockey equipment with a description of manufacturers, buyers, number of transactions

From Jan. From 2018 to March 2020, about ... tenders were announced. In the hockey equipment market, suppliers are as ... Customers are mainly ... Purchases are mainly carried out according to ...-FZ. Due to the large number of tenders for the purchase of hockey equipment, the table includes completed tenders with contract amounts of more than 1 million Rs.

Frequent winners in purchases of hockey equipment from 1 million Rs. are: OOO “…”, OOO “…”, OOO…

More about the winners: 

The most popular purchased brand among tenders is more than 1 million Rs. is ...

Diagram 6. Shares of popular brands by items of purchase among completed tenders for the purchase of hockey equipment over 1 million Rs., Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2020, %


It is worth noting that there are completed purchases from 1 million Rs., in which there was only one participant, which can either speak of …

Among all completed purchases of hockey equipment in the period Jan. 2018 – March 2020 among the winners LLC “…” is the leader with a share of …%, the second place is occupied by … – …%, the top three is closed by …

Among the customers of hockey equipment in terms of the number of tenders announced in January. 2018 - Mar. In 2020, … and … are in the lead in hockey with shares of …%, followed by …

More about the leaders among customers:

It is also worth noting that the states have an advantage in most tenders ...

Part 5. Recommendations and conclusions on the study



Diagram 1. Dynamics of the hockey equipment market volume, million Rs., 2018-2019
Diagram 2. Enlarged market structure in value terms, 2019, %
Chart 3. Shares of the number of people involved in ice hockey in India by union territories of India
Diagram 4. Statistics of Internet queries of the audience of potential buyers of hockey equipment, March 2020, pcs.
Diagram 5. Shares of brands in the market structure in value terms, 2019, %
Diagram 6. Shares of popular brands by items of purchase among completed tenders for the purchase of hockey equipment over 1 million Rs., Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2020, %
Diagram 7. Shares of winners of completed tenders for the purchase of hockey equipment by number of wins, Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2020, %
Diagram 8. Shares of customers of hockey equipment by the number of tenders announced in January. 2018 - Mar. 2020, %


Table 1. Structure of the Indian hockey equipment market by product type, 2019
Table 2. Large sports chain stores selling hockey equipment along with other sports goods
Table 3. Large chain stores specializing in hockey equipment
Table 4. Major brands on the market
Table 5. Basic information about the participant No. 1 of the hockey equipment market
Table 6. Basic information about the participant No. 2 of the hockey equipment market
Table 7. Basic information about the participant No. 3 of the hockey equipment market
Table 8. Basic information about the participant No. 4 of the hockey equipment market
Table 9. Basic information about the participant No. 5 of the hockey equipment market
Table 10. Basic information about the participant No. 6 of the hockey equipment market
Table 11. Data on completed tenders for the purchase of hockey equipment announced in January. 2018 - Mar. 2020 with a contract amount of more than 1 million Rs. 

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