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Guest house business plan

Guest house business plan Guest house business plan
Release date 25.02.2015
Number of pages 67
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 29000 ₹

The document is a business plan for the acquisition and refurbishment of a guest house. It contains a detailed description of the project and a financial model.

The purpose of the business plan is the purchase of a ready-made guest house that meets the 3-star category in accordance with GOST R 51185-2008, followed by cosmetic repairs, equipping a cafe, installing equipment and carrying out other activities to prepare for the launch of the enterprise. The project is proposed to be implemented with partial use of own funds and a loan.

The document provides an in-depth description of the enterprise, its structure and business processes, and also includes a financial model that allows the calculation of the main economic indicators of the company. It is focused on attracting investors and information support for the management of the organization in the process of its creation and further work.

What does a guest house business plan contain?

  • General description of enterprises of this type, characteristics of the region where the company is located and analysis of the market situation.
  • Marketing plan. This part includes a development strategy and methods for promoting services, a description of the business model, pricing and assortment policy. In addition, this section includes a SWOT analysis report that provides insight into the company's strengths, weaknesses, market opportunities, and threats.
  • Description of the stages of the project implementation according to the business plan of the guest house and organizational structure.
  • Production plan. Here is a detailed description of the enterprise, the necessary equipment, as well as the calculation of the cost of direct costs and the amount of working capital.
  • Financial plan. The section includes analysis of sales, cost structure, tax payments, project cost, break-even and sensitivity. It also displays indicators of investment efficiency and presents a conclusion on the feasibility of launching an enterprise.
  • Risk analysis and a list of ways to minimize them.

Purchase a business plan for a guest house on the GidMarket website or contact the company manager by phone.

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