Global market for meat or poultry processing equipment
The relevance of research
A review of technological innovations in the global market for meat or poultry processing equipment shows that, in general, the industry under study has seen an increase in the adoption of fully automated technologies and embedded sensor systems; technological improvements; integration of equipment used for various purposes. The global market for meat or poultry processing equipment can be segmented by type of equipment into: cutting equipment, mixing equipment, grinding equipment, smoking equipment, stuffing equipment
Purpose of the study
Analysis of the state of the meat or poultry processing equipment market, assessment of the market size, competitor analysis, as well as identification of factors affecting the meat or poultry processing equipment market
Chapter 1. Methodology
Chapter 2. Key findings from the study
Chapter 3. Consumption of meat and poultry in the world
3.1. Volume and dynamics of meat and poultry consumption in the world
3.2. Population by country of the world
3.3. Meat and poultry consumption by country
3.4. Key consumer trends in the global meat and poultry market
Chapter 4. Market Overview of Meat or Poultry Processing Equipment
4.1. The volume and dynamics of the global market for meat or poultry processing equipment, 2017-2021 (million $)
4.2. Key market trends
4.3. A brief macroeconomic review and the impact of the macro situation on the analyzed market
4.4. Impact of covid-19 on the analyzed market
4.5. An Overview of Technological Innovations in the Global Market for Meat or Poultry Processing Equipment
4.6. Other Demand Factors for Meat and Poultry Processing Equipment
4.7. Market structure by types of products
4.8. The maximum possible volume of the market for meat or poultry processing equipment, taking into account the dynamics of meat consumption in the world and the population by country, by 2026
4.9. The most attractive countries in terms of growth in demand for meat or poultry processing equipment
Chapter 5. Worldwide Production of Meat or Poultry Processing Equipment
5.1. Volume and dynamics of world production of meat or poultry processing equipment, 2017-2021
5.2. Production of meat or poultry processing equipment by country
5.3. TOP-5 producing countries and their brief description
5.4. Forecast of global production of meat or poultry processing equipment, 2022-2026
Chapter 6. Key Market Participants
6.1. TOP-10 leading companies in the world market of meat or poultry processing equipment, 2017-2021
6.2. Company profiles (revenue, assortment, country affiliation, localization of production facilities, presence on the stock market, number of employees, etc.)
6.3. Shares of companies in the meat or poultry processing equipment market, assessment of the level of competition
Chapter 7. Import of equipment for meat or poultry processing
7.1. Imports of meat or poultry processing equipment, 2017-2021 (million $)
7.2. Structure of imports by countries
7.3. Leading import countries and their volumes
7.4. Forecast of imports of meat or poultry processing equipment by leading countries in imports until 2026
Chapter 8. Export of meat or poultry processing equipment
8.1. Export of meat or poultry processing equipment, 2017-2021 (million $)
8.2. Structure of exports by countries
8.3. Export leading countries and their volumes
8.4. Export forecast for meat or poultry processing equipment by leading export countries until 2026
Chapter 9. Consumption in the market of meat or poultry processing equipment
9.1. Key consumer industries for meat or poultry processing equipment. Dynamics of Key Consumer Industries
9.2. The largest (TOP-5) companies-consumers of equipment for meat or poultry processing. Their profiles
Chapter 10. Forecasts and conclusions
10.1. Global economic growth forecasts until 2026
10.2. Barriers and Threats to the Market for Meat or Poultry Processing Equipment
10.3. Drivers and Opportunities of the Meat or Poultry Processing Equipment Market
10.4. Global Market Size Forecast for Meat or Poultry Processing Equipment 2022-2026 (million $)
10.5. Countries with fastest growing sales of meat or poultry processing equipment
Research excerpt
Chapter 1. Methodology
The following methods of collecting information were used in the study:
Desk research. Search and analysis of information from various sources, making calculations. Statistics and analytics.
Forecast GidMarket. Modern statistical forecasting methods adjusted for expert opinion.
Information sources:
- databases of international organizations:
- United Nations Statistics Division
- The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- Eurostat
- The World Bank
- World Trade Organization
- International Monetary Fund
- open sources (websites, portals);
- company websites;
- media archives;
- national statistical offices;
- specialized analytical portals.
Chapter 2. Key findings from the study
According to the Agricultural Forecast of the Organization for Economic Cooperation for Development (OECD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the volume of consumption of meat and poultry in the world in 1990-2021. is growing.
A review of technological innovations in the global market for meat or poultry processing equipment shows that, in general, the industry under study has seen an increase in the adoption of fully automated technologies and embedded sensor systems; technological improvements; integration of equipment used for various purposes, including cutting, mixing and grinding, in one machine in order to reduce the cost of transportation and maintenance of hygiene levels, etc.
The global market for meat or poultry processing equipment can be segmented by type of equipment into: slicing equipment, mixing equipment, chopping equipment, smoking equipment, filling equipment, tumblers and marinators, tenderizers and meat grinders, etc. Analysis of the structure of the global equipment market for processing meat or poultry by type of equipment was carried out on the basis of the key activities of market operators, their product portfolio in the segment of equipment for meat or poultry processing, expert assessments of the studied market according to open sources, including official websites, specialized portals.
The production forecast was carried out on the basis of a combined methodology for extrapolating existing trends and expert evaluation.
Taking into account that the subject of the study is equipment for processing meat or poultry, the key consumer industry is the meat industry. Dynamics of meat production volumes in value terms in 2013-2021 does not show a clear trend.
Chapter 3. Consumption of meat and poultry in the world
3.1. Volume and dynamics of meat and poultry consumption in the world
According to the Agricultural Forecast of the Organization for Economic Cooperation for Development (OECD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the volume of consumption of meat and poultry in the world in 1990-2021. is growing.
Diagram 1. Volume and dynamics of meat and poultry consumption in the world, 1990-2021, million tons
3.2. Population by country of the world
According to the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, let's present the population by countries of the world, geographical regions and the world as a whole (Table 1). In addition, according to a report prepared by the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs on the estimation and projection of the world population, several key points can be identified:
3.3. Meat and poultry consumption by country
The key factors influencing the volume of consumption and the type of meat consumed are the demographic situation; level of urbanization; income and prices; established traditions and customs; religious beliefs and cultural norms; ethical principles; environmental issues and others. At the same time, population growth is certainly one of the main factors in the growth of meat and poultry consumption in the world. Another driver of meat and poultry consumption is the growth in incomes of the population. At the same time, the response of meat consumption to income growth is much higher at lower incomes than at higher incomes, where consumption is highly saturated and limited by other factors, for example, ethical principles, religious beliefs, health status.
Table 3. Top 15 countries in terms of meat and poultry consumption per capita by types of meat, 2020-2021, kg/person in year
3.4. Key consumer trends in the global meat and poultry market
The key consumer trends in the global meat and poultry market include:
Chapter 4. Market Overview of Meat or Poultry Processing Equipment
4.1. The volume and dynamics of the global market for meat or poultry processing equipment, 2017-2021 (million $)
Consider the volume dynamics of the global market for meat or poultry processing equipment. According to GidMarket's calculations based on data from TrendEconomy, Eurostat, estimates of experts in the field, market operators, the volume of the global market for meat or poultry processing equipment in 2021 amounted to ...
The main market growth factors in this period were: the growth of the world population and the volume of consumption of meat and poultry in the world; growing consumer demand for processed meat products and increased attention to food safety requirements; growing consumption of packaged meat products coupled with rising disposable income for consumers worldwide; the dominance of meat culture in many countries; growth of investments in the automation of meat or poultry processing equipment (to a greater extent, in countries such as the USA, Germany, Japan, India, Great Britain).
Diagram 3. The volume and dynamics of the world market for meat or poultry processing equipment, 2017-2021, $ million
4.2. Key market trends
The key trends in the global market for meat or poultry processing equipment include:
Increasing the investments of operators of the studied market in the processes of automation and robotization of production processes, technological improvements. An overview of technological innovations is presented in section 4.5. of the present study. At the same time, the emphasis is on the development of digital intelligent solutions to meet the needs of meat processing companies in flexibility, quick changeover of equipment, and automation.
The trend towards technological improvement in meat or poultry processing equipment is accompanied by the development of food safety, which is based on automated data collection and existing data-based farm-to-fork tracking technologies (blockchain, Internet of Things, etc.).
The growing demands of the meat processing industry for meat or poultry processing equipment. In order to meet the changing needs of the population, such enterprises require the flexibility of technological processes and equipment; continue to strive to increase the value of their products; interested in more compact machines that are easy to use and clean; continue to focus on the sustainable production of quality products at an affordable price.
Following the trend towards a more dense incorporation of vegetarianism into everyday life, the operators of the studied market open divisions specializing in the development of solutions for vegetable-protein products (meat substitutes based on vegetable raw materials).
Players in the global meat or poultry processing equipment market are focusing on the development of innovative technological equipment that effectively prevents infection by diseases, increases the shelf life of meat and poultry products, preserves the maximum amount of nutrients with no or minimal impact on product quality.
There is a growing demand for fast food or ready-to-eat products in the face of a busy life schedule, an increase in the number of working women, which in turn stimulates the growth of the global market for meat or poultry processing equipment.
Close partnership between the operators of the studied market and the producers of the meat industry in order to find and develop new technological solutions to improve the production processes of the latter.
The growing popularity of burgers and changing consumer demand in the burger market are opening up new opportunities for meat processors. In this vein, flexible processing systems are offered in terms of shape, volume and texture.
There is a trend towards an increase in the consumption of smoking equipment due to the fact that smoking helps to improve the taste and increase the shelf life of meat products.
4.3. A brief macroeconomic review and the impact of the macro situation on the analyzed market
According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the dynamics of world GDP in 2014-2018. was characterized by a positive trend with annual growth rates not lower than ...%. In 2019, there is a slowdown in global GDP growth to the level of ...%. The COVID-19 pandemic caused significant damage to the economy and society, as a result of which, by the end of 2020, the global economy shrank by ...%. The resurgence of virus outbreaks in many countries and the containment measures put in place have slowed the pace of the global recovery after falling production in the first half of 2020. In 2021, the outlook for the global economy has improved significantly, but to varying degrees in different countries. In advanced economies, the gradual introduction of the vaccine, additional fiscal stimulus, has allowed operations to resume at a faster pace. However, in many emerging market economies, the slow rollout of vaccinations, further outbreaks of infections, and associated containment measures have slowed economic growth.
According to the OECD, headline inflation and, to a lesser extent, core consumer price inflation rose markedly in most countries in 2021. Among large advanced economies, this is especially true in the United States, and to a lesser extent in the United Kingdom, Germany, and Canada. Commodity prices rose particularly sharply, as did prices in many durables sectors, especially in the US, where consumer demand has shifted from services to durables. At the same time, in the euro area, the surge in demand for durable goods was much smaller, and, accordingly, price hikes for durable goods were more restrained. Base effects also influence fluctuations in annual inflation.
4.4. Impact of covid-19 on the analyzed market
The impact of COVID-19 on the meat or poultry processing equipment market, as well as the food equipment market, is generally negative. Lockdowns and equipment transport bans to limit the spread of the coronavirus have brought production to a halt and disrupted the global supply chain. Measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus are causing disruptions and delays in transport services and logistics in general. Border closures, additional checks and procedures adopted in this vein have led to delays in the supply of equipment. In addition to supply disruptions, rising worker illnesses and absenteeism have reduced the available workforce. Restrictions on the movement of people, self-isolation also affect equipment safety, certification checks and quality, including those necessary to facilitate trade, such as physical inspection of equipment to confirm compliance with sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) requirements.
4.5. An Overview of Technological Innovations in the Global Market for Meat or Poultry Processing Equipment
Let's review the technological innovations of the world market for meat or poultry processing equipment.
In general, the industry under study has seen an increase in the adoption of fully automated technologies and embedded sensor systems; technological improvements; integration of equipment used for various purposes, including cutting, mixing and grinding, in one machine in order to reduce the cost of transportation and maintenance of hygiene levels, etc.
Let's consider some technological innovations on specific examples of the operators of the studied market:
4.6. Other Demand Factors for Meat and Poultry Processing Equipment
Other demand factors for meat or poultry processing equipment include:
4.7. Market structure by types of products
The global market for meat or poultry processing equipment can be segmented by type of equipment into: slicing equipment, mixing equipment, chopping equipment, smoking equipment, filling equipment, tumblers and marinators, tenderizers and meat grinders, etc. Analysis of the structure of the global equipment market for processing meat or poultry by type of equipment was carried out on the basis of the key activities of market operators, their product portfolio in the segment of equipment for meat or poultry processing, expert assessments of the studied market according to open sources, including official websites, specialized portals.
Diagram 8. The structure of the world market of meat or poultry processing equipment by type of product (type of equipment), 2021, % of the market volume in value terms
4.8. The maximum possible volume of the market for meat or poultry processing equipment, taking into account the dynamics of meat consumption in the world and the population by country, by 2026
The maximum possible volume of the global market for meat or poultry processing equipment is estimated taking into account the dynamics of meat consumption in the world and the size of the world population, their forecast values until 2026 by geographical regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, Oceania.
According to the Agricultural Forecast of the Organization for Economic Cooperation for Development (OECD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), we present the forecast indicators of meat consumption by geographic regions of the world (table 5).
4.9. The most attractive countries in terms of growth in demand for meat or poultry processing equipment
It is possible to draw some conclusions about the most attractive countries in terms of demand for meat or poultry processing equipment based on the volumes and growth rates of meat consumption by countries of the world, as well as the volume of imports of meat or poultry processing equipment by countries of the world.
In particular, according to GidMarket's calculations based on the Agricultural Forecast of the Organization for Economic Cooperation for Development (OECD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the main meat-consuming countries are:
Volumes of meat consumption by countries in 1990-2021 presented in clause 3.3. of the present study.
The most attractive countries in terms of demand for meat or poultry processing equipment are the largest equipment importing countries.
Chapter 5. Worldwide Production of Meat or Poultry Processing Equipment
5.1. Volume and dynamics of world production of meat or poultry processing equipment, 2017-2021
Consider the dynamics of the volume of world production of equipment for processing meat or poultry.
5.2. Production of meat or poultry processing equipment by country
According to GidMarket calculations, made according to Eurostat, experts in this field, the leader in the production of equipment for the processing of meat or poultry in the world in value terms at the end of 2021 is ...
5.3. TOP-5 producing countries and their brief description
The TOP-5 countries producing meat or poultry processing equipment in value terms include: the USA, China, Germany, the Netherlands and Italy.
5.4. Forecast of global production of meat or poultry processing equipment, 2022-2026
Let's make a forecast of the world production of equipment for meat or poultry processing, based on identifying trends over time, adjusted for expert opinion in this industry.
Forecast of world production of meat or poultry processing equipment compiled by GidMarket for the period 2022-2026. takes into account the trend of world production in 2017-2021. and predictive impact on the level of demand of key macro factors. At the same time, the most significant for the forecast of world production of equipment for meat or poultry processing are macro factors, which are detailed in paragraph 10.1 of this study (global growth forecast, inflation rate, unemployment rate, investment activity) and in this section the studies are not duplicated. In addition, the world production forecast takes into account the factors of world population growth, the dynamics of meat and poultry consumption in the world (forecast indicators are presented in clause 10.4 of this study and are not duplicated in this section).
Chapter 6. Key Market Participants
6.1. TOP-10 leading companies in the world market of meat or poultry processing equipment, 2017-2021
The world market for meat or poultry processing equipment is characterized by a low level of concentration (large number of operators with small market shares, Herfindahl-Hirschmann index HHI < 1000 – low concentration market).
As a rule, such companies diversify their activities in several directions and, in addition to meat or poultry processing equipment, are engaged in the production of machines for processing other food products (cereals, vegetables, fruits, milk), as well as various equipment for the pharmaceutical, chemical, oil and gas and other industries.
6.2. Company profiles (revenue, production volumes, assortment, prices, country affiliation, localization of production facilities, presence on the stock market, number of employees, etc.)
Information on prices and production volumes of the companies in question is not provided in the study, due to the lack of relevant data on the official websites of market players. Price information is provided on an individual basis with the help of a commercial offer (the application form can be filled out on the website of the company of interest). The range of key players in the studied market is represented exclusively in the segment of the production of equipment for meat or poultry processing.
6.3. Shares of companies in the meat or poultry processing equipment market, assessment of the level of competition
Let's determine the shares of the largest competitors in the world market of meat or poultry processing equipment. The market is low-concentrated, the shares of individual market players are insignificant.
As a basis for calculating the shares of the largest competitors in the meat or poultry processing equipment market, data on revenue to the total volume of the world market in value terms were taken. The source of data was the revenue of manufacturers of meat or poultry processing equipment, which was evaluated by GidMarket analysts. Estimating the share of revenue is hampered by the existing error, which is associated with the impossibility of an accurate division by the manufacturer of the share between the sale of equipment for the processing of meat or poultry and other categories of their products and services.
Diagram 11. Shares of the largest players in the global meat or poultry processing equipment market, 2021, % of the market volume in value terms
Chapter 7. Import of equipment for meat or poultry processing
7.1. Imports of meat or poultry processing equipment, 2017-2021 (million $)
Consider the dynamics of the volume of world imports of equipment for processing meat or poultry.
7.2. Structure of imports by countries
According to TrendEconomy, in 2017-2020. in the structure of world imports of equipment for processing meat or poultry in value terms, the leading positions, albeit with varying share values, are occupied by such strange ...
7.3. Leading import countries and their volumes
As noted earlier (in paragraph 7.2 of this study), the main importing countries of equipment for the processing of meat or poultry annually during 2017-2020. are USA, India, Netherlands, China, France, Canada, Germany, UK, Spain, Poland, Brazil, Italy, South Korea, Australia, Belgium, Mexico, Thailand, Austria, Denmark, Romania, Japan, etc.
7.4. Forecast of imports of meat or poultry processing equipment by leading countries in imports until 2026
GidMarket's forecast for the volume of imports of equipment for the processing of meat or poultry by leading countries in imports in value terms is based on methods based on the identification of a trend over time (the data source for the forecast was TrendEconomy data) and is presented in Table 31. Traditionally leading positions in terms of imports of equipment for processing meat or poultry in the forecast period, as before, the United States, India, the Netherlands, China, France, Canada will occupy, only their positions in the ranking under study relative to their positions in 2020 will change somewhat.
Chapter 8. Export of meat or poultry processing equipment
8.1. Export of meat or poultry processing equipment, 2017-2021 (million $)
Consider the dynamics of the volume of world exports of equipment for processing meat or poultry. According to GidMarket’s calculations based on TrendEconomy data, the volume of world exports of meat or poultry processing equipment in 2021 amounted to ...
8.2. Structure of exports by countries
According to TrendEconomy, in 2017-2020. in the structure of world exports of meat or poultry processing equipment in value terms, the leading positions, albeit with varying share values, are occupied by countries such as ...
8.3. Export leading countries and their volumes
As noted earlier (in paragraph 8.2 of this study), the main exporting countries of meat or poultry processing equipment annually during 2017-2020. are...
Export volumes of meat or poultry processing equipment in value terms of the leading countries (TOP-10) in 2017-2020 are presented in Table 33. The data source was TrendEconomy data. At the same time, it should be noted that annually in the study period from 2017-2020, albeit with a variation in the volume of exports of equipment for meat or poultry processing and positions in the TOP-10 ...
8.4. Export forecast for meat or poultry processing equipment by leading export countries until 2026
GidMarket's forecast for the volume of exports of equipment for the processing of meat or poultry by leading export countries in value terms is based on methods based on the identification of a trend over time (the data source for the forecast was TrendEconomy data) and is presented in Table 34.
Chapter 9. Consumption in the market of meat or poultry processing equipment
9.1. Key consumer industries for meat or poultry processing equipment. Dynamics of Key Consumer Industries
Taking into account that the subject of the study is equipment for processing meat or poultry, the key consumer industry is the meat industry. The calculation of the volume of world meat production in value terms was made on the basis of data from the OECD and FAO on world production and world prices (the dynamics of world prices is presented in Diagram 6 in paragraph 4.3 of this study).
Diagram 14. The volume of world meat production (all types) in value terms 2013-2021, $ billion
The meat industry can be segmented in terms of the type of meat produced: pork, poultry, lamb, etc. The structure of the industry in terms of the type of meat shows that a significant share of the revenue in this industry falls.
Consider the change in these sub-sectors in dynamics over 9 years.
A similar dynamics of production is observed in the segment of pork production.
Diagram 19. The volume of world production of mutton in value terms, 2013-2021, $ billion
Lamb production in 2015-2016 in value terms are also characterized by a decrease in volumes ...
At the same time, it should be noted that most meat industry companies operate in several areas at once, that is, they produce products from different types of meat: poultry, pork, lamb, etc. This is especially true for large corporations (see clause 9.2 present study).
In general, the meat industry has seen positive trends in the past few years, further expansion and modernization of the industry is expected, and therefore the related market for meat or poultry processing equipment will also grow.
9.2. The largest (TOP-5) companies-consumers of equipment for meat or poultry processing. their profiles.
The dynamics of consumption of meat and poultry processing equipment is determined by trends in the production of meat products from pork, lamb (canned meat, sausages (including sausages, sausages for frying, etc.), semi-finished meat products (cutlets, minced meat, tenderloin, steaks , small and large cuts, meat products in dough, breading, etc.), finished meat products) and poultry products (chicken, turkey, duck). Thus, the main consumers of equipment for processing meat or poultry are: companies engaged in the production of canned products; enterprises for the production of sausage, ham, bacon; companies producing frozen and chilled semi-finished products; highly specialized firms producing meat delicacies; manufacturers of dumplings and other stuffed meat products, restaurants (including fast food restaurants), etc. At the same time, most meat processing companies combine several different processing areas in their activities, that is, they produce sausages, canned food, and semi-finished products of various species from several types of meat and poultry.
The largest consumers are concentrated in this complex segment. Along with the production of food products from meat and poultry, with the help of appropriate equipment, animal feed, valuable medical preparations (insulin, heparin, linocaine, etc.), as well as glues, gelatin and feather-down products are also produced.
The criteria for the formation of the sample presented in Table 35 were the proceeds from the sale of the company's products and the product portfolio of meat and poultry products.
Chapter 10. Forecasts and conclusions
10.1. Global economic growth forecasts until 2026
Forecasting the development of the global market for meat or poultry processing equipment is impossible without understanding the economic situation in the world and the prospects for the development of the global economy. The further development of the analyzed market will largely be determined by the general economic condition of the world economy, GDP dynamics, the level of inflation in the world, etc.
Let us analyze the prospects for the development of the world economy until 2026 using forecasts of the main macroeconomic indicators carried out by various international organizations and analytical agencies. Let's introduce some of them:
10.2. Barriers and Threats to the Market for Meat or Poultry Processing Equipment
As barriers and threats existing in the world market of equipment for processing meat or poultry, we can distinguish:
10.3. Drivers and Opportunities of the Meat or Poultry Processing Equipment Market
The drivers and opportunities of the global meat or poultry processing equipment market include:
10.4. Global Market Size Forecast for Meat or Poultry Processing Equipment 2022-2026 (million $)
We will make a forecast for the development of the world market for meat or poultry processing equipment, based on identifying trends over time, adjusted for expert opinion in this industry.
At the same time, the following factors are significant for forecasting the development of the studied market:
10.5. Countries with fastest growing sales of meat or poultry processing equipment
It seems possible to draw some conclusions about countries with rapidly growing sales of meat or poultry processing equipment based on the volume and growth rate of equipment exports.
Diagram 1. Volume and dynamics of meat and poultry consumption in the world, 1990-2021, million tons
Diagram 2. Dynamics of the structure of meat and poultry consumption in the world by types of meat, 1990-2021, %
Diagram 3. The volume and dynamics of the world market for meat or poultry processing equipment, 2017-2021, $ million
Diagram 4. Dynamics of world GDP, 2014-2021, % to the corresponding period of the previous year
Chart 5. Dynamics of the annual inflation rate in advanced and emerging market economies, 2017-2021, %
Diagram 6. Dynamics of world prices for meat (pork, poultry, lamb), 2013-2021, $ per ton
Chart 7. Percentage of the world's population living in urban areas, 1950-2020, forecast to 2050, %
Diagram 8. The structure of the world market of meat or poultry processing equipment by type of product (type of equipment), 2021, % of the market volume in value terms
Diagram 9. Volume and dynamics of world production of meat or poultry processing equipment, 2017-2021, $ million
Diagram 10. Forecast of world production of meat or poultry processing equipment in 2022-2026, $ million
Diagram 11. Shares of the largest players in the global meat or poultry processing equipment market, 2021, % of the market volume in value terms
Chart 12. Dynamics of the volume of world imports of meat or poultry processing equipment, 2017-2021 (2021 - forecast), million $
Chart 13. Dynamics of the volume of world exports of meat or poultry processing equipment, 2017-2021 (2021 - forecast), million $
Diagram 14. The volume of world meat production (all types) in value terms 2013-2021, $ billion
Diagram 15. The structure of world meat production by type of meat in value terms in 2021, %
Diagram 16. The volume of world production, 2013-2021, $ billion
Diagram 17. The volume of world pork production in value terms, 2013-2021, $ billion
Diagram 18. The volume of world production of poultry meat in value terms, 2013-2021, $ billion
Diagram 19. The volume of world production of mutton in value terms, 2013-2021, $ billion
Chart 20. Forecast of the world unemployment rate (average value for 100 countries of the world) 2022-2026, in %
Chart 21. Forecast of investment activity in the world (average value for 165 countries of the world) 2022-2026, in % of GDP
Diagram 22. Forecast of the volume of the world market for meat or poultry processing equipment in 2022-2026, $ million
Table 1. Population by country, 1990-2020 (every five years), thousand people
Table 2. Consumption of meat and poultry (pork, poultry, lamb) by country, 1990-2020 (every five years), 2021, thousand tons
Table 3. Top 15 countries in terms of meat and poultry consumption per capita by types of meat, 2020-2021, kg/person in year
Table 4. Dynamics of the average annual salary by countries of the world, 2015-2020, $
Table 5. Forecast of meat consumption by geographic regions of the world, 2022-2026, thousand tons
Table 6. Population forecast by geographic regions of the world, 2022-2026, thousand people (high birth rate scenario)
Table 7. Production of meat or poultry processing equipment by country in value terms, 2021, $ million
Table 8. Main companies participating in the global meat or poultry processing equipment market, 2017-2021
Table 9. Basic information about the company-participant XXX
Table 10. Product range of the company-participant XXX
Table 11. Basic information about the company-participant XXX
Table 12. Product range of the company-participant XXX
Table 13. Basic information about the company-participant XXX
Table 14. Product range of the company-participant XXX
Table 15. Basic information about the company-participant XXX
Table 16. Product range of the company-participant XXX
Table 17. Basic information about the company-participant XXX
Table 18. Product range of the company-participant XXX
Table 19. Basic information about the company-participant XXX
Table 20. Product range of the company-participant XXX
Table 21. Basic information about the company-participant XXX
Table 22. Product range of the company-participant XXX
Table 23. Basic information about the company-participant XXX
Table 24. Product range of the company-participant XXX
Table 25. Basic information about the company-participant XXX
Table 26. Product range of the company-participant XXX
Table 27. Basic information about the company-participant XXX
Table 28. Product range of the company-participant XXX
Table 29. Structure of imports by countries of the world, 2017-2020, % of the volume of world imports of meat or poultry processing equipment in value terms ($)
Table 30. Leading countries in imports of meat or poultry processing equipment and their volumes (TOP-10), 2017-2020, $ million
Table 31. Forecast of imports of meat or poultry processing equipment by leading countries in imports, 2021-2026, $ million
Table 32. Structure of exports by countries of the world, 2017-2020, % of the volume of world exports of meat or poultry processing equipment in value terms ($)
Table 33. Leading countries in exports of meat or poultry processing equipment and their volumes (TOP-10), 2017-2020, $ million
Table 34. Forecast of exports of meat or poultry processing equipment by leading export countries, 2021-2026, $ million
Table 35. Largest consumer companies for meat or poultry processing equipment
All reports