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Gas station business plan

Gas station business plan Gas station business plan
Release date 01.04.2015
Number of pages 79
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 29000 ₹

The document is a detailed business plan for opening a modern, well-equipped gas filling station. It reveals the order of launch, operation and financing of the enterprise.

The business plan is focused on providing comprehensive information support at the project investment stage.

The purpose of the business plan is the creation of a gas filling station with modern technical equipment and high quality services. Along with the extraction of profit from commercial activities, the task is to increase the volume of sales of Indian-made fuel of the corresponding type.

What does a gas station business plan include?

  • Analysis of the market and competitive environment, assessment of the feasibility of launching an enterprise.
  • Marketing plan describing the business model, service promotion strategy, assortment and pricing policy.
  • SWOT analysis is a project evaluation based on the strategic planning method by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as opportunities and potential threats.
  • Organizational plan. This section contains clear instructions regarding the choice of the location of the gas filling station, its organizational structure, legal and tax support for the project implemented on the basis of this business plan.
  • Production plan. This part provides a description of the necessary equipment, technological processes, as well as a calculation of the cost of fixed assets, direct costs.
  • Financial plan. It displays information about the total amount of investments and indicators of capital investment efficiency, as well as analysis of the financial performance of the enterprise, including sales, direct cost structure, tax deductions, break-even, etc.
  • Description of risks, as well as a list of measures to minimize them.

To purchase a business plan for a gas filling station, use the service on the GidMarket website or contact a consultant at number c or c.

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