Furniture market analysis: chairs, tables, stools
The production of interior items is a profitable direction for business and investment. But, having received accurate information about its current position and prospects, you can extract the maximum profit.
The specialized agency ""GidMarket"" is ready to provide the necessary assessment and recommendations.
The company offers to buy a version of the expert report on the results of a study conducted in 2012. If it is necessary to evaluate the furniture market (including chairs, tables and stools) according to extended criteria, additional analysis of the industry can be organized.
In the process of work, specialists usually carry out:
- Description of output, including its dynamics and structure, a brief description of the largest factories.
- Estimation of export and import of products (in absolute volumes and in dynamics).
- Analysis of the consumer environment (capacity, volume, prices, trends, forecast).
- Detailed study of FED manufacturers.
Stages of collecting and analyzing information on the furniture market (chairs, tables, stools)
Search for any useful and reliable information from open databases, from insider sources, as well as tracking changes. In particular, they are used:
- websites of state bodies (tax service and Rosstat) and industry institutions;
- public reporting by furniture market participants (for example, key manufacturers and buyers of chairs, tables and stools);
- programs of regional and federal TV, articles in specialized print media;
- reference books;
- thematic Internet portals;
- official ratings.
Survey of representatives of this business and related industries.
Analysis of the information received, calculation of indicators, formulation of the main conclusions and development of recommendations for potential users.
To purchase a furniture market report (including chairs, tables and stools), please submit the relevant application online.
You can also order a separate study by filling out a special form. If you want to clarify the details, please call.
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