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Doypack market analysis in India

Doypack market analysis in India Doypack market analysis in India
Release date 30.09.2021
Number of pages 58
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

Flexible polymer packaging, including doypacks, has a number of advantages that ensure its demand on the market: high barrier properties, minimum weight and volume of packaging, less environmental impact compared to analogues, etc.

Purpose of the study

Doypack market analysis in India, market size assessment, competitor analysis, as well as identification of factors influencing the doypack market


Part 1. Overview of the doypack packaging market in India

1.1. Doypack packaging description
1.2. Main characteristics of the market
1.3. Volume of production
1.4. Share of exports in production
1.5. Share of imports in the doypack market
1.6. Dynamics of market volume in 2015-2019 Potential market capacity
1.7. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market
1.8. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.8.1. social factors.
1.8.2. Technological factors.
1.8.3. Economic forces.
1.8.4. political factors.
1.8.5. Conclusions about the influence of factors on the market.
1.9. Market structure by types of doy-pack packaging
1.10. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity
1.11. Doypack Market Life Cycle Stage
1.12. Competition from substitute products

Part 2. Analysis of competitors-manufacturers TOP-10

2.1. The level of competition in the market
2.2. Major players in the market
2.3. Market shares of the largest competitors
2.4. Analysis of the product range
2.5. Prices of the main manufacturers
2.6. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors. The effectiveness of their work

Part 3. TOP-3 announced projects in the researched industry

Part 4. Consumption analysis

4.1. Market saturation
4.2. Key consumer trends in India
4.3. Market structure by main consumption sectors
4.4. Largest consumers

Part 5. Analysis of the industry in a crisis

Part 6. Forecasts and conclusions

6.1. Barriers in the market
6.2. Market Growth Drivers
6.3. Market development forecast up to 2024
6.4. Go-to-Market Recommendations
6.5. Key findings from the study

Research excerpt 

Part 1. Overview of the doypack packaging market in India

1.1. Doypack packaging description

The subject of this marketing research is the Indian doypack market. Doypack market refers to…
Doy-pack is a flexible polymer packaging with a stable bottom, thanks to which the design acquires …

Doypack modifications

Doypacks can be modified - in addition to the usual sealing, the package can be equipped with ...
The most common doypack modifications are:
Notches. It …
“Butterfly” or euroslot is a special hole that is created by …
Long-term preservation of already opened products is ensured by special fasteners, which are widely used in doypacks. These fasteners include:
Zip lock - …
Manufacturers offer customers to order doypacks of various configurations in order to …
Car oils and auto chemicals

Doypacks used in India and other countries of the world for packing motor oils and auto chemicals.  

In 2020, the minimum order of doypacks required by the factories amounted to ... pieces (for example, back in 2016 this figure was ... pieces). The circulation is considered average…
The production time for doypacks with a minimum circulation is ... working days, with a regular circulation - about ... working days.

1.2. Main characteristics of the market

1.3. Volume of production

In the flexible packaging segment, there are ... manufacturing companies, of which ... produce doypacks. There are … Indian firms of national and …
The Indian packaging market is traditionally included in …

In 2016-2020 Indian doy-pack film production in kind … at average annual rates (CAGR) …%. 
According to preliminary estimates, in 2020 the doypack film market is …% compared to 2019. During the COVID-19 pandemic, …

Diagram 2.1. Dynamics of film production volumes for doypacks, 2015-2019, thousand tons

The main production of doypacks is concentrated in …, … and … federal districts of India. 

Car oils and auto chemicals

Manufacturing companies that advertise expertise in automotive chemicals: …

2019 and 2020 were the most difficult years for flexible polymer packaging manufacturers from a financial point of view. Demand in recent years...
The best year for the economy in 2015 inspired many owners of the packaging business ... The same was expected from ... In 2016-2018. most flexible packaging companies, including doypacks, have decided to...
Below is a chart showing the residual value of the fixed assets of ten leading Indian manufacturers of flexible packaging, including doypacks. This list includes…

In 2015-2019 the residual value of fixed assets grew at an average annual rate (CAGR) of …%. This indicates a high ... The main capital investments came in ... years. In 2019 and 2020 major investment projects...

According to …, the Indian packaging market is in … The Indian market is of high interest to … This means that Indian manufacturers and consumers of packaging, including doypacks, have the opportunity to …

Modern equipment is universal. The same machine can produce...

Table 2. Leading Indian manufacturers of flexible polymer packaging

1.4. Share of exports in production

The flexible polymer packaging market, including doypacks, is … and therefore sensitive to … With the Indian rupee’s long-term devaluation against the world’s major reserve currencies, Indian doypack manufacturers have received … 

Export … on the business results of Indian doypack manufacturers.
Doypack production is…

It is important that the doypack plant is located in … Customers and the doypack plant are in constant contact during the …
Given the above, in every country with a large-scale developed production, there are ...

Indian manufacturers of doypacks have … export markets – ... The share of the former USSR countries accounts for more than …% of export deliveries. 

Among the leading exporters of the company …

1.5. Share of imports in the doypack market

The devaluation of the Indian rupee led to a rise in the cost of imported products, including film for doypacks. With the introduction of sanctions, foreign companies ...
The exception is individual contracts concluded between ...
All of the above factors converged in the case of ...

Strong positions in the Indian market had …

Large companies from …, which in the past supplied …

Sometimes packaging products are imported to India ...

Table 5. Dynamics of imports of film for doypacks in India in physical and value terms, 2015-2019, thousand tons, thousand $

1.6. Dynamics of market volume in 2015-2019 Potential market capacity

Market size = production + import - export.

In 2019, the market capacity of doypacks amounted to … thousand tons with an estimated value of … million Rs. According to preliminary estimates, in 2020 the volume is …% (up to … million Rs.).  

According to experts' forecasts, by 2024 the volume of the Indian doypack market will be … thousand tons, that is, compared to 2020 …%. … growth rates are driven by …

1.7. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market

Assessment of factors affecting the market

Let's consider the main factors influencing the market and, accordingly, demand.

Social factors

Until 2017, the resident population of India grew slowly, but since 2018, there has been …

Due to the coronavirus and other reasons, in 2020 there is ... For the same reason, there is currently ... Demographic problems ...

Technological factors

E-commerce segment in India ... In 2019, e-commerce accounted for only …% of retail turnover. During the coronovirus period in 2020, the share of online commerce in India …
Innovative work is constantly being carried out to develop new types ...
Consumers are constantly offered new materials with various options: antifog, UV protection, aging resistance, impact modifiers, antibacterial properties. Gradually, antiseptic packaging solutions are introduced into production. 
Startups involved in smart packaging are attracting investments and starting work. 

Economic forces

Real disposable income of the population in 2015-2017 decreased, and in 2018-2019. demonstrated ... In 2020, due to the coronavirus, the real incomes of the population, according to preliminary estimates, …%.

Political factors

Table 11. STEP analysis of factors affecting the doypack market in India

Market structure by types of doy-pack packaging

1.10. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity

In 2019, in the Indian economy, the average return on sales amounted to …%, while for manufacturers of flexible polymer packaging it was significantly lower – …%. 
In the same year, the average NET INCOME margin for the Indian economy was …%, while manufacturers of flexible polymer packaging have only …%. It should be recalled that shareholders receive dividends from net profit. 

Production of flexible polymer packaging in India - ... 
The turnover of receivables in the industry is in the range of … calendar days. Manufacturers of flexible polymer packaging provide …

Table 12. Separate financial indicators of the industry, 2015-2019

1.11. Doypack Market Life Cycle Stage

1.12. Competition from substitute products

In the table below, the following designations are used: ""+++"", ""++"" and ""+"" - the best, average and worst indicator, respectively.
Polymer packaging, including doy-packs, …
Cardboard is traditionally associated with…
Glass as packaging…
It is impossible to imagine individual products that are not packaged in glass containers. For example, …

Part 2. Analysis of competitors-manufacturers TOP-10

2.1. The level of competition in the market

In the flexible packaging segment, there are ... manufacturing companies, of which ... produce doypacks. The market is working… 

Car oils and auto chemicals

The following top 10 Indian doypack manufacturers are primarily interested in… If they see a project as promising, they…
These 10 companies have for the above work ...
In addition, …

The total surplus of production capacities in the Indian doypack market is about … thousand tons. It …

2.2. Major players in the market

Leading Indian companies (TOP-10) - manufacturers and suppliers of doypacks - are presented below. 

Brief description of enterprises: …

2.3. Market shares of the largest competitors

The largest doypack film manufacturer, the … group, controlled …% of the Indian market in 2019. The closest competitor – … – had a market share of …%. 

2.4. Analysis of the product range

All analyzed companies are able to produce a wide range of doypacks. These are packages from…
All companies are equipped with modern …

Almost all companies use high-performance ...

Table 16

2.5. Prices of the main manufacturers

The price of a doypack depends on many factors:
amount …,

Below are the average import and export prices for doypack film calculated on the basis of statistical cost (= cost of production + insurance + transport to Indian border). That is the statistical price...

2.6. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors. The effectiveness of their work

In 2015-2019 revenues of ten leading Indian manufacturers of flexible polymer packaging grew at a CAGR of …%. It was noted ...

Attention is drawn to the acceleration of revenue growth ... According to experts, in 2020 revenue will grow ...%. 
Some of the best results in the industry show…
Almost half of the profit from sales in the TOP-10 list was generated by the group ... Chronically unprofitable activity is demonstrated by ... 

Negative annual average sales dynamics of subsidiaries …: in the first case in 2015-2019. CAGR = …%, in the second case CAGR = …%.  

EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) - earnings before interest and taxes.

Table 24. EBIT margin TOP-10 flexible polymer packaging manufacturers, 2015-2019, %

Over the five years under study, the weighted average revenue per 1 employee in the TOP-10 sample … by only …%. The highest revenue per 1 employee was shown by ... Traditionally, high results are shown by production sites that have undergone a comprehensive modernization or ...

Part 3. TOP-3 announced projects in the researched industry

Part 4. Consumption analysis 

4.1. Market saturation
4.2. Key consumer trends in India
4.3. Market structure by main consumption sectors
4.4. Largest consumers

Part 5. Analysis of the industry in a crisis 

Part 6. Forecasts and conclusions 


Chart 1. Structure of the Indian consumer packaging market in 2019 (%)
Diagram 2.1. Dynamics of film production volumes for doypacks, 2015-2019, thousand tons
Diagram 2.2. Dynamics of production volumes of film for doypacks used for packaging of auto chemicals, 2015-2019, tons
Diagram 3. Structure of production of doypacks by union territories of India, %
Diagram 4. Residual value of fixed assets of the top 10 manufacturers of flexible polymer packaging, 2015-2019, million Rs.
Diagram 5. Structure of the Indian market by types of films in 2019, %
Diagram 6. Share of exports in Indian production of films for doy-packs in 2015-2019, %
Diagram 7. The ratio of imported and domestic products in the doypack market, 2015-2019, %
Chart 8. Doypack market structure in 2019 by type of packaging product, %
Diagram 9. Doypack printing structure in 2019 by type of technology used, %
Diagram 10. Product life cycle
Diagram 11. Market shares of the largest competitors in 2019, %
Diagram 12. Revenue of the top 10 flexible polymer packaging manufacturers, 2015-2019, million Rs.
Diagram 13. Profit from sales of the top 10 manufacturers of flexible polymer packaging, 2015-2019, million Rs.
Diagram 14. Net profit of the top 10 flexible polymer packaging manufacturers, 2015-2019, million Rs.
Diagram 15. Revenue per 1 employee of the top 10 manufacturers of flexible polymer packaging, 2015-2019, thousand Rs.
Diagram 16. Profit from sales per 1 employee of the top 10 manufacturers of flexible polymer packaging, 2015-2019, thousand Rs.
Diagram 17. Structure of target use of doypacks in 2019, %
Diagram 18.1. Forecast of the volume of the Indian doypack film market, 2021-2024, thousand tons
Diagram 18.2. Forecast of the volume of the Indian market of films for doypacks used for packaging of motor oils and auto chemicals, 2020-2024, tons


Table 1.1. Modifications of doypacks used for packing motor oils and auto chemical goods
Table 1.2. Wide-web printing machines of leading manufacturers installed in Russia, 2016-2018, 1st half of 2019, pcs.
Table 2. Leading Indian manufacturers of flexible polymer packaging
Table 3. Indian rupee against selected currencies, 2015-2020
Table 4. Dynamics of export from India of films for doypacks in physical and value terms, 2015-2019, thousand tons, thousand $
Table 5. Dynamics of imports of film for doypacks in India in physical and value terms, 2015-2019, thousand tons, thousand $
Table 6. Dynamics of the market volume of doypacks in physical and monetary terms, 2015-2020, thousand tons, million Rs.
Table 7. Resident population of India, 2015-2019
Table 8. Share of online sales in total retail sales in India, 2015-2019
Table 9. Income of the population of India 2015-2019
Table 10.1. Grocery retail turnover per capita in India, 2015-2019
Table 10.2. Production of selected chemical products in India, 2015-2020, thousand tons
Table 11. Step analysis of factors influencing the doypack market in India
Table 12. Separate financial indicators of the industry, 2015-2019
Table 13. Comparison of technological parameters of packaging materials
Table 14.1. Top 10 Indian doypack companies in 2019
Table 14.2. Companies with experience in the production of doypacks for auto chemicals
Table 15. Assortment by types of doypacks produced by top 10 manufacturers
Table 16
Table 17. Price range of the main manufacturers for 1 doypack with a print run of 10 pcs. in February 000
Table 18. Average import and export prices for doypack film in India, 2015-2019, $/kg, Rs./kg
Table 19.1. Revenue of the top 10 flexible polymer packaging manufacturers, 2015-2019, million Rs.
Table 19.2. Revenue of flexible polymer packaging manufacturers with experience in the production of doypacks for auto chemicals, 2015-2019, million Rs.
Table 20. Profit from sales of the top 10 manufacturers of flexible polymer packaging, 2015-2019, million Rs.
Table 21. Ebit of the top 10 flexible polymer packaging manufacturers, 2015-2019, million Rs.
Table 22. Net profit of the top 10 flexible polymer packaging manufacturers, 2015-2019, million Rs.
Table 23. Return on sales of the top 10 flexible polymer packaging manufacturers, 2015-2019, %
Table 24. Ebit margin top 10 flexible polymer packaging manufacturers, 2015-2019, %
Table 25. Net income margin for the top 10 flexible polymer packaging manufacturers, 2015-2019, %
Table 26. Revenue per 1 employee of the top 10 manufacturers of flexible polymer packaging, 2015-2019, thousand Rs.
Table 27. Profit from sales per 1 employee of the top 10 manufacturers of flexible polymer packaging, 2015-2019, thousand Rs.
Table 28. Net profit per 1 employee of the top 10 manufacturers of flexible polymer packaging, 2015-2019, thousand Rs.
Table 29. Number of employees, 2015-2019, people
Table 30. Accounts receivable turnover, 2015-2019, days
Table 31. Accounts payable turnover, 2015-2019, days
Table 32. Debt burden of enterprises, 2015-2019, debt to ebit ratio
Table 33. Forecast of socio-economic development of India for 2020-2023, the base case of the Ministry of Economic Development of India

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