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Chilled Trout Market Forecast in India

Chilled Trout Market Forecast in India Chilled Trout Market Forecast in India
Release date 21.06.2022
Number of pages 55
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 55000 ₹

The relevance of research 

In India, the most common species of salmon as an object of farming is the rainbow trout. Trout farming is one of the leading areas of commercial aquaculture. The wide distribution of rainbow trout in aquaculture is explained by its low adaptability to environmental conditions, good growth and high nutritional qualities.

Purpose of the study

Analyzing the state of the chilled trout market in India, assessing the market size, analyzing competitors, and identifying factors affecting the chilled trout market


Chapter 1. Key Components of the Chilled Trout Market

1.1. Market size

1.2. Chilled Trout Market Growth Rate

1.3. The ratio of imported and domestic products in the market

1.4. Volume and dynamics of chilled trout production

1.5. Import of chilled trout. Volume and dynamics

1.6. Export of chilled trout. Volume and dynamics

1.7. Share of exports in production

Chapter 2. Economic characteristics of the market

2.1. Chilled Trout Market Trends

2.2. The main problems of the industry

2.3. Estimation of the number of buyers and their financial capabilities

2.4. Estimated consumption per capita

2.5. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity

2.6. Compact location of industry companies in certain regions

2.7. Chilled trout market life cycle stage

Chapter 3

3.1. Economic components

3.2. Social Components

3.3. Technological components

3.4. Political Components

3.5. STEP analysis of the chilled trout market

Chapter 4. Assessment of the degree of competition

4.1. Scale of competition (local, regional, national, global)

4.2. Number of competitors and relative market shares of the largest competitors

4.3. Competition from substitute products

Chapter 5 Industry Forecasts

5.1. Analysis of the impact of recent crises on the industry (the global crisis of 2008 and the currency crisis in India in 2014)

5.2. Analysis of the impact on the state aid industry at the current date

5.3. Assessment of the extent of the impact of the crisis on the analyzed market. Barriers in the chilled trout market

5.4. Prospects and growth drivers for the chilled trout market

5.5. Market forecast for chilled trout in the current economic crisis

Chapter 6 Forecasting Methodology

6.1. Methods for forecasting key industry indicators

6.2. Sources of information for forecasting

6.3. Timing of forecasting

Research excerpt 

Chapter 1. Key Components of the Chilled Trout Market

1.1. Market size         

In India, the most common species of salmon as an object of farming is the rainbow trout. Trout farming is one of the leading areas of commercial aquaculture. In terms of rearing, salmon breeds take the second place after cyprinids and other herbivores (carp, silver carp, grass carp). 

The wide distribution of rainbow trout in aquaculture is explained by its low adaptability to environmental conditions, good growth and high nutritional qualities.

Rainbow trout, unlike salmon and Pacific salmon, belongs to impassable fish and prefers clear waters with a high oxygen content. The optimal temperature for growing is 15-18°C, but the extreme limits are wider: from 0,1-0,5°C to 23-25°C. The most active growth is at 4-5°C, at temperatures above 20°C the trout feel oppressed, with a decrease in the oxygen content in the water, the rainbow trout dies. At the same time, from a certain age, it is resistant to water salinity.

Trout can be grown in pools, flumes, ponds, canals, net cages, in waters of various origins: fresh from rivers, lakes, reservoirs, springs, in groundwater; marine from the bays of the seas and in salty underground waters; geothermal and waste water from power plants. The main requirement for a breeding pond is that it should not be covered with ice in winter.

Fresh fish is a perishable product, therefore, to lengthen the shelf life, the fish is cooled immediately after being caught. At temperatures from -1 to 5 ° C, the process of fish spoilage slows down, but does not stop, since the activity of enzymes and microorganisms continues. Before cooling, the fish is sorted by size (large, medium, small), and then cut. 

According to the method of cutting, chilled fish can be: 

  • whole (uncut); 
  • gutted with head, gutted decapitated. 
  • ...

The main sales volumes of chilled trout fall on the autumn-winter period, which is associated with the availability of fish (namely, during this season, fish grows minimally and is sold by farms) and high demand for the New Year holidays. The needs of chains and processors for fish are year-round.


1.2. Chilled Trout Market Growth Rate             

In 2015, there was a significant contraction in the market for chilled trout against the background of a significant reduction in imports and production volumes. 


Diagram 1. Dynamics of the chilled trout market volume in 2015–2021, million Rs.


1.3. The ratio of imported and domestic products in the market               

It should be noted that after the sanctions imposed on a number of countries, the share of imported products in the chilled trout market has significantly decreased. 

1.4. Volume and dynamics of chilled trout production 

According to the Minister of Agriculture, in recent years, the fishery complex has been developing dynamically, aquaculture is gaining momentum, and the volume of catch and production of domestic fish products is growing. Investments come to the industry, profitability and the number of profitable enterprises increase. 

According to the Federal Agency for Fisheries, trout breeding is one of the leading areas of commercial aquaculture. In terms of rearing volume, salmon breeds occupy the second place in the structure of production after cyprinids and herbivores (carp, carp, silver carp, grass carp). 

Diagram 4. Dynamics of chilled trout production in India for 2015–2021, tons

So, during 2016-2021. chilled trout production in India has been on the rise...

1.5. Import of chilled trout

Volume and dynamics            

In 2015, the volume of chilled trout imports to India was at the level of ...

The dynamics of chilled trout imports to India in value terms is similar to imports in physical terms ...

Among importing countries in 2016–2021 leaders were...

1.6. Export of chilled trout

Volume and dynamics

The volume of exports of chilled trout from India in monetary terms in 2015 showed a negative trend ...

Diagram 7. Volume and dynamics of chilled trout exports in monetary terms, 2015–2022 (January), USD

The dynamics of exports of chilled trout from India in physical terms is identical to the dynamics of exports in value terms. 


Annual export volumes in 2015–2021 did not have a significant impact on the volume dynamics of the chilled trout market in India.

Diagram 10. Balance of exports and imports, 2015–2021, thousand tons

The balance of exports and imports in the chilled trout market is negative (the excess of imports over exports) throughout the analyzed period. 

1.7. Share of exports in production 

For the period 2015–2020 the share of exports in the production of chilled trout did not exceed ...%. there was an increase in the share of production of chilled trout for export.

Chapter 2. Economic characteristics of the market           

2.1. Chilled Trout Market Trends

Chilled trout producers tend to increase production capacity and expand the product range, to increase sales in the regions and increase their presence in retail chains. In the process of promoting fish products from the producer to the final consumer, numerous enterprises and organizations of the fish product subcomplex take part, the totality of which characterizes the organizational and technological structure of the regional market. 

At the same time, manufacturers adhere to the following strategy: 

  • introduction of new technologies for the production and packaging of finished products; 
  • promotion of the brand in the regions, India and the CIS through advertising campaigns; 
  • creating your own merchandising service (defining a set of product types for a retail network). 

2.2. The main problems of the industry       

The low purchasing power of Indians is one of the key constraints determining the development of the chilled trout market. There is a lack of logistics capacity for the storage and transportation of chilled products.

In addition, the chilled trout market is affected by the following systemic fisheries issues: 

  • the law does not oblige fishermen to sell their catches to fish processing enterprises, while prices for harvested aquatic biological resources are not regulated; 
  • natural rent is not withdrawn by the state from fishermen; 
  • there is no economic connection between the fishing fleet (fishing companies) and the country's economy, due to which the actions of fishing companies are determined solely by their own momentary interests; 
  • state authorities do not set themselves and the industry the tasks of preserving jobs and securing the population on the coast; 
  • many users of aquatic biological resources lack incentives to invest in the industry, including the modernization and construction of the fishing fleet, coastal refrigeration and fish processing facilities. 

The development of the industry falls into a vicious circle: the population buys little fish because of the high cost, low quality and narrow assortment; due to low demand, retail does not increase purchases; manufacturers responsible for high logistics costs do not have the resources to invest in new product formats and do not promote, search for new niches.

2.3. Estimation of the number of buyers and their financial capabilities         

The dynamics of consumption of chilled trout is determined by:

  • trends in real incomes of the population (see section 3.2);
  • business development trends.

Real disposable cash income is cash income after deducting obligatory payments (taxes and fees, interest on loans), adjusted for inflation.


2.4. Estimated consumption per capita

During 2015–2021 per capita consumption of chilled trout showed a positive trend. 

According to a study conducted in the spring of 2021 by the Platforma Social Design Center, the Fish Union and X5 Group, ...% of 1 surveyed residents of Indian cities with a population of 100 or more believe that they do not eat enough fish, less often than would you like. 

2.5. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity

Let us consider the financial and economic indicators for the industry in comparison with the indicators for all sectors of the Indian economy, in dynamics, for 2015–2021.

  • Gross margin

Gross margin is gross profit divided by sales revenue (excluding excise taxes and VAT). Gross margin shows how much gross profit falls on a unit of revenue. Gross profitability serves as an assessment of the economic efficiency of an enterprise, which reflects the rational use of labor, material, monetary and other resources.


  • Return on profit

The profitability indicator in the industry as a whole at the end of 2021 amounted to ...%. Relative to profitability across all industries in India, industry performance in 2016–2021 were both higher than the Indian economy as a whole and lower. In 2020, the value of the indicator became the maximum value since 2015. At the same time, if the profitability of the industry in 2020 increased, then the profitability of all sectors of the Indian economy in 2020 decreased.


  • Current liquidity
  • ...
  • Absolute liquidity

Chilled trout industry in 2015–2021 has indicators of absolute liquidity, both comparable with indicators for all sectors of the Indian economy, and significantly different. For Indian companies, the normative value of the absolute liquidity ratio is in the range of Kal> 0,2–0,5 times. The value of the indicator below the norm demonstrates the loss of solvency, the inability of the company to pay off its current liabilities at the expense of liquid current assets. A higher absolute liquidity ratio may signal too high a share of non-performing assets in the form of cash and funds in accounts. 


In general, the analysis of sectoral financial ratios of the chilled trout industry shows high profitability before tax, as well as gross margin. In terms of profitability across all industries in India, the performance of the industry in 2021 was higher than that of the Indian economy as a whole. At the same time, absolute liquidity values ​​indicate a too high share of non-performing assets. The high current ratio also reflects the inefficient use of current assets or short-term financing. 

2.6. Compact location of industry companies in certain regions

The leader in the chilled trout market is Karelia, which, according to GidMarket analysts, accounts for ...% of the market. 


2.7. Chilled trout market life cycle stage 

The chilled trout market in India is in a growth phase. The growth stage is very important both for the industry as a whole and for each company in particular, as it creates the most favorable conditions for dominating the market and for increasing the profitability and stability of the company. All efforts at this stage should be aimed at extending it, at creating entry barriers for new players, at achieving maximum market coverage - all this will ensure the most comfortable existence of the company at the next stage of the life cycle.

The main task of marketing at this stage is its maximum extension, which is achieved by using all sources of growth and building entry barriers for new players.

Competition is intensifying and the number of players is growing strongly as the growing market segment attracts new players looking to make a profit. At the same time, competitors enter the market with improved, more competitive products. So, for business, this industry is now quite promising, and investors are actively showing interest in it. 

Pricing at this stage becomes one of the ways to compete. As a result of tougher competition, cheaper analogue products or more affordable product variations appear - all this leads to lower prices for goods, to large discounts and price promotions. 


At the growth stage, there is an active expansion of the product line, new product variations, improvement of quality characteristics to extend the growth stage as much as possible and create entry barriers for competitors in all market segments. New assortment extensions help to retain existing consumers, keep the product relevant against the backdrop of tougher competition.

At the stage of growth, the product is in maximum demand, which provides the employees of the distribution chain with the best conditions for working with the product.

When working with the target audience, the emphasis should be on:

  • achieving 100% awareness of the company's product among the target audience;
  • search for new consumers - use all opportunities to expand the target audience;
  • increasing the frequency of use of the product by existing consumers;
  • active formation of loyalty and commitment to the product (an additional barrier to switching to competitors).

Chapter 3 

3.1. Economic components         

GDP is a macroeconomic indicator that reflects the market value of all final goods and services (that is, intended for direct consumption) produced per year in all sectors of the economy on the territory of the state for consumption, export and accumulation, regardless of the nationality of the factors of production used. It is the main, most complete official indicator of public welfare. The absolute and relative values ​​of GDP give an idea of ​​the general material well-being of the nation and the dynamics of its growth / decrease, since the higher the level of production, the higher the welfare of the country. 


The industrial production index shows the total volume of all industrial production, utilities, etc. in monetary terms. 


Rate of inflation. 


Chart 19. Dynamics of the inflation rate in India, 2016–2022 (4 months), %

3.2. Social Components 

During 2012–2018 India's population is on the rise. The increase in the population in 2015 was not only due to migration and natural increase, but also due to the formation of two new states of the Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. 


General trends in macroeconomic indicators can also be traced in such a value as real incomes of the population, which determine the level of effective demand. 


3.3. Technological components

Natural and climatic risks caused by extreme changes in weather conditions have a serious impact on aquaculture objects (rainbow trout) and the volume of their commercial breeding. The dependence of the functioning of the industry on natural and climatic conditions also reduces its investment attractiveness.

The duration of the full cycle of trout production is from 22 to 28 months, depending on the average temperature on the farm, where fish is grown and caught before the processing process:

  • - 1st year - stocking and growth of smolt;
  • - 12–16 months - Growth to a marketable sample; 
  • - 17–21 months - Catch (Warm clusters);
  • - 22–28 months - Catch (Cold clusters).

The difficulty of maximum preservation of the properties of freshly caught fish during the delivery of high-quality fish products to the end consumer. Compliance with the rules for the initial cooling of freshly caught fish significantly affects the time at which the chilled fish will retain its properties. In this case, the methods of cooling such products can be of two types:

  • Air cooling. A method in which the product is simply cooled with cold air.
  • Ice overlay. A more common and practical method of cooling, in which the fish is sprinkled with crushed ice.
  • The second option allows you to better preserve the presentation of the product - the fish does not lose weight and does not become weathered.

The shelf life of chilled fish is the longer, the lower its temperature, the higher the quality of the raw fish, the more perfect the sanitary and hygienic conditions in which the raw material is located from the moment of extraction to the consumption of the product. Even a very slight decrease in temperature increases the possible shelf life of fish. Ice, salt brine and sea water are often used to cool the fish. The average final temperature of chilled fish is -1°C. For cooling with ice, an even layer of finely crushed clean ice is poured onto the bottom of the box, barrel or on the shelves of the hold, on which the sorted fish is placed. Layers of fish are sprinkled with ice until the container is filled.


Fish cooled with finely crushed ice from fresh or sea water does not deform, it preserves. high quality and presentation. For fish products, it is recommended to use artificially made ice (flake, pressed, snow, lamellar). It is better to use ice made from sea water and add bactericidal substances to it to maintain high sanitary and hygienic conditions, the importance of which is very great.

For cooling in liquids, fish are immersed in cold fresh or sea water, or in an aqueous solution of table salt, or irrigated with one of these liquids. Salt solution or sea water can be cooled down to -4…-2°C and sufficient cooling of the fish can be carried out.


Construction of a selection and genetic center. The selection and breeding center of fish farming, which will provide trout farms of Karelia with live eggs and young, is planned to be built in the Belomorsky region of the republic. This project will allow minimizing the industry's dependence on imported caviar and fry.

Environmental problems and poaching. There are norms for growing fish, in case of violation of which the ecological situation worsens. In order to minimize the negative impact, manufacturers install treatment facilities and purchase new bathtubs to keep blood out of the water and properly dispose of waste.

One of the main challenges of the fresh fish market is to deliver the product in the best possible condition while maintaining the highest quality. Hence the need to use various technologies for cooling fish for its transportation from one point of the world to another. 

In the production of fish, the problem of waste becomes an acute issue for any industrialist. They are supposed to be burned or buried in biothermal pits. Today's rules, enshrined at the federal level, are quite archaic and do not provide for the use of modern processing technologies. Both burning and burying in pits are extremely expensive.

Use of electrotechnology for refrigeration processing of fresh fish. Electrical technology has a number of advantages over other technologies, such as:

  • allows for fairly accurate regulation of processes, since the electric field acts directly on the raw materials and the environment, without transforming energy;
  • energy consumption is reduced, automation is simplified;
  • the universality of the technology, since any natural environment and natural substance are subject to the force of an electric field.

3.4. Political Components

The introduction of a food embargo in India has had a significant impact on the production of salmon fish. Due to the ban on the import of fish from the main supplying countries, the selling price of trout on the market has increased significantly. In connection with the resulting deficit, the government took measures to develop domestic production of trout in order to replace imported products. However, the production of salmon and trout in India did not immediately receive a boost from the moment the food embargo was introduced by India, since the ban also affected the supply of imported fish seed, which plays a large role in domestic fish farming. In recent years, the industry has been quite promising for business, and investors have shown high interest in it. Over the past few years, several trout farms have been opened in the country, many similar projects have been announced with a commissioning date within the next few years.

After the imposition of the embargo, the chilled trout market gained an advantage - companies no longer face fierce competition from foreign producers in the domestic market.

Government support for the industry. The import substitution policy contributed to the development of the industry. In addition, within the framework of the state program of India “Development of the fishery complex”, it is planned to provide subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the states of India to reimburse part of the costs of paying interest on loans received from Indian credit organizations by agricultural producers, for the development of aquaculture (fish farming) and commercial sturgeon farming. Subsidies are provided in order to co-finance the fulfillment of the expenditure obligations of the states of India related to the implementation of state programs and (or) municipal programs providing for the provision of funds for the development of aquaculture (fish farming) and commercial sturgeon farming from the budgets of the states of India (local budgets) to reimburse part of the costs under loan agreements concluded since January 1, 2014:

  • for a period of 1 to 3 years - for the purchase of feed and fish seed for commercial aquaculture, with the exception of commercial sturgeon breeding;
  • for a period of up to 10 years - for the implementation of the following investment projects aimed at the development of commercial aquaculture:

investment projects in terms of construction, reconstruction and (or) modernization of fish-breeding infrastructure facilities, facilities for the production of feed and fish seed for commercial aquaculture, facilities for processing and storage of aquaculture products, as well as for the purchase of machinery, specialized vessels, vehicles and breeding equipment, maintenance and cultivation of commercial aquaculture objects in accordance with the classifiers in the field of aquaculture (fish farming), approved in accordance with part 4 of article 3 of the Federal Law ""On Aquaculture (Fish Farming) and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of India"";

investment projects in terms of purchasing equipment for breeding, keeping and growing sturgeon species, as well as in terms of construction, reconstruction and (or) modernization of fish-breeding infrastructure facilities for commercial sturgeon breeding.

3.5. STEP analysis of the chilled trout market

In general, the impact of macro factors on the chilled trout market can be assessed as moderately negative. A group of social and economic factors, as well as environmental problems, poaching and import dependence, natural and climatic risks, the difficulty of preserving the properties of chilled fish, rising production costs and the imperfection of the legislative system have a negative impact.

A group of political factors, as well as state ones, has a positive effect. support for the industry, the use of modern technologies and the construction of a selection genetic center. These factors allow us to expect an increase in demand in the market in the future, in the medium term.


Chapter 4. Assessment of the degree of competition              

4.1. Scale of competition (local, regional, national, global)             

Raising fish, including salmon species, is a rapidly growing global business. The most popular species for breeding are Atlantic salmon (salmon), trout, Pacific salmon (pink salmon, coho salmon). 


Consolidation in the Indian fishery complex is growing, but does not give a significant effect. Industrial extraction of the main types of aquatic biological resources in India is consolidated to a significant extent. Theoretically, the consolidation of the industry should be accompanied by an increase in investment and productivity, an increase in sales efficiency, but in practice over the past 5 years it has not led to the expected results. The final conclusions about the benefits of consolidation can be made when its degree in one or another large segment approaches 70-80%.

In the Indian fishery complex, in comparison with global competitors, vertical integration is practically not developed. Fishing companies for the most part do not participate in the subsequent stages of value creation due to the significantly low rate of return. At the same time, an analysis of the largest players in the global fish market shows that a significant part of the added value is created in the processing stages following production, as well as in related sectors of the economy. 

Unlike Indian enterprises, international companies, including public ones, are focused more on return on capital (investment) and business value, rather than on operating margins.

4.2. Number of competitors and relative market shares of the largest competitors 

The big players in the chilled trout market in 2020 are...


As of 2021, India's largest chilled trout market operator is...

Diagram 22. Shares of major competitors in the chilled trout market in 2021, %

4.3. Competition from substitute products 

Chilled trout, in the first place, is experiencing competition from chilled salmon. Often, consumers call salmon and trout the same fish or simply find it difficult to identify the differences.

Similarities between salmon and trout:

  • are incoming freshwater, that is, in most cases they live in salt waters, but they go to freshwater to spawn. Due to the high demand for red varieties of fish, artificial breeding of salmon and trout has recently become popular;
  • the body of both fish is covered with dark spots on the back and sides. In young individuals, they are more pronounced;
  • near the tail there is an adipose fin containing from 10 to 16 rays and distinguishing individuals of this family from others, in particular, herrings, with which there is an external resemblance;
  • salmon and trout meat is red with white streaks. The hue can be more saturated and bright or pale depending on the nutrition. Too bright color is often a sign of the use of dyes in food when artificially diluted.

Differences between salmon and trout:

  • Salmon is much larger than trout, in natural conditions reaches one and a half meters in length and 40 kg of weight. The length of a trout usually does not exceed 30 cm, and its weight is not more than 4 kg. 
  • ...
  • Salmon fish are rich in useful substances that have a positive effect on human health and well-being in general.
  • ...

Chapter 5 Industry Forecasts       

5.1. Analysis of the impact of recent crises on the industry (the global crisis of 2008 and the currency crisis in India in 2014) 

In 2020, the Indian economy faced three obstacles at once - falling oil prices, a self-isolation regime and a decrease in demand for Indian exports.


5.2. Analysis of the impact on the state aid industry at the current date 

Forecasting the development of the chilled trout market in India is impossible without understanding the economic situation in the country.

In India, at the federal level, fish farming is provided with various types of support provided for by state programs in India. The main laws in this industry are:

Federal Law of December 20.12.2004, 166 No. -FZ “On Fishing and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources” 

Federal Law of July 02.07.2013, 148 No -FZ “On Aquaculture (Fish Farming) and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of India” 


5.3. Assessment of the extent of the impact of the crisis on the analyzed market. Barriers in the chilled trout market

An economic crisis is a profound disruption of normal economic activity, which is accompanied by the destruction of habitual economic ties, a decrease in business activity, the inability to repay debts and the accumulation of debt obligations. This is a phenomenon of a market economy, repeating with a certain frequency, and depending on the scale, it can either concern a particular state or be of global importance. The crisis is accompanied by a sharp decline in production, bankruptcy of enterprises, a fall in the gross national product, a large-scale increase in unemployment, and often a depreciation of the national currency.


5.4. Prospects and growth drivers for the chilled trout market

The priority areas for the development of the chilled trout market include an increase in the export of highly processed fish products and a reduction in raw material exports (which contribute to the growth in the volume of its processing), as well as a decrease in India's import dependence in relation to the studied products.

The most important aspects of the further development of the chilled trout market are qualified personnel, the possibility of investment over a long period of time, location (territory) and infrastructure. As a decentralized production activity, the chilled trout market competes with other sectors for labor, capital, and infrastructure development. It is very important for the market to focus on the development of small rural communities, making them attractive for people's lives. Economically sustainable industry attracts venture capital for further development. 

5.5. Market forecast for chilled trout in the current economic crisis 

We will analyze the market based on methods based on identifying trends over time, adjusted for expert opinion in the industry.

In the medium term, the recovery of the world economy will not be quick: after an initial “rebound” to levels below pre-crisis levels, a long period of gradual growth will follow.

Chapter 6 Forecasting Methodology          

6.1. Methods for forecasting key industry indicators   

Modern statistical forecasting methods are used, taking into account the actual dynamics of the industry and the impact of the current and forecast general economic situation. 

In addition, when compiling the forecast, changes in real incomes of the population, trends in consumer preferences in a crisis, development forecasts and the degree of impact of other factors affecting the industry are taken into account.

6.2. Sources of information for forecasting    

  • Industry volume over the past 8–9 years
  • Industry dynamics in 2008–2009, in 2014–2021*
  • Dynamics of macroeconomic indicators over the past 9–10 years
  • Current public assistance plans
  • Databases of the State Statistics Committee of India
  • Indian Revenue Service databases
  • India Customs databases
  • Open sources (websites, portals)
  • Issuer reporting 
  • Company websites
  • Media Archives
  • Regional and federal media
  • Insider sources
  • Specialized analytical portals

Until October 2022 financial indicators for the main market operators and sectoral ratios for 2021 - GidMarket forecast based on the dynamics for 2017-2020, except for cases when the operator discloses data on the results of financial 2021 publicly.

6.3. Timing of forecasting

The forecast belongs to the medium-term category - 5 years (2022-2026)


Diagram 1. Dynamics of the chilled trout market volume in 2015–2021, million Rs.

Diagram 2. Dynamics of chilled trout consumption in physical terms, 2015–2021, thousand tons

Diagram 3. The ratio of imported and domestic products in the chilled trout market, %

Diagram 4. Dynamics of chilled trout production in India for 2015–2021, tons

Diagram 5. Volume and dynamics of chilled trout imports in physical terms, 2015–2022 (January), t.

Diagram 6. Volume and dynamics of chilled trout imports in monetary terms, 2015–2022 (January), thousand dollars

Diagram 7. Volume and dynamics of chilled trout exports in monetary terms, 2015–2022 (January), USD

Diagram 8. Volume and dynamics of chilled trout exports in physical terms, 2015–2022 (January), tons

Chart 9. Chilled trout export structure by country, 2021

Diagram 10. Balance of exports and imports, 2015–2021, thousand tons

Chart 11. Share of exports in the production of chilled trout for 2015–2021, %

Chart 12. Consumption of chilled trout per capita, 2015–2021, kg/person

Chart 13. Profitability before tax (profit of the reporting period) in the field of chilled trout production in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2015-2021, %

Diagram 14. Current liquidity (total coverage) in chilled trout production for 2015–2021, times

Diagram 15. Chilled trout production by states of India, %

Figure 16. Product life cycle

Diagram 17. Dynamics of India's GDP, 2015–2021, % to the previous year, trillion Rs.

Chart 18. Monthly dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2017-2022 Apr. yrs., Rs. for 1 US dollar

Chart 19. Dynamics of the inflation rate in India, 2016–2022 (4 months), %

Diagram 20. Dynamics of the population of India, as of January 1, 2012–2022, million people, thousand people

Chart 21. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2015-2021

Diagram 22. Shares of major competitors in the chilled trout market in 2021, %

Chart 23. Forecast of chilled trout market size in 2022–2026, million Rs.


Table 1. Fresh fish quality indicators

Table 2. Structure of chilled trout imports by importing countries in 2016–2021, kg

Table 3. Gross margin of the chilled trout industry compared to all industries in India, 2015-2021, %

Table 4. Absolute liquidity in the chilled trout industry compared to all sectors of the Indian economy, 2015-2021, times

Table 5. Industrial production index by state of India (in % of the previous year), 2015-2021

Table 6. STEP Analysis of Factors Affecting the Chilled Trout Market

Table 7. Main companies participating in the chilled trout market in 2021

Table 8. Main differences between salmon and trout

Table 9. Nutritional and energy value of salmon and trout per 100 gr. product

Table 10

Table 11. Assessment of the impact of recent crises on the industry

Table 12. List of sectors of the Indian economy most affected by the deterioration of the situation as a result of the spread of a new coronavirus infection (as of October 16, 2020)

Table 13. Analysis of the impact on the industry of the state aid proposed to date

Table 14. List of instructions following the results of the meeting on the development of agro-industrial, fisheries and related industries



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