Cane molasses market analysis
The relevance of research
The object of this study is cane molasses, a by-product of sugar production from cane; dark brown syrupy liquid with a specific odor. One of the few sweeteners rich in trace elements and vitamins can serve as a plant source of calcium for humans.
Purpose of the study
Analysis of the state of the cane molasses market, assessment of the market volume, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the cane molasses market
Part 1. Analysis of imports in 2017
1.1. Import volume
1.2. Import structure by:
1.2.1. by producing countries (in physical and value terms)
1.2.2. by regions of receipt (in physical and value terms)
1.2.3. manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms)
1.2.4. recipient companies (in kind and value terms)
Part 2. Consumption analysis
2.1. Analysis of consumer preferences
2.2. Market structure by consumption sectors
2.3. The largest consumers (TOP-10) in each industry, their profiles
Part 3. Price Analysis
3.1. Average import price
3.2. Average selling price
4. Consumption forecast until 2021
Part 5. Recommendations and conclusions
Research excerpt
Part 1. Analysis of imports in 2017
1.1. Import volume
The object of this study is cane molasses, a by-product of sugar production from cane; dark brown syrupy liquid with a specific odor. One of the few sweeteners rich in trace elements and vitamins can serve as a plant source of calcium for humans.
At the end of 2017, the volume of cane molasses imports to India amounted to slightly more than … tons.
Diagram 1. Dynamics of imports of cane molasses to India in 2017 in physical terms, kg
Diagram 2. Dynamics of imports of cane molasses to India in 2017 in value terms, $
Considering the dynamics of imports of cane molasses in the period of 2011 - 1 quarter. 2018, for the entire indicated period, the total volume of imports of cane molasses to India amounted to … tons, of which …% falls on supplies in 2017.
1.2. Import structure by:
1.2.1. by producing countries (in physical and value terms)
In physical terms, in the structure of cane molasses imports to India in 2017, …% is occupied by Vietnam and almost the same …% is accounted for by Iran. …% was supplied in 2017 from …, …% from T…, …% from ///.
Diagram 4. Structure of cane molasses imports to India in 2017 in physical terms by producing countries
Diagram 5. Structure of cane molasses imports to India in 2017 in value terms by producing countries
In value terms, the structure of cane molasses imports to India in 2017 is somewhat different, due to fluctuations in the average price of imports of supplies from different countries (for different recipients) from … $/kg to … $/kg. Thus, …% in the cost structure of imports is …, …% …, ..% …, …% …,
1.2.2. by regions of receipt (in physical and value terms)
By regions where cane molasses imports were received in 2017 in physical terms …
Diagram 6. Structure of cane molasses imports to India in 2017 in physical terms by region of receipt
1.2.3. manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms)
Table 3. Structure of cane molasses imports to India in 2017 in physical terms by manufacturing companies
Chart 7. Structure of cane molasses imports to India in 2017 in value terms by region of receipt
As a rule, due to the limited number of imports of cane molasses to India…
1.2.3. manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms)
1.2.4. recipient companies (in kind and value terms)
Below are the profiles of the main recipient companies of cane molasses imported to India in 2017.
Part 2. Consumption analysis
2.1. Analysis of consumer preferences
As will be shown in further analysis, at present, the main buyers of cane molasses are not industrial enterprises, but individuals who make strong alcoholic beverages at home, in particular rum.
2.2. Market structure by consumption sectors
The main directions of consumption of molasses in India ...
2.3. The largest consumers (TOP-10) in each industry, their profile
Currently, the largest consumers of cane molasses in India are
Part 3. Price Analysis
3.1. Average import price
Depending on the manufacturing company, the average import prices of cane molasses to India are …
3.2. Average selling price
Part 4. Consumption forecast until 2021
Part 5. Recommendations and conclusions
Diagram 1. Dynamics of imports of cane molasses to India in 2017 in physical terms, kg
Diagram 2. Dynamics of imports of cane molasses to India in 2017 in value terms, $
Diagram 3. Dynamics of cane molasses imports to India in 2011-Q1 2018 in kind, kg
Diagram 4. Structure of cane molasses imports to India in 2017 in physical terms by producing countries
Diagram 5. Structure of cane molasses imports to India in 2017 in value terms by producing countries
Diagram 6. Structure of cane molasses imports to India in 2017 in physical terms by region of receipt
Diagram 7. Structure of cane molasses imports to India in 2017 in value terms by region of receipt
Diagram 8. Importance of the characteristics of cane molasses for consumers
Figure 9. The main directions of consumption of molasses in India
Diagram 10. Market structure by consumption sectors
Diagram 11. Dynamics of real income of the population of India, 2011 - 2017
Diagram 12. Cane molasses consumption forecast in India until 2021, t
Table 1. Geography of import deliveries of cane molasses in 2011 - Q1 2018 in kind
Table 2. Regions-recipients of import deliveries of cane molasses in 2011 - Q1 2018 in kind
Table 3. Structure of cane molasses imports to India in 2017 in physical terms by manufacturing companies
Table 4. Structure of cane molasses imports to India in 2017 in value terms by manufacturing companies
Table 5. Structure of cane molasses imports to India in 2017 in kind by recipient companies
Table 6. Structure of cane molasses imports to India in 2017 in value terms by recipient companies
Table 7. Details of cane molasses imports to India in 2017 in kind and in value terms
Table 8. Comparison of the nutritional value of cane molasses and beet molasses
Table 9. TOP-10 online stores with cane molasses in their product range
Table 10. Average import price of cane molasses to India in 2017, $/kg
Table 11. Average prices for cane molasses of companies engaged in wholesale deliveries of cane molasses
Table 12. Average prices for cane molasses of companies engaged in retail and small wholesale deliveries of cane molasses
Research benefits
The most complete presentation of information in an accessible and visual form. When ordering a marketing research, you can be sure of the accuracy and reliability of market information, which allows you to make informed management decisions and not miss the attractive opportunities that the market provides.
Directions for using the results of the study
To bring a new product to the market, organize a new production, correct the current strategy of the company or develop a new one, to make various decisions.
For senior and middle managers, marketing specialists, investors, business owners.
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