Blueberry Market Analysis
The relevance of research
Blueberries are a species of deciduous plants from the genus Vaccinium of the Heather family.
Blueberries are the closest relative of blueberries and lingonberries. This berry has a high content of vitamins and antioxidants, which determine its beneficial properties for the body.
In particular, blueberries are actively used for / for:
- Cardiovascular pathologies. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened, the development of unfavorable currents is reduced.
- Obesity. Regular consumption of a low-calorie product contributes to the burning of subcutaneous fat.
- Diseases of the genitourinary system. Complex polymers destroy harmful bacteria that provoke the onset of pathology. The berry is used for cystitis, hydronephrosis, kidney stones. Prevents the development of relapse.
- Ophthalmic pathologies. Maintains visual acuity, strengthens the visual fibers.
- Constipation. A moderate amount of berries normalizes stool and bowel function.
- Malignant and benign formations. Actively fights harmful cells. Reduces the risk of cancer.
- Colds. Has an antipyretic effect. Provides organs and systems with a complex of vitamins. Berry intake is recommended for SARS and influenza.
- Painful symptoms of the stomach. Favorably affects the digestive system, improves its functioning.
- Postoperative procedures. Increases blood clotting. Recommended for people who have lost a significant amount of blood during surgery.
- Deficiency of vitamin C, the lack of which can lead to scurvy.
- Prevention of the development of type II diabetes mellitus, to alleviate its course.
- Improving the functioning of the brain. Receiving blueberries has a positive effect on the state of the cognitive sphere and helps prevent Alzheimer's disease.
Purpose of the study
Analysis of the state of the blueberry market, assessment of the market volume, analysis of competitors, as well as identification of factors affecting the blueberry market
Chapter 1. Overview of the blueberry market in India
1.1. Description of blueberries
1.2. Main characteristics of the market
1.3. Volume of production
1.4. Dynamics of market volume 2017-2019 Potential market capacity
1.5. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market
1.6. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.6.1. Social factors
1.6.2. Technological factors
1.6.3. Economic forces
1.6.4. Political factors
1.6.5. Conclusions about the influence of factors on the market
1.7. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity
1.8. Blueberry Market Life Cycle Stage
1.9. Competition from substitute products
Chapter 2. Analysis of competitors TOP-5
2.1. The level of competition in the market
2.2. Major players in the market
2.3. Market shares of the largest competitors
2.4. Production volumes of the largest competitors
2.5. Analysis of the product range
2.6. Strengths and weaknesses of competitors
Chapter 3. Consumption Analysis
3.1. Market saturation
3.2. Key consumer trends in India
3.3. Estimated blueberry consumption per capita
3.4. Largest consumers
3.5. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase
Chapter 4
4.1. Prices of domestic producers
4.2. Retail prices
Chapter 5. Analysis of the industry in a crisis
Chapter 6. Forecasts and conclusions
6.1. Barriers in the market
6.2. Market Growth Drivers
6.3. Market development forecast until 2024
6.4. Recommendations for entering this market
Research excerpt
Chapter 1. Overview of the blueberry market in India
1.1. Description of blueberries
Blueberries are a species of deciduous plants from the genus Vaccinium of the Heather family.
Blueberries are the closest relative of blueberries and lingonberries. This berry has a high content of vitamins and antioxidants, which determine its beneficial properties for the body.
In particular, blueberries are actively used for / for:
• Cardiovascular pathologies. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened, the development of unfavorable currents is reduced.
• Obesity. Regular consumption of a low-calorie product contributes to the burning of subcutaneous fat.
In addition to vitamins and minerals, blueberries contain many antioxidants (mainly anthocyanins and polyphenols), which prevent the appearance of malignant tumors, as well as diseases of the organs of vision, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
1.2. Main characteristics of the market
The blueberry market in this study refers to the totality of enterprises that produce and sell fresh blueberries, form the market supply, the number of users of the above products and form market demand, as well as the relationship that arises between sellers and consumers of blueberries in India.
1.3. Volume of production
Every year there are more and more adherents of healthy and environmentally friendly nutrition, which, of course, contributes to the growth of berry production, although its volume still does not allow meeting the medical consumption standards, which are ... per year per person.
1.4. Dynamics of market volume 2017-2019 Potential market capacity
Consider the volume dynamics of the Indian blueberry market. According to GidMarket’s calculations based on data from …, estimates of experts in the field, market operators, the volume of the blueberry market in 2019 amounted to … tons, having increased by …% compared to 2018. At the same time, the volume dynamics of the Indian market is predominantly linear.
Diagram 5. Dynamics of the blueberry market volume in physical terms, 2017-2019, tons
Given the average cost of 1,0 kg of blueberries – … Rs. in 2019 (calculated by GidMarket based on consumer prices for domestic and imported products, taking into account seasonality, see section 4.2), the volume of the blueberry market in consumer prices in 2019 is … Rs.
Throughout the analyzed period, there has been an increase in the volume of the blueberry market in monetary terms, at current prices. Annually, the following factors acted as drivers of the market volume growth: ...
Let's determine the potential capacity of the Indian blueberry market.
The medical norms for the consumption of berries per person per year are ... kg. Analysts estimate that … in 2019, berry consumption was … kg/person. per year, and by the end of 2020 it will reach … kg/person. per year, the consumption deficit according to medical standards will be … kg/person. in year. Taking into account the assumption of potential consumption of berries in the blueberry segment, at least … kg/person. per year from the existing deficit (according to GidMarket’s calculations, at the end of 2019, blueberry consumption per capita was only 50 grams / person per year, see section 3.3), the average cost of 1,0 kg of blueberries is 1195,0 Rs., the number of the population of India (as of January 1, 2020 - 146745098 people), we get the minimum potential capacity of the blueberry market of 52,8 billion Rs. In the case of an increase in blueberry consumption up to 0,5 kg/person. per year, the capacity of the blueberry market can be estimated at Rs 87,7 billion.
1.5. Current trends and development prospects of the studied market
Key trends in the Indian blueberry market include:
The niche of domestic blueberry production is currently in the formation stage, accompanied by the emergence of new market operators, mainly in the form of small peasant farms. At the same time, as a rule, Indian operators start with small experimental blueberry planting areas, on average, after two or three years, they develop new planting areas, using domestic planting material rather than imported seedlings. In general, already planted Indian blueberry plantations are quite young, the planned yield has not yet been reached. As a rule, they go to it for 6-7 years after planting.
Among the operators of the Indian blueberry market, there is a tendency to diversify their business: expanding the range of grown berries (blueberries, strawberries, currants, honeysuckle, raspberries, red gooseberries, etc.); processing of berries (jams, preserves, compotes, etc.); Establishment of own nurseries for breeding blueberries in the form of seedlings to provide the domestic market with high-quality and competitive planting material.
1.6. Assessment of factors affecting the market
Let's consider the main factors influencing the blueberry market and, accordingly, the demand and income of market operators.
1.6.1. Social factors
Population of India
During 2012-2017 there is a steady increase in the population of India with a slight growth rate of 0,07-0,28% per year. The only exception is 2014, which resulted in the highest growth rate of 1,81% compared to the same period in 2013. The population of India in 2018-2019. shows an unfavorable downward trend. This demographic situation is accompanied by an accelerating natural population decline and migration growth, which does not cover the level of natural decline.
Real money income of the population of India
During 2014-2018 The dynamics of real monetary incomes of the population of India was characterized by a negative direction, the incomes of the population were continuously falling. In 2018, the reduction amounted to … %, in 2017 – … % The largest decrease in income was recorded in 2016 (a decrease by … % compared to the same period in 2015).
Consumer Confidence Index
Healthy lifestyle trend, vegetarianism, organic food
Fashion for a healthy lifestyle, vegetarianism, organic food have a positive impact on the blueberry market. Retail chains are launching their own lines of organic, dietary and vegan products, and demand for them is increasing. There are more and more adherents of healthy and environmentally friendly nutrition every year. If earlier the majority of Indians chose fast food as a snack, then in recent years it has been replaced by vegetables, fruits and berries.
1.6.2. Technological factors
On the one hand, growing blueberries is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, requiring preliminary soil preparation and further annual maintenance. The acidity of the soil should be at the level of 4,0–5,0 units. To ensure the necessary acidity, as a rule, acid peat, washed quarry sand without admixture of clay and sawdust of coniferous trees are mixed in certain proportions. Another way to ensure the proper level of acidity is the use of granulated sulfur and other types of acids. In addition, every year blueberries are mulched with sawdust of coniferous trees. Mulch protects the bush from weeds and retains moisture all the time, acidifies it. The volume of mulch depends on the age of the plant.
In autumn and spring, before bud break, a bush from fungal diseases is treated with copper sulphate, then with pesticides. Next, the blueberries are fed, and the bushes are pruned at certain periods. A drip irrigation system is used to irrigate blueberries. Proper nutrition is the main factor in the success of a blueberry plantation, since the rapid development of plants, their fruiting and preparation for overwintering depend on it. Also, blueberries are sensitive to weather conditions: the harvest drops due to heavy rains, lack of sunlight, too high temperatures, etc.
1.6.3. Economic forces
Dynamics of India's GDP
The dynamics of India's GDP is an indicator of the country's economic development. GDP has an impact on the development of all sectors and markets of the economy, as well as the level of effective demand of the population.
Dollar rate
The influence of the exchange rate on the blueberry market is twofold. On the one hand, seedlings, machinery and equipment are largely imported, which, of course, affects the cost of domestic production. On the other hand, the devaluation of the national currency leads to an increase in the cost of imported berries, as well as to a redistribution of demand towards domestic blueberries due to the more attractive price of the latter. At the same time, in the case of the already developed infrastructure (equipment, buildings, etc.), as well as self-propagation of seedlings, in particular, by micro-propagation, currency fluctuations will ultimately have a positive impact on the Indian blueberry market, contributing to a decrease in competitiveness of imported berries.
Indian Retail Turnover
Retail trade turnover is also a reflection of the effective demand of the population and the level of real incomes of the population. Retail turnover in 2015-2016 showed a negative trend: in 2015 the decline was ...% compared to 2014, in 2016 - ...% compared to 2015. Such a deep decline in trade turnover was not even in the previous crisis of 2008-2009.
Diagram 12. Dynamics of retail trade turnover, 2013 - 2019, 1st half of the year 2020, % to the previous year
The share of fresh fruits and berries in the commodity structure of retail trade turnover in India
The structure of food retail trade shows greater stability compared to non-food sales. In 2019, the share of food products increased by 0,2 percentage points compared to 2018 and amounted to …%. Moreover, on a positive note, the share of food retail increased by Q2. 2020 to …% of total retail trade turnover. According to …, in July 2020, in the structure of retail trade turnover, the share of food products, including drinks and tobacco products, amounted to …%, non-food products - …% (in July 2019 – …% and …%, respectively).
Investment costs and payback period
For the development of domestic production of blueberries, it is necessary to establish new plantations, which entails the need for significant investments, especially in the case of the introduction of new technologies to protect plants from sharp fluctuations in temperature and humidity, and to prepare the soil for the cultivation of this crop. Such investments imply a fairly long payback period (on average ...), which is necessary to form the structure of the bush and prepare for the high-quality laying of flower buds and overwintering of the shoots. At the same time, the first harvest of blueberries, as a rule, is obtained on the 3rd year after planting, and the planned yield is achieved on ... But, despite such a long period of reaching the planned yield, the average fruiting period of blueberry plantations is ...
1.6.4. Political factors
Licensing and other permission.
In accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law of May 04.05.2011, 99 N 18.02.2020-FZ (as amended on February 28, 2020) “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities” (as amended) dated March , , a list of types of activities for which a license is required . Cultivation of blueberries is not included in this list, therefore, a license is not required to engage in this activity.
Lack of licensing and other permits - ... the influence of the factor.
The instability of the political situation against the backdrop of developments on a global scale, anti-Indian sanctions, a change of government, amendments to the Constitution hinders investment processes. In this vein, there is a risk of a noticeable negative impact on the blueberry market, due to the possibility of making certain political decisions that may lead to a decrease in imports or the need to look for alternative logistics schemes. Negative influence of the factor.
State programs to support the cultivation of fruit and berry crops and perennial plantings
1.6.5. Conclusions about the influence of factors on the market
Let's conduct a STEP analysis of the factors influencing the blueberry market in India.
As a result of the STEP analysis, we can draw the following conclusions about the impact of macro factors on the blueberry market in 2015-2019. All considered groups of factors had a multi-vector influence on the development of the market.
Negative for the development of the blueberry market in 2015-2019. factors such as...
1.7. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity
During 2016-2019 The gross margins of the blueberry industry were well above the level of similar financial ratios for all sectors of the Indian economy. At the end of 2019, the gross profitability of the blueberry industry amounted to …%, which is … percentage points higher than the level of this indicator in all sectors of the Indian economy.
Table 4. Gross margin of the blueberry industry in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2015-2019, %
The indicator of current liquidity is a measure of the solvency of the organization, the ability to repay the current (up to a year) obligations of the organization. Values of current liquidity in 2016-2018 of the Indian blueberry industry are below the … mark, which indicates … in covering current liabilities in the industry under study. But at the same time in 2017-2019. there is a … trend … of these indicators until reaching in 2019 … the optimal range …
Diagram 17. Financial stability (security of own working capital) in the blueberry industry in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2015-2019, %
1.8. Blueberry Market Life Cycle Stage
The blueberry market in India is in a growth phase, with an annual increase in blueberry imports and growing popularity among healthy consumers, vegetarians and organic eaters. At the same time, the Indian market is currently dependent on imports from Spain, Chile, the Republic of Belarus, Poland and other countries. In addition, according to APK-Inform: Vegetables and Fruits experts, India remains and will remain a net importer of blueberries in the coming years, since the current growth rates of blueberry production in India are at a very low level.
1.9. Competition from substitute products
Taking into account the development of blueberry cultivation technologies in the world and adaptation to different climatic conditions, blueberry growers have extended their own harvest seasons and imported blueberries began to enter the Indian market throughout the year. Thus, according to the Federal Customs Service, the main summer supplies of imported blueberries are carried out from Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, Poland, and Belarus. The main supplier of blueberries to India in the winter is Chile, Peru and Spain, as well as Mexico and Morocco. Colombia, South Africa, Argentina are also among the suppliers in the winter.
Domestic blueberries are still only available during the harvest season (June-August). At the same time, the main competition as substitute products in the blueberry market is, first of all, other types of seasonal berries available to the Indian consumer in retail sales in the summer season: cherries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries.
Chapter 2. Analysis of competitors TOP-5
2.1. The level of competition in the market
The blueberry market is characterized by … a level of concentration (…).
The Indian blueberry market is represented, to a greater extent, by imported products. At the same time, the blueberry import market in India is highly fragmented. According to the Federal Customs Service, in 2019, more than ... companies were supplying blueberries to India. Table 6 shows the TOP-15 importers in terms of total supplies in real terms. It can also be noted that, in addition to wholesale companies, key retailers are engaged in direct deliveries of blueberries to India: …
Table 7. Main blueberry producing companies, 2019
2.2. Major players in the market
2.3. Market shares of the largest competitors
Let's determine the shares of the largest competitors in the blueberry market. The market is moderately concentrated, the shares of individual market players are insignificant, with the exception of one importer player, whose share reaches almost one third of the Indian blueberry market in volume terms.
As a basis for calculating the shares of the largest blueberry market competitors, data on production volume / import volume to the total market volume in physical terms were taken. The source of data was the production volumes of Indian blueberry producers, which were estimated by GidMarket analysts by calculation (see Section 2.4), and FCS data - to determine import volumes.
In general, we can say that the TOP-15 blueberry importers and TOP-5 blueberry producers occupy more than half (58,1%) of the market in physical terms. At the same time, about …% belongs to the largest importer …, which is the leading supplier of federal retail chains (…) in the category of fresh berries and exotics. Also …, since 2015, it has been selling products under its own brand …, and has fruit ripening facilities that meet European standards. The TOP-5 Indian blueberry producers account for only …% of the market, and the key producer is … - the share of …% of the market.
The remaining 41,9% of the market is distributed among other companies, mainly importers of blueberries.
2.4. Production volumes of the largest competitors
Consider the production volumes of the largest competitors in the Indian blueberry market in 2019.
As noted earlier, the Indian market is dominated by imported products, the niche of domestic production is in the process of formation, accompanied by trial plantings of blueberries by new market operators and further expansion of planting areas by existing operators. Based on the relative ""youth"" of blueberry plantations (the first blueberry plantations began to be carried out in the last ... years) and the first harvest not earlier than ... years after the start of planting, the planned yield has not yet been achieved. So, for 4 of the 5 largest competitors discussed above, the first harvest fell on 2018-2019.
Table 13. Production volumes of the largest blueberry market competitors in 2019, tons
2.5. Analysis of the product range
As noted earlier, many blueberry market operators diversify their activities in several areas: they grow and sell other berry, fruit or vegetable crops, grow and sell seedlings, and process berries. At the same time, the full assortment of blueberries is still in the process of formation, the companies are in the process of selecting varieties in accordance with the climatic and weather conditions of the growing region. As a rule, the assortment already available includes … blueberry varieties. In open sources, there is information about the cultivated varieties of blueberries for only one operator - ...
Chapter 3. Consumption Analysis
3.1. Market saturation
Saturation of the offer
In terms of supply, the blueberry market is represented by domestic and imported products. At the same time, at present, the niche of domestic production is emerging, there is a growing interest of farmers in the industrial cultivation of this crop, the development of technologies and the selection of blueberry varieties suitable for the climatic conditions of the growing regions.
Demand saturation
In terms of demand, the Indian market is not saturated, there is a significant potential for growth. First of all, the potential for growth is due to the still very insignificant per capita consumption of blueberries among Indians. Thus, according to …, carried out according to …, per capita consumption amounted to little … than … grams per year. While in Europe the leaders in the consumption of blueberries are the British - ... grams per person / year. In addition, a positive trend ... in blueberry consumption is observed in all European countries, especially Germany, Switzerland, Scandinavia and the Benelux countries. The average consumption of blueberries in these countries is … grams per person/year. Thus, given the growing popularity of blueberries due to their wide range of useful properties, the trend towards a healthy lifestyle, vegetarianism, organic food, according to experts, the demand for this berry will have a positive upward trend in the coming years.
3.2. Key consumer trends in India
Currently, there is a steady growth and popularity of blueberries. More and more consumers around the world are getting acquainted with this unique berry, India is no exception in this regard. Most consumers love the taste of blueberries and once they taste it, they come back to buy it again. Also, the growing popularity of this berry is facilitated by the active dissemination of information about its huge health benefits.
3.3. Estimated blueberry consumption per capita
Chart 20. Blueberry consumption per capita in India, 2017-2019, grams/person per year, Rs./pers. in year
3.4. Largest consumers
The dynamics of blueberry consumption is determined by trends in the indicator of real incomes of the population (see section 1.6.1), trends in the purchase of fresh blueberries by wholesale buyers (retailers, supermarkets, confectioneries, bakeries, restaurants, cafes, etc.) and processors (manufacturers of fermented milk products, ice cream , juices, jams and purees, fruit teas, confectionery, natural cosmetics, dietary supplements, etc.). Moreover, retailers and supermarkets, in addition to selling fresh packaged blueberries, launch their own lines of organic, dietary, vegan and vegetarian products, and also have their own confectionery shops. In addition, blueberry consumers include specialty health food stores, as well as stores with ""diet shelves"".
3.5. Analysis of the results of tenders for the purchase
We will analyze the tenders for the purchase of blueberries announced from 01.01.2018/03.09.2020/ to / / . The sources for the analysis were the data ....
For the period from 01.01.2018-03.09.2020, about ... tenders were announced for the purchase of vegetables, fruits and berries, which included blueberries. At the same time, all announced purchases were of a complex nature, that is, the purchase of blueberries was carried out together with products from other groups. Thus, the list of purchased products under the tender, as a rule, included berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants, etc.), fruits (apples, tangerines, grapes, etc.), vegetables (zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.). ), greens (lettuce, parsley, onion, etc.).
Chapter 4
4.1. Prices of domestic producers
The cost of blueberries from domestic producers has a slight differentiation associated with the volume of supplies of the berry and its harvesting period. As a rule, in the first harvest, the berries are large and their cost is slightly higher compared to subsequent harvests, when blueberries are slightly smaller. In addition, the price varies slightly due to retail and wholesale deliveries. For bulk deliveries (for example, from 1,0 tons), the terms of payment and delivery are determined individually within the framework of the contract. Also, the cost of blueberries becomes slightly higher towards the end of the berry harvest, in particular, late varieties (early September).
Table 22. Prices of domestic producers - the largest market players, 2020, Rs./kg
4.2. Retail prices
The cost of blueberries depends on the seasonal factor. As a rule, during the summer period, which accounts for the massive harvest among domestic producers and major importers, there is a minimum price for blueberries. In winter, on the contrary, the opposite situation is observed and the price of blueberries reaches its maximum. In addition, the spring period is characterized by a gradual price reduction trend due to the beginning of the ripening season and the harvest of this berry among the main importing countries, and the autumn period, on the contrary, is characterized by a gradual price increase trend due to the change of seasons among the importing countries and the completion of the harvest by many countries, and as a consequence, the rise in import prices due to reduced supply.
Chapter 5. Analysis of the industry in a crisis
Given that the Indian blueberry market is represented by a segment of both imported and domestic products, it is logical to analyze the industry in a crisis, taking into account the state of each of these segments.
As for import prices for blueberries, they are characterized by a quite expected trend - gradual ... prices during the mass harvest season in producing countries, mainly by the middle and end of July, and ... prices by the end of the mass harvest of berries - the end of August and the beginning of September. Thus, according to the information portal …, the average price of blueberry imports to India as of June 17.06.2020, 27.06.2020 amounted to …$/kg, while a week later, as of June 17.07.2020, 27.07.2020, the average price decreased to …$/ kg. As of July 21.08.2020, 28.08.2020 and July , , the average blueberry import price was set at … $/kg and … $/kg, respectively. The lowest import price for the summer period was recorded in August as of – … $/kg, while a week later – as of , the average price increased to …$/kg.
Chapter 6. Forecasts and conclusions
6.1. Barriers in the market
6.2. Market Growth Drivers
The blueberry market growth drivers include:
Proper site selection and soil preparation are one of the keys to successful blueberry cultivation. These factors must also be taken into account because the plantation of this berry is laid for the next 20-30 years. Blueberries require soils with a high content of humus - at least 3,0%, acidic - pH should be 3,5-4,5 units, well-drained, with a light mechanical composition. The more the soil will correspond to the optimal parameters, the less will be the cost per hectare during its preparation and the shorter the payback period of the plantation. Also, in preparation for planting this berry on moderately acidic, heavy and fertile soils, granular sulfur is used to acidify them, and coniferous sawdust is used to improve the structure and drainage.
List of diagrams
Diagram 1. Dynamics of the gross harvest of berries in India in 2017-2019, thousand tons
Diagram 2. Dynamics of blueberry production in India, 2017-2019, tons
Diagram 3. Dynamics of blueberry imports in India, 2017-2019, tons
Chart 4. The ratio of domestic and imported products in the blueberry market, 2017-2019, %
Diagram 5. Dynamics of the blueberry market volume in physical terms, 2017-2019, tons
Diagram 6. Dynamics of the blueberry market volume in monetary terms, 2017-2019, million Rs.
Diagram 7. Population dynamics in India, as of 01 Jan. 2012-2020, million people
Diagram 8. Dynamics of real money income of the population of India, 2012-2019, Q1 and 2 sq. 2020 % to the previous year
Diagram 9. Dynamics of the consumer confidence index, 2017-2019, Q2 2020, quarterly, %
Diagram 10. Dynamics of India's GDP, 2012-2019, Q1 and 2 sq. 2020, % to the previous year
Chart 11. Monthly dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2015-2019, Jan.-Aug. 2020, Rs. for 1 US dollar.
Diagram 12. Dynamics of retail trade turnover, 2013 - 2019, 1st half of the year 2020, % to the previous year
Diagram 13. Dynamics of the share of fresh fruits and berries in the commodity structure of retail trade turnover, 2015-2019, %
Diagram 14. Profitability before tax (profit of the reporting period) in the blueberry industry in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2015-2019, %
Diagram 15. Current liquidity (total coverage) in the blueberry industry, 2015-2019, times
Diagram 16. Business activity (average receivables turnover period) in the blueberry industry, 2015-2019, days days
Diagram 17. Financial stability (security of own working capital) in the blueberry industry in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2015-2019, %
Diagram 18. Stage of the life cycle of the blueberry market
Diagram 19. Shares of the largest players in the blueberry market, 2019, % of the market volume in real terms
Chart 20. Blueberry consumption per capita in India, 2017-2019, grams/person per year, Rs./pers. in year
Chart 21. Forecast dynamics of India's GDP, 2020-2023, % to the previous year
Diagram 22. Forecast dynamics of real money incomes of the population of India, 2020-2023, % to the previous year
Diagram 23. Forecast of blueberry market volume in 2020-2024, tons
List of tables
Table 1. Blueberry Nutrients
Table 2. The most common blueberry varieties of early, middle and late ripening
Table 3. STEP analysis of factors affecting the blueberry market
Table 4. Gross margin of the blueberry industry in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2015-2019, %
Table 5. Absolute liquidity of the blueberry industry compared to all sectors of the Indian economy, 2015-2019, times
Table 6. Major Blueberry Importers to India, 2019
Table 7. Main blueberry producing companies, 2019
Table 8. Basic information about the participant No. 1 of the blueberry market
Table 9. Basic information about the participant No. 2 of the blueberry market
Table 10. Basic information about the participant No. 3 of the blueberry market
Table 11. Basic information about the participant No. 4 of the blueberry market
Table 12. Basic information about the participant No. 5 of the blueberry market
Table 13. Production volumes of the largest blueberry market competitors in 2019, tons
Table 14. The product range of the largest competitors in the blueberry market
Table 15. Strengths and weaknesses of the participant No. 1 of the blueberry market
Table 16. Strengths and weaknesses of the participant No. 2 of the blueberry market
Table 17. Strengths and weaknesses of the participant No. 3 of the blueberry market
Table 18. Strengths and weaknesses of the participant No. 4 of the blueberry market
Table 19. Strengths and weaknesses of the participant No. 5 of the blueberry market
Table 20. Revenue of the main consumers of blueberries in 2018-2019
Table 21. Tenders for the purchase of blueberries announced from 01.01.2018/03.09.2020/ to / /
Table 22. Prices of domestic producers - the largest market players, 2020, Rs./kg
All reports