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Online booking system business plan

Online booking system business plan Online booking system business plan
Release date 21.01.2015
Number of pages 70
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 150000 ₹


Today, the online booking system is a convenient and promising form of service for modern tourists, and, therefore, a profitable business. But its potential requires a sound plan.

Agency ""GidMarket"" offers a ready-made project on this topic. If the document does not contain information useful in a particular situation, an individual study can be carried out with the development of an action program taking into account the goals, requests and resources available to the customer.

The finished document is developed according to the UNIDO standard recognized in India and the world.

The calculations and assessments of experts contained in it will allow entrepreneurs to:

  • choose the optimal form of the site, a set of necessary options and tools;
  • visually compare their financial capabilities and planned costs;
  • formulate a strategy and determine the main ways to achieve goals;
  • use the ideas of the business plan to effectively promote the new online booking system among potential tourists;
  • identify and mitigate all possible risks of the company;
  • draw conclusions about the feasibility of investing in a new business.

Contents of a Standard Online Booking System Business Plan

  • The main characteristics of the project (summary).
  • Analysis of the market and competitive environment, including segments of conventional and online tourism in the world in general, and in India and Kazakhstan in particular.
  • Marketing strategy (model, assortment, pricing policy, advertising, assessment of advantages and weaknesses).
  • Organizational business plan (location, structure, staffing, information, tax and legal support of the online booking system).
  • Production indicators (characteristics of the Internet service, costs for its development and operation).
  • Project financing terms.
  • Risk assessment.
  • Justification calculations for 2014–2025.

To purchase a finished project or order the development of an individual program, click on the appropriate link on this page. Please call for details.

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