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Analysis of the tea and coffee market in India

Analysis of the tea and coffee market in India Analysis of the tea and coffee market in India
Release date 24.01.2014
Number of pages 89
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 39000 ₹


Accurate information about industry trends gives you a competitive edge. Independent marketers can provide such information. The agency ""GidMarket"" employs employees of the necessary qualifications, ready to carry out an analysis of a specific direction on the client's order or according to a standard plan.

Food production in our country traditionally enjoys increased attention of investors. However, the most intelligent of them make decisions only after studying the results of specialized market research, in particular the share of it that concerns tea and coffee in India.

The GidMarket company offers a ready-made report on the relevant topic, compiled in 2014.

In this document, you will find the following sections:

  • The main characteristics of the direction.
  • Research of the competitive environment of the tea and coffee market in India (description of key players, their shares and working conditions, saturation of the direction).
  • Analysis of the stage of product creation (dynamics and volume of domestic production, its segmentation by types of products and regions, shares of export deliveries).
  • Assessment of foreign trade.
  • The study of consumption.
  • Forecast data until 2018.
  • Expert opinion, professional recommendations.

Organizing Market Research for Tea and Coffee in India

In their work, marketers consistently use two different approaches:

Study of all available and reliable information, including:

  • databases of the tax, customs service, Rosstat and other government departments;
  • financial statements of industry participants and related persons;
  • data from price lists and price bulletins;
  • media materials;
  • ratings of specialized agencies, etc.

Conducting a survey. In order to study the tea and coffee market in India, selective interviews are taken from its main players (for example, suppliers, manufacturers, consumers, trade missions).

GidMarket clients can buy the available report for 2012-2013 or order a new, individual analysis of the situation in the required area. To do this, fill out an application on the site in the appropriate form.

Feel free to ask any additional questions in the online chat or by phone.

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