Analysis of the rental and leasing market of medical equipment in India
The relevance of research
Leasing medical equipment is a common way of acquiring expensive equipment for temporary use, the purchase of which is impractical or difficult. In an effort to improve the quality of customer service, many medical organizations choose the rental or leasing of medical equipment as the most effective and reliable financial mechanisms.
Purpose of the study
Analysis of the state of the medical equipment rental and leasing services market, assessment of the market size, competitor analysis, as well as identification of factors affecting the medical equipment rental and leasing services market.
Part 1. Overview of the Indian Medical Equipment Rental and Leasing Market
1.1. Definition and Characteristics of the Indian Medical Equipment Rental and Leasing Market
1.2. Dynamics of the volume of the Indian market for rental and leasing of medical equipment, 2012-2016.
1.3. Market structure by type of service provided in India
1.4. The structure of the market for rental and leasing services of medical equipment in the Union Territories
1.5. Assessment of current trends and development prospects of the studied market
1.6. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.7. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity
Part 2: Competitive Analysis of the Medical Equipment Rental and Leasing Market in India
2.1. Major players in the market
2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
2.3. Profiles of major players
Part 3. Analysis of the consumption of rental and leasing services of medical equipment. Identification of potential customers interested in the service
3.1. Estimation of consumption of rental and leasing services of medical equipment per capita
3.2. Market Saturation and Estimated Market Potential in India
3.3. Description of consumer preferences
3.4. Price analysis
Part 4. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market
Part 5. Forecast for the development of the market for rental and leasing of medical equipment until 2022
Part 6. Conclusions on the prospects of creating enterprises in the study area and recommendations to existing market operators
Research excerpt
Part 1. Overview of the Indian Medical Equipment Rental and Leasing Market
1.1 Definition and Characteristics of the Indian Medical Equipment Rental and Leasing Market
Leasing medical equipment is a common way of acquiring expensive equipment for temporary use, the purchase of which is impractical or difficult.
Among the reasons hindering the development of domestic healthcare, outdated technologies and equipment traditionally occupy the first places. The lag behind Western standards is becoming more and more pronounced, despite some attempts to modernize the equipment of Indian clinics and hospitals. There is still a shortage of funding, which forces medical institutions to look for affordable ways to purchase expensive equipment. Renting medical equipment is one of these ways, which makes it possible to use high-class equipment at minimal cost.
In an effort to improve the quality of customer service, many medical organizations choose the rental or leasing of medical equipment as the most effective and reliable financial mechanisms.
1.2 Dynamics of the volume of the Indian market for rental and leasing of medical equipment, 2012-2016
During 2012-2017 dynamics of the volume of the rental and leasing market of medical equipment had … . At the end of 2016, the volume of the studied market amounted to … billion Rs., which is by …% … the level of 2015. In turn, in 2015 there was … a market. According to GidMarket analysts, in 2017 the market for rental and leasing of medical equipment will reach …% and will reach … billion Rs.
Diagram 1. Dynamics of the volume of the market for the rental and leasing of medical equipment, 2012 - 2017, billion Rs.
1.3. Market structure by type of service provided in India
During 2012-2017 the share of rental and leasing of medical equipment and pharmaceutical equipment was in the range of …% of the total volume of the leasing market in India. The lowest value of the indicator was noted in …%, the highest in …%.
Diagram 2. Structure of leasing in India, 2012 - 2017, %
At the same time, the share of medical equipment rental during 2014-2017 … and in 2017 amounted to …% of the entire market of medical equipment rental and leasing services in India.
Diagram 3. The structure of the market for rental and leasing of medical equipment, 2012 - 2017, %
The most demanded segments of the medical products market in the Indian market are: …
1.4. The structure of the market for rental and leasing of medical equipment in the Union Territories
The structure of leasing and leasing of medical equipment in the Union Territories is identical to leasing in India as a whole. Thus, the city is the leader in this type of service, occupying …% of the market. The second place is occupied by … Union Territories - …%, the third - by … Union Territories (…%). The smallest share is ....
Diagram 4. The structure of the provision of rental and leasing services for medical equipment in India by region, %
1.5. Assessment of current trends and development prospects of the studied market
Medical equipment rental – …
1.6. Assessment of factors affecting the market
Let's consider the main factors influencing the market and, accordingly, demand.
Social (demographic)
During 2011-2017 India's population is on the rise. The increase in the population in 2014 occurred not only due to migration and natural increase, but also due to the formation of two new states of the Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. At the same time, since 2013, there has been a positive natural increase in the population. However, according to the results of 2017, natural growth has a negative value. Population growth increases the potential present and future demand for these services. Positive influence of factors.
Chart 5. Population change in India, 2011-2017
GDP is a macroeconomic indicator that reflects the market value of all final goods and services (that is, intended for direct consumption) produced per year in all sectors of the economy on the territory of the state for consumption, export and accumulation, regardless of the nationality of the factors of production used. It is the main, most complete official indicator of public welfare. The absolute and relative values of GDP give an idea of the general material well-being of the nation and the dynamics of its growth / decrease, since the higher the level of production, the higher the welfare of the country.
Diagram 6. Dynamics of India's GDP, 2012-2017, % to the previous year
Exchange Rates. In January 2017, the US dollar depreciated significantly compared to the same period in 2015 and 2016, however, there has been an increase in the US dollar since April 2017 and in July 2017 it reached 59,7 Rs. In August-October 2017, the dollar depreciated to 57,7 Rs., and in November the value of this currency increased to 58,9 Rs. Thus, in 2017, the oscillatory nature of the US dollar exchange rate is observed. Negative influence of the factor.
Chart 7. The dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2015-2017, Rs. for 1 US dollar
1.7. Analysis of sectoral indicators of financial and economic activity
Consider the financial and economic indicators for the industry ...
Profit from the sale of services
Industry profit dynamics in 2012-2016 had...
Part 2: Competitive Analysis of the Medical Equipment Rental and Leasing Market in India
2.1. Major players in the market
JSC ""VEB-Leasing"" is the leader in the Indian leasing market in terms of portfolio volume. The company takes first place in the market in the segment of aircraft, auto and equipment, second place in the segment of railway equipment.
2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors
As of 2017, VEB-Leasing JSC and LLC ""…"" remain the largest operators of the medical equipment rental and leasing market in India, occupying …% and …% of the market, respectively. JSC ""…"" is on the third place, the market share of this company is …%. JSC ""…"" and LLC ""…"" hold a share of … % and … %, respectively. Other companies account for …% of the medical equipment rental and leasing market, which indicates … .
Diagram 13. Shares of the largest competitors in the market of rental and leasing services of medical equipment in 2017
2.3. Profiles of major players
Part 3. Analysis of the consumption of rental and leasing services of medical equipment. Identification of potential customers interested in the service
3.1. Estimation of the volume of consumption of rental and leasing services of medical equipment per capita
Dynamics of consumption per capita during 2012-2017 had ... character. According to the estimates of GidMarket analysts, the volume of consumption of rental and leasing services of medical equipment per capita amounted to … Rs./person, which is by …% of the … indicator of 2016. In 2016, this indicator fell by …% compared to the previous period, due to...
Diagram 14. Volume of consumption of rental and leasing services of medical equipment per capita, 2012-2017, Rs./person
3.2. Market Saturation and Estimated Market Potential in India
The qualitative development of the medical industry is especially noticeable in high-tech market segments, which contributed to its investment attractiveness. Medicine in India has ceased to be an exclusively state field of activity. Today, along with budgetary institutions, private medical structures operate on the market.
3.3. Description of consumer preferences
Each leasing company tries to attract customers by advertising its advantages: low leasing costs, a small package of documents, quick consideration of the transaction, etc.
3.4. Price analysis
Lease payments are understood as the total amount of payments under the leasing agreement for the entire term of the leasing agreement, which includes the reimbursement of the lessor's costs associated with the acquisition and transfer of the leased asset to the lessee, the reimbursement of costs associated with the provision of other services provided for in the leasing agreement, as well as the income of the lessor.
Chart 15. Producer price indices of medical devices for India in 2012-2018 (Jan.), %
Margin of the leasing company during 201-2017 was within …%-…%. The decrease in the indicator in 2015 was due to an increase in lending rates.
Diagram 16. Dynamics of the margin of leasing companies, 2014-2017, %
Part 4. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the market
Part 5. Forecast for the development of the market for rental and leasing of medical equipment until 2022
Part 6. Conclusions on the prospects of creating enterprises in the study area and recommendations to existing market operators
Diagram 1. Dynamics of the volume of the market for the rental and leasing of medical equipment, 2012 - 2017, billion Rs.
Diagram 2. Structure of leasing in India, 2012 - 2017, %
Diagram 3. The structure of the market for rental and leasing of medical equipment, 2012 - 2017, %
Diagram 4. The structure of the provision of services for the rental and leasing of medical equipment in India by region, %
Chart 5. Population change in India, 2011-2017
Diagram 6. Dynamics of India's GDP, 2012-2017, % to the previous year
Chart 7. The dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, 2015-2017, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Chart 8. Dynamics of the inflation rate in India, 2011-2017
Chart 9. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2011-2017
Chart 10. The volume of paid services to the population in India, trillion Rs., 2012-November 2017
Diagram 11. Depreciation rate of fixed assets in healthcare, 2012-2016, %
Diagram 12. Dynamics of the average interest rate on loans to legal entities, 2013-2017
Diagram 13. Shares of the largest competitors in the market of rental and leasing services of medical equipment in 2017
Diagram 14. Volume of consumption of rental and leasing services of medical equipment per capita, 2012-2017, Rs./person
Chart 15. Producer price indices of medical devices for India in 2012-2018 (Jan.), %
Diagram 16. Dynamics of the margin of leasing companies, 2014-2017, %
Diagram 17. Forecast of the volume of the market for rental and leasing services of medical equipment in 2018-2022, billion Rs.
Table 1. Main advantages and disadvantages of leasing
Table 2. General requirements for the lessee
Table 3. General requirements
Table 4. Industrial production index by state of India (in % of the previous year), 2011 - 2017
Table 5. The dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, Jan. 2015-Jul. 2017, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Table 6. Dynamics of the inflation rate, the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of India and the key rate of the Central Bank of India, 2011-Feb. 2018
Table 7. Weighted average interest rates of credit institutions on credit operations in rupees (% per annum), 2013-2017
Table 8. STEP-analysis of factors influencing the market for rental and leasing of medical equipment
Table 9. Gross Margin of the Medical Equipment Rental and Leasing Services Industry Compared to All Sectors of the Indian Economy, 2012-2016, %
Table 10. Profitability of profit before tax (profit of the reporting period) in the field of rental and leasing services of medical equipment in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2012-2016, %
Table 11. Current liquidity (total coverage) in the field of rental and leasing of medical equipment for 2012-2016, times
Table 12. Absolute liquidity in the rental and leasing of medical equipment services sector in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2012-2016, times
Table 13. Business activity (average term of receivables turnover) in the field of rental and leasing of medical equipment, for 2012-2016, days.
Table 14. Financial stability (security of own working capital) in the field of rental and leasing services of medical equipment, in comparison with all sectors of the Indian economy, 2012-2016, %
Table 15. Main companies participating in the rental and leasing market of medical equipment in 2017
Table 16. Dynamics of the total revenue of the largest operators of the medical equipment rental and leasing market (TOP-5) in India, 2012-2016, million Rs.
Table 17. Factors of investment attractiveness of the medical equipment rental and leasing industry
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