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Analysis of the premium confectionery market

Analysis of the premium confectionery market Analysis of the premium confectionery market
Release date 16.12.2016
Number of pages 68
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 39000 ₹


The Indian confectionery market is one of the largest markets in the world, yielding in physical terms only to the US market. One of the features of this market is a high level of concentration - a significant share of its mass segment is almost constantly controlled by 5-6 leading players, and the role of local manufacturers increases in positions that require more detailed elaboration of the nomenclature due to regional characteristics, as well as in the positions of perishable products.  


Analysis of Indian premium confectionery market

 Short description

The first chapter of the marketing research of the premium confectionery market provides an overview of the market. The main characteristics of the market are considered, the factors influencing the market are estimated, the share of imports in the market is given.

The second chapter of the marketing research analyzes imports in the confectionery market in 2015. The volume and dynamics of imports are shown, the structure of imports is compiled by producing countries (in physical and value terms) and by manufacturing companies (in natural and value terms).

Further, the analysts of the company ""GidMarket"" conducted an analysis of competitors, considered the largest players in the market and their market shares.
The result of the study was a forecast of the market situation for 2017. 



1.1. Main characteristics of the market

1.2. Assessment of factors affecting the market

1.3. Market share of imports

1.4. Dynamics of the volume and capacity of the market (2013 - 2015)

1.5. Market structure by types of products


2.1. Volume and dynamics of imports

2.2. Import structure:

2.2.1. by producing countries (in physical and value terms) 

2.2.2. by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms) 


3.1. Major players in the market

3.2. Market shares of the largest competitors


 Chart example

Research excerpt

“...the premium confectionery market has a significant potential for import substitution, since 25-27% of premium products are imported goods. But, one cannot predict a rapid and large-scale growth in the volume of Indian premium products. Economic factors have a negative impact on the market situation - they impede the renewal of the material and technical base of production and the growth of household incomes. Despite all the difficulties of the economic situation, manufacturers of the premium segment of confectionery products are not threatened with a decrease in consumption, as the market has a certain immunity ... ""

 List of diagrams

Diagram 1. Dynamics of India's GDP, in % to the previous year

Chart 2. Dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, Jan. 2015-Oct. 2016, Rs. for 1 US dollar

Diagram 3. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2010 - II quarter. 2016

Diagram 4. Dynamics of retail trade turnover, India, 2007–2015, 2016 forecast   

Diagram 5. The share of imported confectionery products in the Indian market, by weight of goods, 2013

Diagram 6. The share of imported confectionery products in the Indian market, by weight of goods, 2015

Diagram 7. The structure of confectionery production (all types) by the Union Territories of India, at the end of 2015

Diagram 8. The structure of the confectionery market by type of product, in physical terms, 2015  

Diagram 9. Structure of the main types of confectionery products, in kind, 2015

Diagram 10. The volume and dynamics of imports of all types of confectionery products to India, million dollars, January 2014 - July 2016   

Diagram 11. Volume and dynamics of imports of all types of confectionery products to India, thousand tons, January 2014 - July 2016   

Diagram 12. Volume and dynamics of imports of sugar confectionery products (including white chocolate) to India, in million dollars and thousand tons, January 2014 - July 2016 (code 1704)   

Diagram 13. The volume and dynamics of imports of flour confectionery, cakes, cookies, etc., in million dollars and thousand tons, January 2014 - July 2016 (code 1905)

Diagram 14. The volume and dynamics of imports of chocolate and cocoa products to India, in million dollars and thousand tons, January 2014 - July 2016 (code 1806)

Chart 15. Structure of imports to India of chocolate and other prepared food products containing cocoa (TN VED code 1806), share of the amount in $, 2014  

Chart 16. Structure of imports to India of chocolate and other prepared food products containing cocoa (TN VED code 1806), share of mass, 2014   

Chart 17. Structure of imports to India of chocolate and other prepared food products containing cocoa (TN VED code 1806), share of the amount in $, 2015

Chart 18. Structure of imports to India of chocolate and other prepared food products containing cocoa (TN VED code 1806), share of mass, 2015   

Diagram 19. Structure of imports to India of chocolate and other prepared food products containing cocoa (TN VED code 1806), share of the amount in $, I-VII months. 2016  

Chart 20. Structure of imports to India of flour confectionery products (HS code 1905), share of the amount in $, 2015

Diagram 21. Structure of imports to India of flour confectionery products (HS code 1905), share of mass, 2015

Chart 22. Structure of imports to India of sugar confectionery products (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa (TN VED code 1704), share of the amount in $, 2015   

Chart 23. Structure of imports to India of sugar confectionery products (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa (TN VED code 1704), share of mass, 2015   

Diagram 24. Structure of imports to India of all types of confectionery, share of the amount in $, 2015 

Diagram 25. Structure of imports to India of all types of confectionery, share of mass, 2015 

Diagram 26. Market shares of the largest players-manufacturers of the ""premium"" segment of products 

Diagram 27. Dynamics of GDP growth in India, forecast up to 2030, %   

Diagram 28. Dynamics of retail trade turnover, forecast until 2020

 List of tables

Table 1. Factors affecting the confectionery market in India

Table 2. Industrial production index by state of India (in % of the previous year), 2010-2015 

Table 3. Population of India, 2009 - 2015 

Table 4. Volume and capacity of the Indian confectionery market, 2013 - 2015 

Table 5. Volumes of imports of confectionery products in two price segments, 2015, tons 

Table 6. Rating of companies producing imported chocolate and other prepared food products containing cocoa (TN VED code 1806), 2015 

Table 7. Rating of manufacturers of imported sugar confectionery products (including white chocolate) not containing cocoa (TN VED code 1704), 2015 

Table 8. Rating of manufacturers of imported flour confectionery products, with and without cocoa (TN VED code 1905), 2015 

Table 9. The largest players-manufacturers of the ""premium"" segment of products

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