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Analysis of the melange market in India, Kazakhstan, Belarus

Analysis of the melange market in India, Kazakhstan, Belarus Analysis of the melange market in India, Kazakhstan, Belarus
Release date 23.12.2016
Number of pages 75
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 39000 ₹


In the retail segment, dry melange is not yet so widespread, housewives in everyday life have just begun to resort to this product, but it is widely used in industrial production. Obtaining dry melange has significantly facilitated the life of manufacturers of confectionery, sausages and mayonnaise: its transportation and storage does not require specific preparation and conditions, and dry melange performs the function of fresh eggs perfectly, because it retains the same nutrients as in the original product. The shelf life of dry melange can reach two years, it is stored only in packaging and in a dry form.


Analysis of the Indian market for products of deep processing of eggs (dry and liquid egg melange) in India, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus. 

Short description

In the first chapter of the marketing research of the market for products of deep processing of eggs, the main characteristics of the presented market are given, the volume is considered, and the share of exports in production and the share of imports in the market under study are highlighted.

In the second chapter of the marketing research, an analysis was made of foreign trade supplies of egg melange in Kazakhstan (2015 - 1st half of 2016). Namely, the volume and dynamics of imports are highlighted, the market structure is shown by producing countries (in physical and value terms), by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms), by recipient companies (in physical and value terms) and by regions receipt.

In the third chapter of the marketing research, an analysis was made of foreign trade supplies of egg melange in India (2015 - 1st half of 2016). Namely, the volume and dynamics of imports are highlighted, the market structure is shown by producing countries (in physical and value terms), by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms), by recipient companies (in physical and value terms) and by regions receipt.

The fourth part analyzes manufacturers in India.
In the fifth part, an analysis of manufacturers in the Republic of Belarus is given.
The sixth part of the report examines the consumption in the egg deep processing market, analyzes consumer preferences, shows the largest consumers (TOP 10) in India, the largest consumers (TOP 10) in the Republic of Belarus and the largest consumers (TOP 10) in Kazakhstan.

In the seventh part of the marketing research of the market, a price analysis is given on the market for products of deep processing of eggs, average import prices are presented, as well as prices for domestic products.
The melange market development forecast is presented in the eighth part of the report.
In conclusion, in the last chapter, conclusions are drawn on the whole work, as well as recommendations are given. 



1.1. Main characteristics of the market
1.2. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.3. Volume of production 
1.4. Share of exports in production
1.5. Market share of imports
1.6. Market Volume and Capacity Dynamics
1.7. Market structure by types of products


2.1. Volume and dynamics of imports
2.2. Import structure: 
2.2.1. by producing countries (in physical and value terms) 
2.2.2. by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms)
2.2.3. by recipient companies (in physical and value terms)
2.2.4. by region of receipt


3.1. Volume and dynamics of imports
3.2. Import structure:
3.2.1. by producing countries (in physical and value terms)
3.2.2. by manufacturing companies (in physical and value terms)
3.2.3. by recipient companies (in physical and value terms)
3.2.4. by region of receipt


4.1. Biggest Producers in India 
4.2. Market shares of the largest manufacturers 


5.1. The largest manufacturers in the Republic of Belarus
5.2. Market shares of the largest manufacturers 


6.1. Analysis of consumer preferences
6.2. Market structure by consumption sectors
6.3. The largest consumers (TOP 10) in India
6.4. The largest consumers (TOP 10) in the Republic of Belarus
6.5. The largest consumers (TOP 10) in Kazakhstan


7.1. Prices for domestic products
7.2. Average import price



Diagram example

 Research excerpt

“... Considering the export of products of deep processing of eggs. To begin with, I would like to note that in recent years, the export of eggs in the shell has been growing: now about 500 million eggs are exported to other countries. eggs annually, with more than a third of all supplies coming from Mongolia, and the products are also in demand in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan. Today, the volumes of production of products of deep processing of eggs occupy an insignificant share in the export operations of India, as well as in general in the volumes of egg production ... ""


Diagram 1. Dynamics of India's GDP, in % to the previous year
Chart 2. Dynamics of the US dollar against the rupee, Jan. 2015-July 2016, Rs. For 1 US dollar
Diagram 3. Dynamics of real incomes of the population of India, 2010 - II quarter. 2016
Diagram 4. Dynamics of retail trade turnover, India, 2007–2015, 2016 forecast
Diagram 5. Structure of egg production by union territories of the Indian federation, 2015
Diagram 6. Volumes of production of products of deep processing of eggs, 2010 - 2016, India
Diagram 7. Growth rate of production volumes of egg products, 2010 - 2016, India
Diagram 8. Distribution of liquid melange production volumes by districts of India
Diagram 9. Distribution of production volumes of dry melange by districts of India
Diagram 10. Volumes and share of products exported from India, 2011 - 2015, thousand tons
Diagram 11. Export from India of products of deep processing of eggs (without shell), all types, 2011 - 2015, tons
Diagram 12. Export of dried egg yolks from India, thousand dollars
Diagram 13. Export of dry melange from India, $ thousand
Diagram 14. Structure of export deliveries from the federal districts of India of products of deep processing of eggs (without shell), 2015
Diagram 15. Structure of export deliveries from the regions of India of products of deep processing of eggs (without shell), 2015
Diagram 16. The share of imports of products of deep processing of eggs in the Indian market,%
Diagram 17. Volume and market capacity of deep egg processing products in India
Diagram 18. Market structure of deep egg processing products, 2015
Diagram 19. Volume and dynamics of imports of products of deep processing of eggs, 2010 - I half a year. 2016 
Diagram 20. The volume of imported products of deep processing of eggs (all types), 2015 and the first half of 2016
Diagram 21. On a cumulative total, the volume of imported products of deep processing of eggs (all types), 2015 and the first half of 2016
Diagram 22. Dynamics of imports of products of deep processing of eggs (all types), 2015 and the first half of 2016
Diagram 23. Shares of importing countries by the amount of imports of products of deep processing of eggs at the end of 2015, in %
Diagram 24. Structure of imports to India of goods of group 0408 - eggs without shell - from all countries in 2015 By type of goods, shares in % of the amount of imports
Diagram 25. Market shares of the largest manufacturers of the Republic of Belarus, %
Diagram 26. Market structure of deep egg processing products by consumption sectors, %
Diagram 27. Dynamics of GDP growth in India, forecast up to 2030, %
Diagram 28. Dynamics of retail trade turnover, forecast until 2020 
Diagram 29. Forecast of consumption of products of deep processing of eggs until 2019


Table 1. Factors Affecting the Deep Egg Processing Market in India
Table 2. Industrial production index by states of the Indian federation (in % of the previous year), 2010-2015
Table 3. Export directions of products of deep processing of eggs (all types) from the regions of India, 2015
Table 4. Rating of exporters (excluding deliveries to the countries of the customs union), 2015
Table 5. Directions of export of products of deep processing of eggs (all types) from the regions of India, I – VII months. 201 .
Table 6. Rating of exporters (excluding deliveries to the countries of the customs union), I - VIII months. 2016
Table 7. Volume and capacity of the Indian market for egg processing products
Table 8. Structure and volume of imports of products of deep egg processing to the Republic of Kazakhstan by producing countries, 2010 - 2015, thousand dollars
Table 9. Structure and volume of imports of products of deep processing of eggs in Kazakhstan by producing countries, 2015 - I half a year. 2016, in thousand dollars and tons
Table 10. Structure and volume of imports of products of deep egg processing to the Republic of Kazakhstan by companies - recipients, 2015 - I half a year. 2016, in thousand dollars and tons
Table 11. Imports of egg products to India (all types), t
Table 12. Structure of imports to India in 2015 and the first half of 2016 of products of deep egg processing by manufacturing countries
Table 13. Volumes of imports to India in 2015, by manufacturing companies 
Table 14. Volumes of imports to India in the first half of 2016, by manufacturing companies 
Table 15. Volumes of imports to India in 2015, by recipient companies
Table 16. Volumes of imports to India in the first half of 2016, by recipient companies
Table 17. Regions - recipients of imported products of deep processing of eggs (all types), 2015
Table 18. Regions - recipients of imported products of deep processing of eggs (all types), I - VII months. 2016
Table 19. The largest producers declaring the production of liquid melange
Table 20. The largest producers declaring the production of dry and liquid melange
Table 21. Price for melange produced in India, Rs./kg, including VAT
Table 22. Price under government contracts for melange produced in India, Rs./kg, VAT
Table 23. Price for imported products of deep egg processing, 2016, Rs./kg without VAT
Table 24. Sales price in the Indian market of imported products of deep processing of eggs, 2016, Rs./kg with VAT
Table 25
Table 26

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