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Analysis of the market of mobile applications for car washes

Analysis of the market of mobile applications for car washes Analysis of the market of mobile applications for car washes
Release date 24.11.2015
Number of pages 31
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 19000 ₹

A competent assessment of the prospects of a new line of business is the first step to success. Only professional experts can conduct a detailed analysis and draw objective conclusions. Entrust this task to the GidMarket agency, and its report will help you make the right management decision.

Currently, there are more and more commercial proposals of a rather narrow nature in India. These include services related to the use of the potential of smartphones and tablets.

The study of this segment and, in particular, the analysis of the market for mobile applications for car washes is interesting for its various participants, including:

  • software developers;
  • vehicle drivers;
  • car wash owners
  • rating and expert organizations, etc.

Marketing research in this area allows you to assess the level of its current development and changes that have occurred since the introduction, as well as give a forecast for the coming years.

The procedure for analyzing the market of mobile applications for car washes

In the course of their work, experts should find out the following:

  • The volume of relevant proposals, the rate of its growth.
  • Dynamics of orders for such services.
  • Main developers, their share, leaders.
  • Characteristics of a typical consumer audience.
  • Problems hindering the development of the direction, and its drivers.
  • Key trends.
  • Development forecast for the near and medium term.

Market research of mobile applications for car washes is carried out in several stages:

Studying all available information, including: 

  • data from Rosstat and industry departments;
  • materials of specialized publications, mass media (electronic and printed), websites of developers and customers of their services;
  • ratings, marketing reports, expert opinions;
  • surveys, surveys, assessments of specialists.

Organization of interviews with market participants (selectively, from each category).

Summing up, drawing them up in the form of a detailed report.

To buy ready-made analytical materials on a topic of interest or order a study tailored to individual requests, call the managers of the GidMarket agency by phone. Applications are accepted from India and the CIS.


Chapter 1. Market Overview of Mobile Applications for Car Washes

1.1. Popular mobile apps

Where is Moyka
City car washes

1.2. Advantages and disadvantages of existing mobile applications

1.3. Market shares of popular mobile applications

Chapter 2. Analysis of consumption of mobile application services by car washes

2.1. Analysis of consumer preferences

Chapter 3

3.1. Prices for mobile applications for car washes with recommended functionality

Chapter 4. Conclusions

Appendix 1. Top 100 Mobile App Developers in India

Appendix 2. Commercial offers of developer companies

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