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Analysis of the market of metal cutting equipment (machines for metal processing) in India

Analysis of the market of metal cutting equipment (machines for metal processing) in India Analysis of the market of metal cutting equipment (machines for metal processing) in India
Release date 15.09.2021
Number of pages 30
Formats DOCX, PDF
Cost 45000 ₹

The relevance of research

The machine tool industry plays an important role in the Indian economy. The main consumers of machine tools are enterprises of the military-industrial complex, heavy and power engineering, as well as the automotive and metallurgical industries

Purpose of the study

Analysis of the state of the metal cutting equipment (metal working machines) market in India, assessment of the market size, competitor analysis, as well as determining the factors affecting the metal cutting equipment (metal working machines) market


Part 1. Overview of the metal cutting equipment market in India

1.1. Main characteristics of the market
1.2. Assessment of factors affecting the market
1.3. Estimated share of imports in the market in 2020
1.4. Market size dynamics in 2018-2020, potential market size
1.5. Assessment of the market structure by types of metal cutting equipment (metal processing machines) in 2020

Part 2. Analysis of imports of metal cutting equipment to India

2.1. Recipient companies

Part 3. Major distributors of metal cutting equipment

3.1. TOP-30 main distributors

Part 4. The main consumers of metal-cutting equipment

4.1. TOP-30 main consumers

Part 5. Consumption forecast until 2026

Part 6. Recommendations and conclusions

Research excerpt 

Part 1. Overview of the metal cutting equipment market in India

1.1. Main characteristics of the market 

The machine tool industry plays an important role in the Indian economy. According to …, the volume of machine tool production was estimated at … billion Rs., which formed about …% of domestic demand. The contribution of the machine tool industry to GDP is …%, which is several times … the indicators of the main leading countries in the production of machine tools (China – …%, Japan – …%, Germany – …%). The main consumers of machine tools are enterprises ... Despite ... the production of machine tools (according to the results of 2010, domestic enterprises produced ... pieces of machine tools, in 2016 - ... thousand pieces), the Indian market of machine tool products differs ... Among The main reasons to be noted... There has been a recent trend in the Indian market... An example of horizontal integration is...

The Indian production of metal-cutting machine tools in 2019 amounted to … thousand pieces. In the next 2020, the production of metal-cutting machine tools in India showed a trend towards … thousand pieces. The dynamics of growth in the production of metal-cutting machine tools for the year amounted to …%.

Diagram 1. Dynamics of the volume of production of metal-cutting machine tools in India in 2018-2020, pcs. 

1.2. Assessment of factors affecting the market 

Let's consider the main factors influencing the market and, accordingly, demand.

1) Technological factors

In India, there is a significant ... Thus, the level of depreciation of fixed assets in manufacturing industries is gradually …%, in 2019 – …%. The current situation was related to ... In the short term, this factor may ... 

2) Economic

- Data on the dynamics of GDP is a macroeconomic indicator that reflects the market value of all final goods and services (that is, intended for direct consumption) produced per year in all sectors of the economy on the territory of the state for consumption, export and accumulation. 
The dynamics of India's GDP is decisive in the vector of development of the entire economy of the country and determines the key trends in consumer effective demand and economic activity.
As shown in the diagram below, for the period 2013-2014, there was …, in 2015 the GDP growth rate was … A similar situation is observed with the GDP growth rate in 2020: government measures to support citizens and businesses, as well as …, the decline turned out to be … years (…% versus …% respectively). According to various estimates, a full recovery of the Indian economy may be required ... 

Diagram 2. Dynamics of India's GDP, 2013-2020, % to the previous year

Relative to January 2014, the US dollar exchange rate against the rupee more than doubled, by …%. In the second half of 2018, …

Changes in the exchange rate affect the metal-cutting equipment market in terms of export-import relations. Yes, in… 
At the same time, as one of the unfavorable factors from the point of view of the development of the domestic machine tool industry, ... singled out the problem of lack of ...

Chart 3. Monthly dynamics of the average exchange rate of the US dollar against the rupee, 2015 - August 2021, Rs. for 1 US dollar

3) Political

As noted earlier in the report, the machine tool industry is heavily dependent on financial and government support. Thus, according to estimates …, the achievement of the goals stated in the strategy will require investments in 2017–2030 for investments in R&D and capacity building … billion Rs. Sources of investment – ​​… (…%), … (…%), … (…%), ... Alternative financial instruments to support working capital can be …

Taking into account all of the above, ... the priorities of the state policy in the field of machine tool industry in India until 2035 were determined as follows:
- increase …;
- providing ...;
- providing...

4) Impact on the market of the spread of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all sectors of the economy, the machine tool industry is no exception. Machine tools in general are ... If at the beginning of 2020 the industry worked according to the orders and contracts that were concluded earlier, then already at the beginning of 2021 it will be …

Table 2. STEP analysis of factors influencing the metal cutting equipment market

In general, the complex impact of macroeconomic factors on the metal-cutting equipment market is estimated as ...: ... The most significant negative factors: ...

1.3. Estimated share of imports in the market in 2020

As it was noted earlier in the report, the Indian machine tool market is dominated by products of ... production. In the Indian market of machine tools in 2020, imports were … times the volume of domestic production. 

1.4. Market size dynamics in 2018-2020, potential market size

The domestic production of machine tools in the overall structure of the market for this product occupies … a share, while demonstrating mainly …, showing …%-… by 2020 compared to 2018. Machine tool building is a mirror of the development of mechanical engineering, and the development of this industry can largely be judged on the development of the country's industrial potential.

However, despite various state support programs, domestic production ... It is worth noting the diversity of the dynamics of domestic production, which, on the one hand ..., and on the other, ... Due to the latter reasons, manufacturers seek ...

In 2019, the volume of the Indian machine tool market was estimated at … thousand pieces. In 2020, this indicator is …, and its value amounted to … thousand units. The recorded … of metal-cutting machine tools in India for the year turned out to be equal to …%, in value terms, the market volume at the end of 2020 was estimated at … billion Rs. 

Diagram 5. Dynamics of the market volume of metal-cutting machine tools in 2018-2020, thousand pieces

1.5. Assessment of the market structure by types of metal cutting equipment (metal processing machines) in 2020

Analyzing the market structure by types of metal-cutting equipment, first of all, it should be noted that … 

In the structure of the Indian production of metal-cutting machine tools, by types “Deburring, grinding, grinding or other metal finishing machines” (OKPD2 28.41.23) and “Metal-cutting lathes” (OKPD2 28.41.21) are ... The most dynamically growing segment in 2020 – … (…%), the worst performance in the segment … (…%).

Part 2. Analysis of imports of metal cutting equipment to India

Foreign suppliers in 2019 imported to India … thous. metal cutting machines. The statistics of Indian imports in 2020 show that the interest in imported products from Indian consumers is …%, and by the end of the period, the volume of imports of metal-cutting machine tools to India amounted to … thousand pieces. products.

Regarding the dynamics of imports in value terms, in 2020 the volume of imports of metal-cutting machine tools to India amounted to … million dollars. Compared to 2019, during which foreign organizations imported metal-cutting machine tools to India in the amount of … million dollars, …%.
The structure of Indian imports of machine tools in 2020 was as follows: … - …%, … - …%, … - …%.

2.1. Recipient companies

Among the main recipients of machine tools in India were the following: …, …, … and ... The volume of imports of other companies was less than … thous. PCS. As a rule, the recipients of goods can be companies, ...

Table 6. TOP-20 companies receiving machine tools in 2020, pcs. 

Part 3. Major distributors of metal cutting equipment

3.1. TOP-30 main distributors

As a rule, distributors are engaged in the supply of various types of equipment, including machine tools. The main OKVED activity code for these companies … The table below shows the TOP-30 companies, where ... At the end of 2020, the following companies were in the lead: ... The main indicators of the companies are presented in the table below.

Part 4. The main consumers of metal-cutting equipment

4.1. TOP-30 main consumers

Part 5. Consumption forecast until 2026

Part 6. Recommendations and conclusions


Diagram 1. Dynamics of the volume of production of metal-cutting machine tools in India in 2018-2020, pcs.
Diagram 2. Dynamics of India's GDP, 2013-2020, % to the previous year
Chart 3. Monthly dynamics of the average exchange rate of the US dollar against the rupee, 2015 - August 2021*, Rs. for 1 US dollar
Diagram 4. The ratio of production and imports in the Indian market of machine tools in 2018-2020, pcs.
Diagram 5. Dynamics of the market volume of metal-cutting machine tools in 2018-2020, thousand pieces
Diagram 6. Dynamics of the market volume of metal-cutting machine tools in 2018-2020, billion Rs.
Diagram 7. Dynamics of the volume of imports of metal-cutting machine tools in 2018-2020, pcs.
Diagram 8. Dynamics of the volume of imports of metal-cutting machine tools in 2018-2020, thousand dollars
Diagram 9. Forecast for the development of the market for metal-cutting machine tools in India in 2021-2026, pcs.
Diagram 10. Forecast for the development of the machine tool market in India in 2021-2026, million Rs.
Diagram 11. Forecast for the development of the market for metal-cutting machine tools in India in 2021-2026, pcs.
Diagram 12. Forecast for the development of the machine tool market in India in 2021-2026, million Rs.


Table 1. Dynamics of renewal of fixed production assets in Indian industry
Table 2. STEP analysis of factors influencing the metal cutting equipment market
Table 3. Volumes of production of metal-cutting machine tools by types in 2018-2020, pcs.
Table 4. Import volumes of machine tools by types in 2018-2020, pcs.
Table 5. TOP-10 countries in terms of imports of machine tools in 2018-2020, pcs.
Table 6. TOP-20 companies receiving machine tools in 2020, pcs.
Table 7. TOP-30 main distributors of machine tools in 2020
Table 8. TOP-30 major manufacturers of metal-cutting equipment in India, million rubles

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